IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Thanks MrsC, I'm good. Super nervous, excited and scared all at the same time but thinking positive. Praying every day for a sticky bean.

I keep reading and silently stalking your journey's and I pray for you all too xx
Hi Ladies! I hope you don't mind if i join you. DH and I have been TTC for 3 years now. I'm 26 and DH is 30. We've had 4 failed IUI's and we've decided to move on to IVF now. I already started taking the bc and today is day 5 of that. My RE wants me to take it for a total of about 2 weeks and then start stims. I'm really nervous about the whole thing. I hope we can all get our bfp's soon!!

Welcome :hi: Sorry you have to be here but we have wonderful support in here.

Thanks MrsC, I'm good. Super nervous, excited and scared all at the same time but thinking positive. Praying every day for a sticky bean.

I keep reading and silently stalking your journey's and I pray for you all too xx

I'm glad things are going well for you! It's exciting to see that natural BFP's can happen for ladies who are heading for IVF or even done IVF before. Thanks for sticking around and cheering us on. :hugs:
Hi Mrs C,

DH is getting his PESA next week. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I just realized that neither the urologist nor the clinic said anything about BD rules before the procedure, like abstaining at least 2 days beforehand in a normal sperm collection. :dohh:

Do you happen to know anything about this?
Mrs C I completely understand your concerns with finances, is this urology appointment required for your IVF testing? I agree with Haj that it sucks that more insurance companies don't see fertility treatments as a required medical coverage. Especially the meds...... I can get meds to prevent me from getting pregnant BCP's under my plan but meds to help me get pregnant aren't covered! I have been stressing so much over finances too and I have come to realize that I can't live like that. I need stop second guessing every cent that I spend and just trust that everything will come together. Great news that your DH is coming home next week!! I really admire you for being able to handle him being away so long and going to Afghanistan at that.

Lucie I think you made the right decision on your RE. It doesn't matter where you pick there will always be someone that has something bad to say about that clinic. I think traveling out of your town could cause more stress. Also the fact that the RE you are meeting with has a higher success rate that speaks for something. Good luck with your appointment, May 8th will be here in no time!

Blue congrats on the taping I can't wait to see the show. That is really exciting that you got chosen for that. It's great that your DH got to participate as well. I doubt I could ever get mine to, he would definitely not want to discuss his male factor infertility either. :blush:

Tiffttc I went to my town's IVF introduction back in February, it was very informative. They had a question answer session after the presentation and it was great hearing all the questions others had to ask. We got to meet all the nurses and embryologist for my clinic and they explained their roles. I really enjoyed it and was surprised to see so many people there in our same boat.

Welcome wantbabysoon :hi: sorry to hear about your fertility challenges. This group is a great support system. I have learned a lot from these ladies.

Mobaby congrats on AF coming! I'm glad you will be able to get started soon.

Jchic FX that this is it for you! How soon will you know if you are BFP?

Welcome Lulu! :hi: That's great that you are already on the path for starting you IVF! I am totally with you on the whole nervous thing, this will be my first fertility procedure ever. Sorry to hear about your four failed IUI's that really sucks that you have unexplained infertility. You will get a lot of support here.

AFM: I'm still just counting down the days until my MRI. Work has been hectic which is helping to pass the time. This has been a really hard week for me first adapting to the time change from traveling (4 hours difference) and my poor sick kitty. She ended up going into full renal failure on Monday night and was suffering to much for me to have the vet continue trying to treat her. They told me her chances were grave over and over again but at no time would they tell me what to do. I could just tell they felt it was hopeless. I went in to see her at the hospital to make my decision and she laid they so lifeless, she couldn't even hold up her head anymore. As hard as it was I knew I had to let her go to better place. :cry: Thanks for all the support that you guys have given me, I really appreciate it.

Hope all is well with everyone else.
Thanks for the warm welcomes!!

Jenn~ I'm really sorry about your cat.. I think you made the right decision by ending her pain and she is in a better place now. I know how hard it can be but stay strong. :hugs:
Hi Mrs C,

DH is getting his PESA next week. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I just realized that neither the urologist nor the clinic said anything about BD rules before the procedure, like abstaining at least 2 days beforehand in a normal sperm collection. :dohh:

Do you happen to know anything about this?

