IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Aww thanks. Been a while. Hard to get good pics now. I'm on nightshift tonight so I'll try again at 1:15 am. They don't wiggle as much as they did. Sigh so my sister had said she wasn't looking at pics cause she was "adjusting" to the idea. Talke to my parents tonight and "she is having a hard time with it". Wtf. A) if she wants kids she could do the same thing I am but as far as I know she doesn't. B) she lives at home with my folks, does nothing with her life. She apparently has chronic fatigue but I know plenty of people who "work through" it etc. she sits around an lives like she is retired. Ie singing classes, dance class etc. no job. Sleeps in, naps etc. she is just pissed that some of the attention is going away from her and to real children.

My brother is like that, he is older so everytime I succeeded with stuff he would try and one up me. When I told him I was pregnant he ddn't even congratulate me. He's a loner and will never have kids, my parents baby him to this day. We're not close. She's probably quite jealous of your accomplishments in general.
Mo-12 is fantastic! I had 10 and 8 fert with icsi, so I guess it just happens sometimes!
Jenn- how exciting!! Let me know if it works!!!

Drs- I am so sorry your sister is being so selfish!!! She shouldn't have to "adjust" to the idea that her sister is happy and came such a long way and worked her butt off to get what she wanted. Unfortunately she does sound like the attention hog and is jealous lol! When no one gives her the attention for being unsupportive she will change her tune! You have PLENTY of ladies on here who WANT to look at your pics:) xoxo
Hey all,

Prayin - congrats! You are PUPO! Cant wait for your update
Mobaby - some eggs dont fertilize, this is totally normal, dont stress

AFM - went for a scan today and there is one twinkie! They saw a gestational sac that was alittle small, but not by much. No yolk sac or fetal pole yet. Back on Sunday to rescan for the yolk sac as my RE said at 5weeks and 2/3 days, its still too early and we may not see that just yet! Praying all is ok on Sunday.

Hey ladies. Fertilization report is in.19 eggs were mature, 4 didn't fertilize (boo), 3 were abnormal and 12 are left! So we have 12 embryos growing now. I hope hope hope those keep going strong! Plan is for Monday but obviously if something changes than we will go Saturday. I was hoping for around 16 but 12 is good. I've never had some that just didn't fertilize with icsi so this is new for me.

Yay for 12 left! I know you wanted all of them but try to be excited about the 12 you have. Soon you will be PUPO!

MrsC, Jenn, and Kelly. . . how are you all feeling these days? Your little ones being nice to you all?

AFM. . . I am just waiting to start. I am hopeful about this cycle. It will be a little harder being back at school this time but that’s what subs are for. :o)

Things are going great for me. I have my 12 week/ NT scan tomorrow.

I hope this coming cycle won't be to difficult with school.


I'm home resting :) transferred two this morning!!!! One small hiccup because I was tense and he was only able to insert one before sending me out to the bathroom because I had to pee so bad! sorry for the info. The second embryo ended up being sucked back and only released the one.....so after I can back and jumped back on the table he was able to transfer the second :) ....Never a dull moment with me as my family would say....lol....I was just a bit worried after if that would lower my chances but I guess I will find out on 9/21... I am crampy though...and thirsty! Enjoy your day my fabulous IVF/IUI family!

Congrats on being PUPO!!

Prayin- you should totally go to the game. Those embies are gonna stick or they aren't. I know that sounds neg but to me it is pos. it is nothing we do or don't do. I went straight to court after my transfer. No rest. Didn't do the gym but only cause I was in excruciating pain from the pio shots. Live your life!!

Afm- ah weirdness of pregnancy. Learned a new one. Don't sneeze lying on your back. About the most excruciating pain (other than the pio :) ) across the top of my pubic bone. Did that to myself once before when I laughed lying on my back. So weird.

Aww thanks. Been a while. Hard to get good pics now. I'm on nightshift tonight so I'll try again at 1:15 am. They don't wiggle as much as they did. Sigh so my sister had said she wasn't looking at pics cause she was "adjusting" to the idea. Talke to my parents tonight and "she is having a hard time with it". Wtf. A) if she wants kids she could do the same thing I am but as far as I know she doesn't. B) she lives at home with my folks, does nothing with her life. She apparently has chronic fatigue but I know plenty of people who "work through" it etc. she sits around an lives like she is retired. Ie singing classes, dance class etc. no job. Sleeps in, naps etc. she is just pissed that some of the attention is going away from her and to real children.

