IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Thanks, J! - Yea my nurse just called me and said the exact same thing as you. I wish I would have known that before HAHA!! Super anxious about tomorrow now!

How are you feeling about the ET tomorrow?? You will soon be PUPO...!!
Hi Ladies... Yay for everyone who has done their ER and ET I've been reading all the fert reports you guys have posted... They sound GREAT!!! I can't wait to see more BFPs in here!!

Thank you for all your kind words about my cousin. We still don't know what happened. There was a candlelight memorial for him last night and we will have a celebration of life this weekend. The whole family is still in shock.

I met with my RE yesterday to talk about my next cycle. I asked her about adding HGH because there were some egg quality issues so she said she would. I'm a little unsure because she has never used it before, I brought it up because of research I've been doing and a recommendation from someone on here. I hope I am doing everything I can/should be doing to make this next cycle successful.

BOMO - Such a sad and unexpected event about your cousin... This must be so hard for you :(

Does your RE know when your next cycle will be? Will you be moving on to IVF? Wishing you all the best!!
Just got my update, nurse said we are working w/6 good follies within the same range. My e2 is 1151 went up from yesterdays 859. I go back in tomorrow. I pray everything continues to be looking up.

YAY!! So excited for you! E2 sounds good! So happy they are all growing :)
Bomo - I hope you get some answers about your cousin. And I hope that you get to start a new cycle soon :hugs:

One - YAY...that sounds really great and you will be triggering soon. I am so excited for you!!!

The tech called me, but really didn't tell me much other then to listen to my voicemail again today and expect a call from the nurse later today with a time for ET. They won't let me know if it will be Sunday until tomorrow. I hate the waiting; I just want my embies put back :)
One - nice! ER is right around the corner for you!
Thanks, J! - Yea my nurse just called me and said the exact same thing as you. I wish I would have known that before HAHA!! Super anxious about tomorrow now!

How are you feeling about the ET tomorrow?? You will soon be PUPO...!!

Hmmmm how am I feeling?? IDK if there is a description haha - nervous, anxious, excited, hopeful...all of those work. :wacko:
Bomo - I hope you get some answers about your cousin. And I hope that you get to start a new cycle soon :hugs:

One - YAY...that sounds really great and you will be triggering soon. I am so excited for you!!!

The tech called me, but really didn't tell me much other then to listen to my voicemail again today and expect a call from the nurse later today with a time for ET. They won't let me know if it will be Sunday until tomorrow. I hate the waiting; I just want my embies put back :)

Sunday would be awesome! So soon!! Hoping for you!!
Thanks, J! - Yea my nurse just called me and said the exact same thing as you. I wish I would have known that before HAHA!! Super anxious about tomorrow now!

How are you feeling about the ET tomorrow?? You will soon be PUPO...!!

Hmmmm how am I feeling?? IDK if there is a description haha - nervous, anxious, excited, hopeful...all of those work. :wacko:

Tell me about it!! Although I meant pain physically from the ER... but yes so many emotions all at the same time!!
Wow! So much to catch up on! :dohh:

Let me start by saying that my RE/FS needs to see at the very least 6 follicles over 17-18mm or he will cancel the cycle. Especially at my age (41) because if he only pulls out 6 eggs there is a high risk of none fertilizing :nope:My clinic also triggers after the majority are over 17- 18mm. He doesn't want to waste my money on such a low follicle count. I started out with 8 and ended up with 3 after 4 days of stims, but those 3 were a beautiful 19.5-19.5-20mm :thumbup: Come on IUI!!

Michelle: So freaking happy for you! :happydance:

Oneof14: You are right on track darling! Try not too worry..ya right :dohh:

Lindsey: Congrats! That is great news and to be honest it makes me feel a little better about my RE/FS cancelling my IVF for having so little of follicles. There are women like you and countless others, who create a tons of eggies and are blessed to get only 5-6 good ones. I would have been crushed to have him pull out my 6 eggies and none make it... So happy for you.