YAY!! Everything will go great! :thumbup:

I did ask about this and they said there is no reason to hold off on BD. The reason being is nothing gets out... then again my DH has a vasectomy so things might be a little different but I doubt it. I would say go ahead with BD but still call on Monday and ask them. You guys go in on Wednesday right?
Mrs C I completely understand your concerns with finances, is this urology appointment required for your IVF testing? I agree with Haj that it sucks that more insurance companies don't see fertility treatments as a required medical coverage. Especially the meds...... I can get meds to prevent me from getting pregnant BCP's under my plan but meds to help me get pregnant aren't covered! I have been stressing so much over finances too and I have come to realize that I can't live like that. I need stop second guessing every cent that I spend and just trust that everything will come together. Great news that your DH is coming home next week!! I really admire you for being able to handle him being away so long and going to Afghanistan at that.

Lucie I think you made the right decision on your RE. It doesn't matter where you pick there will always be someone that has something bad to say about that clinic. I think traveling out of your town could cause more stress. Also the fact that the RE you are meeting with has a higher success rate that speaks for something. Good luck with your appointment, May 8th will be here in no time!

Blue congrats on the taping I can't wait to see the show. That is really exciting that you got chosen for that. It's great that your DH got to participate as well. I doubt I could ever get mine to, he would definitely not want to discuss his male factor infertility either. :blush:

Tiffttc I went to my town's IVF introduction back in February, it was very informative. They had a question answer session after the presentation and it was great hearing all the questions others had to ask. We got to meet all the nurses and embryologist for my clinic and they explained their roles. I really enjoyed it and was surprised to see so many people there in our same boat.

Welcome wantbabysoon :hi: sorry to hear about your fertility challenges. This group is a great support system. I have learned a lot from these ladies.

Mobaby congrats on AF coming! I'm glad you will be able to get started soon.

Jchic FX that this is it for you! How soon will you know if you are BFP?

Welcome Lulu! :hi: That's great that you are already on the path for starting you IVF! I am totally with you on the whole nervous thing, this will be my first fertility procedure ever. Sorry to hear about your four failed IUI's that really sucks that you have unexplained infertility. You will get a lot of support here.

AFM: I'm still just counting down the days until my MRI. Work has been hectic which is helping to pass the time. This has been a really hard week for me first adapting to the time change from traveling (4 hours difference) and my poor sick kitty. She ended up going into full renal failure on Monday night and was suffering to much for me to have the vet continue trying to treat her. They told me her chances were grave over and over again but at no time would they tell me what to do. I could just tell they felt it was hopeless. I went in to see her at the hospital to make my decision and she laid they so lifeless, she couldn't even hold up her head anymore. As hard as it was I knew I had to let her go to better place. :cry: Thanks for all the support that you guys have given me, I really appreciate it.

Hope all is well with everyone else.

Thanks Jenn! It is hard but we find ways to make it work. He got this job when we first started dating. I really thought it would get easier but it doesn't. It actually has gotten harder. It makes life exciting when he gets home though. :winkwink: :haha:

So sorry to hear about your kitty. I think you made the right decision even though I'm sure it was a hard one. :hugs: I hope things get a little better for you.

EDIT: I missed that part about the urologist... It is required for us since DH had a vasectomy many years ago and the reversal failed. We are going in to talk about TESE. It's not really part of testing but it is required in our situation since a TESE is the only way we will get sperm now. I'm still wondering if we should keep the appointment or cancel it. I guess it's something we will have to talk about when he gets home.
Hi ladies

Can I join?

Coming from IVF feb/march forum. We had a successful IVF but as you can see from my signature it didn't go as planned :(

Still looking forward and hoping to start next cycle in July/August.


Pink xx
Hi ladies

Can I join?

Coming from IVF feb/march forum. We had a successful IVF but as you can see from my signature it didn't go as planned :(

Still looking forward and hoping to start next cycle in July/August.


Pink xx

Welcome :wave:

So sorry to see what you just went through. :hugs:

Things will go much better this time around and you will will have a perfect LO with a strong heartbeat. Do you have to do another fresh cycle or do you have any frozen left?
Hi pink! Sorry about your loss :( I'm here with you from my 2nd ivf ending in mmc.. Hopefully we will be bump buddies in july :) do you have any frosties? We don't so fresh start.
Welcome Lulu and Pink. So sorry to hear about your miscarriage Pink, that is do devastating
Thanks ladies!

