IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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I got my box of medicine yesterday. Wow! It looks like a pharmacy in my bathroom. Any tips on keeping it all organized and not forgetting injections/pills/vag rockets etc?
Hey phantom710

Did you get a booklet? My clinc gave us one so we can make a note of everything found it really helped

I got called into HC again today! I swear I'm liable to go mad. Work have given me a hard time at the moment because of all the scans ect that I'm disappearing off for so they weren't too impresses

Any way, had another scan and checked level of meds, the new dosage is making me sick adds bloated which apparently means its working! Yey! Scan showed 7 follies on right side all over 10mm and one on left over 10mm with lining at 6mm, for those of you who have been thru IVF before does this sound normal for there to e such a difference between right and left ones?

Have another scan on Friday and fingers crosses if everything goes ok we'd be looking at either Tuesday or Wednesday next week for EC
likkle- Nope! I just got my little calender of when to start everything.

I'm thinking I'll buy one of the daily pill containers(or three) but I'm more worried about keeping track of which needle to take meds out with, which one to inject with. What day which med gets injected. AHHHH. Plus, trying to find the best time to do it, since I work.
wantbaby - I totally understand and feel the same way. I have been pregnant twice before (both were natural conceptions that ended in miscarriages), and those times I knew I was pregnant before I even got the positive hpt. Right now I am 9dp5dt (14 dpo) and I really do not feel anything that I can attribute to pregnancy and I feel the only reason I haven't started spotting yet is because of the progesterone (crinone).

That's how I feel too... oh well... It's a waiting game at this point until my beta on Monday
I am just having one of those days... I have a weird feeling that this round has not worked. I don't 'feel' pregnant at all... I am so low today :(

:hugs: youre not out yet! Are you testing before beta??

Lindsay and michelle: will you be testing soon??
Jenn: feel better soon!
One: good luck w/ your transfer!! Fx!
Ttb: yay shot! I start next wed and can't be more excited!!!

I am thinking of testing on Sunday before my beta on Monday so I can handle the dissappointment at home with DH.
Mobaby - If I have to do an hcg booster tomorrow I may test out the booster starting Friday cause it will take 3-4 days to be completely out of my system.

THANKS Almost :) I didn't even think that this wouldn't work the first cycle (which ended in a MC) and now this cycle feels so much different, but yet I feel pregnant! I really really hope this works this time. And good luck on your scan tomorrow; you will be in your 2WW before you know it!!!

Wantbaby - Sorry you are feeling so down and you are not out yet! When is your beta? Sometimes no symptoms is a good sign too; FX'ed for you :hugs:

Notoptomistic - When is your beta?

Thanks michelle. My beta is 8/27. How are you feeling?
One: They were leaning towars a three day transfer with me too but since day two and day three had good results we pushed it back on day 3 to the day 5. It was touch and go, so stressful. I don't think you can ever feel at ease in this process even girls with dozens of eggs stress over it. Did they say there could still be an option for day 5?

Jchic - Congrats on a great fert report!!! So you don't get any updates from now until Sunday? For the nausea I am taking vitamin B6 wich is supposed to help. Hey I'm not tossing my cookies so I guess it is working to a degree.

Almost: Good Luck tomorrow, FX that you get the green light to start stimms.

Wantbaby: Are you going to test? I joined a first trimester group and most ladies feel nothing for weeks so you're not out because you don't feel anything. :hugs: :dust:

TTB - The first is the hardest, way to go! Grow follies grow.

MrsC: I know many have it much worse so I'm not complaining small price to pay for the end result. I hope yours wears off soon, you are close to the finish line for the first trimester.

Notoptomistic: Was your doctor able to determine why you miscarried? That's such an aweful thing to go through. :hugs: I am praying that you do get your BFP with this cycle. Good Luck on Friday! :dust:

Mobaby: Not much longer for you!! How are you feeling?

Lindsay: Two more days for you too!! :dust:

Michelle: Feeling pregnant is a good sign, here's some for you too :dust:

I am planning to test on Sunday evening. My beta is Monday.
Lindsay - I don't know how you are keeping yourself sane in this waiting period without testing. I am planning to test one day before my beta just so I am prepared with the outcome.
Today I just have sore boobs but they have been like that since retrieval so nothing new there.
Good luck to you on Friday!
Mobaby - If I have to do an hcg booster tomorrow I may test out the booster starting Friday cause it will take 3-4 days to be completely out of my system.

THANKS Almost :) I didn't even think that this wouldn't work the first cycle (which ended in a MC) and now this cycle feels so much different, but yet I feel pregnant! I really really hope this works this time. And good luck on your scan tomorrow; you will be in your 2WW before you know it!!!

Wantbaby - Sorry you are feeling so down and you are not out yet! When is your beta? Sometimes no symptoms is a good sign too; FX'ed for you :hugs:

Notoptomistic - When is your beta?

Thanks michelle. My beta is 8/27. How are you feeling?