Nikkifrank: Wahoo! :happydance:

There is so much more to respond, but I am at work, so just know that I am lurking and thinking about you all!

As for me: The day before yesterday I got so sick. Threw up for almost an hour and a half until I was left with dry heaves :nope: Felt perfectly fine before hand and after. So weird. Last night and today I have a total sweet tooth. Not like me at all. I have twinges in my right ovary. As hard as I try I cannot help but to symptom spot..lol

Prayers and blessings,
~Angie :hugs:
Bomo, I agree with Michelle in hoping they find some answers on your cousin and for your next cycle!

Michelle/Jess - I really hope trigger is soon and I am still anxious everytime I go in for b/w & u/s.
Never, I do hope this IUI works for you this month. Your symtoms sound promising.

My FS/RE rules are the same w/IVF, he likes to see 6 mature follies or he will cancel. My last cycle was cancelled because although I did have 10 follies, the sizes were all over the place after 12 days of stims. He said he wanted to wait to see if the follies caught up. I did have a lead 20mm and a follow-up of 18, so we went with the IUI.
Wow! So much to catch up on! :dohh:

Let me start by saying that my RE/FS needs to see at the very least 6 follicles over 17-18mm or he will cancel the cycle. Especially at my age (41) because if he only pulls out 6 eggs there is a high risk of none fertilizing :nope:My clinic also triggers after the majority are over 17- 18mm. He doesn't want to waste my money on such a low follicle count. I started out with 8 and ended up with 3 after 4 days of stims, but those 3 were a beautiful 19.5-19.5-20mm :thumbup: Come on IUI!!

Michelle: So freaking happy for you! :happydance:

Oneof14: You are right on track darling! Try not too worry..ya right :dohh:

Lindsey: Congrats! That is great news and to be honest it makes me feel a little better about my RE/FS cancelling my IVF for having so little of follicles. There are women like you and countless others, who create a tons of eggies and are blessed to get only 5-6 good ones. I would have been crushed to have him pull out my 6 eggies and none make it... So happy for you.

Nikkifrank: Wahoo! :happydance:

There is so much more to respond, but I am at work, so just know that I am lurking and thinking about you all!

As for me: The day before yesterday I got so sick. Threw up for almost an hour and a half until I was left with dry heaves :nope: Felt perfectly fine before hand and after. So weird. Last night and today I have a total sweet tooth. Not like me at all. I have twinges in my right ovary. As hard as I try I cannot help but to symptom spot..lol

Prayers and blessings,
~Angie :hugs:

Angie - Thanks for the encouragement and I'm glad that it solidifies the reasoning of your doctor. I would have been disappointed by canceling it too, but reassured that it was for a good reason. Those are pretty good symptoms that you are spotting! Here's hoping everything is successful for you!!!
I'm sorry for such a long post. I missed yesterday and it seems like a lot happened. I might have a quote with your name twice.

Jess, that's awesome!!!

MrsC, how are you feeling any more sickness?

AFM, when this morning for b/w & u/s I have 7 embies from 8-16mm. I hope I get to trigger sometimes this week. I will know more later, when I get the b/w results.

I'm feeling ok lately. Nothing horrible. Thank you for asking.

Fx you get to trigger by the weekend.

Well even though I went against the docs orders because of my too many follies I still didn't even catch one of the 8 eggies :(.....I am thinking I should have just gave myself the trigger shot b/c we have such a small chance of conceiving on our own :( ehhh...I think we are out of this for a long shot now. We don't have the money for the IVF and just things are going crap our way. Prayers are lovely but I believe our TTC journey is over for now. Thanks ladies for always supporting and being there when I just wanted a cry. I appreciate it and I wish all of you ladies the BEST :)

:hugs: I'm sorry to hear this. I wish you the best of luck in what ever happens.

One and jchic - Great reports from your scans!!!

Andrea - I am sorry and hope that things start to look up for you.

