IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Azlissie I hope you get the answers soon. This IVF journey contains lots of hurdles I'm discovering but hopefully you'll get your BFP soon

TTB, thanks hun! I'm feeling much better this morning. Still a bit bloated but it seems to be settling down now. Sorry if this is TMI but I can't stop going to the toilet! :( didn't sleep very well last night, waiting on my clinic now to find out how we got on. Depending on the results it might be a 3 day transfer (Mon) or blast (Wed) so well definitely be on thr 2ww together

How's everyone else doing this morning
Hi everyone

Michelle I'm really sorry :(

Daisy great beta :)

Want great beta :)

Just a question, I woke up last night with bad cramping. The worst yet. Do you think it's a bad sign? It went away quite quickly and hasn't come back but it has scared me to death. What you think??

Pink xx
Pink - Cramping is pretty Normal through first tri :) I wouldnt worry unless its severe.
Thanks Jess. It was pretty severe but didn't last long. I broke out in a sweat it hurt that bad. X
Of the 9, 8 were mature and fertilised but 4 fertilised abnormally. That leaves us with four! Which is awesome just worried why the others fertilised the way they did

Clinic wants us to have a 3 day transfer rather than blast so am a bit gutted but ill definitely be 2ww buddies with you TTB

Emotions all over the place
Pink- I've had that too and it was also in the middle of the night. I was told its totally normal and that different intensities of cramping will come and go for several months while everything is adjusting and stretching in there ;). I wouldn't be worried unless its extremely frequent and debilitating. Xoxo
Congratulations to the new BFPs! First Tri will be lucky to have you guys posting there, too!

PUPO ladies, I'm looking forward to your good news coming soon!

There's been some nice reports from ERs and fertilization reports, so yay for that, too! Not long before you ladies are in the TWW, too.

I'm so sorry for those of you who haven't got your BFPs this cycle. Sometimes IVF reminds me of labor; nobody really wants it, but you go through what you've got to go through to get that baby into your arms. So, just like labor, deep breath and back at it. You can do this, and it will be so worth it! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you all.

Pink, I cramp pretty badly if I try to hold my urine for too long. Did you by chance have to go when those cramps woke you? I agree that cramping is normal in the first tri - I spent the first six weeks sure that I felt my period coming on because of the cramps I kept getting. I hope it was just the baby deciding that he/she needed more space all of a sudden.

AFM: just scheduled the 20 week anatomy scan! I can't wait to see J&H again and show them how big their baby is getting. For them, living a thousand miles away, it's still kind of unreal. I'm going to love seeing it suddenly get real!
OMG!!!! Here it is! MY BFP!!! I can't believe it! I wasn't going to test until my beta on Tuesday but I woke up this AM and felt like I was OUT! Like AF was coming so I wanted to be prepared and there it is! Only after holding my pee for 1 hour! This is a legit line right? SO EXCITED and nervous!!!! :bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp:


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Yay!!!! So amazing Jess! Congratulations lady!
Hi Ladies: I haven't posted much lately because, well quite frankly I have been pretty sad and feeling defeated. I checked out My RE/FS success rates in my age group (41) and according to the SART website (which only lists 2010 and earlier) there were 0/12 live births from women in my age group who used their own eggs. The same went for the only other RE/FS is my town. ZERO :nope:

I called my clinic yesterday obviously gutted and she verified that the information I had read was true. NO over 40 live births in 2010. She was going to get me the data from 2011 and 2012. I mean they told me it would be "challenging" from the get go, but didn't tell me it was damn near impossible. I mean don't get me wrong, there were a very few couple of pregnancies, but none made it to term. How crushing is that? I don't want to use a donor egg.

Here is a link to the national website so if ya;ll want to check out your own

AZliss: I know this may be helpful to you since we both live in the same town. It looks like Dr G has better stats than Dr H, so you may just want to stay where your at or go out of town. Of course I dont know how old you are so that could be huge deciding factor :shrug:

Michelle: I am absolutely crushed for you :cry: When I saw your post is when I looked up all the stats :nope:

Daisy, Want, Jchic and any other BFP's I may have missed super, super thrilled for you! :happydance:

All of you starting, stimming and waiting, Prayers and blessings headed your way.:flower:

As for me. I am going to follow through with this cycle because it means so much to my husband, (he has no children of his own), but I most likely will not be doing another after this. Start Stims on 9/26 :thumbup:

Are there any successful over 40 ladies on here? :shrug:

Sorry to be a downer for sure.

MrsC - a weekend away with hubby sounds lovely, you are one strong lady going for weeks without seeing your DH

TwoRdue - I know what you mean about the tww, worst part of the whole process!

azlissie - hope your appt goes well on Tuesday

Likklegemz - did you do icsi? Def ask your doc about 4 fertilizing a normally, it might just be one of those random one off things. Yay for being 2ww buddies, I can't wait for both of us to get a BFP together :)

jchic - Huge congrats!!! So happy for you! That's a good BFP right there, nice and strong. Your 11dpo right?

