IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Almost- I'm not familiar with that protocol. They sure sound like they know what they're doing though!! Did you decide not to wait and do another round right away?
4ever - :hugs:

TwoRdue - Welcome and sorry for your losses. I ate pineapple core for five days ans walnuts the day of and after transfer. I hope they help :)
4ever - :hugs:

TwoRdue - Welcome and sorry for your losses. I ate pineapple core for five days ans walnuts the day of and after transfer. I hope they help :)

Thank you Michelle.
I will be trying it all on my next tww and I have also been told to avoid any seafood in the tww as well? Has anyone herd of this?
4ever - :hugs:

TwoRdue - Welcome and sorry for your losses. I ate pineapple core for five days ans walnuts the day of and after transfer. I hope they help :)

Thank you Michelle.
I will be trying it all on my next tww and I have also been told to avoid any seafood in the tww as well? Has anyone herd of this?

I haven't heard of the no- seafood. I ate seafood once during my wait and then again the day of my positive test lol!
AFM: (I posted this on another page--sorry if it's redundant!) Here's the message the nurse left today--I'll call tomorrow for clarification, but thought maybe someone else could shed some light

Doing a No OCP estrogex cycle--monitor for surge-start estrace 2mg am/pm 7 days after surge until day 1 of period, after period starts, add ganerelix (or subter?) on day 8, 9, 10 in the AM and continue with estrace until get period. Call day 1 get estrace, suppression day 2, start medication Going in on 9/5 for bloodwork only (no ultrasound).

Anyone familiar with this protocol?
It sounds like estrogen priming protocol.... Thats all I know lol. Sorry AF got you :( FX for the next cycle!

really?? okay I am new to this and feel so lost/frustrated not being able to talk with a nurse without having to call and leave a voice mail first-b.c from hear on our with my new job when the nurse calls I can't answer-I will be at work!! =( but glad to hear you had extra lupron-do dr's stop the lupron meds at some point during stimming or is it taken the whole time with stimming??? thanks for the help!
I hate that also. The RE nurse used to answer the phone but now its leave a message first... Since I work at a hospital when I leave a message we end up playing phone tag because I'm usually involved in a procedure when she calls back. Anyways, I dont know what does lupron you are on, but with my failed cycles I used 20 then decreased to 5 the whole cycle and I had one of those 14 day kits and I had at least 1/4 of the bottle left. What protocol are you on?

Bubu: FET soon!!! YIPPIE!! FX all those embies make it and you can implant all 3!!! This is going to be it for you :)
Hey Ladies!! Sorry I went MIA for a few months but I just had to take a little break from thinking about ttc because it was starting to drive me crazy. I have missed so much on here.. Congratulations to all the bfp's and H&H 9 months!! :hug: to all the ladies that got a bfn :nope:and I pray that your bfp is waiting for you on the next try. I will try to get all caught up with all the posts soon.

AFM~ After my chemical with the last IVF, I got a natural bfp but also resulted in another very early chemical :cry:. I am now moving on to IVF #2 and hope it ends with a bfp. RE had me start estrace about a week ago and I had the impression that I would continue them for another week at least, but my last dose is tomorrow :happydance:. AF started on the 25th earlier than expected and this morning I had an appointment with RE and he told me to take last estrace tomorrow and start stims on Sunday :happydance:. I'm super excited as I was totally not expecting to start stims so soon. As excited as I am, I'm also super scared of another failed cycle but I'm going to try to let the positive thoughts take over. I'm looking forward to sharing my 2nd IVF journey with you wonderful ladies because i don't know what I would've done without your support the 1st round. I look forward to each and everyone's bfp really soon.
Lulu- I wasn't able to share in your first journey and am so sorry about your results:(
But I am SOOOO excited for youto start your second cycle and the fact that I can share in that!! Xoxo
Hey Ladies!! Sorry I went MIA for a few months but I just had to take a little break from thinking about ttc because it was starting to drive me crazy. I have missed so much on here.. Congratulations to all the bfp's and H&H 9 months!! :hug: to all the ladies that got a bfn :nope:and I pray that your bfp is waiting for you on the next try. I will try to get all caught up with all the posts soon.

