IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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I have a quick question for the girls who had their ER recently... How long does the discomfort last? I feel much better than the day of ER but there is a constant lingering pain.. Is that normal?
Hi everyone - just stalking .. In my tww!

:hi: welcome! I'll still add you to the front page if you would like. Either way good luck!!

MrsC: Glad to hear your scan went well. I had no idea a scan could take that long either. Great Pics, I didn't see you cyst, is it gone??

AFM: Finally 16dp5dt and I have my official BFP from my clinic. Beta came back at 4675. I compared it to others at my clinic (1449, 1455, 1791, 1950, and 3700) all 16dp5dt and all singleton results. So I am thinking both embries took :happydance: or we have a strong baby. Although my nurse wouldn't comment she said it was quite high and when I asked about OBGYN's she said to wait until my ultrasound to see how many are there because with multiples they will recommend I stay with them or go to someone that specializes with multiples. We are praying for twins. My ultra sound is three weeks from today, this wait will be worse then the damn 16 days for beta.

Thank you! I got so excited about the babies I forgot to mention that anywhere. :dohh: The cyst is still there and still pretty large. From what she saw it shrank 1mm. I'm going to have the RE double check tomorrow and let me know what he sees. At the moment I still trust him more than a tech. :blush: I need to get over that very quickly.

Looks like a great beta!! Congrats again! At 20dpo my beta (in the stupid ER ) was 4202. Anything is possible so you could have twins in there! I can't wait for you to find out! They waited so long for your beta. Will you have another one to see how fast it is doubling? I will keep my fingers crossed for twins for you since you want them so badly. :winkwink:
michelle01 - yay for 7 embies!

nikkifrank - not long now til beta, have you poas yet?

BabyOnMyOwn - do you know when you are cycling again? My FS added hgh for my next cycle starting early next week, I'm hoping it helps improve my quality too

Lindsay18 - good luck for ET tomorroMrsC - I'm so glad your scan went well, I bet you cant wait for your next scan where they start looking like actual babies and not a blob :)

never2late70 - I usually start 10 days past ER or IUI although don't be disappointed if it comes back negative at that point as it can still turn positive later. I also found my smu was stronger than my fmu.

4everyoung - congrats on being PUPO!

notoptimistic - hope the wait isn't too bad for you! Having no symptoms is completely normal, everyone is different. I had more symptoms in all the months trying on our own that we're unsuccessful and very little symptoms from our ivf cycles where we got a BFP. In my first cycle I was actually feeling great, no longer tired, bloating had gone down and I though for sure it was going to be negative but I was wrong.

Jen76 - I bet you have twinnies in there, congrats on your strong beta hun!

wantbabysoon - I had discomfort on the day of ER and was feeling much better the day after. Perhaps if it is still not getting better you should call the clinic?
jenn- how exciting. cant wait til your scan.

want- hope you feel better soon

mrsc- sorry about the cyst sticking around

afm- went to the gym today. it was fab. body didnt totally cooperate (had to stop when we got to shoulders, but only missed shoulders and abs) cause i was way too short of breath (hard to make myself not push through). oh and put a video in my sig =)
Jenn huge congrats! I recon you have twins with those numbers :)

Want baby soon - I was kinda sore for a couple of days. It was just like I'd pulled a muscle in my tummy that really hurt when I moved!

Pink xx
I have a quick question for the girls who had their ER recently... How long does the discomfort last? I feel much better than the day of ER but there is a constant lingering pain.. Is that normal?

Hi :wave: I actually had discomfort until pretty much the day of the transfer. In the mornings I would be OK and as the day progressed, sitting would become more uncomfortable, because I would swell up and bloat. By the evening, I would be in quite a bit of discomfort. So it was roughly (or just under) a week. At the time of the transfer, they first used the u/s to check the positioning of my uterus and it totally hurt, when he looked left - my ovary was still very very swollen. So - unless you are really in pain or gaining weight very much, I don't think you need to worry :hugs:
Morning ladies!!
Congrats Jenn!!!