They got 10 eggs today! I am sore and so tired. Going to go rest and will catch up later.

Yay for 10 eggs!!

Yay, I got this in my email last night :)

Birth Control pill— Do not stop - Plan to continue on active birth control pills only at this time, (no sugar pills/no period). If you need refills please refill as needed.
8/26/12- Take last ACTIVE birth control pill and expect a period
08/31/12 Appt. -US/E2-If OK, start Estrogen
09/07/12 Appt.- US/E2-Lining check
09/14/12 Appt.- US/E2-Lining check
09/18/12-Possible Progesterone Start
09/21/12-Possible Embryo Transfer

Great news that you don't have to stop the BC just to start them again. Looks like things are still moving forward with everything.

I am starting to feel a little more hopeful for this FET - the RE's office called with my progesterone results from yesterday and it was greater than 40. On my fresh round at this point it was under 20 and they had me double the PIO dose. This time they said everything looks great and I don't have to increase the PIO.

I've been trying to not think about this too much because I was really crushed when it didn't work in July. I'd been feeling pretty negative about the whole thing but now a small amount of hope is creeping in - I just wish I could fast forward to next week so I would know one way or the other!!

Fx for you!!

Jenn- it didn't feel real with the beta, or the scan. It is feeling a bit more real cause they move so much when i scan but... I thin I won't really believe it til they kick

How long after the ET is the beta? Did you get those pictures from that appointment?
My ET is Thursday- just wondering how long I'll have to wait :)

Good luck tomorrow!!

Hey all-

My nurse called--I'm doing a 2 day transfer tomorrow...only 2 of 6 eggs were fertilized, so my dream of triplets is crushed (kidding--sort of!). Anyway, it wasn't the news I was hoping for, and I know the "it just takes one," but it's still frustrating. But--what can you do? Here's to hoping.

PS Why are people taking pain-killers? From the ER? Just curious :)

I hope the transfer goes well! There is still a chance for triplets if thats what you want. One could split. :winkwink:

Good luck to everyone having transfer in the next couple days.. I have mine scheduled for Friday :)
The pain meds were for ER, I wasn't even relieved with Tylenol and they had to give me Morphine through IV because I was in so much pain... I am still sore in my stomach but the real nightmare is the PIO shots... They hurt like hell... Does anyone else have soreness from the PIO shots..

Fx for Friday! Not much longer.

My stomach was a total bruised mess during my cycle. My arms bruise badly from blood draw too. I hated wearing short sleeve because I felt like people thought I was a junkie or something. Six more days until I start injections again. I didn't ice last time, but will definitly try that this time - thanks for the advice :)

Yay for starting meds again soon.

As for me....Should I be feeling any symptoms by now? Im getting nervous. My boobs have never really stopped hurting from the time I started the BCP's....only thing is I get crampy here and there and hot flashes lately....thats about it. I dont want to symptom spot, but Im getting worried it might not have worked.

I honestly didn't have many symptoms. I think I had more symptoms when things didn't work. What I did notice was waking up at odd hours of the night many nights in a row. My nips were killing me from 4dpo. Other than that I was just tired and had a few cramps. Fx that you get your BFP!!

AFM I now have a 4AA and a 3BB blastocyst on board! :dust:

I'm so pleased to have some frostiness too :) I didn't get such good blasto's or Amy frostiness last time so really hopeful. Keeping everything crossed!

Pink xx

Yay for being PUPO with twins!! What is your OTD?

AFM - have my scan tomorrow, grow follies grow!

Fx for your scan!

As for me - I just got a call from one of the nurses. Of the 14 fertilized, only 4 (possibly 5) made it to the blast stage. I can't help but feel disappointed to be completely honest with you. IDK I guess I just thought because I had such high numbers retrieved and fertilized that I would have more to be frozen after the 2 that will be transferred tomorrow. Don't get me wrong, I am so excited and blessed to have those 4 or 5! I am just so very nervous about this process and it working. Thanks for listening to me vent, ladies xoxo

The 4 or 5 you have will be more than you need. I'm sure it is hard to hear though. Everything will work out and you will get your BFP with those ones. Fx for tomorrow.

