IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Will you be testing beforehand? I remember I wasnt going to, and then the Saturday of Labor Day weekend I had finished breakfast and told DH that I was having bad cramps and was definitely not pregnant and wanted to prepare myself for the news. I ran upstairs and POAS, and wham! BFP! So DONT get discourage with cramping - its a TOTALLY good thing!
Thanks jchic I may take a nap in an hour or so-I just watched weeds with DH-3 episodes so am dizzy getting up after that, but will start drinking more water! My OTD is Friday the 21st, ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so happy for you sweetie!!! :hugs:

Looking at your dates, and trying to figure out mine....lol....if all goes well (praying) and I go according to the dates that I have....I should have my BFP results two days before my birthday!!! What an awesome birthday it will be!!!!!
Prayin - pulling hard for you! RMA is amazing and their care is top notch, so I am really hoping you get your BFP! Trust their success rates, they are some of the best in the country! All of the RMA alumni on here have gotten their BFP so I trust you are next!
ash-dh & i just started so we are on the first season still! LOL but it is a good distraction from all the ivf...I am already going crazy today thinking of my tww being 10 days long OMSGH! LoL

Jchic-I will probably test the day before....I have work next friday and will get the beta results on VM and will have to wait until I get home from work around 6pm to hear it with DH....this wait is going to kill meee!!! I am very very positive though =) I may sneak a test in earlier-I only have 2 internet cheapies on hand...
praying that sounds fantastic!! I love when things like that fall on special dates! a year from today was the day DH and I stopped BCPS and decided to start-so it was very special for my ET!!
Hi all

Sorry I haven't had time to do personals and I'm currently on my phone, not felt great the last day or so, bloated, gassy and today I've been vomiting! :( phoned my clinic and they've said to keep fluids up and call in tomorrow and they'll organise a scan of ovaries

On the bright side my two embryos that didn't get implanted are perfect and they've been frozen! Yey!
Getting - Yayy good luck with ER!!!! Whooohooo 8 eggies!!

bubumaci - Its all on how you feel....if you feel like jumping back into it, there is nothing wrong with that! At first I wanted to, but then I just got overwhelmed and decided to wait for my next AF to start our FET. My biggest regret was waiting sooo long to go to the doc while TTCing for sooo many months, but then again, never in my life did I think I would get these results. It is what it is. Do what you feel is right for you.
I think that panic is normal for all us IVF ladies. Every day is different, you just never know what it may bring. The smallest thing seems to be able to change dates....its weird, but normal.

Want - I think I would be excited to feel ms lol.....i say that now right? lol When is your scan again? I get sooo excited to see/hear about everyones scan...its like pot luck...one or two...hehe

Prayin - Neighbor!!!! I go to Valley Fertility Center in Paramus. Its super close to my house.

Phantom - ahhhhh super exciting!!!!! Are your surrogate parents(i dk what the proper name for them is called) excited?! I just want to hug you for doing what you are doing! :hugs: Its sooo nice to know that there are such wonderful people out there, you just dont see it often enough. I thought i just needed to say it again! :flower:

Amost - Yay for PUPO!!!!! :happydance:

Likklegemz - Yay for 2 :cold: :happydance:
Getting - Yayy good luck with ER!!!! Whooohooo 8 eggies!!

bubumaci - Its all on how you feel....if you feel like jumping back into it, there is nothing wrong with that! At first I wanted to, but then I just got overwhelmed and decided to wait for my next AF to start our FET. My biggest regret was waiting sooo long to go to the doc while TTCing for sooo many months, but then again, never in my life did I think I would get these results. It is what it is. Do what you feel is right for you.
I think that panic is normal for all us IVF ladies. Every day is different, you just never know what it may bring. The smallest thing seems to be able to change dates....its weird, but normal.

Want - I think I would be excited to feel ms lol.....i say that now right? lol When is your scan again? I get sooo excited to see/hear about everyones scan...its like pot luck...one or two...hehe

Prayin - Neighbor!!!! I go to Valley Fertility Center in Paramus. Its super close to my house.

