IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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MrsC: That's weird that she wouldn't prescribe something, a girl I work with told me about theses pills and when I called my RE they said they are great. Not harmful at all for baby they even have a picture of a pregnant lady on the pill. It's called Diclectin. I was miserable last week, lost 5 lbs from not eating. Felt blah all day and night and could barely function. Today after sleeping 17 hours (no joke) I finally have an appetite again. Feels good to be able to eat and not feel nauseous.

Lindsay: The link MrsC shared is how I calculated mine as well and I confirmed with my RE that it is correct.

She said she would but she wanted me to try stuff at home first. If it continues or gets worse I just have to call and ask for it. The only time I don't feel like eating is in the morning. I need to fix that part. I wish I could sleep for 17 hours. I must admit I'm a little jealous!

One~ Thats not that far away! Fx for you.
Mrsc and Lindsey- love that site cause it goes by retrieval date. And yes the two weeks prior to ovulation count cause "normal" people know when their period is but not when they ovulated/conceived. Only weird thing on that page is it says when movement starts and supposedly for me that is sept 5 which ummm pretty clearly is wrong

I think they must mean you feel movement. I know yours was dancing up a storm way before that.
AFM - I just got back from my scan and everything's looking good. My lining is 7.5mm I have 4 follicles so far. Two on the left side and two on the right. They're about 8mm a piece. I'm a little worried that they may cancel the cycle since it's so early in the process and I already have 4 but I think it will be okay, they probably all won't get big enough to be considered mature. I haven't gotten the call yet about what dose of Gonal F to give myself but I can only guess that they're going to lower my dose from 75units to 37.5 units. That's what they've been doing. At least I know I'm a good responder so when I move to IVF I should get lots of follicles! :) Gotta look on the bright side

Ash--I hope that this is good news! You know, between human biology and all of the hormones and medical procedures, we never know until the time is upon us! Good luck...keep those babies slowly growing :)

almosthere - Dont worry...my DH has Azoospermia, which is NO sperm(easier terms ...no fishies in his sperm that comes out). At first we were told it was a blockage, but when we did a TESE(Testicular Sperm Extraction) they found some sperm and figured it could be a reproduction issue. ICSI (where they put the sperm directly into the egg) was preformed on all my eggs. If there is a sperm issue, thats usually what they do. There is always ways around things.

Lindsay - Im sooo excited for you!! :happydance:

MrsC - Thank you! Doing better now...started spotting, AF is almost fully here! I am taking the month off....going to wait until my next AF then I will start. Ill call them with CD 1 and not sure exactly how the rest works from there. In between now and then I will do a consult with doc to see exactly around when I will start and what I will be doing exactly. Next AF should be here by first or second week of Oct. Its going to be a nice break. Im actually looking forward to it. Oh, you can update me on the front page if you like. How are you feeling?

DaisyQ - Yay! Its ok, at least one is getting nice and snug in there! :flower:

Thanks Stinas-hope AF comes soon so you can get this FET show on the road!!! And we are so incredibly lucky to have IVF with ICSI in today's world-and I am so happy they were able to find some wonderful living sperm from DH...I cannot wait to hear about your BFP in the future!!!!! :hugs:

And I saw someone said it...YES I START STIMMING!!! I am sooooooooooooooooooo excited!!!! I mean, obviously I am not doing a happy dance because I have to prick myself twice from now on instead of once, but you all know it is because it brings me a step closer each day to my BFP, eeek. I really hope this cycle works-I have not bit my nails in over 2 years and I bit them all off in nervousness and worry last night. I guess it feels more real since stims is tonight and that idea that I could just see a BFN in the end of this all makes me worry. BUT I am staying strong and will do another ivf cycle if need be :thumbup:

Hang in there! It's crazy what the waiting and anticipation does to us. I've been biting my nails too...I never do that! Best to you! xx

Ding Dong the :witch: is here, and I couldn't be happier:happydance:

Start the BCP in the morning for about 3 weeks and then on to stimming.

Happy Saturday lovely's :flower:

Prayers and Blessings,

Happy start of the process, Angie :0)

Stacy: You are still early for testing so I wouldn't stress over a negative result so early in the cycle. Blood tests are definitely more accurate so it's best to remain hopeful until then. Symptoms of PMS and Pregnancy are very close so it is hard to say what you are experiencing. I know I only get weepy during PMS and since being pregnant there are many close calls with weeping. FX that you get a positive result on Monday, Good Luck! :hugs:

Thanks! Yes--symptoms are crazy! Today I feel fine--just feel like eating lots LOL. Anyway, I'm hanging in until Monday--still no spotting for me, which is a miracle. No cramping today either. I'll take it :0)

Congrats Lindsay & Pink.