Got the call!! Out of 10 eggs retrieved, 7 matured and were fertlised!!! I am waiting for the nurse to call me about ET, but I bet it will be Sunday. I am so happy that I got that many :)

Yay for a great report!!

Transferred 2 good 5 day blasts on 8/7. We were able to freeze 2 blasts. Beta scheduled for 8/17.

Congrats on being PUPO with twins! Good luck on the beta. Are you testing before?

Hi Ladies... Yay for everyone who has done their ER and ET I've been reading all the fert reports you guys have posted... They sound GREAT!!! I can't wait to see more BFPs in here!!

Thank you for all your kind words about my cousin. We still don't know what happened. There was a candlelight memorial for him last night and we will have a celebration of life this weekend. The whole family is still in shock.

I met with my RE yesterday to talk about my next cycle. I asked her about adding HGH because there were some egg quality issues so she said she would. I'm a little unsure because she has never used it before, I brought it up because of research I've been doing and a recommendation from someone on here. I hope I am doing everything I can/should be doing to make this next cycle successful.

I truly hope the next cycle is it for you. :hugs: I hope you and your family can get some answers.

As for me: The day before yesterday I got so sick. Threw up for almost an hour and a half until I was left with dry heaves :nope: Felt perfectly fine before hand and after. So weird. Last night and today I have a total sweet tooth. Not like me at all. I have twinges in my right ovary. As hard as I try I cannot help but to symptom spot..lol

Prayers and blessings,
~Angie :hugs:

Fx for your IUI. Sorry to hear that you were so sick. Trying not to symptom spot can be very hard. I'm really hoping this is it for you.

AFM~ I had my scan yesterday with the OB and saw both babies. The heartbeats are going strong and everything is looking great. I set up the scan for down syndrome testing and because I'm having twins it is a two hour scan! I didn't know those took that long. That is set for 9/14. I have my last visit/scan with the RE tomorrow. I'm a little sad. It's amazing how you feel when that time is up.

To the rest of you ladies... I hope you all are doing well. :flower:
Mrs. C - So exciting!!! Did they do any chromosome/genetic testing on the embryos before you had transfer ? Just wondering how that all works before/after transfer. Must be so amazing to see them on the screen and hear the heartbeats :)
I have a quick minute in between patients so here I go:

MrsC: I bet that was the best moment ever seeing those two babies and their heart beats..my heart melts.

Jchic: Grow follies grow!

Pinkalgebra: Wahoodle! :happydance:

Michelle: That is amazing news!

Missannabelle: yay for getting started again!

Wantababysoon: I bet you must be so anxious for Friday.

4everyoung: Goodluck and God bless.

Azlissie: Praying for you dear.

Phantom: Again, what you're doing is amazing. yay for getting started.

Andreaflorida: My heart is broken for you. :cry:

DrSquid: How are those twins? Are you going to get a gender scan?

Gosh I hope I didn't leave anyone out..Thinking about you all.

ps..when is a good time to start taking hpt's ..lol :dohh: Today I am 5 days post transfer.

Mrs. C - So exciting!!! Did they do any chromosome/genetic testing on the embryos before you had transfer ? Just wondering how that all works before/after transfer. Must be so amazing to see them on the screen and hear the heartbeats :)

Our situation took a big turn right as we were about to start IVF. We were fully out of pocket and something happened. Our financial situation took a big turn and we just couldn't do it. So we had to make a decision since my hubby has no sperm. We decided to do donor IUI. So no genetic testing but I do know a lot of medical history on the one we picked. It was amazing to see the heartbeats. We have seen them and actually heard them about 2 weeks ago.

I have a quick minute in between patients so here I go:

MrsC: I bet that was the best moment ever seeing those two babies and their heart beats..my heart melts.