Sorry about the pain. That doesn't sound very comfortable. Your sister sounds like she is just wanting some attention. Why some family members just can't be happy for those who get their bfp is beyond me. Don't let her get you down or take away from your excitement in all this.
thanks guys. ill try to get pics tonight. ive been so "selfish" =) if i get to see em im happy. i just hope she isnt making my parents tiptoe around. she has all kinds of rules on how you are to interact with her. oh and she already blames a lot of her "issues" on me because i had a strong personality and thus somehow stunted her or something. whatevs. she is 38. put on your big girl panties and make yourself a life. she has crazy talents im jealous of (creative writer, amazing artist, great at woodworking, crazy music skills etc). but my parents support her so she doesnt DO anything with any of it. and they wont listen to me when i say she is depressed cause there is no point to her life (she tried prozac and it didnt work so clearly she isnt depressed... sigh.. despite the fact that prozac doesnt work very well for many people)
Ash - I sooo hope this is it!!!! Glad Rupert didnt have to do surgery!

Mobaby - 12 is great! :thumbup::happydance: I think if they dont fertilize its because of the egg/sperm...in our situation...its the sperm. Only 3 out of my 10 mature eggs fertilized, we did ICSI too.

BabyOnMyOwn - When are you going to start? Maybe we can be cycle buddies!(even though I am doing a FET)

PRAYIN4BABIES - YAY for being PUPO!!!!!!! I had to pee like crazy too! The nurse was like wow, you didnt need to drink that much lol Your post cracked me up lol I think going to the game will be ok!

Jchic - Im sure its just a bit early. I bet it was still nice seeing the sac! Cant wait for your next apt! :flower:

Drsquid - lol thats interesting and weird at the same time! Im sorry your sister is having a hard time adjusting. Im sure eventually she will come around, dont let it bother you. Maybe its because your life is more on track than hers? I have seen a lot of parents still baby their adult children...sad to see it, they dont realize it just sets them back in life...instead of it "helping them".
PS....i LOVE seeing your pics!
Yay MrsC. . . can't wait to see new pics of your little ones!

Drs. . . I'm so sorry your sister is being like that! What a pain! Depression is a funny thing and prozac OFTEN doesn't work. It's too bad your parents and sister don't see that.

Stinas. . . I start stimming next Friday with a possible ER around 9/30. When are you doing your FET?

To add to the conversation about having to pee at ET, the dr has told me not to drink as much water this next cycle because my bladder has been too full the last few times I have drank what they told me too. Guess my jokes that I have a tiny bladder might have been more true than I thought. :o)
Hey Ladies!!

I hope everyone is doing well!

Sorry I went MIA but I've been super busy lately. The landlord is selling the condo that we're in and lots people have been coming to see it. We were supposed to be renewing the lease but instead the owner surprised us by her decision to sell it. We have to find a place to move to but we'll have 45 days to leave after someone buys it. I hate that I have to worry about this while I'm doing IVF! Ughhh!

Well, I triggered last night and my ER is at 9:15 tomorrow morning. I've been having a lot of pain in my ovaries since the trigger and I'm very worried that I could be ovulating on my own. I woke up with this pain this morning and it's been there all day. Have you ladies experienced anything similar? I really hope I'm wrong!

Good luck to everyone with whatever stage you're at. I'm thinking of you all!!
Hi Lulu :wave:
That sucks, having to look for a new home while also going through all this!
Congrats on triggering ... not long 'till ER now! I am trying to remember how it was, I think I felt quite achey, but it didn't feel like I was ovulating. If you have a lot of follicles, then you are bound to feel achey though. If you are really concerned, then perhaps you should ring the clinic and ask them?