I went for my transfer today, we transferred 1 2BB and 2 morulas. The doctor said there is a 5-10% chance or triplets, which I'm very nervous about. But I'm also hopeful for having a singleton.

Happy PUPO, One! What are morulas? Don't be nervous about having triplets...it's unlikely. If it does happen--well...you'll figure it out :0) I'm guessing you'll be blessed with one or two!
One- yay!!! So excited you are PUPO!!!

Stacy- so close to Monday!!! Xoxo
One - yay for your transfer!!!

Angie - glad af came so you can get started :)

Jchic - how are you doing?
DrSquid - LOVE LOVE LOVE the new pics!! They are super clear!!!

Ash - If they cancel this IUI does it mean you still need to do one more?

almosthere - AF came full blown for me today....started off a med flow, but then holy moly...TMI but Niagra falls lol So im guessing second AF should be first week or second week of Oct. Yay for FET
OMG YAY for stimming!!!! Cant wait to see your BFP! I agree...god bless technology today!

Teapot - Thank you! Im not sure if you said whats next for you?

Lindsay - I hope it survives the thaw...thats what im worried about. Im hoping its our miracle baby that just wanted to be the center of our universe, thats why it survived to freeze stage and thats why this cycle didnt work....its good to hope right? lol
Are you feeling any different? When is your next beta? Do you think its one or two?

MrsC - I really hope 5 weeks flies by and DH comes home safely! :flower: I have never been to Oregon. You should come visit NJ...there are a lot of us on here that can show you around! It would be good while DH is away!
I might have to try the acupuncture....I do get headaches too!

One - Good luck!!!! Dont be nervous! Anything you get is meant to be! More to love!

As for me....AF is here and she is letting me know she is here! I think its been years since it was this heavy. :dohh: Lucky me...figures....when I work a double AF is ALWAYS here...just my luck. Whatever...glad she is here and hopefully when she leaves she will visit sooner rather than later! Lets get this show on the road!
Morning all - how is everyone!?

All I seem to be lately is unbelievably tired! IVF is not just emotionally draining I think but physically draining too! Now I know the menopur contains lactose I've been much stret with the sickness and dizziness!

Slightly worried what the scan tomorrow shows, petrified that they're not growing the way they should (it my womb lining is not thick enough) and its either going to be cancelled or result in a no! I know it's stupid to think like this but I can help it :(

How are the girls doing who are PUPO?
OneOf - yay! :dance: Congrats on being PUPO! Will you test before the 4th?

Never - keeping everything crossed that this round works out perfectly for you :dust:

Stinas - I like your thinking about your frostie :thumbup: Stay positive!

Likkle - Try not to stress :hugs: I'm sure today's scan will go fine. Good luck!

Almost - how was your first stimm?!

MrsC - just out of interest, what kind of things has the dr asked you to try at home to help the ms? Hope some of them are working! :hugs:
Stinas- I love the "miracle baby"!!! I'm an only child. My mom got pregnant 4 times after me all MC's. So that's why she called me :). I'm feeling eh. Not 100% - little queasy but I also didn't sleep well last night. Other than that I'm reallytred mid-day, hot flash a lot, and my sense of smell is unreal!!! Lol. I'm up at 5am because my second beta is this morning. So I'm erring ready and heading there!
oneof14 - congrats on being pupo with triplets :o are you going to test before your beta?

Likklegemz - good luck with your scan, hope it goes well

Lindsay18 - good luck from your second beta!

AFM - I'm on my 5th day of stimming, tonight I have to add orgalutran so I don't spontaneously ovulate, then tomorrow I start injecting hgh :) Scan is in a few days, can't wait to see when my retrieval will be, I'm guessing towards the end of this week.
Hi ladies

New to this forum...

I am currently due to start stimming in the next few weeks (menopur) and this is our first IVF cycle.

Anyone else at a similar stage? I am taking BCP at present and will start Synarel this week...really anxious to get started!

