IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Ladies, I have a question/confession. Please don't judge me and also be honest with me. Last Friday I was pretty down and out about all of the insurance stuff and I was so sure IVF wasn't happening right now. So I was out with my friend having a drink and she was like you need to calm yourself down, youre going to drive yourself nuts blah blah blah. So we had gone back to her apt and she was like here and she handed me a vaporizer with weed in it she said take a few hits you'll feel so much better. Now, I'm not going to lie when I was in college I smoked but not really since then. She said to me a vaporizer is so much better then smoking it because a vaporizer takes out the toxins (which i ended up researching last night and its true.) So I had taken maybe like 3 hits from this thing. Now I feel completely awful. I've been so good with doing the right thing and keeping myself healthy and now I did this. I know weed can effect your egg quality. Now I am totally panicing that I screw up my eggs for IVF in May. That one part of me is having a heart attack and the other part of me is like you did it once, it wasnt a lot and you'll never do it again. Am I totally freaking out over nothing or do you think I couldve done some damage. Again please dont judge me, I made a very stupid decision :dohh:

HAJ- There are women in this world that smoked weed, drank alcohol, & smoked cigarettes before finding out they are pregnant. You are going to be absolutely fine! No judgment here :hugs:

I totally agree with the others don't beat yourself up about it and look forward to the journey you have ahead of you.

Well ladies AF arrived I'm back at clinic tomorrow for scan,bloods and injections can't believe it's finally here.

Yay... for AF!! :happydance:

AFM- I gave myself my first injection yesterday (hubby did the first one) I was having a proud moment. I actually enjoyed it (kinda demented.. I know) I am sick of pills though. I am so happy that Saturday marks the last day of BCP... and ughhh MY Protocol includes Doxy, this blue pill makes me and my hubby sooooo nauseous! Anyone else taking an antibiotic as a precaution?

Side note vent: I am having a hard time concentrating and I am lo-key suffering from insomnia. Am I the only one?? LOL!!!

You ladies are the best!!! I gave myself my first shot last night as well. It didn't hurt at all. I finish my last BC on Sunday. I have to take antibiotics after my retrival but dh is taking them right now
yes please dont worry, you will be fine!
MrsC- I think you're right I feel like I should be punishing myself.

I just feel like I've been struggling so much how could have I even done something so dumb. I think Friday night I was just so anxiety ridden (not an excuse) I just wasnt thinking. I acutally have really bad anxiety issues and I am on medicine, but i stopped the medicine back when we had just started to try.
DancingDiva ~ I'm really excited for you!!

Alscreetch~ Yay for starting stims. My DH and I were also put on doxy but we feel ok with it. We haven't noticed any side effects except maybe a little tirednes.

AFM ~ DH and I have made the decision not to do ICSI. We're going to let nature pick for us the best little swimmers to fetilize the eggs. I'm not as stressed now that I made a decision. I'm really excited for starting stims on Sunday!! :happydance:
DancingDiva ~ I'm really excited for you!!

Alscreetch~ Yay for starting stims. My DH and I were also put on doxy but we feel ok with it. We haven't noticed any side effects except maybe a little tirednes.

AFM ~ DH and I have made the decision not to do ICSI. We're going to let nature pick for us the best little swimmers to fetilize the eggs. I'm not as stressed now that I made a decision. I'm really excited for starting stims on Sunday!! :happydance:

yayyy!!! Good luck!!!
Haj - Really you are totally over thinking this. One time is not going to "ruin" your eggs silly girl :haha: You will be fine just get yourself healthy and concentrate on your injections and this cycle. I will admit I have slipped up a few times and smoked a cig during this whole process. I quit over a year ago but once in awhile when I have a drink and am around other people who smoke I slip up. The key for me is not to drink and then I won't even think about it, Once I start my bcp's I plan to not have any more drinks and then I will be fine :wacko:

as a disclaimer I have only done it maybe twice during the last year so don't judge me either :rofl:

alscreetch - Yay for starting shots. I can't even concentrate and I am not even starting till next month!