Didn't go thru ICIS was just IVF, will ask thou as that does seem like a high number of abnormals! Hopefully it won't matter and I'll get a BFP with you anyway!!
never2late70 - sorry to hear your having such a rough time! Big :hugs:. Hope the clinic calls you back soon with the 2011 and 2012 results.

Without getting to EC yet I would find it hard to pull the pin on the whole ivf idea. I know you didn't get as many follicles as hoped last cycle, but would it the worth going ahead with EC next tme regardless of the numbers? Some ladies have success with just 1 egg!

Are you able to travel to a clinic that perhaps has better results for your age group?

I agree with you on the whole donor egg thing. My FS bought it up last appt (before this cycle) as something to look at if this cycle doesn't have a better result. I was just sitting there thinking are we seriously there already? It's something I have never considered or thought I would have to do.
Thanks TTB :hugs:

Those stats are nationwide :nope: Anyone 39 and older have a 6- 9% chance of carrying a baby to term with no health risks or miscarriage. Using their own eggs. The big 30 to 50% success rate in that age group comes from donor egg.

IVF is such a freaking emotional roller coaster no matter what age you are.

I need to snap out of and think that I may be one of the 6-9% :thumbup:
Its so hard though, and so damn expensive.

Over 40 with IVF donor eggs Celine Dion. Mariah Carey, Jennifer Lopez and most recently Uma Thurman.. I just don't know if I could do that..not too mention its 8 MORE thousand dollars.
OMG!!!! Here it is! MY BFP!!! I can't believe it! I wasn't going to test until my beta on Tuesday but I woke up this AM and felt like I was OUT! Like AF was coming so I wanted to be prepared and there it is! Only after holding my pee for 1 hour! This is a legit line right? SO EXCITED and nervous!!!! :bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp:

Jess, I'm so excited for you! Yay! :happydance:
J: OMG!!! CONGRATS!!! Thats a beautiful bfp!!!!!! :)
Don't remember the last time I updated but here goes nothing...

I had my scan this morning, I have 5 follicles over 12mm on the right side alone along with a good amount under 10mm and on the left side I have 1 or 2 (can't remember as I was in shock) follicles measuring about 16mm so needless to say the doctor wanted to cancel my cycle. Which makes perfect sense, it does seem crazy to keep going and trigger with that many opportunities. She said that 12 doesn't necessarily mean that the eggs are mature however sometimes they are and you just never know. So I told her that if my opinion mattered at all that we would continue on with this cycle only because IUI hasn't worked in the past even when I had 3 mature follicles and since my insurance company won't let me move on until I've completed 6 IUI cycles and this is my 6th one. If we cancel this one, I'll have to do one more IUI again before they'll let me move onto IVF and I'm just not really prepared to do that since IVF got put on hold once before. I also let her know that I would be willing ro reduce if anything crazy should happen. She said that she agrees 100% with me (even though there are risks), and although we are taking a risk with having to reduce she said that it would really be a shame to cancel this cycle. She said she would e-mail my doctor and get his advice and his opinion but most likely will be triggering tonight IUI monday morning and then deal with whatever happens at that point.

Obviously I have to think that they want to move onto IVF because they get paid more and I understand that and know that I can't take all of their advice seriously because people do have their own motives, however, IUI just isn't working ... and reduction would be hard but I feel like not as hard as if I just cancelled it and being a mom was put off for even longer. Any other advice would be appreciated .. obviously I've kind of made up my mind but if I'm not thinking of something please point it out!

Can't really read everyone's updates right now as OH and I are painting our bedroom today and have lots of other things to do but I hope everyone else is okay and keeping the faith, for those that got BFP's huge congrats!
Hi everyone

Michelle I'm really sorry :(

Daisy great beta :)

Want great beta :)

Just a question, I woke up last night with bad cramping. The worst yet. Do you think it's a bad sign? It went away quite quickly and hasn't come back but it has scared me to death. What you think??

Pink xx

Cramping is normal. The only time you should really worry is if there is spotting. Otherwise trust that everything is ok. With that being said I had horrible cramping one night for so long that I ended up in the emergency room. It went away after an hour or two but then I was sent home with nothing found. Turns out I had (still have) that huge cyst and it was doing something to cause me to feel that much pain. Just wanted to let you know incase it could be something like that but there is nothing to worry about. Just take it easy and make sure you are getting lots of rest.

Of the 9, 8 were mature and fertilised but 4 fertilised abnormally. That leaves us with four! Which is awesome just worried why the others fertilised the way they did

Clinic wants us to have a 3 day transfer rather than blast so am a bit gutted but ill definitely be 2ww buddies with you TTB

Emotions all over the place

4 is good! Those will become your LO(s). How many are you planning on putting back?

Congratulations to the new BFPs! First Tri will be lucky to have you guys posting there, too!

PUPO ladies, I'm looking forward to your good news coming soon!

There's been some nice reports from ERs and fertilization reports, so yay for that, too! Not long before you ladies are in the TWW, too.

I'm so sorry for those of you who haven't got your BFPs this cycle. Sometimes IVF reminds me of labor; nobody really wants it, but you go through what you've got to go through to get that baby into your arms. So, just like labor, deep breath and back at it. You can do this, and it will be so worth it! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you all.