Mobaby and MrsC we're doing a fresh cycle as didn't get any frosties last time :(

MoBaby I'm so sorry to hear youve gone through the same as me! It's tough isn't it!

I'm refusing to be too downhearted though and like MrsC says I have to keep focused on this time my LO will have a strong heartbeat!

Hoping to start down regging in July, desperately saving money and making sure I'm over this before we do though!

Pink xx
Well I've just done a LOT of reading to catch up with all that I've missed!

Haj - Sorry to see you've had such trouble with insurance etc, things are a bit different in the UK so I'm learning alot here - hope all works out and fingers crossed for you!

Hello to noasaint, missy123, tiffttc, alscreetch, wantbabysoon, Lulu07 and Pink Gerbera! Pink, ,so sorry to hear your news. Hoping that we all have exciting news to share soon.

AFM - Well... cd59! Going a bit crazy. I'm going to see my GP today to see if she can give me something to make me have a period. My blood results should be back by 8th May (that's 6 weeks) so I'd like day 21 to be about a week later! This is like mental torture! I know you all undestand my craziness, I'm sure TTC makes us all a bit mental!!!

:dust: to all!

Ali :flower:
Welcome Lulu, Tiffttc, wantbabysoon, & Pink!! :hugs:

Mrs C- I just wanted to tell you that I applaud your strength during these already difficult times going through IVF & the hubby being away.

Michelle & Pink- I'm really sorry about your recent losses. It's never easy, I know how it feels, but we just keep on pushing! Trust & Believe!

HAJ- Any news from the director or RE?

Blue Storm- I love Ty Pennington. He is crazy, just like me!! LOL Keep me posted on the taping, I really think you are brave for that as well!

JChic- I hope you aren't going crazy during your wait. Have you POAS? Excited for you...

JDH- I am very excited for you. Conceiving natural must have felt awesome!! I also know about silent stalking... It's like you get to know all the people you read about, before communicating. LOL

Jenn- I'm really sorry about your kitty, but I believe you made the right decision. Our pets are our babies, so I can relate... :(

Daisy- Thanks for the welcome & yes I hope we all get our BFP's soon!!

AFM- I had my orientation, ultrasound, & mock transfer all in one day. My antral follicle counts were 18, the lining looked great, and my doc said transfer will be a breeze... I am definitely on :cloud9: right now. Feeling very positive and optimistic today. I get to start Lupron tomorrow. Who would have thought, that I would be excited to start injections.

I'm also sorry if I missed anyone. Have a wonderful day ladies!!
Hey ladies, sorry I know I usually go mia on the weekends with bnb. and on friday i actually played hookey from work...i think i had mentioned that to you guys. so im supposed to be having a drs appt tomorrow for a sono and having the ivf class wed and starting my lupron shots. i had called the doctor friday and they still hadnt heard back. so i called today to see if i was still keeping my appts for this week and the woman told me the medical director has still not called them back. so they pumped my sono till wednesday and said if he get the ok i can just got straight to the class after. i really really really just dont get it. my mom said to be today sometiems we forget were not doctors only patient and i get this but its just so aggrevating. so odds are im guessing im not going to be doing IVF in May as planned. But now it sucks liek am i going to get to do it next month or is my husband going to have to get this surgery and im going to have to wait like a year. i had a complete and utter breakdown last night i sobbed for like 2 hours till like 1 in the morning and then i had a massive anxiety attack that kept me up till like after 2. so needless to say im exhausted today. this is just all causing me to have zero motivation and i just want some answers. its effecting my whole entire life right now. its completely maddening.
Hi Ladies!

How is everyone?
Haj, ugh that is so crappy. Hopefully you can start Weds and this asshole med director gets back to your doc.
Pink - I am so sorry honey :(

AFM - well AF is looking like she is on her way....I am having bad cramps (endo) and I have a conference call tomorrow with the doctor. I am requesting a lap before we move onto IVF because this endo pain is unbearable!!!! I know she will likely suggest that as well.
I am just so discouraged and hoping this happens soon!!!!
Hi Ladies!

