IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Hi Ladies,
I hope you don't mind me joining in!
I have had 2 failed IUIs and we are probably looking at a July IVF. (Will try one more IUI maybe)
I have a lot to catch up!
Yippie!! AF is coming! Finally! Spotting and cramps will be full force tomorrow. Only took 8 wks and having bloodwork yesterday :)
Morning ladies!!!
Yayyy MoBaby!!! So i decided I'm really not going to call the doctor today. Right now I have no urge and hopefully it stays at bay. I'll call tomorrow. If I don't hear by them tomorrow I can only assume I wont be started IVF right now because next week I'm supposed to start my testing and Lupron shots. And if they don't have an answer, they are not going to allow me to obviously. I also decided I am taking tomorrow off from work...my job doesnt know that yet:haha: i was telling my mom yesterday I was planning on doing that and i totally want to sleep late and just relax...so needless to say i got a call from my younger brother asking if i can come over at 845 tomorrow morning and babysit my 6 month old nephew. i love that kid so i dont mind but in the same token my day i wanted off i did not want to have to be with a baby, since thats been the only thing on my brain, but being the type of person i am of course i said yes. Also when i got home yesterday i went to the mailbox and dh had got mail from gerber life insurance....really???? lol anyways...im hoping today will be a positive day!!!:thumbup:
Yay MoBaby! So happy she is finally showing up and you can get started again :happydance:
AFM - I had my taping yesterday on The Revolution. It was really great. I was super nervous but once I meet everyone and they were so nice I felt much better. I have to say Dr. Jen was really nice and she is really passionate about getting infertility awareness out there (we spoke off camera about it a lot) Tim Gunn is the nicest person I ever meet. We spoke after the tapping and he wished us so much luck and had so many nice things to say. Some of it was a little scripted and they made me pretend I didn't know about certian stuff that I already knew about. My DH lied and said his sperm were ok, b\c he was embarrassed, but that's ok :winkwink: So it is going to air the week of the 22nd which is national infertility week. I don't know the exact date yet but will let you all know when I find out. It was fun getting hair and makeup done and all. We also saw Ty Pennington and he was super nice too. For some reason I expected everyone to be snobby.

Hope everyone else is doing well today :flower:

I'm glad everything went well for you during the taping. I told DH about it and he said he didn't think he would be comfortable going on and talking about his part. Even if your DH lied he is still brave for going up there as are you!

Hi Ladies,
I hope you don't mind me joining in!
I have had 2 failed IUIs and we are probably looking at a July IVF. (Will try one more IUI maybe)
I have a lot to catch up!

Welcome :hi: If you try one more IUI when do you think that will be. Fingers crossed it will work for you if you decide to go that route.

Yippie!! AF is coming! Finally! Spotting and cramps will be full force tomorrow. Only took 8 wks and having bloodwork yesterday :)

Yay for AF!! I know it took a long time but hopefully from her on out everything will go great for you and AF will be a regular until IVF. After that she is not allowed! :haha:

Morning ladies!!!
Yayyy MoBaby!!! So i decided I'm really not going to call the doctor today. Right now I have no urge and hopefully it stays at bay. I'll call tomorrow. If I don't hear by them tomorrow I can only assume I wont be started IVF right now because next week I'm supposed to start my testing and Lupron shots. And if they don't have an answer, they are not going to allow me to obviously. I also decided I am taking tomorrow off from work...my job doesnt know that yet:haha: i was telling my mom yesterday I was planning on doing that and i totally want to sleep late and just relax...so needless to say i got a call from my younger brother asking if i can come over at 845 tomorrow morning and babysit my 6 month old nephew. i love that kid so i dont mind but in the same token my day i wanted off i did not want to have to be with a baby, since thats been the only thing on my brain, but being the type of person i am of course i said yes. Also when i got home yesterday i went to the mailbox and dh had got mail from gerber life insurance....really???? lol anyways...im hoping today will be a positive day!!!:thumbup:

Sorry your day off will be spent watching a little one. I know how hard that can be. I hope you still enjoy your day off and get a little bit of time to relax. Everything crossed for you that they call you tomorrow and tell you some good news. :thumbup:
YAY MoBaby!!!! That is great; glad things can get started again for you!
Thanks for the welcome ladies!

MrsC8776 -> I have an appointment to discuss next steps with my doctor on 3rd May. If I decide to go for IUI it will most likely be in June followed by IVF in July (if needed).
I will need to wait for my appointment though to get some more insight.
MoBaby - YAY! This is exciting!

Mrs - how are you feeling?

Want a baby - welcome!

Michelle - how are you?