Pink, I cramp pretty badly if I try to hold my urine for too long. Did you by chance have to go when those cramps woke you? I agree that cramping is normal in the first tri - I spent the first six weeks sure that I felt my period coming on because of the cramps I kept getting. I hope it was just the baby deciding that he/she needed more space all of a sudden.

AFM: just scheduled the 20 week anatomy scan! I can't wait to see J&H again and show them how big their baby is getting. For them, living a thousand miles away, it's still kind of unreal. I'm going to love seeing it suddenly get real!

I hope the scan goes well!

OMG!!!! Here it is! MY BFP!!! I can't believe it! I wasn't going to test until my beta on Tuesday but I woke up this AM and felt like I was OUT! Like AF was coming so I wanted to be prepared and there it is! Only after holding my pee for 1 hour! This is a legit line right? SO EXCITED and nervous!!!! :bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp:

:happydance: Yay! Congrats again! So excited for you!

Hi Ladies: I haven't posted much lately because, well quite frankly I have been pretty sad and feeling defeated. I checked out My RE/FS success rates in my age group (41) and according to the SART website (which only lists 2010 and earlier) there were 0/12 live births from women in my age group who used their own eggs. The same went for the only other RE/FS is my town. ZERO :nope:

I called my clinic yesterday obviously gutted and she verified that the information I had read was true. NO over 40 live births in 2010. She was going to get me the data from 2011 and 2012. I mean they told me it would be "challenging" from the get go, but didn't tell me it was damn near impossible. I mean don't get me wrong, there were a very few couple of pregnancies, but none made it to term. How crushing is that? I don't want to use a donor egg.

Here is a link to the national website so if ya;ll want to check out your own

AZliss: I know this may be helpful to you since we both live in the same town. It looks like Dr G has better stats than Dr H, so you may just want to stay where your at or go out of town. Of course I dont know how old you are so that could be huge deciding factor :shrug:

Michelle: I am absolutely crushed for you :cry: When I saw your post is when I looked up all the stats :nope:

Daisy, Want, Jchic and any other BFP's I may have missed super, super thrilled for you! :happydance:

All of you starting, stimming and waiting, Prayers and blessings headed your way.:flower:

As for me. I am going to follow through with this cycle because it means so much to my husband, (he has no children of his own), but I most likely will not be doing another after this. Start Stims on 9/26 :thumbup:

Are there any successful over 40 ladies on here? :shrug:

Sorry to be a downer for sure.


So sorry that they didn't talk with you about that before. Don't let that stop you though. I have a very good feeling that you and your DH will have a child together. I know you are sad but I hope starting will make you feel a little better.

MrsC - a weekend away with hubby sounds lovely, you are one strong lady going for weeks without seeing your DH

TwoRdue - I know what you mean about the tww, worst part of the whole process!

azlissie - hope your appt goes well on Tuesday

Likklegemz - did you do icsi? Def ask your doc about 4 fertilizing a normally, it might just be one of those random one off things. Yay for being 2ww buddies, I can't wait for both of us to get a BFP together :)

jchic - Huge congrats!!! So happy for you! That's a good BFP right there, nice and strong. Your 11dpo right?

Thank you :hugs:

Don't remember the last time I updated but here goes nothing...

I had my scan this morning, I have 5 follicles over 12mm on the right side alone along with a good amount under 10mm and on the left side I have 1 or 2 (can't remember as I was in shock) follicles measuring about 16mm so needless to say the doctor wanted to cancel my cycle. Which makes perfect sense, it does seem crazy to keep going and trigger with that many opportunities. She said that 12 doesn't necessarily mean that the eggs are mature however sometimes they are and you just never know. So I told her that if my opinion mattered at all that we would continue on with this cycle only because IUI hasn't worked in the past even when I had 3 mature follicles and since my insurance company won't let me move on until I've completed 6 IUI cycles and this is my 6th one. If we cancel this one, I'll have to do one more IUI again before they'll let me move onto IVF and I'm just not really prepared to do that since IVF got put on hold once before. I also let her know that I would be willing ro reduce if anything crazy should happen. She said that she agrees 100% with me (even though there are risks), and although we are taking a risk with having to reduce she said that it would really be a shame to cancel this cycle. She said she would e-mail my doctor and get his advice and his opinion but most likely will be triggering tonight IUI monday morning and then deal with whatever happens at that point.

Obviously I have to think that they want to move onto IVF because they get paid more and I understand that and know that I can't take all of their advice seriously because people do have their own motives, however, IUI just isn't working ... and reduction would be hard but I feel like not as hard as if I just cancelled it and being a mom was put off for even longer. Any other advice would be appreciated .. obviously I've kind of made up my mind but if I'm not thinking of something please point it out!

Can't really read everyone's updates right now as OH and I are painting our bedroom today and have lots of other things to do but I hope everyone else is okay and keeping the faith, for those that got BFP's huge congrats!

That does sound like a hard decision. I know you have made up your mind. I'm sure it is a little nerve wracking to you but I can see not wanting to give up on this cycle. No matter what you decide we will be here to support you. I hope this IUI works and you get one or two lo's with your bfp. Please keep us updated on how things go.
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