Mrs C and Lulu- thanks i will def give the diet a try
Haj - Really you are totally over thinking this. One time is not going to "ruin" your eggs silly girl :haha: You will be fine just get yourself healthy and concentrate on your injections and this cycle. I will admit I have slipped up a few times and smoked a cig during this whole process. I quit over a year ago but once in awhile when I have a drink and am around other people who smoke I slip up. The key for me is not to drink and then I won't even think about it, Once I start my bcp's I plan to not have any more drinks and then I will be fine :wacko:

as a disclaimer I have only done it maybe twice during the last year so don't judge me either :rofl:

alscreetch - Yay for starting shots. I can't even concentrate and I am not even starting till next month!

Mrs C and Lulu- thanks i will def give the diet a try

Blue-I would think by this point you know I am a worrier and a crazy lady :wacko: TTC conceive has literally made me mental. If I ever thought the doctor was going to get it approved I would have NEVER done it.
DancingDiva ~ I'm really excited for you!!

Alscreetch~ Yay for starting stims. My DH and I were also put on doxy but we feel ok with it. We haven't noticed any side effects except maybe a little tirednes.

AFM ~ DH and I have made the decision not to do ICSI. We're going to let nature pick for us the best little swimmers to fetilize the eggs. I'm not as stressed now that I made a decision. I'm really excited for starting stims on Sunday!! :happydance:
Yay for you & hubby!!! I agree with nature, and only use if absolutely necessary... It's crazy that we are excited to give ourselves injections...
Blue... I was hysterically rolling at your message. I appreciate the comedic values!! I've slipped and had a cigarette too, but we are all trying to better ourselves in more ways then 1... 1 every now again is better than 20 a day!!! I quit 6 months ago with Chantix. I stopped drinking caffeine too , ohhhh that was oh soooo hard! I drank two Monster energy drinks a day for 5 years. :hissy: :hissy:
AFM- I gave myself my first injection yesterday (hubby did the first one) I was having a proud moment. I actually enjoyed it (kinda demented.. I know) I am sick of pills though. I am so happy that Saturday marks the last day of BCP... and ughhh MY Protocol includes Doxy, this blue pill makes me and my hubby sooooo nauseous! Anyone else taking an antibiotic as a precaution?

Side note vent: I am having a hard time concentrating and I am lo-key suffering from insomnia. Am I the only one?? LOL!!!

I will take Doxy, but not until right around my reteival time. My hubby takes Zithromax today however as a precaution. Anyone else?

Regarding the acupuncture, I've been doing it for a few months now. We went over my diet, and she has not recommended any changes. My plan is just to eat healthfully, but nothing extreme.

Haj, no judgment from me. I'm also impressed you were able to put it on the thread! Everything will be fine!
AFM- I gave myself my first injection yesterday (hubby did the first one) I was having a proud moment. I actually enjoyed it (kinda demented.. I know) I am sick of pills though. I am so happy that Saturday marks the last day of BCP... and ughhh MY Protocol includes Doxy, this blue pill makes me and my hubby sooooo nauseous! Anyone else taking an antibiotic as a precaution?

Side note vent: I am having a hard time concentrating and I am lo-key suffering from insomnia. Am I the only one?? LOL!!!

I will take Doxy, but not until right around my reteival time. My hubby takes Zithromax today however as a precaution. Anyone else?

Regarding the acupuncture, I've been doing it for a few months now. We went over my diet, and she has not recommended any changes. My plan is just to eat healthfully, but nothing extreme.

Haj, no judgment from me. I'm also impressed you were able to put it on the thread! Everything will be fine!

Thanks love. It took me a lot to write it but I NEEDED some honest answers for my sanity.
Haj - Really you are totally over thinking this. One time is not going to "ruin" your eggs silly girl :haha: You will be fine just get yourself healthy and concentrate on your injections and this cycle. I will admit I have slipped up a few times and smoked a cig during this whole process. I quit over a year ago but once in awhile when I have a drink and am around other people who smoke I slip up. The key for me is not to drink and then I won't even think about it, Once I start my bcp's I plan to not have any more drinks and then I will be fine :wacko:

as a disclaimer I have only done it maybe twice during the last year so don't judge me either :rofl:

alscreetch - Yay for starting shots. I can't even concentrate and I am not even starting till next month!