AFM~ After my chemical with the last IVF, I got a natural bfp but also resulted in another very early chemical :cry:. I am now moving on to IVF #2 and hope it ends with a bfp. RE had me start estrace about a week ago and I had the impression that I would continue them for another week at least, but my last dose is tomorrow :happydance:. AF started on the 25th earlier than expected and this morning I had an appointment with RE and he told me to take last estrace tomorrow and start stims on Sunday :happydance:. I'm super excited as I was totally not expecting to start stims so soon. As excited as I am, I'm also super scared of another failed cycle but I'm going to try to let the positive thoughts take over. I'm looking forward to sharing my 2nd IVF journey with you wonderful ladies because i don't know what I would've done without your support the 1st round. I look forward to each and everyone's bfp really soon.

Hi Lulu, I am so sorry to hear about you chemical pregnancy's, we all cant help but get excited when you see a BFP and makes it that much more heart breaking and I wish you all the best in your next lot of IVF. I have one embryo left (I had five) my third ended in a miscarriage six months ago, I just used my fourth only to get a BFN. I to like you am freaking out but cant help but get excited all at the same time it is such an emotional roller coaster.... I hope you get you BFP soon.x
Pineapple etc- I think it is all hokum however that being said... People say to eat ONLY the core and not the meat. Just putting this out there preemptively before someone eats both and then reads somewhere that you aren't meant to eat the meat. I ate a ton of regular pineapple (cause they had it at work), no core. Ate seafood, didn't rest after transfer etc... Ymmv
Hey Ladies!! Sorry I went MIA for a few months but I just had to take a little break from thinking about ttc because it was starting to drive me crazy. I have missed so much on here.. Congratulations to all the bfp's and H&H 9 months!! :hug: to all the ladies that got a bfn :nope:and I pray that your bfp is waiting for you on the next try. I will try to get all caught up with all the posts soon.

AFM~ After my chemical with the last IVF, I got a natural bfp but also resulted in another very early chemical :cry:. I am now moving on to IVF #2 and hope it ends with a bfp. RE had me start estrace about a week ago and I had the impression that I would continue them for another week at least, but my last dose is tomorrow :happydance:. AF started on the 25th earlier than expected and this morning I had an appointment with RE and he told me to take last estrace tomorrow and start stims on Sunday :happydance:. I'm super excited as I was totally not expecting to start stims so soon. As excited as I am, I'm also super scared of another failed cycle but I'm going to try to let the positive thoughts take over. I'm looking forward to sharing my 2nd IVF journey with you wonderful ladies because i don't know what I would've done without your support the 1st round. I look forward to each and everyone's bfp really soon.

Welcome back Lulu! :hi: Sorry to hear about the other chemical. My fingers are crossed tightly for your bfp and a sticky one. Sounds like things are moving right along for your next IVF. How exciting to be starting stims again. There are a few others who are starting around the same time. :thumbup:
Lulu - Im sorry for your losses! Yay for starting stims!! Good luck this cycle!

Drsquid - I dont believe in all that stuff either! I used to when I started TTC, but I think its all BS. They say walnuts are good too...I ate a ton and still ended up with a BFN(didnt eat them because of that, I just like them).
Lulu- I wasn't able to share in your first journey and am so sorry about your results:(
But I am SOOOO excited for youto start your second cycle and the fact that I can share in that!! Xoxo
Thank you so much and congratulations on your BFP!! H&H 9 months and can't wait for the updates!!
Hi Lulu, I am so sorry to hear about you chemical pregnancy's, we all cant help but get excited when you see a BFP and makes it that much more heart breaking and I wish you all the best in your next lot of IVF. I have one embryo left (I had five) my third ended in a miscarriage six months ago, I just used my fourth only to get a BFN. I to like you am freaking out but cant help but get excited all at the same time it is such an emotional roller coaster.... I hope you get you BFP soon.x
Thanks and I'm so sorry about your losses:hugs:. I hope this last embryo is your forever baby and you'll be in my prayers!

Welcome back Lulu! :hi: Sorry to hear about the other chemical. My fingers are crossed tightly for your bfp and a sticky one. Sounds like things are moving right along for your next IVF. How exciting to be starting stims again. There are a few others who are starting around the same time. :thumbup:
Thanks MrsC!! Congratulations on your BFP!! I can't believe you're having TWINS.. How exciting!! I hope your pregnancy goes by super smoothly and you have 2 beautiful and healthy babies in your arms!
Lulu - Im sorry for your losses! Yay for starting stims!! Good luck this cycle!