Phantom - ahhhhh super exciting!!!!! Are your surrogate parents(i dk what the proper name for them is called) excited?! I just want to hug you for doing what you are doing! :hugs: Its sooo nice to know that there are such wonderful people out there, you just dont see it often enough. I thought i just needed to say it again! :flower:

Amost - Yay for PUPO!!!!! :happydance:

Likklegemz - Yay for 2 :cold: :happydance:

My scan is next Monday!
Thanks Jenn!
That is exactly how I feel! I am 37. We starting TTC right after we got married in October 2 years ago and fairly soon, I was certain that something was not right. I got tested in May last year and begged DH to get tested (which he dragged out until August) ... we couldn't get an appointment with the clinic until mid-October (so 1 year after we were trying) and it took until May for them to find a way to get sperm from DH for ICSI. I have been raring to go ever since we have found a way and get really wound up about every moment wasted (DH postponing an SA by a week etc. etc. when I want to get the earliest appointment possible).
Now that we know there is a way, I just feel frustrated by any delays ... and it is now already two years and I feel the time slipping through my fingers (I know, there is still time and it is irrational, but it is how I feel and I get all panicky).
My boss does understand and he has been very supportive (during the summer months, I have even taken a couple of days after transfer, so I can relax a bit - not having had any breaks this year). I am just concerned because I am putting myself under additional stress (which is high enough at quarter end anyway, without missing extra days) and after my last ER, I was really sore for a week and struggled with sitting for long periods...

Thank you for confirming that you feel the same way I do... :)

Wow your journey sounds remarkably like mine. I got tested three years ago and I was good, DH delayed and delayed his testing and after months of me nagging him he finally got tested. My Dr wouldn't refer us until 1 year of trying and at that point I lost my job. So add on two more years because I had to secure a job and I didn't want to go off on Mat leave my first year. All those delays stressed me so much. Then I had to wait 5 months for an MRI so the stress just kept mounting. I fought hard to start on the cycle that I did, I just knew I had to start. My RE wasn't totally convinced but I went for it and did it. The week of my ER and ET I was acting for my boss that was on Vacation, so I had a ton of work on my plate and I made it through. The two days after ER was horrible but I hobbled through. Us ladies always find the strength when we need it.

Honestly the only factor that I think you should be considering is the meds for your DH. If that could improve your chances then maybe you should wait. But you had success last time with two weeks right so it's tough. When it comes to work I wouldn't delay. It sucks when your time clock is ticking, but family first.

Good Luck in making your decision, I know you will do the right thing and whatever you choose to do will bring you closer to your BFP. :hugs:

Hi girls!
So ER went well this morning. They got 8 eggs which is about what we were expecting (although before this whole process started I'd have been hoping for closer to 15 but it's all about the quality right?!:D) Was very sick after the anaesthetic :sick: but have just woken up now after a good sleep at home and feeling much better. Even managed to have the tea and toast that dh brought me up. Gonna snuggle down with a book now or maybe get some more sleep. Talk to you all later!

:happydance: Congrats! Eight is great! FX for a good report tomorrow.

never - good to hear from you!

ash - Fingers crossed for your BFP honey!

drsquid - I don't know why some people are so negative... I love to hear from success stories because it gives me confidence in this process and to hear about all symptoms/feelings etc so we don't feel we are the only weirdos!

Lindsay - yay for your scan tomorrow!! How are you feeling?

MoBaby - ER and ET will be here before you know it... I am praying for a BFP for you!

almost - Good luck!!

gettingbroody - Yay for 8!! Get some rest ... Do you get your fert report tomorrow?

AFM, I am doing ok... Extremely exhausted by the end of the day that I have to go to bed at 9 pm almost everyday... Last night my boobs were so sore and no position was comfortable to sleep. I just keep telling myself .. This will all be worth it once we have our baby in our arms .. I am excited for my scan to find out how many beans we have! My husband feels it's 1 but I can't decide!!

