IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Never, I am so sorry that they cancelled your cycle! What a huge disappointment. I know how you feel about not having a lot of hope for the IUI, but you may as well not waste the 3 follies you do have. I hope your RE can make some adjustments for next time. :hugs:

I am also a teacher but have already started back to work. Our first day back was July 30th and the kids showed up Aug 2nd! It's awful to be back so early but we get out the week before Memorial Day in May so that part is always nice.

Sounds like a great fert report, ksluice! How long will it take to get the PGD results back?

AFM, had to come to work today since I can't really take a day off this early in the year, but I'm telling myself that women get prego all the time without bed rest so hopefully it's okay that I'm skipping it. I'll definitely spend the weekend on the couch!
I just got my call from the nurse; my estrodial level was at 823, lining at 11 and to go back Saturday morning for an appt. Doesn't that level seem low at 823 for day 8? Or am I worrying for nothing.
Wow az- what state do you teach in? Should I assume Arizona(AZ) lol. I would LOVE to get out that early!!! We start Sept 4 -kids a few days later. And we don't get out until the end of June:(
I'm not sure what your level was before? It should have doubled. Or just about doubled. I don't think that's too low. I was 4670 ish today but I had doubled every day almost and today was day 11 since starting the shots.
I wouldn't worry at all. - did they raise your meds at all? Or talk about when ER will be?
I'm not sure what your level was before? It should have doubled. Or just about doubled. I don't think that's too low. I was 4670 ish today but I had doubled every day almost and today was day 11 since starting the shots.
I wouldn't worry at all. - did they raise your meds at all? Or talk about when ER will be?

On Monday, day 5 it was 308, so today being day 8 it more then doubled to 823. She did say Monday or Tuesday for ER, but won't know for sure till Saturday after they get my results. They did not raise my meds; I am already on 450iu of Follistum a day, along with menopur.
Oh ok- my doctor said to look more at whether they doubled- not so much the actual number. If you do retrieval in 4-5 days your levels will definitely raise! That's awesome:) we are right around the same cycle:)
Hey Everyone... I just wanted to give an update- I went today for my Follow up Appoint with RE about our failed IVF cycle! Well pretty much.. Everything seemed perfect- She said I responded perfect to the meds and the Eggs were great- so for the next cycle she wants to keep the same protocol since I responded so well- Well we retreived 13 Eggs- 11 were fertilized with ICSI and 9 were good.. We had to use frozen testicular sperm- We had 8 Vials of sperm and they used 2 during IVF cycle and they did a thaw test before IVF cycle to see how it survived so now we have 5 Vials left. Everything with the sperm seemed good- it thawed well and it fertilized all eggs... Well since we had more than 6 embryos on day 3- and all were doing well, they wanted to go to a day 5 transfer. Well on Transfer day, my embryos werent doing good and the 2 best that they chose were graded really low.. So... were not sure what the problem was or what happened.. The RE seems to think there could be an issue with the sperm that caused poor quality embryos- So she wants to change that protocol up and see about just doing a day 3 transfer and then transferring 3 EMBRYOS back instead of 2...
DH has a blockage and we have previously talked about having it fixed as it is about the same price as one round of IVF- so RE is going to talk to the Urologist and go over our cycle and the embryos and get his opinion about the sperm- bc we know there are lots of sperm and we know they can fertilize- but we dont know if something is going on with the sperm.. and unfortunately there is no way to find out- So it could be a waste of time and money if we go the route to fix blockage bc even if it comes out then we may still not be able to get prego.
RE is also going to talk to the head Embryologist and have her to review all our embryos on the days and see if it is possible they will be able to pick 3 out instead of 2 on day 3..

So.. we are going to wait and hear back from RE and get all the details and see whats our best option..

DH doesnt want to do Donor at all and she pretty much said if the 2nd cycle fails- we shouldnt do IVF again and Donor may be our only option- She does think we have a good chance on a 2nd cycle bc they know where the issue was and they can care for it in a different way

and with IVF of course it doesnt work and there may not be any issues with his sperm- thats just the only thing she could think why it didnt work bc everything else was perfect.
So, if we decide to do another round then I can start BCP when AF arrives at the end of August.
Angie ... :hugs: I have a good feeling about this cycle for you Honey :)
Ksluice-Great #'s

Almost-GL on HSG

Threebirds-GL on ET

Angie-:flower:So sorry your cycle was canceled. Hopefully IUI will work for you hon

Oneof-How are stims?