I am having all sorts of symptoms, but sure most are related to the progestrone. The worse one is the cramps I get throughout the day; they seem to come and go. I have also been SUPER thirsty this cycle which I wasn't last one, and of course having sore/tender boobs, I have had a couple of twinges, bloating, tiredness and the past 2 nights some crazy and very clear/rememberable dreams. I decided to start testing Friday to test out the hcg booster I am more then likely going to have to do tomorrow. The suspense just eats away at me and I am already getting anxious!

Only 5 more days till your beta :) I am keeping my FX'ed for you :hugs:
Phantom - I remember being so overwhelmed when I got my first boxes of meds! What I did was just pull out the things I needed to use right away, put them on a space on my counter and then had my sheet with it so I knew what I needed and when. I took all my pills at one time, typically before bed because a few of them make me sick. So I was taking about 9 pills every night; now I have split it up and carry 2 of them with me to work and take them during the day and the other 3 at night now. The shots you pick a time when you know you will be home; I did my morning ones at 6am (although the weekends sucked having to wake up that early) and my evenings at 7:30 when I knew for sure I would be home. Once you start it gets easy to remember what to do :) Just keep your sheet handy!
So I went in for my bloodwork this morning and I got word that I'll be doing 75 units of Gonal F until Saturday morning and then I go in and get checked on and then go from there.

On a not TTC matter ... I've been trying to keep busy so I picked up the shawl that I had been knitting a few years ago (I ran out of yarn and had the hardest time finding the yarn again but I finally found it) and I just finished it :) It was 3 years in the making so I feel very accomplished and good about it ... I figured I'd share a picture or two ... very proud ! :haha:

Michelle, your symptoms sound very promising! I hope you get your sticky baby from this cycle!

Jenn and MrsC, sorry to hear about the ms. I know that when I was having gall bladder problems one of the only things I could stand to eat was mashed potatoes - they're pretty bland but filling.

Phantom, good luck with all the meds! I don't think you'll have a hard time remembering which needle to pull up the meds with and which to inject because the first one is huge! You'll look at it and realize there's no way you're going to stick that into yourself.

Good luck to the ladies with betas coming up this week - sending you lots of :dust:

AFM, blood draw for my beta is this afternoon but I won't get the results until tomorrow. I haven't tested again since Sunday (11dp3dt) but I am getting very crampy like AF is on her way and I really expect a bfn. I guess tomorrow I can stop the PIO and then AF will show up shortly thereafter. I keep looking online to find women who had negative hpts and positive betas but I don't think I'll be lucky enough to be one of those women!
4everyoung - I do have some type of dischage because I'm wearing a liner and the past couple days it's pretty wet by mid-day. When the crinone comes out, it just comes out in little clumps, so I don't think it's the crinone. I wish I knew what it was too. FX it is a good sign. My beta is on Friday.

Ooh! Let's hope it's a good sign. I'm the same with the Crinone and panty liner :) Here's to hoping. Fingers crossed for your Friday beta!
TTB - Yay for finally starting again! I wish you all the luck in the world with this cycle!

Jacq - Congrats & best of luck!

GettingBroody - ER I stayed home in bed all day, mostly because I was sleepy, next day I was crampy and bloated, but If I had to work I would have been fine. Not fine to lift heavy things, but fine to go with a normal days work. ET I stayed home again all day on the couch, not because I didnt feel well, just because I thought it would increase my chances.

Likklegemz - Dont freak out...when they take your blood they read it and thats how they determine what doses to give you. I went one day with one powder and then the next 4 powders, and even one day I had to take my gainirellex in the am the regular stuff at night and they called me to add another shot in between all those....so they know what they are doing. No need to worry.

jchic - 14 yay!!!!!!! Thats wonderful news!!!!

One - Dont be disappointed! Thats still good amount of embryos! Good luck on thursday! PIO shots suck...just wait until you are a week into them...thats when your ass really hurts. I found it better doing it myself.

never2late70 - :hugs:

wantbabysoon - Dont be down on yourself...you have to be positive!

azlissie - Google is the worst! Dont google neg hpt pos beta.....you get a bit excited for something that is super rare....trust me because it was only a few days ago I was doing the same. :hugs:

Ladies what is Crinone? Is it still a butt shot? I didnt have a problem with the PIO besides the pain before and after injection....and the lump on each side I got from it. I have a big butt, so sitting down was not a problem...but laying on my side hurt here and there.
Ash - That is beautiful!! I wish I had the patience and talent to make something like that. And congrats on starting soon.
Phantom- it totally depends on which meds your clinic uses. My personal nurse walked me through each and every one of my meds to ensure I knew which ones to refrigerate, which one to use, times etc. I would call them to clarify for sure:)

Michelle- thanks. Lol. I guess I just don't want to know one way or another until it's official. I would probably do the same if I would be at work but I'm still on summer break so I won't be working Friday. Best of luck to you!!!
Phantom- it totally depends on which meds your clinic uses. My personal nurse walked me through each and every one of my meds to ensure I knew which ones to refrigerate, which one to use, times etc. I would call them to clarify for sure:)

Michelle- thanks. Lol. I guess I just don't want to know one way or another until it's official. I would probably do the same if I would be at work but I'm still on summer break so I won't be working Friday. Best of luck to you!!!

Do you test this Friday?
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