Drsquid - I dont believe in all that stuff either! I used to when I started TTC, but I think its all BS. They say walnuts are good too...I ate a ton and still ended up with a BFN(didnt eat them because of that, I just like them).
Thank you so much and I hope your next cycle brings you your BFP!
I was told that trying these different food they do not always work but can help towards a BFP. Apart from the fact I have lost my tubes I have know reason the doctors said that I should not get pregnant, I am very fertile and my OH has excellent swims but with everything its a hit or miss. I am up to try and do anything to help it along even if it means I have to eat yams YUCK!!!!
With all this talk of trying things I have to ask... Does anyone watch Army Wives? :blush: The episode last night went over this kind of stuff a little bit and I couldn't help but relate to her struggle.
I understand the fact that you would try anything to help get that BFP, dont get me wrong, I have, but after trying and trying, I have given up on those myths. If its going to happen, its going to happen at this point.
Welcome back hiccups! Yay for starting a new cycle

oneof14 - its so hard to hold out on testing isn't it. I say to my self everytime, I'll wait til my beta, but I always test before

michelle01 - can you post a pic of these tests? If tomorrow's is darker that's a good sign!

TwoRdue - fx the embie left is your little one

almostthere - I haven't been on Lupron so can't help you there. Sucks about your meds not being sorted out yet, stress you don't need! I can never get through to my nurses either, they are always busy with another patient. Yum brownies, I might just have to make some too :)

4everyoung - I'm so sorry for your BFN :hugs: I haven't heard of that protocol sorry

Welcome back Lulu 07, we went through a cycle together back in may. Sorry to hear about your second early mc, that must have been so hard for you big :hugs: Has your doc run a mc workup since your second mc? Yay for starting a new cycle!

AFM - I really starting to feel bloated and uncomfortable, hoping that means I have lots of eggies! Have my scan tomorrow morning and hoping they will tell me to trigger tomorrow night
Hello Ladies! I am so sorry for not being around lately. With all the family stuff going on and now I have been back at school getting my classroom all set up and everything so things have been a bit crazy. I’m going to try to get caught up with everyone and be better about staying up to date. I’ve been thinking about all of you even if I haven’t been commenting.

MrsC- How are you feeling? I watched Army Wives last night, could completely relate to what Charlie was going through. BTW, thank you VERY much for keeping the first page up. It is very helpful!

Lindsay, Want, and Pink CONGRATULATIONS!!! I’m so happy for you all!

Michelle- Good Luck on Friday!

LuLu- I’m sorry about your chemicals. Hopefully this is your cycle!

Tw- When will you do your FET?

Drs- Love the pics of the twins! How are you doing?

Almost- I’m sorry for your frustration, that is tough. Hopefully they get it all figured out soon!

4ever- I’m so sorry AF showed up. I’m not sure what all that is. Good Luck with getting started again though.

Jchic- Yay for being PUPO!!

Hiccups- Yay for getting started!

One- I hope you feel better!

Stinas-Best of luck with your FET (I know its still a little bit off).

Jenn- How are you feeling? I can’t wait to hear about your US next week!

Broody- How are you doing?

Bubu- How are your frosties doing?

TTB- How’s the stimming going?

Likkle- 7 is good!

Twinkle- Welcome and good luck!

Haj- I love your bump pic!

I KNOW I missed people and I’m sorry! Thinking of all of you!

AFM, AF showed up last Thursday and I started BCP’s yesterday. I go on the 12th for suppression check. Hopefully stimming a little while after that. I will be using Gonal F and Menopur along with Human Growth Hormone. We are doing the antagonist approach this time so I am not sure what meds they will be giving me to keep from ovulating. If all goes as planned I should have ER and ET the last week of Sept or first week of October. Fingers crossed it all goes as planned. :o)
Hiccups - good luck with your first Lupron injection!!

4Ever - I don't know anything about that protocol, sorry! Hope it brings you your bfp though!

Lulu - welcome back! So sorry to hear about your second chemical :hugs: Fx'd for this cycle! I should be starting stimms at the end of the week so only a few days ahead of you!

TTB - good luck with your scan today! Hope you get the all-clear to trigger!

Almost - I can't believe there's been another mistake with your meds! What a mess!!

BOMO - I'm doing good thanks. Tiny bit of bruising on my stomach now - I think that's because I'm starting to use repeat sites... Going in for down-reg scan on Thurs so hoping to get the go head to start stimms then :D I've been back to school trying to get my room ready too - was there for hours yesterday and feel like I got nothing done!:dohh: Too much chatting!:blush: Good luck with this cycle - I hope the new meds do the trick for you:thumbup: Oct will be here before you know it!
I am waiting for AF at the moment, just a day or two away and then I will be able to do FET within the month but I wont find out if I am doing a natural cycle or pessaries again until I call through, I hope they op for a natural cycle. Fingers crossed
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