I'm excited for your scan too! My hubby said one too but I guessed two. I'm always right. LOL! Have you been having weird dreams ? I have been and it wakes me up and adds to the exhaustion. I can't get comfortable either. All worth it though.

Hey everyone! Hope all is well! I've been absent from the board for a few days so I have some catching up to do. Friday I got a message from the Fertility clinic telling me to up my Estrogen injection, and if all goes well on my LAST appointment (before transfer) on Thursday, I'll be starting Progesterone this coming Friday. I can't believe I can say that Transfer is NEXT WEEK. EEk.

Good Luck.

yay getting broody GL with healing time!!!

so i am officially....i can't believe I am saying this...PUPO!!! hehe They put in one grade A blast that was expanded, so right before hatching stage, hope this is good-transfer was not painful at all and happened so fast. I am so excited!!!!

:happydance: Congrats! One of mine was expanded too and it took so hopefully the sames happens for you. :dust:

Hi all

Sorry I haven't had time to do personals and I'm currently on my phone, not felt great the last day or so, bloated, gassy and today I've been vomiting! :( phoned my clinic and they've said to keep fluids up and call in tomorrow and they'll organise a scan of ovaries

On the bright side my two embryos that didn't get implanted are perfect and they've been frozen! Yey!

Sorry you aren't feeling good. Glad to hear your embabies are safe and sound In winter wonderland.
yay jenn that makes me feel much better!

dh flipped at me for a dumb reason and I balled and got all tense and stressed for a good 20/30 minutes....could this be bad and reduce my chances of implantation since today was my transfer? I am a little crampy now from crying so hard =(
Thanks jchic I may take a nap in an hour or so-I just watched weeds with DH-3 episodes so am dizzy getting up after that, but will start drinking more water! My OTD is Friday the 21st, ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fx for you!

Hi all

Sorry I haven't had time to do personals and I'm currently on my phone, not felt great the last day or so, bloated, gassy and today I've been vomiting! :( phoned my clinic and they've said to keep fluids up and call in tomorrow and they'll organise a scan of ovaries

On the bright side my two embryos that didn't get implanted are perfect and they've been frozen! Yey!

Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. I hope that fades and the scan goes well. Good news about the 2 embies!

yay jenn that makes me feel much better!

dh flipped at me for a dumb reason and I balled and got all tense and stressed for a good 20/30 minutes....could this be bad and reduce my chances of implantation since today was my transfer? I am a little crampy now from crying so hard =(

:hugs: Try not to worry about it. Honestly my 2ww was the most stressful 2 weeks in years and I was a mess. DH and I got in to a few arguments during that time as well. Everything will be fine. I hope things get better and your cramping stops. :flower:
oh no sorry you fought too-i think he is just stressed and got ticked off easy-I am glad to hear your stress did not stop you from getting preg-I am just such a worrier but am thinking: "positive positive positive!!!!"
oh no sorry you fought too-i think he is just stressed and got ticked off easy-I am glad to hear your stress did not stop you from getting preg-I am just such a worrier but am thinking: "positive positive positive!!!!"

I was worried as well. I think the stress just gets to all of us during the ttc process. Just try to get some rest and let your little embie snuggle in.
I wish I could stay in but I have to go to the library and then to a bar to say my goodbyes to a friend heading off to Europe for a year and a half and I can't possibly miss that! I did nap for 1.5 hours so that must have given some nice snuggle time for my emby!!
6 pages since I posted!!! I had to take notes to remember everything I read hahaha!!

Almost- yay, girl!!! You're PUPO!!! Xoxo!!! So excited for the 21st now for you! I didn't test beforehand mainly because I wanted it to be official, but I was the odd man out on here for that lol. Everyone else tests haha. I would NOT worry about getting upset affecting implantation. And don't feel alone in arguments with DH! Been there many times in this journey.

Prayin- fingers crossed for your BFP ASAP!!! So pulling for you!!

Stinas- hey!! I feel like I'm waiting for your AF as much as you haha!

Getting- congrats on a very successful ER today! 8 is great! Definitely not something to be disappointed about!!