Azlissie-great pix


Michelle-Have they said if Monday or Tuesday for ER?

Bomo-Thanks for asking. I'm still waiting for AF to start cycle:growlmad: She never comes when you want her to. But I bet if I scheduled a vacation or a trip to the pool, she would show her ugly face. lol

How is everyone else doing? :hugs:
Pink: Welcome! Sorry to hear about the MC. This will be your time, 20 is fantastic, good luck tomorrow!

Michelle: Grow eggies grow! FX for trigger this weekend.

Oneof: Good luck at your scan tomorrow hope you have some great follicles.

Wantbaby: That's great news, FX for trigger soon.

Ksluice: :happydance: That's great news, congrats!!!

TTC: I've been testing daily, still waiting for my beta. It gives me relief me to see the positive reading each morning, silly me keeps worrying I might just stop being pregnant. We won't know if both took until our first ultrasound 3 weeks after Beta. That's great that you only have two more weeks till you get to see your gummy bear. Will you be able to hear a heart beat then? We will be at ours, I an super excited about that. I did one digital CB and it said 1-2 weeks so I am saving the second one for a couple weeks so I can see the 3+ reading. I can't help myself after three years of TTC I just can't get enough of seeing positive tests.

Angie: I'm so sorry to hear this :hugs: FX that your IUI works for you and you don't have to do a new cycle.

Almost: That's great that your appointment went well, FX that you meds arrived soon.

Aslizzie: I did my ET on a lunch break and worked every day following. My RE said not to worry nothing I would do would change things. Just said not to exercise and change my routine. It will probably help pass the time of the dreaded TWW.

Shorty: It sounds like your RE knows what she is doing and that you are in good hands. Good Luck!
Best of luck with your FET AZ, hope they are snuggling in tight. Fab pic. x

Ksluice - a fantastic 17 fertilised? Hope your PGD helps sort you a few beauties. x

threebirds~ Hope your ER went well. x

never2late & Michelle ~ Hope your scans went ok & were reassuring

Stinas - Fab that your embies are doing well. Crossing everything for them to safely reach blast. x

Hi to everyone else, not been online at all today, so got lots to catch up on - really hope everyone is well.

Embryologist called this morning to give us the good news that all 4 embies were looking "fantastic" (her words!), 1 was even starting to compact! So they have decided to take them to blast & rebooked us for transfer on Sat. Fingers crossed the little dudes will keep safe until then. x
Lindsay18 - Good luck with ER!!!! Drink a lot after...your going to be tired, but I felt ok, just a bit bloated and uncomfortable. Once you sit find a comfy spot, sitting certain ways was weird.

Pink gerbera - Good luck!!!

never2late70 - I think its just any Gatorade. Im sorry they cancelled your IVF! Hopefully the IUI will work this time.

ksluice - 17!!!! CONGRATS Thats wonderful!!!!

ShortyA22 - I replied to you in the azoo thread, but ill say it again, its good to see that they look like they know what they are doing. I hope this next cycle works for you. :hugs:
ShortyA- I heard Vitamin E is very good to improve the health of the sperm and also acai. I found info on acai first and hubby drank acai juice for a couple of weeks and the health of his sperm and number were significantly higher based on all the SA he has done. I seriously was in shocked and thought they made a mistake. Vitamins help a lot. :)
Help! Took my trigger injection and it left a knot under my skin and burns! Ovridel never did that..Did I do it wrong? It was HCG 10,000 I had to mix it myself. It said 10 ml to be done IM, and I called the medications specialist and she said since I'm not doing IVF this cycle that I could mix it all with 1ml and inject subQ into my belly...Ugh! It's too late to call her..Hope I didn't screw this up!
Have any of you done trigger subq in the belly?
Crises diverted! They called me and said I did just fine...ugh. never had a knot before though. Goodnight ladies.
Oh no Angie, I am so sorry-but best of luck with IUI!

