IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Drsquid, wow, seriously?!?! you offer so much hope for others, as well as some good advise.
oneof- it was because i refused to change my avatar despite hiding my tickers etc. can you tell im still bitter. thanks btw. i try. i am not the best at responding to everyone. but if i feel i can add something or know about something i like to throw it in. .
Drsquid: I look soooooo forward to all your scans and updates!
I love reading about all the BFP's and seeing ALL of the scans. I couldn't imagine being angry at someone for being successful :nope: envious, yes. Mad NO WAY!

All of you please keep up the steady positive energy!! :happydance:
I'm triggering to tonight!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!! Finally here!!!! :):happydance::happydance: my dr will do the er but not the transfer... I requested my next fav dr in the practice and they said that was fine :) yay!

:wohoo: Yeah Mobaby! Good luck!

I have another question.....so sorry for all my questions!!!

But since taking the progesterone suppository I have been getting up at least 3x every night to go pee. Is this normal? Then it takes me about 20 more minutes to fall back asleep! Needless to say I am tired!!!

I get up twice every night since starting Stims, maybe it's just preparing us for baby sitting on our bladders. LOL!

Pink - I'm happy you were finally able to get a ticker, now we can all follow how far along you are easily :)

Christie - I cannot believe you got 40 eggs, 20 embryos! That's amazing! I'm getting ready to go through IVF in October and I told my OH that I definitely want to freeze any if we get more than what we need and he's like, Ashli, that's not going to happen, the nurse said people are lucky if they get what they need and then I told him your story and now he's all yeah we should probably save up the money to freeze any! :haha: I just told him it can happen so don't rule it out! Well congrats and can't wait to hear about your bfp!

Lindsay - Sorry you were worried about the spotting but I'm happy that you were reassured and your babies aren't going anywhere!

MrsC - Congrats on being 12 weeks :)

AFM - So sorry if I missed anyone. I'm finally getting relief from my UTI ... it was so bad yesterday I was about the go to the hospital but the nurse from my clinic finally prescribed me some antibiotics for it and I'm feeling 100% better then what I felt. I still have a ways to go and I have to take 2 pills daily for the next 6 days but my goodness it was so bad! I couldn't go 5 minutes without having to pee and when I did pee it hurt so bad I wanted to cry, (it took my breath away, if that makes sense??). I'm 7 dpiui today...my boobs started hurting yesterday and that is always then normal for me about a week before AF to get sore boobs so I'm already feeling out. I know so pessimistic but I just don't have a good feeling. One more week to go, I was thinking about testing on Saturday which would be 12dpiui but we'll see what happens. I just am praying that AF comes on time if she decides to come at all that way I can start with the IVF stuff sooner!

Glad you got your meds! FX that sore boobs means BFP not AF.

Hi ladies sorry I've been distant but I've been soooo busy at work lately. I stated stimms on Sat, menopur really burns. Went in for E2 today. Estimated ER on the 19th
Thinking about you ladies hope everyone had a good weekend

Congrats on starting! Yeah Menopur sucks but it works!

Buba I'm so sorry sweetheart! Felt for sure youd get a BFP!

Greekgirl otd stands for official test date! :)

I'm good cramps are settling, discharge more or less gone away but I ache all over and my boobs are very tender - hope I'm not reading into it

Hi to everyone else x x

All good signs! :dust:

Christie - I cannot believe you got 40 eggs, 20 embryos! That's amazing! I'm getting ready to go through IVF in October and I told my OH that I definitely want to freeze any if we get more than what we need and he's like, Ashli, that's not going to happen, the nurse said people are lucky if they get what they need and then I told him your story and now he's all yeah we should probably save up the money to freeze any! :haha: I just told him it can happen so don't rule it out! Well congrats and can't wait to hear about your bfp!

Glad I could be of help with convincing the husband :)

My ET is Wednesday morning at 9am. I guess all 20 are looking good still so we will only transfer one and hope it takes.

:happydance: Glad to hear all are going strong.

Hi One :wave:
I suppose I could ask about that (the SCSA). It is 100% that we do need ICSI (because of DH's morphology and motility + general SA numbers).

