IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Hey Ladies! Glad to see our group is growing, and growing. Welcome :hi: to all the new ladies. We had a great time in Vegas but I'm glad to be home. Thanks for all the well wishes for my Kitty, unfortunately she's not doing well. I've been a mess about it all. :cry: Still hoping she pulls through, but her prognosis isn't good. I really appreciate the support you guys all give.

So I saw this girl who must have been 7-8 months pregnant drinking and smoking in one of the casinos. It really upset me!!! WTF!!!! It makes me soooo mad that I would give anything as I know you all would too, to be pregnant and we would do everything in our power to keep that baby safe and healthy and here this girl obviously doesn't give a shit about her baby. I wouldn't have even been there if I was pregnant. All of the hotels are smoke filled. Sorry I'm a Canadian and everything here is smoke free. You can not smoke in any buildings, malls, restaurants, casinos, bars...... Nowhere. I have become so adapted to it being smoke free that it was a real eye opener to be exposed to that again. My eyes were all blood shot and clothes all smoke smelling within a few hours and I wasn't standing next to any smokers. I could see pregnant ladies all over the place. It can't be great for them inhaling all that smoke. But they probably don't even realize it since they are accustomed to that environment as I was too before Canada passed the no smoking law. It was just weird for me. I'm not planning on living in a bubble when I'm pregnant but I will avoid certain things. So that's my rant!

Haj sorry to hear about your insurance problems. I hope everything works out in the end. I know how you must be feeling IVF is a real financial burden. I've been saving all my pennies to afford this too. You mentioned that you had to have a certain amount of IUI's for them to approve it, is that an option?? And are those covered? And could that change the denial?

JDH congrats on the :bfp: wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy.

Lizlemon so sorry to hear about your loss, you will have a lot of support in this group.

Mobaby sorry for your loss as well FX that AF comes soon. I had a friend that was pregnant and had a MC at about 7 weeks. She didn't get her AF month after month and was feeling awful so she went back to the doctor about it and it turned out that she was still pregnant. She was pregnant with twins and didn't know it, neither did the doctors. She actually gave birth to a healthy baby girl. I'm not sure if that's possible with a D&C since I don't know much about that. Crazy things can happen.
Hey Ladies! Glad to see our group is growing, and growing. Welcome :hi: to all the new ladies. We had a great time in Vegas but I'm glad to be home. Thanks for all the well wishes for my Kitty, unfortunately she's not doing well. I've been a mess about it all. :cry: Still hoping she pulls through, but her prognosis isn't good. I really appreciate the support you guys all give.

So I saw this girl who must have been 7-8 months pregnant drinking and smoking in one of the casinos. It really upset me!!! WTF!!!! It makes me soooo mad that I would give anything as I know you all would too, to be pregnant and we would do everything in our power to keep that baby safe and healthy and here this girl obviously doesn't give a shit about her baby. I wouldn't have even been there if I was pregnant. All of the hotels are smoke filled. Sorry I'm a Canadian and everything here is smoke free. You can not smoke in any buildings, malls, restaurants, casinos, bars...... Nowhere. I have become so adapted to it being smoke free that it was a real eye opener to be exposed to that again. My eyes were all blood shot and clothes all smoke smelling within a few hours and I wasn't standing next to any smokers. I could see pregnant ladies all over the place. It can't be great for them inhaling all that smoke. But they probably don't even realize it since they are accustomed to that environment as I was too before Canada passed the no smoking law. It was just weird for me. I'm not planning on living in a bubble when I'm pregnant but I will avoid certain things. So that's my rant!

Haj sorry to hear about your insurance problems. I hope everything works out in the end. I know how you must be feeling IVF is a real financial burden. I've been saving all my pennies to afford this too. You mentioned that you had to have a certain amount of IUI's for them to approve it, is that an option?? And are those covered? And could that change the denial?

JDH congrats on the :bfp: wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy.