babyonmyown-I was thinking about how to explain weight gain if I do in fact gain a noticable amount of weight! Sorry you are going through this problem now.... :/ However my DH told me when I mentioned my future worry about this that I may get preg. anyway and gain even more weight haha....

afm I had my HCG...OWWWWCHH!!! I almost passed out from the pain...they said my cervix was super hard to find and way back in there...ughh....BUT good news...I did not pass out lol and NO POLYP! Now a mini problem....I still did not get my lupron mailed out to meee =( Soo I need to wait to get a call back from my FS nurse and she is going to update me as to why I have not gotten that mailed....I will be so mad if that ends up delaying as I am to start lupron on Monday so no mail will go out Sundays....

Sorry it was so painful for you. Good news is there was no polyp! Fx the meds get there in time.

Never, I am so sorry that they cancelled your cycle! What a huge disappointment. I know how you feel about not having a lot of hope for the IUI, but you may as well not waste the 3 follies you do have. I hope your RE can make some adjustments for next time. :hugs:

I am also a teacher but have already started back to work. Our first day back was July 30th and the kids showed up Aug 2nd! It's awful to be back so early but we get out the week before Memorial Day in May so that part is always nice.

Sounds like a great fert report, ksluice! How long will it take to get the PGD results back?

AFM, had to come to work today since I can't really take a day off this early in the year, but I'm telling myself that women get prego all the time without bed rest so hopefully it's okay that I'm skipping it. I'll definitely spend the weekend on the couch!

Good luck and fx for you!

Best of luck with your FET AZ, hope they are snuggling in tight. Fab pic. x

Ksluice - a fantastic 17 fertilised? Hope your PGD helps sort you a few beauties. x

threebirds~ Hope your ER went well. x

never2late & Michelle ~ Hope your scans went ok & were reassuring

Stinas - Fab that your embies are doing well. Crossing everything for them to safely reach blast. x

Hi to everyone else, not been online at all today, so got lots to catch up on - really hope everyone is well.

Embryologist called this morning to give us the good news that all 4 embies were looking "fantastic" (her words!), 1 was even starting to compact! So they have decided to take them to blast & rebooked us for transfer on Sat. Fingers crossed the little dudes will keep safe until then. x

That is great news! Fx for Saturday!

Crises diverted! They called me and said I did just fine...ugh. never had a knot before though. Goodnight ladies.

I'm glad everything got figured out and it was done correctly. I would have been in panic mode as well. So nice of them to call you back tonight.
Help! Took my trigger injection and it left a knot under my skin and burns! Ovridel never did that..Did I do it wrong? It was HCG 10,000 I had to mix it myself. It said 10 ml to be done IM, and I called the medications specialist and she said since I'm not doing IVF this cycle that I could mix it all with 1ml and inject subQ into my belly...Ugh! It's too late to call her..Hope I didn't screw this up!
Have any of you done trigger subq in the belly?

that will certainly make all three of those follies ready and raring to go!!
Ladies...I'm getting really emotional lately...is it the progesterone? I know most of it is just nerves, but it's all I think about. I get happy thinking of if it does work and then I get sad thinking about it not working. I know it's normal, but it's driving me nuts! I don't want to stress out because I feel it will lower our chances.
I guess I just need some similar positive stories.
How many of you had successful TESE IVFs? I need all the hope I can get.
Help! Took my trigger injection and it left a knot under my skin and burns! Ovridel never did that..Did I do it wrong? It was HCG 10,000 I had to mix it myself. It said 10 ml to be done IM, and I called the medications specialist and she said since I'm not doing IVF this cycle that I could mix it all with 1ml and inject subQ into my belly...Ugh! It's too late to call her..Hope I didn't screw this up!
Have any of you done trigger subq in the belly?

I did the SAME thing (not with the trigger shot) but on a day where I was taking several shots. I freaked too lol don't feel bad! Glad they calmed your nerves! So if you triggered last night is your retrieval tomorrow?!! I'm sitting in the waiting room RIGHT NOW for my retrieval lol!!
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