How is everyone?
Haj, ugh that is so crappy. Hopefully you can start Weds and this asshole med director gets back to your doc.
Pink - I am so sorry honey :(

AFM - well AF is looking like she is on her way....I am having bad cramps (endo) and I have a conference call tomorrow with the doctor. I am requesting a lap before we move onto IVF because this endo pain is unbearable!!!! I know she will likely suggest that as well.
I am just so discouraged and hoping this happens soon!!!!

Honestly, I don't think its going to work out for this cycle :cry:

Well its good that AF is coming but I'm sorry you're in so much pain!!! We can be in the discouraged club together. Everything will work out for you soon!!!
Discouraged xs 10! I am praying we will get our chances to be a mommy. I am certain we will, but you know how it is, some days are harder and much worse than others. I also just totally broke down last night.....I couldnt even handle it. I was a mess. a TOTAL mess. But at the end of the day, I am doing everything in my power to make this happen, and so are you! We all are. And thats all we can do I guess. :(
Discouraged xs 10! I am praying we will get our chances to be a mommy. I am certain we will, but you know how it is, some days are harder and much worse than others. I also just totally broke down last night.....I couldnt even handle it. I was a mess. a TOTAL mess. But at the end of the day, I am doing everything in my power to make this happen, and so are you! We all are. And thats all we can do I guess. :(

i think thats like the worst part...most of this is just completely out of our control.
Mrs C I completely understand your concerns with finances, is this urology appointment required for your IVF testing? I agree with Haj that it sucks that more insurance companies don't see fertility treatments as a required medical coverage. Especially the meds...... I can get meds to prevent me from getting pregnant BCP's under my plan but meds to help me get pregnant aren't covered! I have been stressing so much over finances too and I have come to realize that I can't live like that. I need stop second guessing every cent that I spend and just trust that everything will come together. Great news that your DH is coming home next week!! I really admire you for being able to handle him being away so long and going to Afghanistan at that.

Lucie I think you made the right decision on your RE. It doesn't matter where you pick there will always be someone that has something bad to say about that clinic. I think traveling out of your town could cause more stress. Also the fact that the RE you are meeting with has a higher success rate that speaks for something. Good luck with your appointment, May 8th will be here in no time!

Blue congrats on the taping I can't wait to see the show. That is really exciting that you got chosen for that. It's great that your DH got to participate as well. I doubt I could ever get mine to, he would definitely not want to discuss his male factor infertility either. :blush:

Tiffttc I went to my town's IVF introduction back in February, it was very informative. They had a question answer session after the presentation and it was great hearing all the questions others had to ask. We got to meet all the nurses and embryologist for my clinic and they explained their roles. I really enjoyed it and was surprised to see so many people there in our same boat.

Welcome wantbabysoon :hi: sorry to hear about your fertility challenges. This group is a great support system. I have learned a lot from these ladies.

Mobaby congrats on AF coming! I'm glad you will be able to get started soon.

Jchic FX that this is it for you! How soon will you know if you are BFP?

Welcome Lulu! :hi: That's great that you are already on the path for starting you IVF! I am totally with you on the whole nervous thing, this will be my first fertility procedure ever. Sorry to hear about your four failed IUI's that really sucks that you have unexplained infertility. You will get a lot of support here.

AFM: I'm still just counting down the days until my MRI. Work has been hectic which is helping to pass the time. This has been a really hard week for me first adapting to the time change from traveling (4 hours difference) and my poor sick kitty. She ended up going into full renal failure on Monday night and was suffering to much for me to have the vet continue trying to treat her. They told me her chances were grave over and over again but at no time would they tell me what to do. I could just tell they felt it was hopeless. I went in to see her at the hospital to make my decision and she laid they so lifeless, she couldn't even hold up her head anymore. As hard as it was I knew I had to let her go to better place. :cry: Thanks for all the support that you guys have given me, I really appreciate it.

Hope all is well with everyone else.

thanks jenn, my clinic told me we had to go to this intro day before we could start our IVF because its a history app. aswell i had one failed IUI in march so they told me i had to be at least 2 months off meds and my body has to go back to normal because my cycles were all over the place.....Ha ya iam starting writing down questions in a small notebook iam carrying it everywhere so anytime i think of a question i can just write it down (i have the worlds worst memory) ha people have looked at me a bit funny by times
iam really sorry to hear about your cat,, i really hope you are doing well..

i say a pray everynight for all the girls on this thread
i really really really hope everyone on this thread gets their :bfp: really soon
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