IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Goodluck screetch :) That is soooo exciting hopefully I'm right behind you...

And I totally just realized in my thread up ^ there I worded things wrong I dont have ANY tubes working really one tube is fused with ovary and he doesn't think its working at all :( the other tube was connected to my uterine outside wall :( by a thick web from scarring from my Csection in 2002. He cut it apart and it is functioning but he said its likely its too "small" to work he had a name for the fallopian tube issue but I don't remember what its called. He said in most cases like that...it isn't likely to work but he said to me You do have TWO miracle children...he says its a MEDICAL MYSTERY as to how you have two children....sooooo he said You have had miracles before...lets not give up on another one!

The cycles without insemination are FREE...then when it comes to IVF cycles :( I have to pay EVERYTHING out of pocket so there is only ONE cycle per year for us! I cant afford it being a stay at home mom with two boys ages 3 and a half and other is almost 9!!!

The good news is I might do the medicated cycles longer...because the doc every cycle I do the meds he will order extra and I won't use it all...so that way I will have extra stored in the fridge for the I'VF and wont have to pay as much...when hubby comes home next weekend I'm sure we'll have a chat about do we really wanna do it July or wait til Sept. cycle :( I duno yet.....I guess I'll pray and God will show me the way!
screetch- yay

day 2 of lupron. felt a bit queasy at the gym but.. it was a killer workout so who knows. not sure how i feel about taking medrol (steroids) but.. in questioning the doc he said there was some study that showed it helped.. figure it cant hurt so.. whatever. already paid for em. for now i get to just relax and shoot up every morning. i get to start stressing when it comes close to time for my period (hopefully the 21st so i can get a cd2 us on the 22nd before i go to philly). so excited for those of you already going to er.. my biggest worry is saying something stupid under anesthesia
I'm taking medrol too, but not until after retrieval I think. Or maybe after transfer - I can't remember!
I will be taking medrol as well, but I'm the same as Daisy; not sure when I start taking it. Guess I should probably look at that. Haha.
Hey everyone,

Not read posts yet, hubby moaning that it's bed time :growlmad: so just popping in with a quick update!

Go for baseline scan on 29th May, this is day 4 of Buserelin. Not enjoying the nasal spray, it has the most awful taste after about 5 mins!!! :sick: Hope everyone is doing well and I will read what's been going on tomorrow.

xx :flower:
yeah that is why i asked the doc. every protocal ive seen you just take it for egg retrieval,. the one im on you actually stop before retrieval.. apparenlty neither way is really proven,. the one im doing apparently helps in egg quality, when you take it after egg retrieval it is to tune down the immune system to prevent any chance of the body rejecting the embryo. who knows.. figure neither can hurt.
Squid, hoping the workout is what made you queasy and not the lupron. Things are moving right along though for you it sounds like.

Never heard of medrol, that will be a question I bring up on the 29th for my ART nurse visit. I don't remember it being mentioned.

Daisy83, you poor thing! Nose sprays are just evil sometimes. How much longer are you on it? What is that medication for? I've also got a high AMH but not quite as high as yours.

AFM, I think AF will be arriving on the 18th and I'll start bcp on the 21st. Not looking forward to them, I remember them making me an emotional mess up until I stopped taking them 15 years ago.
First set of injections done! Gonal F pen was easy peasy, the menopur stung like a bitch! Pardon my French.

Squid, I think the docs at CCRM (Colorado Center for Reproductive Med - ie the best fertility clinic in the US) might do a protocol that involves steroids the whole time - there is a great CCRM thread on fertilitycommunity.com and those ladies really know a LOT about all the protocols - I would actually ask them and I bet you someone will know all about it and may even be able to point you to some studies on it.
Hello all! Lots of exciting stuff going on here. I'm in a hurry tonight, but wanted to pop in to say hi and give an update on our progress. Clinic called today to say that our 16 fertilized embryos all made it to today! I'm beyond thrilled. :happydance:

So, we will have a day 5 transfer on Tuesday. I realize a lot could happen to our embabies before then, but I'm very hopeful we'll have some to freeze. And if we do, we are now leaning toward an elective SET. But we'll see how things progess.

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend!

PS, I did want to tell Daisy that your antral follicle count might not be totally accurate, so don't stress too much over it. Mine was always around 12 or something. But they retrieved 23 eggs (not sure how many were mature), so obviously it was a little off.
Thanks sweetie :) I shoulda been here a LONG time ago but my docs were being dumb by thinking I already had kids its bound to happen....well at almost the 3 year mark of trying they finally decided enough was enough an got me GOOD help FINALLY! My new fertility doc has been awesome since I started seeing him in January and I'm so thankful he did a Lap. on me and found out both my tubes aren't working proper :( wish they'd have done this YEARS ago when I first told the docs I was having probs and I knew something wasn't right since I was younger.....but FINALLY someone listened LOL.....
Thank you all for your congratulations unfortunately today on Mothers Day I miscarried..
what a ride this IVF is I take my hat off to all you brave women that are dedicated to this process. I have faced some pretty tough challenges but this has to be the hardest of all. Physically, mentally and emotionally this is an experience only a women could handle and keep on re trying. I wish all you women out there white light protection and that you all experience holding an angelic vision of your selves in your arms one day.. god knows you all deserve it truely..xoxo
MoBaby - I stimmed for 9 days last cycle.