Doc rang back a couple of hours ago .. have to go in for U/S day after tomorrow and I will be getting the prescription for my meds. Last stimming I did 175 units of Gonal F and this time I have to inject 200 units. Harvested eggies were OK, but perhaps they want to get even more...

Feeling a little more positive, as he said that it is definitely to be recommended to try again and he was very positive about it ...

Bubu this will be it I know it. You have such a positive attitude which is great. You will be a great mom one day.

never- fingers crossed for this round. the waiting is horrendous especially when you are getting side effects from the meds etc. glad you find it encouraging. i was essentially kicked off another thread for having the audacity to actually succeed. i think there is a fine line in these threads but people seem to be doing a pretty good job.

WHAT?! By a moderator or the ladies in there? I joined a pregnancy group but I feel so connected with the ladies in here so I stick around because I want to follow everyones journey. I know when HAj got her BFP I was so excited since looking back to the days when we were all waiting to start on this form she gave me the first hope that his could work. Now when you look back to the first several pages you see tons of tickers, makes me happy. Eventually all will have tickers and I want to be here to see it.

I hope you are feeing better soon. Colds suck!
drsquid thats terrible! we are all here trying to get our bfps and when I see success i have faith this process works! you are more than welcome here (obviously) :)
Praying- I've been getting up in the middle of the night 1-2 times ever since starting stims. Doesn't get better apparently lol!!!

Drs- I can't believe that!! I can understand them feeling envious, but don't thy want to know that it works or are they content being negative about the process?? That's ridiculous!
thanks guys. i also feel more comfy here than the pregnancy forums. i cant wait to see all of you get tickers. i know how it feels to be jealous and ive been there (we all have). and dont get me wrong i started to feel like everytime someone else got pregnant it meant i was less likely... even though i know it doesnt work that way. you cant help the way you feel, you can help the way you behave. =) ive been so happy to see so many successes on this thread. we will all get there
Hi ladies sorry I've been distant but I've been soooo busy at work lately. I stated stimms on Sat, menopur really burns. Went in for E2 today. Estimated ER on the 19th
Thinking about you ladies hope everyone had a good weekend

Yay for getting started! The 19th will be here in no time.

what is OTD? original transfer date? it was 3/9 and my beta date is on 15/9.

i will not get into symptom talk because i feel it's too early.
thanks for the wishes everyone.

Fx for you! Not much longer until you test.

Buba I'm so sorry sweetheart! Felt for sure youd get a BFP!

Greekgirl otd stands for official test date! :)

I'm good cramps are settling, discharge more or less gone away but I ache all over and my boobs are very tender - hope I'm not reading into it

Hi to everyone else x x

Fx for your bfp!

chelle- hah but squids have baby squids right =) too cute. yes im quite disappointed that they dont appear to have as many tentacles as they ought to. perhaps they will grow them later.

bubu- *hugs*

ash- my doc kept saying i wasnt gonna get any frosties, and i got 4. glad you are feeling better uti wise.

afm- yay i think ive caught a cold. woke up with a sore throat (the kind where when you breath you feel like it is getting dryer and dryer etc). so far at least today i dont have a headache...

Sorry to hear you are getting a cold. That is never fun. I hope you feel better.

My ET is Wednesday morning at 9am. I guess all 20 are looking good still so we will only transfer one and hope it takes.

Fx for your embies and Wednesday. Soon you will be PUPO!

Hi One :wave:
I suppose I could ask about that (the SCSA). It is 100% that we do need ICSI (because of DH's morphology and motility + general SA numbers).

Doc rang back a couple of hours ago .. have to go in for U/S day after tomorrow and I will be getting the prescription for my meds. Last stimming I did 175 units of Gonal F and this time I have to inject 200 units. Harvested eggies were OK, but perhaps they want to get even more...

Feeling a little more positive, as he said that it is definitely to be recommended to try again and he was very positive about it ...

I hope this new adjustment works for you.

Bubu: :hugs::cry: I am soooo sorry!