Good luck :hugs:
Thanks Bubu! I know, it sucks because all I want to focus on is IVF and taking care of myself during the TWW. Maybe some good will come of it, it might take my mind off of every symptom and I won't get obsessive over IVF. I can't ring the clinic because it's 12 midnight here and I figured even if I was ovulating, they wouldn't be able to do anything about it. I guess I just have to wait for my appointment tomorrow and find out then. I really hope this cycle doesn't go to waste. Thanks for the support! :hugs:
That's true - just noticed, you are in California :) So funny - I am already up and working on Friday morning and you have yet to go to bed :)
Been working for two hours already in fact (early morning today :) )..
It is probably just the eggs inside the follicles getting ready to be retrieved :)
Haha I know! I hate time difference.. I have family in the same country and yet there's a 3 hour time difference. You're in Germany right? I have a brother who lives there and another one that lives in Switzerland.
Just got phone call to say we've two embies left. One 8 cell that's exactly where it's supposed to be and one 5 cell that slowed down overnight but might pick up again in the next few hours. So they want us to come in today at 1230. Definitely putting the 8 cell back and they'll decide later about the 5 cell. Big relief they made it today!! Just want to get them (or at least one!) back where they belong now!! Out for a stroll with the dogs now to try and relax myself a bit, then acu, transfer, more acu, collapse and relax for the evening!!! Stomach is still uncomfortable from the retrieval - not too bad furing the day but once evening time comes I'm fit for nothing but the couch and my hot water bottle - that's normal right?!
Broody, go for both! Go for both! :thumbup: Maybe your 5 cell has only slowed down because he/she misses Mommy and is just waiting to get back home. I know that if it has stopped growing entirely by the time you get there that it won't do any good to transfer, but if the opportunity is there, why not?

Lulu, I've never got that far, but I would assume that your pain is just that last growth spurt as your little eggs catch up. I've only, in months and months of research, heard of one person who ovulated before retrieval. She wasn't here, she was at the same clinic another lady was using, and was supposedly an hour late (I'm sure not her own fault) for her appointment.

Drsquid, I've got family members who go in for drama, too. It's rough dealing with it, isn't it? I don't like saying things about someone I've never met, but her drama seems rather mean-spirited. I'm sure she'll get over herself eventually. If nothing else, the chance to be more fun or cool and show you up to your kids should reel her in. The kids won't buy it, but she might be suckered into loving them.

Bubu, I hope the witch shows up soon. I can't believe I just said that and meant it!

Yay for the scans that have been coming in! It doesn't help much with the worry, but at least you KNOW you have someone to worry about.

Keeping up with who's PUPO and who is about to be PUPO is all that's keeping me cheerful at work, ladies. Extra hours and extra days are taking a toll on my housework and my attitude. But I'm so happy when I hear what's going on here that it lasts for hours while I'm dealing with more work than we have team-members to do.

AFM, it's nearly 4 a.m. and I'm doing laundry, watching ID, and getting kicked. I can't wait until all of you know this feeling; you're going to love it!
Getting - that is pretty much how I felt (dang, wish I'd thought of the hot water bottle though!!), I would be OK in the morning and during the day, but by the evenings, would be quite swollen and it was uncomfortable sitting / getting up etc.

@ Lulu - yep, I'm in Germany. Where does your brother live? Switzerland is nice too. My best friend moved there at the beginning of the year. Only about 4 hour drive from us here.

@ Dr :lol: ... yep - who normally wishes for AF to get here?! :) And ... I can't imagine what that will feel like, but am sure, I will love it too :)
bubu- im in ca but still up and working =)

broody- good luck today

chelle- thanks. yeah she has "chronic fatigue" which is not helped by my parents allowing her to live like an invalid. she has never had a real job or supported herself. she is 38 yrs old. and yeah i told them that her comments really were upsetting and insulting to me
Dr - that's right, you have the night shift, don't you :) (... *sing on the night shift*) .. :)

I think it is a two-sided sword, with chronic fatigue. Having had glandular fever chronically (suffered for 1,5 years from fever every day and also the side effects of being exhausted), I know how debilitating it can be. Some have it worse than others and it isn't funny. But feeling sorry for yourself the whole time / not wishing others happiness is of course not the right way to go about things. It is debilitating, some days are better than others ... it is important to figure out where one's limits are, not push yourself over them (because the recovery is then double as tough), but not doing anything at all is also contra-productive.
Dr - what kind of a doctor are you?
Good luck gettingbroody!!

I get a call today about 3dt or 5dt.... Nervous!! Hope my babies are growing!!!
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