Lizlemon so sorry to hear about your loss, you will have a lot of support in this group.

Mobaby sorry for your loss as well FX that AF comes soon. I had a friend that was pregnant and had a MC at about 7 weeks. She didn't get her AF month after month and was feeling awful so she went back to the doctor about it and it turned out that she was still pregnant. She was pregnant with twins and didn't know it, neither did the doctors. She actually gave birth to a healthy baby girl. I'm not sure if that's possible with a D&C since I don't know much about that. Crazy things can happen.

No, the IUI's aren't the issue. With my husbands morphology they wont even work. Right now, the issue is with my husbands varicocele and the insurance company arguing he should get the surgery before we try IVF but my RE is saying bc the varicocele is so tiny surgery wouldnt matter and we would have to get IVF anyway. So right now we're just waiting to see if the doctor can speak to the medical director and change his mind. And either way we will need some medical assistance because I am not ovulating on my own. I just dont understand with my issues as well, why they aren't approving this. Its just very disheartening.
No, the IUI's aren't the issue. With my husbands morphology they wont even work. Right now, the issue is with my husbands varicocele and the insurance company arguing he should get the surgery before we try IVF but my RE is saying bc the varicocele is so tiny surgery wouldnt matter and we would have to get IVF anyway. So right now we're just waiting to see if the doctor can speak to the medical director and change his mind. And either way we will need some medical assistance because I am not ovulating on my own. I just dont understand with my issues as well, why they aren't approving this. Its just very disheartening.

That sucks, could the doctor do the surgery just to appease the insurance company?
Glad you had a good time in Vegas, Jenn. You got married, right? Or am I crazy? I totally know what you mean about the smoke in the casinos. You can't smoke inside buildings in our state, so it is pretty gross there, even with their ventilation systems. And like you, it is my pet peeve seeing pregnant women smoking. Ugh...what is wrong with people?

Haj, I feel your pain about the insurance. I have spent most of today on the phone with my insurance company trying to figure out which IVF meds will be covered. They don't cover any of the procedures, but a few of my meds are covered. But they are such a pain! I hope it works out for you.

AFM, CD 1 here. Of course, I always hoped I'd be that story of the woman who becomes pregnant the cycle before beginning IVF...but it is not to be. So I'll start bcp on April 12 and then retrieval/transfer as soon as possible, probably mid-May. We've decided to just stay locally for the procedures and not travel to Vancouver. It would save a lot of money, but its just not worth the stress at this point. DH and I decided if we are unsuccessful this time around, it might be worth driving to Canada. Hope it doesn't come to that.
Hey ladies I'm good. Still waiting on af... Day 52 after d/c... Calling on Wednesday if no af by then for intervention. Friday is 8 wks so I want to call Wednesday so I can start meds on the weekend if he wants me to start anything. Otherwise no update. Everything depends on AF which is frustrating!

How frustrating! Did the dr say they could intervene? I just had my d&c on Friday; I am still in some pain from it, but slowly recovering. Thank goodness for pain pills!!!

they can rx provera to try and kick start it. i was 100% normal before with perfect 28 day cycles and i coud predict them based on pre af symptoms.

im sorry for your loss :( i had pain for no lie 4 wks post which isnt normal but dr said everything was fine. i wonder if this has anything to do with delayed af? im calling tomorrow not wednesday ive decided. ive waited long enough and im truly frustrated! when will you retry?
Glad you had a good time in Vegas, Jenn. You got married, right? Or am I crazy? I totally know what you mean about the smoke in the casinos. You can't smoke inside buildings in our state, so it is pretty gross there, even with their ventilation systems. And like you, it is my pet peeve seeing pregnant women smoking. Ugh...what is wrong with people?

Haj, I feel your pain about the insurance. I have spent most of today on the phone with my insurance company trying to figure out which IVF meds will be covered. They don't cover any of the procedures, but a few of my meds are covered. But they are such a pain! I hope it works out for you.