Bubu- I would feel the exact same way that you do wanting to start right away as well. And it definitely helps that your boss is so supportive. That's just wonderful!!

Want- I'm feeling pretty good. Been a little short tempered and emotional lately. Still crampy and sore boobs. But I feel good! I'm ao excited for my scan tomorrow!!! Can't wait to see the difference between the 1st and 2nd u/s pictures and I'm REALLY hoping to hear the heartbeat as well as see it!!! I'm so excited for yours next Monday!!! How are you feeling?!!

Phantom- best of luck with your transfer next week!!! How wonderful!!

Jchic- just saying hi, girl!!! So psyched for your scan Thursday!!! Can't wait to see your pic!!!

I'm sorry if I missed anyone- it does NOT mean I'm not thinking of you!!
AFM- I'm feeling pretty good!! Stomach is feeling more solid than bloated the past day or so. Boobs are sore, emotional, and still cramping off and on. Very excited for my scan tomorrow. I will definitely post an updated picture!!!
Thanks Jenn!
That is exactly how I feel! I am 37. We starting TTC right after we got married in October 2 years ago and fairly soon, I was certain that something was not right. I got tested in May last year and begged DH to get tested (which he dragged out until August) ... we couldn't get an appointment with the clinic until mid-October (so 1 year after we were trying) and it took until May for them to find a way to get sperm from DH for ICSI. I have been raring to go ever since we have found a way and get really wound up about every moment wasted (DH postponing an SA by a week etc. etc. when I want to get the earliest appointment possible).
Now that we know there is a way, I just feel frustrated by any delays ... and it is now already two years and I feel the time slipping through my fingers (I know, there is still time and it is irrational, but it is how I feel and I get all panicky).
My boss does understand and he has been very supportive (during the summer months, I have even taken a couple of days after transfer, so I can relax a bit - not having had any breaks this year). I am just concerned because I am putting myself under additional stress (which is high enough at quarter end anyway, without missing extra days) and after my last ER, I was really sore for a week and struggled with sitting for long periods...

Thank you for confirming that you feel the same way I do... :)

Wow your journey sounds remarkably like mine. I got tested three years ago and I was good, DH delayed and delayed his testing and after months of me nagging him he finally got tested. My Dr wouldn't refer us until 1 year of trying and at that point I lost my job. So add on two more years because I had to secure a job and I didn't want to go off on Mat leave my first year. All those delays stressed me so much. Then I had to wait 5 months for an MRI so the stress just kept mounting. I fought hard to start on the cycle that I did, I just knew I had to start. My RE wasn't totally convinced but I went for it and did it. The week of my ER and ET I was acting for my boss that was on Vacation, so I had a ton of work on my plate and I made it through. The two days after ER was horrible but I hobbled through. Us ladies always find the strength when we need it.

Honestly the only factor that I think you should be considering is the meds for your DH. If that could improve your chances then maybe you should wait. But you had success last time with two weeks right so it's tough. When it comes to work I wouldn't delay. It sucks when your time clock is ticking, but family first.

Good Luck in making your decision, I know you will do the right thing and whatever you choose to do will bring you closer to your BFP. :hugs:

Hi girls!
So ER went well this morning. They got 8 eggs which is about what we were expecting (although before this whole process started I'd have been hoping for closer to 15 but it's all about the quality right?!:D) Was very sick after the anaesthetic :sick: but have just woken up now after a good sleep at home and feeling much better. Even managed to have the tea and toast that dh brought me up. Gonna snuggle down with a book now or maybe get some more sleep. Talk to you all later!

:happydance: Congrats! Eight is great! FX for a good report tomorrow.

never - good to hear from you!

ash - Fingers crossed for your BFP honey!

drsquid - I don't know why some people are so negative... I love to hear from success stories because it gives me confidence in this process and to hear about all symptoms/feelings etc so we don't feel we are the only weirdos!

Lindsay - yay for your scan tomorrow!! How are you feeling?

MoBaby - ER and ET will be here before you know it... I am praying for a BFP for you!

almost - Good luck!!

gettingbroody - Yay for 8!! Get some rest ... Do you get your fert report tomorrow?

