IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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s08 - Forgot to menion that I love your puppy. We have a vizsla which is the cousin of the weinheimer and she is full of energy as well! She isn't even full vizsla so I couldn't imagine a pure breed!

Oh, I love vizslas! We've talked about getting one for our next dog.

She really is a an awesome dog. She really is a velcro dog, She follows me EVERYWHERE ( including the shower sometimes):haha:
:wohoo::yipee::wohoo::yipee: We just got the news that we will have all the money for the whole IVF/ICSI. I'm beyond excited and feel like a ton of weight has been lifted off my shoulders. :cry: <--- happy tears!!!
Thanks girls! :flower: I was so stressed thinking we have made it this far without knowing if we could pay the big part.
Haj, great news on the follies, lining, and everything! Keep us posted.

Greekgirl, I can’t believe you’re almost PUPO! And with three! Are you scared all three will stick?

Jenny, Daisy, and Tink, glad you’re all about to start stimming…its such an exciting time!

Bluestorm, nice to see you here again. It will start going faster, I promise!

Lulu, how’s the TWW coming? Dragging I bet!

MrsC, glad the urology appt. went well. Sounds like the dr. was optimistic, which is what I always want.

Sara, we’re in the US, and our IVF is about $12,500. Plus meds, which were about $3,000 (and that’s on the low end for meds I think)

Thanks for asking about my retrieval, ladies. It was yesterday, and everything went well. They retrieved 23 eggs!!! I was sore yesterday, but watched a lot of TV, napped on the couch with a heating pad, took a little pain medicine, and just generally took it easy. Oh, and I ate pizza for dinner! We rarely do that, but it was what I was craving for some reason so I made dh go pick it up. Feeling good today, but still laying low and hydrating.

Just got my fertilization report from the clinic, and guess what…16 fertilized! No ICSI, so I’m thrilled that it does not appear my eggs are the problem. But we’ll see tomorrow when the clinic gives us our next report. Will know whether it’s a day 3 or 5 transfer then. I’m just glad we have lots to work with. I’ll keep you all updated.

Yaaay!!! That is is such a great number :happydance:! I'm praying that all the embies will keep going strong and make top grade! :hugs:

My TWW is definitely dragging like crazy and I'm getting so impatient!!

:wohoo::yipee::wohoo::yipee: We just got the news that we will have all the money for the whole IVF/ICSI. I'm beyond excited and feel like a ton of weight has been lifted off my shoulders. :cry: <--- happy tears!!!

Yaaay!! That is great news! I'm glad you could go into this whole process with less stress.
BTW.. I noticed that there's a time difference in regards to the time of the posts.. what time zone are most of you?
S08! Somehow I missed your post about ER! Wow great # and great fert report!! I have a good feeling!

Lulu, I'm on the east coast.
BTW.. I noticed that there's a time difference in regards to the time of the posts.. what time zone are most of you?

Lulu I'm in the same time zone as you. West coast... I believe you are in California. I'm not noticing any time difference with posting but I will check when this one goes through.
mrsc thats great! so exciting when things fall into place!
s08: wow! 16 is great! grow babies grow!
afm: af was supossed to show today. nope. and im not pg. no signs of af so it wont be tomorrow so now i wont start bcp until next week :( i was to have scan monday. darn it! my body feels so messed up.
Lol.. I just noticed that it says the location under the username. It just goes to tell you how observant I am. :haha:
Hi everyone :) I am new to this. Was told today by my doc. that we should go ahead and start IVF treatments....but this coming cycle in June will be my first injectibles try without insemination so that insurance will cover the injectibles (we are Tricare hubby is military) so anyways....I will do Femara and then follistim pen (shot)...then a trigger shot this time.....

July cycle will be doing our first IVF cycle if of course this doesn't work which I doubt it will since I only have 1 tube that works and the other one is so very small he doesn't think its working properly :( on top of hubby's lazy sperm and my Stage 2 endometriosis LOL....so I wish the best for all of you :) and I can't wait to get started I'm absolutely EXCITED....
:wohoo::yipee::wohoo::yipee: We just got the news that we will have all the money for the whole IVF/ICSI. I'm beyond excited and feel like a ton of weight has been lifted off my shoulders. :cry: <--- happy tears!!!

Great news!!! So happy for you..that must have been so stressful for you and dh
mrsc thats great! so exciting when things fall into place!
s08: wow! 16 is great! grow babies grow!
afm: af was supossed to show today. nope. and im not pg. no signs of af so it wont be tomorrow so now i wont start bcp until next week :( i was to have scan monday. darn it! my body feels so messed up.

Thanks! Sorry to hear AF didn't show up on time. I hope everything works out. Will you still go in for an appointment on Monday?