Want- it took me several days with a lingering pain. It would always get better but still constantly hurt. Just weigh yourself every morning.

Thank you everyone for your encouragement!! We are on our way right now to have our 2 embies transferred. I'm also doing the laser acupuncture to help with the implantation. So excited. I'll let you know how it goes!
MrsC: great that it is shrinking! Let's hope that continues. Just one beta and one scan for me. They don't believe in the doubling check. At first I was upset but now I'm fine with it. I'm just hoping for twins since my reserves were low this time and I'm not getting any younger. I'm afraid this may be my only chance and I want two kids. In any case I will be happy.

I have a quick question for the girls who had their ER recently... How long does the discomfort last? I feel much better than the day of ER but there is a constant lingering pain.. Is that normal?

I was gimped for 3 days. The day after was the worst the the next day a bit better and then the last day I was off work and rested so by the fourth day back to normal.

^ mine was 6789 at 21dpo and its just one strong baby, but I think it can go either way for you, can't wait to find out!

Looking at betabase the range is huge but you are really at the high end only 235 out of 3166 got Above 4750. Your bean is super stong like his/her momma. One thing I know is it is impossible to go by beta to figure out what you have. I guess it all depends on so much. When fertilization occurred, when implanting occurred, when you started emitting HCG..... You also got a BFP faster then most so your little bean wanted it's presence known, maybe an angel was looking out over you. I think that my lost loved ones are looking over me.

So how have you been feeling? Any movement on the house sale? Anymore gallbladder issue?
MrsC - glad the cyst is shrinking; that has to be a relief. Will they do anything for it or just watch it for now?

Squid - AWESOME video! Looks like baby A is quiet active in there :)

Wantbaby - I am still sore and today is two days after my ER. I was so sore last night I ended up taking vicoden before bed. I am still cramping today, but no weight gain. And now I am back at work so I am sure it is going to hurt more from the sitting.

Jenn - GREAT beta!!! I hate the waiting part. I know the 2ww is going to kill me.

Lindsay - GOOD LUCK on your transfer...you will be PUPO today!!!!

I am tentatively scheduled for tomorrow for a 3 day transfer, but depending on how my embryo's are doing today, they may change it to a 5 day. As of 5pm last night they were still all going strong :)
Michelle - fingers crossed for you!
Linds - good luck today!

How is everyone else doing?

Went for my scan today and we have:

4 at 11
2 at 12
1 at 13
13 under 10

Estimated ER may be Tues or Weds. Looks like they are growing at 1mm a day, right on track!
Jchic- looks good. I had a bunch of small ones and they caught up
Hey ladies!!!
Transfer went great!! We had SOOO many good omens- my doctor was the one to actually do the transfer, our wedding song came in right before we went in, etc!!!
It turns out it wasn't 4-5 that made it to the blast stage. It was 10!!! So we had 2 transferred and 8 frozen:) We had the chromosome testing done and they were all confirmed chromosomally normal!!

The 2 that we had transferred were 5BB and 6BB
We are thrilled with the results and thank you so much for the good luck wishes and support!
Lindsay - that's amazing! I'm surprised they let you do two blastocysts with so many making it to day 5! They only let me do one but I have 13 in the freezer.
All 11 of mine made it to blast. Used 2 froze 4. The rest weren't apparently up to snuff. Both I put back stuck

Linds- congrats :)
drsquid - awesome video! So cute to see them moving around

Lindsay18 - what a wonderful result for you! 8 frosties, wow, I bet you won't be needing them for a few years at least :) Congrats on being PUPO! When will you be testing?
Lindsay-SO happy for you-I believe everything happens for a reason and that you truly just may be getting your BFP due to your good omens, ahhh!!! And what good news about the loads of frosties you got!! congrats =)

jchic-glad to hear the good news as well!!!

yay michelle-getting so close to the end of your hard work with your IVF cycle!!!
Lindsay - that's amazing! I'm surprised they let you do two blastocysts with so many making it to day 5! They only let me do one but I have 13 in the freezer.

I did 2 because I was part of a temperature study so they have to put 2 back:) I lucked out lol
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