Haj - UGH! Just know that you will know soon. That medical director better get off his ass and call back your RE!

AFM - 7DPIUI and feeling good. Hoping this is it, but if not, we move to IVF and possibly the removal of that endo cyst next month so I am staying positive because things are happening!
Good morning,

wanybaby~ Sounds like you have a good plan in place.

jchic~ I'm doing ok. Feeling a little better about the whole financial situation. Of course it still hasn't been figured out yet but I should know within a couple weeks. It just does me no good to stress about it at this moment. One week until DH gets home! :happydance: I'm more than happy about that.
I'm glad you are feeling good about this IUI. This will be it for you and there will be no need for IVF! When do you plan on testing?

Lucie~ I just went back and noticed your reply about the clinic you picked. I think you have made a good choice. Sometimes we just have to go with what we feel and not with what others say. I look forward to hearing how it goes on the 8th.

I hope all you ladies have a great day.
I know, the financial stress is such a burden :( It will get worked out though, have faith in that. SO great that DH comes home! That is amazing news!!!
Thank you! :hugs: Sometimes I just need to be reminded that everything will work out. DH tells me all the time when we talk but to hear it from others really helps.
Hey girls I have a question. The RE nurse said I could start on birth control now if I wanted and be on it until June 24... She sometimes women do better with longer time on bcp but it makes me nervous because last time I was on bcp longer and I started off slow with stimming as compared to #1. I told her no id start in may but now in wondering if I should just do it. What do you girls think?? Im not supressing with Lupron. Doing microflare (still using lupron in small dose). Would longer bcp be better?? Idk... They are fine with whatever. My estimated egg collection is either July 9 or 16 (birthday is 14 so 9 would be better). I'm excited to have dates but it seems sooo far away!
MoBaby~ Could being on BC that long hurt anything? I wonder why she offered that. I mean I know she said sometimes women do better but does she think it will work for you and the route you are going (microflare)? Unfortunately I don't know much about the BC and the process yet. I know if I was asked to do BC for longer and said no I would be thinking about all the what if's... good and bad. I think I would just go with my gut feeling on that one and do what you think is best for you. I'm sorry that I'm not much help.
MoBaby, I wish I knew the answer about the bcp. I'm actually curious about the same thing. I started my pills 2 days ago, and we are still working out our retrieval and transfer dates, so I'm not sure how long exactly I'll be on birth control. Since you've been through the process before, I'd say go with your gut, like MrsC says.

It is certainly weird to take a bcp again. I was on them for like 9 years, but I'm so out of practice in the last couple years. I wish it didn't come to this, but it is what it is.
I'm going to wait until may. I've calculated and that will be like 6 wks on them and I really don't want to take them longer than that. It would be 10 if I started now. So in may I will have u/s, saline sonogram and start bcp. Bcp to June 24th then ivf meds after that :) in the scheme of things 10 weeks isn't far away but it's going to feel like an eternity! I think what's going to be hard is my brothers wife is due with twins in late June/early July and if my first ivf worked then its when I would be due.
jchic - I am doing better, thanks for asking! I am one week post d&c, so I am glad it is over and done with. I am now waiting for the chromosome testing results, that could take up to another 5 weeks. Then its a matter of when my next cycle starts. I need time to heal and get back to normal before starting again!! Fingers crossed for you that things work out for you this time!!!

MoBaby - 10 weeks will go so quickly; it will be here before you know it!! I wouldn't want to take bcp for a longer time if I didn't have too...so sounds like you made a good decision :)
MrsC - glad your DH will be home soon!! Is he out of town with work?
I'm going to wait until may. I've calculated and that will be like 6 wks on them and I really don't want to take them longer than that. It would be 10 if I started now. So in may I will have u/s, saline sonogram and start bcp. Bcp to June 24th then ivf meds after that :) in the scheme of things 10 weeks isn't far away but it's going to feel like an eternity! I think what's going to be hard is my brothers wife is due with twins in late June/early July and if my first ivf worked then its when I would be due.

Sounds like a great plan. The 10 weeks will pass by quickly, just try to find something to keep yourself busy during that time.

MrsC - glad your DH will be home soon!! Is he out of town with work?

Thanks! My DH works in Afghanistan for 6 weeks at a time. He's home for about a month each time off and then goes right back over.
Hi Ladies! I hope you don't mind if i join you. DH and I have been TTC for 3 years now. I'm 26 and DH is 30. We've had 4 failed IUI's and we've decided to move on to IVF now. I already started taking the bc and today is day 5 of that. My RE wants me to take it for a total of about 2 weeks and then start stims. I'm really nervous about the whole thing. I hope we can all get our bfp's soon!!
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