Hi everyone :) I am new to this. Was told today by my doc. that we should go ahead and start IVF treatments....but this coming cycle in June will be my first injectibles try without insemination so that insurance will cover the injectibles (we are Tricare hubby is military) so anyways....I will do Femara and then follistim pen (shot)...then a trigger shot this time.....

July cycle will be doing our first IVF cycle if of course this doesn't work which I doubt it will since I only have 1 tube that works and the other one is so very small he doesn't think its working properly :( on top of hubby's lazy sperm and my Stage 2 endometriosis LOL....so I wish the best for all of you :) and I can't wait to get started I'm absolutely EXCITED....

Welcome :hi: Sorry to hear things are so difficult. It's great that you have insurance to help with the injections and IVF. Fingers still crossed that this next cycle works for you and there will be no need for the IVF!
hi andrea! glad you joined this thread. your insurace is great. mine pays for nothing not even meds. i considered changing jobs for insurance that does but id take a pay cut more than an ivf cycle so im stuck with my crap insurance! i hope the meds work out. you have 2 kids already so you know it can happen :) fx for you not to need ivf!

mrsc: no i wont go in until cd3. im so upset now. its not like it delays the ivf because im on bcp for 6 wks (i think 3 is the min time) so i have time. now idk when its coming. hopefully by monday so i can still go next week. im ready for scans to get started! and to start phase 1: bcp :)
Wow - go away for a few days and there is like 10 pages to read through, I love how active this thread is!

Annette - Yes, you will have a trigger shot, they do this to ensure the eggs are ready for collection but haven't release yet. The pregnancy test - that will depend on what type of medication you are taking, if you are using and hcg shots (either trigger or luteal support) then a pregnancy test will give you a false positive for some days afterwards, therefore best to wait til your scheduled blood test. If your not using a hcg trigger or luteal support you could start testing from 12dp ER.
Most clinics want the sample produced at the clinic, it can't be very nice for them at all! But then again, the whole process isn't the most pleasant thing in the world, defiantly not how I pictured I would be making a baby!

s08 - Congrats! 16 fertilized eggs, that is wonderful! Look forward to your update.

alscreetch - 11 follies is perfect. We might have our ER on the same day!

haj - I have heard pineapple core is good, hadn't heard about walnuts though. I was told to resume all normal activity, no bed rest after transfer. Great news re follicle development, not long now. Re OHSS, I was just told to drink 2 litres of water a day, however I have also heard gatorade I very good.

DaisyQ - So good to have possible dates for your ER, its really not that far away!

MrsC - Sounds like things went really well at the consult, that must be a huge relief. Re the money, that is so fantastic, now you can rest easy and get started on the ivf process!

greekgirl - woohoo 3 embryos!

JennyLynn - Its so good the get the process underway after all this waiting, not long now til you start stimming!

Lulu - your mum sounds so cute!

Tink - Thats great news, not long now.

MoBaby - hope AF arrives soon for you! So sorry about all the delays, waiting for AF is so frustrating!

Welcome AndreaFlorida!

AFM - On day 7 of stims, going in for my scan in 2 days. I'm hoping they will want me to trigger that night, but i've prepared myself for them saying I have to do extra stims, thinking that it may take a little longer due to the lower dose of Puregon. Feeling twinges in my ovaries every now and then, which is good to know they are producing something at least. The stimming stage this cycle seems to be taking a lot longer than last time (but its really not, just feels like that). Aaaargh i'm just so beyond ready to be pregnant!
hey ttb! you are getting sooo close! not much longer! i stimmed for 10 days both ivf. how many did you stim for first cycle?
i just noticed my ticker went under 2 months for me!! :)
mrsc: no i wont go in until cd3. im so upset now. its not like it delays the ivf because im on bcp for 6 wks (i think 3 is the min time) so i have time. now idk when its coming. hopefully by monday so i can still go next week. im ready for scans to get started! and to start phase 1: bcp :)

I think 2 weeks might be the minimum time - I think longer than that, it's for ease of scheduling your cycle. I was originally supposed to be on BCP for 3 weeks, but my new RE changed it to two.

AFM - So had my baseline US and blood work today. Lining looks good (thin), and I will be starting injections tonight. Just waiting for my blood work to come back and to get a call from the nurse with instructions.

My antral follicle count is less than I had hoped for - 11 (5 on one side, six on the other). I really, really hope the number of follicles goes up. Does this number go up once you start taking meds??I need at least 8 mature eggs to be retrieved to be eligible for the study I was hoping to participate in. Fx.
So my body decided for us... ER Time. Has been bumped up to Tuesday. I trigger tomorrow.... I am beyond excited and nervous. 13 follies, with 8 others that may be ready togo!! It's finally happening!! Praying for beautiful eggies!


I haven't had a moment to catch up with the last couple of pages... I will do personals in a few!!!
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