Jchic: Grow follies grow!

Pinkalgebra: Wahoodle! :happydance:

Michelle: That is amazing news!

Missannabelle: yay for getting started again!

Wantababysoon: I bet you must be so anxious for Friday.

4everyoung: Goodluck and God bless.

Azlissie: Praying for you dear.

Phantom: Again, what you're doing is amazing. yay for getting started.

Andreaflorida: My heart is broken for you. :cry:

DrSquid: How are those twins? Are you going to get a gender scan?

Gosh I hope I didn't leave anyone out..Thinking about you all.

ps..when is a good time to start taking hpt's ..lol :dohh: Today I am 5 days post transfer.


It truly was amazing! As for testing... I tested everyday. :blush: I wanted to test out the trigger and by 8pdo I had my true positive. 9dpo it was a for sure line on the tests.
Hi All--


Michelle--good things are brewing ;0)

Lindsay--it's almost here!

AFM: The transfer went just swimmingly (no pun intended). They rate embryos on # of cells, % of fragmentation (0-5% A, 6-20% B, 21-50% C, 50% or more D--lower the %, the better), and quality of the shape (good, fair, poor--they said they rarely give a score of "good").

We had a 2 day transfer and our embryos were on the high side of cell division (good thing!). Our numbers were 4 cells, B, Fair & 3 cells, B, Fair...so it was all as good as we could expect! We had an ICSI and assisted hatching, so....here's to some attachment happening real soon! :0)

Mrs. C - So exciting!!! Did they do any chromosome/genetic testing on the embryos before you had transfer ? Just wondering how that all works before/after transfer. Must be so amazing to see them on the screen and hear the heartbeats :)

Our situation took a big turn right as we were about to start IVF. We were fully out of pocket and something happened. Our financial situation took a big turn and we just couldn't do it. So we had to make a decision since my hubby has no sperm. We decided to do donor IUI. So no genetic testing but I do know a lot of medical history on the one we picked. It was amazing to see the heartbeats. We have seen them and actually heard them about 2 weeks ago.

I have a quick minute in between patients so here I go:

MrsC: I bet that was the best moment ever seeing those two babies and their heart beats..my heart melts.

Jchic: Grow follies grow!

Pinkalgebra: Wahoodle! :happydance:

Michelle: That is amazing news!

Missannabelle: yay for getting started again!

Wantababysoon: I bet you must be so anxious for Friday.

4everyoung: Goodluck and God bless.

Azlissie: Praying for you dear.

Phantom: Again, what you're doing is amazing. yay for getting started.

Andreaflorida: My heart is broken for you. :cry:

DrSquid: How are those twins? Are you going to get a gender scan?

Gosh I hope I didn't leave anyone out..Thinking about you all.

ps..when is a good time to start taking hpt's ..lol :dohh: Today I am 5 days post transfer.


It truly was amazing! As for testing... I tested everyday. :blush: I wanted to test out the trigger and by 8pdo I had my true positive. 9dpo it was a for sure line on the tests.

So you're pregnant with twins from IUI?
Hi All--


Michelle--good things are brewing ;0)

Lindsay--it's almost here!

AFM: The transfer went just swimmingly (no pun intended). They rate embryos on # of cells, % of fragmentation (0-5% A, 6-20% B, 21-50% C, 50% or more D--lower the %, the better), and quality of the shape (good, fair, poor--they said they rarely give a score of "good").

We had a 2 day transfer and our embryos were on the high side of cell division (good thing!). Our numbers were 4 cells, B, Fair & 3 cells, B, Fair...so it was all as good as we could expect! We had an ICSI and assisted hatching, so....here's to some attachment happening real soon! :0)


Stacy - such awesome news! When did they say you are going in for your beta?!
YAY Stacy for being PUPO!

Angie - I have my fingers crossed for you :)

MrsC - How awesome to hear the hb's! It is such an amazing thing :)
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