Mrs C and Lulu- thanks i will def give the diet a try

Blue-I would think by this point you know I am a worrier and a crazy lady :wacko: TTC conceive has literally made me mental. If I ever thought the doctor was going to get it approved I would have NEVER done it.

I know I really am the same way!

Blue... I was hysterically rolling at your message. I appreciate the comedic values!! I've slipped and had a cigarette too, but we are all trying to better ourselves in more ways then 1... 1 every now again is better than 20 a day!!! I quit 6 months ago with Chantix. I stopped drinking caffeine too , ohhhh that was oh soooo hard! I drank two Monster energy drinks a day for 5 years. :hissy: :hissy:

Yes quiting was the best thing I ever did, I wish it just wasn't so hard not to think about when having a drink..I don't suppose that will ever change :dohh:
So ladies, I did my first Lupron shot last night all by myself. The anxiousness of doing it was a million time worse then the shot itself. I literally didn't even feel it. DH started his antibiotics today to prevent any infections or anything. Yesterday they had said they dont want me taking anything but tylonel once I start my stims but would perfer I started sooner so clearly i was like ok no problem. So I called them today and was like is tylonel the only medicine i can take at all right now? Because I am dying from my allergies and I've been taking Allegra...but she told me its fine to take it for the next few days if its that bad but once I start stims (tentitive may 4th) then I have to stop taking it. But I decided to stay on the safe side and just not take it. I'll take suffering allergies for a baby. I also started hardcore with eating healthy today:happydance:
Oh my goodness - I don't look at this for one day and I miss 4 pages!!!

Haj - Hope you're ok now and not stressing too much. I'm gonna blow my cover here so I can reassure you some more... I'm a midwife and every day I book newly pregnant women. We get women who smoke horrendous amounts of cigarettes a day, are on heroin, methadone, cocaine, valium, smoke cannabis all the time, drink excessive alcohol, women with BMI of 40+ and I'm almost 100% sure these ladies do not look after their bodies like we do. Well done you for caring so much about what you did to actually be worried about it. No harm will come of that, and if it helped to relax you at the time then it wasn't in vain. Very exciting about starting Lupron. In my clinic they give you a nasal spray instead of the injections. It does the same job as Lupron. Thankfully I don't have to do that as I'm on the short protocol.

Alscreetch - Down reg is down regulation. Basically what you do in the US with Lupron injections or BCP. Here (UK) we use a nasal spray or sometimes injections to "down regulate" (to quiten down the ovaries so the clinic can control the cycle). I've not heard of antibiotics for precation, don't think that's done here.

Lulu - Wow your AMH is high, hopefully lots of little eggies to fertilise! Good luck for Sunday!! :thumbup:

MrsC - I'm not doing acupuncture but don't know how much science is behind all this organic stuff! I've cut out red meat for the past 4 months but still having dairy and non-organic food. Actually sitting here eating a few jaffa cakes yum yum (not made from organic oranges!!). Well done on this thread, it's amazing!

Raelynn - Hello and welcome! :flower:

Smileykez - 2nd May will be here before you know it, how exciting!!

Dancingdiva - Good luck at the clinic tomorrow, be sure to let us all know how it goes!

AFM - Nothing new to report, going to London on Saturday til Tuesday so PLEEEASE give me loads of exciting news to read when I get back!!!

Ali :flower:
Oh my goodness - I don't look at this for one day and I miss 4 pages!!!

Haj - Hope you're ok now and not stressing too much. I'm gonna blow my cover here so I can reassure you some more... I'm a midwife and every day I book newly pregnant women. We get women who smoke horrendous amounts of cigarettes a day, are on heroin, methadone, cocaine, valium, smoke cannabis all the time, drink excessive alcohol, women with BMI of 40+ and I'm almost 100% sure these ladies do not look after their bodies like we do. Well done you for caring so much about what you did to actually be worried about it. No harm will come of that, and if it helped to relax you at the time then it wasn't in vain. Very exciting about starting Lupron. In my clinic they give you a nasal spray instead of the injections. It does the same job as Lupron. Thankfully I don't have to do that as I'm on the short protocol.