Hi Ladies! I have been lurking a bit but not posting much. Congrats to all you PUPO's, BFP's and Great fertility reports. :happydance:

Not much going on with me. Just staying super busy at work trying to pass the dang time. 2 more weeks of birth control. I go for my first set of labs and ultrasound and start stims on the 26th. The time is just dragging.
I think it is because as the months go by with BFN after BFN the fun and excitement lose it's luster :dohh:

Michelle: I hope your FS appt goes well on Monday. Thinking about you.
Oneof14: I am ALWAYS thining about you. Still crushed over your results.
AZlisse: Did you get any new tests done yet? Praying for you.

I hope all of you lovely ladies know that you're always in my prayers!

I love the fact that to me, this has turned more into a "first trimester thread" and less of a "struggling with IVF" thread. Totally gives me hope! :thumbup:

Prayers and Blessings,

I truly hope that all the success brings hope to the ladies still trying. I sometimes feel really bad about posting in here but I have to keep things updated. I want to see all you ladies with your bfp's. It will happen!

never- fingers crossed for this round. the waiting is horrendous especially when you are getting side effects from the meds etc. glad you find it encouraging. i was essentially kicked off another thread for having the audacity to actually succeed. i think there is a fine line in these threads but people seem to be doing a pretty good job.

I remember when you told me about this. It still shocks me to think that someone would get so upset rather than be supportive. There is a fine line but I agree that we do a good job in here. We have all been totally supportive.
OOO I'm also very grumpy and I normally don't get grumpy until a day or two before AF .... maybe just MAYBE I'm pregnant! :haha: FX'd. Oh and I just woke up from a 3 hour nap .. great getting to sleep tonight should be interesting!
ohhhh sounds promising Ash!!

I just did my trigger... Ovidrel 250 ug x 2.... last 2 shots... Then I started crying... Mostly because I know that I have done everything that I can up until this point and now everything is in the hands of the doctors/embryologist and b/c I am a Christian I truly believe this is in Gods hands. Secondly because this is now my third time doing this and I am trying my best to have a positive attitude this will work. I haven't had many doubts this round except the other day when I had my scan but then it was fine the next time so I took that as positive. And DH isn't around until tomorrow night so he couldn't be here with me today when I triggered- something as I view as an end to one part of this IVF process and the beginning of what WILL be something amazing and beautiful. So, now I just wait 34 hours to show up to the surgery center. In just a little over 36 hours, those eggies are coming out. I'm excited to FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY be here after 6 long months of waiting and long months of hardship and setbacks. There is a plan for all of us and everything happens the way it does for a reason.

Okay, I'm a bit hormonal today. My nips/boobs are hurting. And my pelvis hurt me all day long because I ran around a hospital wearing lead for 8 hours. Much better when I got home and sat down and relaxed. Tomorrow should be interesting. No sleep for me the next 2 nights!!

Sorry for going on and on :)
Mo- so very exciting!!! I just got teary reading it so don't worry about being hormonal!! So excited for you to be PUPO!!! This WILL be your time to see your BFP and I'm so happy to be able to hear about it!!!
So excited for you mobaby!!

I go in tomorrow for a 9:50 am arrival time and the procedure is at 10:50!!! FX this worksss!!!
sounds positive ash!

and how icky dr. squid-glad you feel comfortable here with all us!!! GOOOO IVF and ladies preg by IVF!!! =)
Christie - yay for ET on Wednesday! Do you mind me asking how old you are ?

I'm single and 34. I got tired of doing IUIs and since my insurance doesn't cover any of this I decided to jump straight to IVF instead of trying IUI with clomid.
aaahhhhh i knowww!!!! LOL...one nurse left me a voice mail saying if my transfer is not tomorrow it will be thursday...which she thought would be my 5 day transfer which freaked me out b.c obvi tomorrow is my 5 day! Soooo the next voice mail was from a nurse who sounded more like she knew it was my 5 day tomorrow and she told me I go in tomorrow at 9:50 lol. They may call me to confirm and I will be like um it has to be done today today is my 5 day not thursday! lol
Haha true!! Our clinic does 6 day transfers. But if yours does 5 say then you need to be like ummmmm it's today!!! Haha!! Then you'll be PUPO soon!!! Are you transferring 1 or 2?
My clinic is big into just transferring one excellent embryo. However, if they can't find one excellent embryo, then they will put two!
Can't wait to hear, girl!!! Text me when you're out or before or whenever!! I'm up at 5 haha!!!
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