AFM, CD 1 here. Of course, I always hoped I'd be that story of the woman who becomes pregnant the cycle before beginning IVF...but it is not to be. So I'll start bcp on April 12 and then retrieval/transfer as soon as possible, probably mid-May. We've decided to just stay locally for the procedures and not travel to Vancouver. It would save a lot of money, but its just not worth the stress at this point. DH and I decided if we are unsuccessful this time around, it might be worth driving to Canada. Hope it doesn't come to that.

Yes we got officially hitched! Not that it really changes anything we were common law anyway. I mostly did it so that when we have a baby I will have the same name. That and we are in love and want to be married.
Glad you had a good time in Vegas, Jenn. You got married, right? Or am I crazy? I totally know what you mean about the smoke in the casinos. You can't smoke inside buildings in our state, so it is pretty gross there, even with their ventilation systems. And like you, it is my pet peeve seeing pregnant women smoking. Ugh...what is wrong with people?

Haj, I feel your pain about the insurance. I have spent most of today on the phone with my insurance company trying to figure out which IVF meds will be covered. They don't cover any of the procedures, but a few of my meds are covered. But they are such a pain! I hope it works out for you.

AFM, CD 1 here. Of course, I always hoped I'd be that story of the woman who becomes pregnant the cycle before beginning IVF...but it is not to be. So I'll start bcp on April 12 and then retrieval/transfer as soon as possible, probably mid-May. We've decided to just stay locally for the procedures and not travel to Vancouver. It would save a lot of money, but its just not worth the stress at this point. DH and I decided if we are unsuccessful this time around, it might be worth driving to Canada. Hope it doesn't come to that.

Yes we got officially hitched! Not that it really changes anything we were common law anyway. I mostly did it so that when we have a baby I will have the same name. That and we are in love and want to be married.

Well congratulations! Marriage didn't change a whole lot for us either, but for me it was just nice to use the word husband and share the same last name.

We were in Vegas two weekends ago, and the weather was just beautiful...missing the sunshine already!
No, the IUI's aren't the issue. With my husbands morphology they wont even work. Right now, the issue is with my husbands varicocele and the insurance company arguing he should get the surgery before we try IVF but my RE is saying bc the varicocele is so tiny surgery wouldnt matter and we would have to get IVF anyway. So right now we're just waiting to see if the doctor can speak to the medical director and change his mind. And either way we will need some medical assistance because I am not ovulating on my own. I just dont understand with my issues as well, why they aren't approving this. Its just very disheartening.

That sucks, could the doctor do the surgery just to appease the insurance company?

The urologist can do the surgery but the issue is we cant get IVF for a year then. And the RE thinks his sperm morphology wont improve enough for natural conception or IUI. Even if it did we would still need some sort of medical assistance because I'm not ovulating.
So I came home yesterday from mail from the insurance company with a letter with a big bold DENIED on it. Just kind of a slap in the face. It had things to do to appeal the decision but I dont know if I should call the RE to tell them about it since I had called them yesterday to see if they had any news. I don't want to drive them nuts and make them hate me.
Ugh, Haj that is SO SO annoying! Yes, call them and APPEAL APPEAL APPEAL!!!!

Jen - congrats!
Ugh, Haj that is SO SO annoying! Yes, call them and APPEAL APPEAL APPEAL!!!!

Jen - congrats!

Well the RE is already doing that. He has a phone call into the medical director to try to get it approved. I just want to hear back already!!!
Hi everyone, I haven't posted for a while because i have been super busy with my new job. no stressful though.

Congrats on the BFP JDH1982 and wishing you a H&H pregnancy.

Hope everyone had a great easter.

I'm a little behind on the thread and will read all i've missed in due course and update myself with everyone's progress.

Welcome to the new ladies the more the merrier and we will all support ourselves through our journey to our BFPs.