Alscreetch - Down reg is down regulation. Basically what you do in the US with Lupron injections or BCP. Here (UK) we use a nasal spray or sometimes injections to "down regulate" (to quiten down the ovaries so the clinic can control the cycle). I've not heard of antibiotics for precation, don't think that's done here.

Lulu - Wow your AMH is high, hopefully lots of little eggies to fertilise! Good luck for Sunday!! :thumbup:

MrsC - I'm not doing acupuncture but don't know how much science is behind all this organic stuff! I've cut out red meat for the past 4 months but still having dairy and non-organic food. Actually sitting here eating a few jaffa cakes yum yum (not made from organic oranges!!). Well done on this thread, it's amazing!

Raelynn - Hello and welcome! :flower:

Smileykez - 2nd May will be here before you know it, how exciting!!

Dancingdiva - Good luck at the clinic tomorrow, be sure to let us all know how it goes!

AFM - Nothing new to report, going to London on Saturday til Tuesday so PLEEEASE give me loads of exciting news to read when I get back!!!

Ali :flower:

Daisy thank you so much for putting some ease to my mind. I think I was most concerned that I may have done some damage to the quality of my eggs for this IVF coming up. I know you hear stories alll the time about people doing crazy drugs and being pregnant. I was just worried that there was a chance I ruined something.

London!!! How exciting!!! I've always wanted to go there.
Have you ladies ever heard of maca? It's supposed to help with sperm issues.I don't know if it helps in your case but maybe you guys could look into it. My DH took it a couple years back. In his first sperm analysis (not detailed one) his count was 204 million but his motility was only 30% and after he took maca for a couple months, his count was 197 million but this time it was 80% motility. I'm not sure if it was the maca that helped or other factors but I believe it did something. These numbers are from regular sperm analysis though. The recent strict sperm analysis shows his motility at 24% but he hasn't taken maca in the past year. So maybe the maca was helping after all.

Lulu - As Mrs C said, thanks for thinking of us. Unfortunately, there is no way to just take something to up hubby's sperm count. Azoospermia is diagnosed by zero sperm in the ejaculate so its normally not a quick fix issue. And, as Mrs C also said, a lot of times the only way to find any sperm is to have a biopsy done - either with a needle or an operation. My hubby just had his TESE biopsy done a few weeks ago and we were lucky to find "some" sperm in 3 out of the 5 tissue samples taken during the surgery. We froze them so now we're hoping they'll survive the defrost. If they don't, hubby will have another biopsy at egg retrieval time to try and find more fresh sperm to use for ICSI.

Mrs C - Our cruise is going to the Bahamas. We booked it months ago when we were originally planned to do IVF in April but plans have changed on the fertility front several times by now. It was going to either be our celebration cruise if IVF worked or our get away from it all to try and cope with a failed cycle. Hopefully it'll still work out that way. Of course, I can do the more fun excursions if I'm not pregnant but I'm sure I won't be heartbroken if we have to tone it down knowing that that means we'll have a little bun cooking.

What do those of you who are still in the waiting game do to pass the time? I've been trying to distract myself but it is hard not to obsess over trying to figure out when AF will show and getting our timing right. I've seen a few of you mentioning a special diet. Was that recommended to you or something you chose on your own. I've been on low carb/low sugar lately since I have PCOS and insulin resistance so I'm trying to keep by blood sugar levels down.
MrsC - I'm not doing acupuncture but don't know how much science is behind all this organic stuff! I've cut out red meat for the past 4 months but still having dairy and non-organic food. Actually sitting here eating a few jaffa cakes yum yum (not made from organic oranges!!). Well done on this thread, it's amazing!

AFM - Nothing new to report, going to London on Saturday til Tuesday so PLEEEASE give me loads of exciting news to read when I get back!!!