Twinkle xx
Hi Twinkle!!! Welcome:) there are several ladies right around the same stage as you on here!!! Take a peek at the first post on the thread- Mrs. C does an awesome job keeping everyone's stage updated!!! Best of luck to you and the start of your first cycle!!! So exciting :)
Mrs C does an awesome job keeping an eye on all all! ;)

Next scan tomorrow, hoping we'll fin out how they're doing by then! Hoping for egg collection thursday or Friday this week - waiting is killing me! Bit of a long shot any suggestions that I can do to help them grow?
Yay, Likkle! Nope- just follow what the doctor says. They grow a lot quicker towards the end right before retrieval. No worries:). Can't wait to hear your report!!
Hi ladies bad news, no stimming last night-i was missing my PEN!!! The on call nurse said stick with 10units of lupron again so I did that. CVS caremark did not give me my stimming pen or enough follistim-only one tube of 900-got very angrey and upset and balled last night-not just from the missing pen and delaying my cycle with everything by a day, but from hearing about dh's permanent infertility and about having to do ivf in general-it all just came out in tears last night. BUT today is a new wonderful day and I get to start stimming...finally!!!
Almost- awwww don't cry, love!!! It's an extremely emotional process!! We've all been there, girl! I did the Follistim pen too. That one isnt that bad:) good luck tonight!!!
almost: Yay for starting stimming tonight!! Pharmacies really stink when it comes to large orders of meds.... I have to go through mine with a fine tooth comb to make sure everything is there... I always go through it at the counter..I pull everything out and then check it and put it back in the bag! Last cycle I wrote down everything I needed, the amount, the dosage and everything on a card and handed it to the tech. Since I had refills the RE nurse didnt call in a new rx. Well, when I went to pick up the bag it didn't seem right and HALF of the meds were missing! I was like, okay I am missing several items. But if I would have gotten home and not realized it I would have been screwed :( Glad the nurse thinks it will be okay to start tonight. Good luck!!

H twinkle! Welcome!

Likkle: Dont worry! They will grow! Then when you do the trigger shot they grow to their final size :) They always seem to have the largest growth in the last few days. Good luck!

AFM: Last BCP tonight!! THANK GOD! I hate them :( And my ticker says only 15 days until EC!! OMG!!!
Yay MoBaby! BCPs stink!

Nurse just called with my second beta:). She said it should have been at least 169 and mine is 210 so moving right along!!! First ultrasound is a week from today:)
Hi ladies

New to this forum...

I am currently due to start stimming in the next few weeks (menopur) and this is our first IVF cycle.

Anyone else at a similar stage? I am taking BCP at present and will start Synarel this week...really anxious to get started!

Twinkle xx

Welcome :hi:

Mrs C does an awesome job keeping an eye on all all! ;)

Next scan tomorrow, hoping we'll fin out how they're doing by then! Hoping for egg collection thursday or Friday this week - waiting is killing me! Bit of a long shot any suggestions that I can do to help them grow?

Don't worry they will get to where they need to in time. The RE's know what they are doing.

Hi ladies bad news, no stimming last night-i was missing my PEN!!! The on call nurse said stick with 10units of lupron again so I did that. CVS caremark did not give me my stimming pen or enough follistim-only one tube of 900-got very angrey and upset and balled last night-not just from the missing pen and delaying my cycle with everything by a day, but from hearing about dh's permanent infertility and about having to do ivf in general-it all just came out in tears last night. BUT today is a new wonderful day and I get to start stimming...finally!!!

Sorry to hear about the delay but glad you are back on track!

almost: Yay for starting stimming tonight!! Pharmacies really stink when it comes to large orders of meds.... I have to go through mine with a fine tooth comb to make sure everything is there... I always go through it at the counter..I pull everything out and then check it and put it back in the bag! Last cycle I wrote down everything I needed, the amount, the dosage and everything on a card and handed it to the tech. Since I had refills the RE nurse didnt call in a new rx. Well, when I went to pick up the bag it didn't seem right and HALF of the meds were missing! I was like, okay I am missing several items. But if I would have gotten home and not realized it I would have been screwed :( Glad the nurse thinks it will be okay to start tonight. Good luck!!

H twinkle! Welcome!

Likkle: Dont worry! They will grow! Then when you do the trigger shot they grow to their final size :) They always seem to have the largest growth in the last few days. Good luck!

AFM: Last BCP tonight!! THANK GOD! I hate them :( And my ticker says only 15 days until EC!! OMG!!!

Yeah for no more BCP's! 15 days will fly by!

Yay MoBaby! BCPs stink!

Nurse just called with my second beta:). She said it should have been at least 169 and mine is 210 so moving right along!!! First ultrasound is a week from today:)

Wow things are moving so fast for you, my first us is Sept 5. Great second beta so excited for you to see how many are in there.
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