AFM- Am starting clomid tonight with perfectly timed at home insemination and RE gave approval. So here's to my final shot with clomid and hoping this is it. I will be doing 200mg of clomid as that is my regular dose initially. I was on 100mg with 75iu of gonal f on alternate days with my last iui and i manage to produce only one follie. but on only 200mg of clomid i got up to 5 follies with the last one i did.

Really hopeful I will get it right this time around and IVF will be postponed or not even needed anymore.
Soooo i called the doctor (insert epic patience fail). she answered the phone and its the same lady i always deal with and I was like Hi Rochelle is Heather and before she could get another word in i was like im not calling for an update, and she started laughing and she was like you're too funny. I was like I just wanted to let you know that I received the letter from the insurance company and I told her what it said and I said I didn't know if you needed it. She said they hadnt received anything like that yet so fax it over to her. She said the medical director over at GHI is only in on Tuesdays and Fridays. So she said they are hoping for a call back from him today. She said the doctor reviewed our charts again and still stands firrm on his decision that IVF is our only option and he doesn't think the surgery will do anything. She said I know GHI has gotten a lot stricter with there policies but it seems to the Dr. that this is your only option. I said to her so do you think we are still in the running here and she said yes, i think you still have a shot. She said hopefully I can call you back today with some good news.

So I'm trying not to get my hopes up but I really hope she does. And at least I know that the doctor is only in on Tuesdays and Fridays that if I dont hear anything today they wont have an answer till Friday so I don't need to drive myself nuts wednesday and thursday
Haj: sorry you are Having to deal with all this :( I hope the re can sort it out.
Sekky: fingers crossed for you!!

I have to go for beta check and progesterone check in the morning.. Hoping for answers. Maybe they will do an ultrasound if no answers then as to where is af.
Haj: sorry you are Having to deal with all this :( I hope the re can sort it out.
Sekky: fingers crossed for you!!

I have to go for beta check and progesterone check in the morning.. Hoping for answers. Maybe they will do an ultrasound if no answers then as to where is af.

Thanks hun!!! I'm (im) patiently waiting by the phone lol:wacko:
If your patience is anything like mine, that means you are pacing! Lol
If your patience is anything like mine, that means you are pacing! Lol

Haha if I wasnt at my desk I would be. I just keep looking at my phone like thats going to make it ring. Not to mention my anxiety levels are like through the roof :wacko:
Hi everyone!!! i have also been referred for IVF!!! i have been told that me and my husband have to go an intro day so we have an appointment on 22nd may.......and af is due bout a week after that so hopefully i wil be starting my 1st IVF cycle end of may start of june depending on when af comes..,,..,,so i cant wait to on the same cycle of some of ye girls!!i have been ttc 2 yrs 6 months.....with one failed IUI so i hope i can be ttc buddies with everyone
The summers will bring us all our BFP that we are all are waiting for!!
Hi everyone!!! i have also been referred for IVF!!! i have been told that me and my husband have to go an intro day so we have an appointment on 22nd may.......and af is due bout a week after that so hopefully i wil be starting my 1st IVF cycle end of may start of june depending on when af comes..,,..,,so i cant wait to on the same cycle of some of ye girls!!i have been ttc 2 yrs 6 months.....with one failed IUI so i hope i can be ttc buddies with everyone
The summers will bring us all our BFP that we are all are waiting for!!

Hi Ladies... Care if I join? I have been secretly stalking this thread, and like most I was scared to post! I have my first US on 4/16 with Lupron to start on 4/17 dependent upon the results. My tentative egg retrieval is scheduled for May 9th. I am calmly freaking out, and I think I need the emotional support from all of you!

I like most have had a very long emotional infertile journey. 8 yrs total. I am limited to IVF as the only optional due to tubal pregnancies, stage 4 endo, and I recently had surgery to remove the remaining tube, knowing this was the best option for IVF. It took me a minute to get to this point, to be able financially and mentally ready for this, but here it is.
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