Ali :flower:

Thanks Ali, I wanted to make a place for us to all get together and wait with each other. I'm so happy with how many ladies we have in here, although I'm sad to see so many of us doing IVF. I really don't know about the whole organic thing either. I'm thinking that I will try to ask either the FS or one of his nurses when I go in for bloodwork about all this. I do tend to eat pretty healthy, nothing all that horrible for me. She didn't ask about my diet to being with but just handed me over these new "rule and shopping ideas." :shrug: Have fun in London and I do hope there is more exciting news in here very soon. :flower:

Mrs C - Our cruise is going to the Bahamas. We booked it months ago when we were originally planned to do IVF in April but plans have changed on the fertility front several times by now. It was going to either be our celebration cruise if IVF worked or our get away from it all to try and cope with a failed cycle. Hopefully it'll still work out that way. Of course, I can do the more fun excursions if I'm not pregnant but I'm sure I won't be heartbroken if we have to tone it down knowing that that means we'll have a little bun cooking.

What do those of you who are still in the waiting game do to pass the time? I've been trying to distract myself but it is hard not to obsess over trying to figure out when AF will show and getting our timing right. I've seen a few of you mentioning a special diet. Was that recommended to you or something you chose on your own. I've been on low carb/low sugar lately since I have PCOS and insulin resistance so I'm trying to keep by blood sugar levels down.

The cruise sounds like it will be nice. We went on a western caribbean cruise two years ago. It was so much fun! We learned a few things along the way but no matter what it is always a great time. The way you feel about your cruise/vacation is the same way we are feeling about our Hawaii trip in September. It will either be a great celebration time or a break from everything. As for passing the time... I spend it on here. :dohh: I try to take breaks every once in a while but I tend to obsess over everything IVF related. Since you mention the diet thing it reminds me that I needed to add what was written out yesterday. I really need to learn ways to back away from the computer and stop trying to figure everything out.

Going to scan the paper now...:winkwink:
Ok ladies I hope these work...

First one should be the list I was given from the acupuncturist yesterday about foods and what not. She used scratch paper and you can tell... hopefully you can still read it. The scanner made the backside of the paper come through. Oh and she couldn't figure out how to spell some things... maybe you ladies can help me out with this since I have no idea as to what she was trying to spell. :dohh:

The second one is something I thought I would share. When we went in for our IVF consult I was given the big packet of info. Well this sheet (do's and don'ts) was included. I thought it was pretty interesting and very informative.

I hope they are big enough to be seen. :flower:


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Lulu - As Mrs C said, thanks for thinking of us. Unfortunately, there is no way to just take something to up hubby's sperm count. Azoospermia is diagnosed by zero sperm in the ejaculate so its normally not a quick fix issue. And, as Mrs C also said, a lot of times the only way to find any sperm is to have a biopsy done - either with a needle or an operation. My hubby just had his TESE biopsy done a few weeks ago and we were lucky to find "some" sperm in 3 out of the 5 tissue samples taken during the surgery. We froze them so now we're hoping they'll survive the defrost. If they don't, hubby will have another biopsy at egg retrieval time to try and find more fresh sperm to use for ICSI.

FX the little guys make the defrost and you won't need another biopsy. Good luck!

Lulu - Wow your AMH is high, hopefully lots of little eggies to fertilise! Good luck for Sunday!!

Thanks, I really hope so. Have fun in London!!

Ok ladies I hope these work...

First one should be the list I was given from the acupuncturist yesterday about foods and what not. She used scratch paper and you can tell... hopefully you can still read it. The scanner made the backside of the paper come through. Oh and she couldn't figure out how to spell some things... maybe you ladies can help me out with this since I have no idea as to what she was trying to spell.

The second one is something I thought I would share. When we went in for our IVF consult I was given the big packet of info. Well this sheet (do's and don'ts) was included. I thought it was pretty interesting and very informative.

I hope they are big enough to be seen.

Which word didn't you understand on the paper? I really don't think you have to buy organic things. As long as you're eating enough veggies and try to eat gluten-free foods then you should be ok. My acupuncturist didn't tell me to just limit dairy, he said not even one drop of any type of dairy because even that throws things off. I also did the research on what dairy does to the body and it's really scary.
Hi ladies,

Just back from clinic so scan showed lining and ovaries are great, bloods done and received my bag of goodies so injections start tomorrow OMG I cant believe its actually happening now.
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