AFM, I am doing ok... Extremely exhausted by the end of the day that I have to go to bed at 9 pm almost everyday... Last night my boobs were so sore and no position was comfortable to sleep. I just keep telling myself .. This will all be worth it once we have our baby in our arms .. I am excited for my scan to find out how many beans we have! My husband feels it's 1 but I can't decide!!

I'm excited for your scan too! My hubby said one too but I guessed two. I'm always right. LOL! Have you been having weird dreams ? I have been and it wakes me up and adds to the exhaustion. I can't get comfortable either. All worth it though.

Hey everyone! Hope all is well! I've been absent from the board for a few days so I have some catching up to do. Friday I got a message from the Fertility clinic telling me to up my Estrogen injection, and if all goes well on my LAST appointment (before transfer) on Thursday, I'll be starting Progesterone this coming Friday. I can't believe I can say that Transfer is NEXT WEEK. EEk.

Good Luck.

yay getting broody GL with healing time!!!

so i am officially....i can't believe I am saying this...PUPO!!! hehe They put in one grade A blast that was expanded, so right before hatching stage, hope this is good-transfer was not painful at all and happened so fast. I am so excited!!!!

:happydance: Congrats! One of mine was expanded too and it took so hopefully the sames happens for you. :dust:

Hi all

Sorry I haven't had time to do personals and I'm currently on my phone, not felt great the last day or so, bloated, gassy and today I've been vomiting! :( phoned my clinic and they've said to keep fluids up and call in tomorrow and they'll organise a scan of ovaries

On the bright side my two embryos that didn't get implanted are perfect and they've been frozen! Yey!

Sorry you aren't feeling good. Glad to hear your embabies are safe and sound In winter wonderland.

Some of my dreams have been so weird that when I wake up I am like where did that come from... I was horse riding one day while pregnant!!!! REALLY??? Where did that come from... haha..
yay jenn that makes me feel much better!

dh flipped at me for a dumb reason and I balled and got all tense and stressed for a good 20/30 minutes....could this be bad and reduce my chances of implantation since today was my transfer? I am a little crampy now from crying so hard =(

Don't worry... Just relax and watch something funny!!
6 pages since I posted!!! I had to take notes to remember everything I read hahaha!!

Almost- yay, girl!!! You're PUPO!!! Xoxo!!! So excited for the 21st now for you! I didn't test beforehand mainly because I wanted it to be official, but I was the odd man out on here for that lol. Everyone else tests haha. I would NOT worry about getting upset affecting implantation. And don't feel alone in arguments with DH! Been there many times in this journey.

Prayin- fingers crossed for your BFP ASAP!!! So pulling for you!!

Stinas- hey!! I feel like I'm waiting for your AF as much as you haha!

Getting- congrats on a very successful ER today! 8 is great! Definitely not something to be disappointed about!!

Bubu- I would feel the exact same way that you do wanting to start right away as well. And it definitely helps that your boss is so supportive. That's just wonderful!!

Want- I'm feeling pretty good. Been a little short tempered and emotional lately. Still crampy and sore boobs. But I feel good! I'm ao excited for my scan tomorrow!!! Can't wait to see the difference between the 1st and 2nd u/s pictures and I'm REALLY hoping to hear the heartbeat as well as see it!!! I'm so excited for yours next Monday!!! How are you feeling?!!

Phantom- best of luck with your transfer next week!!! How wonderful!!

Jchic- just saying hi, girl!!! So psyched for your scan Thursday!!! Can't wait to see your pic!!!

I'm sorry if I missed anyone- it does NOT mean I'm not thinking of you!!
AFM- I'm feeling pretty good!! Stomach is feeling more solid than bloated the past day or so. Boobs are sore, emotional, and still cramping off and on. Very excited for my scan tomorrow. I will definitely post an updated picture!!!

I am feeling pretty good too.. occasional cramping, sore boobs and constipation but it's all worth it.. Good luck tomorrow!! So excited for you... I wish my clinic would do an early scan..
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