DaisyQ - When I had my antral follicle count back in December I only had 4 on each side, but my last IVF cycle I got 18 eggs. From what I understand the antral follicle count does influence your drug doses, however does not mean you will only get that many eggs.

alscreetch - So excited for you, hurry up Tuesday! Good luck!

daisy - Good luck with your scan on the 29th

s08 - that is such fantastic news! Fingers crossed you have lots of beautiful embies to freeze!

Casperelf - I am so so sorry to hear you miscarried, big :hugs:! It is an incredibly difficult time, take care of yourself!
Thanks TTB, that is very reassuring.

Casper, I am so so sorry for your loss - even more brutal that it's happened today of all days. :hugs: we are here for you.
casper my heart hurts for you :( im so sorry. pm me if you need to chat/rant/etc.
Casper I am so sorry to hear your news, big hugs from me.

I'm feeling out this time as well got loads of AF cramps and sore head and just generally feel out.
dancing cramps are normal! cold be little bean just settling in there... not out until beta says out! when is your otd?
AFM - So had my baseline US and blood work today. Lining looks good (thin), and I will be starting injections tonight. Just waiting for my blood work to come back and to get a call from the nurse with instructions.

My antral follicle count is less than I had hoped for - 11 (5 on one side, six on the other). I really, really hope the number of follicles goes up. Does this number go up once you start taking meds??I need at least 8 mature eggs to be retrieved to be eligible for the study I was hoping to participate in. Fx.

Good luck with the injections. I would assume that the number will go up with the meds. Try not to worry about it to much. :thumbup:

So my body decided for us... ER Time. Has been bumped up to Tuesday. I trigger tomorrow.... I am beyond excited and nervous. 13 follies, with 8 others that may be ready togo!! It's finally happening!! Praying for beautiful eggies!


I haven't had a moment to catch up with the last couple of pages... I will do personals in a few!!!

Yay for doing the trigger shot!! That is very exciting. I can't wait to hear your update on Tuesday!

Goodluck screetch :) That is soooo exciting hopefully I'm right behind you...

And I totally just realized in my thread up ^ there I worded things wrong I dont have ANY tubes working really one tube is fused with ovary and he doesn't think its working at all :( the other tube was connected to my uterine outside wall :( by a thick web from scarring from my Csection in 2002. He cut it apart and it is functioning but he said its likely its too "small" to work he had a name for the fallopian tube issue but I don't remember what its called. He said in most cases like that...it isn't likely to work but he said to me You do have TWO miracle children...he says its a MEDICAL MYSTERY as to how you have two children....sooooo he said You have had miracles before...lets not give up on another one!

The cycles without insemination are FREE...then when it comes to IVF cycles :( I have to pay EVERYTHING out of pocket so there is only ONE cycle per year for us! I cant afford it being a stay at home mom with two boys ages 3 and a half and other is almost 9!!!

The good news is I might do the medicated cycles longer...because the doc every cycle I do the meds he will order extra and I won't use it all...so that way I will have extra stored in the fridge for the I'VF and wont have to pay as much...when hubby comes home next weekend I'm sure we'll have a chat about do we really wanna do it July or wait til Sept. cycle :( I duno yet.....I guess I'll pray and God will show me the way!

Sorry to hear about all the complications. IVF will work for you and you will have another LO soon.

Hey everyone,

Not read posts yet, hubby moaning that it's bed time :growlmad: so just popping in with a quick update!

Go for baseline scan on 29th May, this is day 4 of Buserelin. Not enjoying the nasal spray, it has the most awful taste after about 5 mins!!! :sick: Hope everyone is doing well and I will read what's been going on tomorrow.

xx :flower:

The 29th will be here before you know it. I have my IVF class the same day so we are on the same countdown. :thumbup:

AFM, I think AF will be arriving on the 18th and I'll start bcp on the 21st. Not looking forward to them, I remember them making me an emotional mess up until I stopped taking them 15 years ago.

I hope the BC isn't to bad for you when you start it. Things can change between then and now. No matter what though it will all be worth it! :thumbup:

Hello all! Lots of exciting stuff going on here. I'm in a hurry tonight, but wanted to pop in to say hi and give an update on our progress. Clinic called today to say that our 16 fertilized embryos all made it to today! I'm beyond thrilled. :happydance:

So, we will have a day 5 transfer on Tuesday. I realize a lot could happen to our embabies before then, but I'm very hopeful we'll have some to freeze. And if we do, we are now leaning toward an elective SET. But we'll see how things progess.

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend!

PS, I did want to tell Daisy that your antral follicle count might not be totally accurate, so don't stress too much over it. Mine was always around 12 or something. But they retrieved 23 eggs (not sure how many were mature), so obviously it was a little off.

This is such great news!! I'm so happy for you that so many made it! :happydance: You are almost in the 2WW!

Thank you all for your congratulations unfortunately today on Mothers Day I miscarried..
what a ride this IVF is I take my hat off to all you brave women that are dedicated to this process. I have faced some pretty tough challenges but this has to be the hardest of all. Physically, mentally and emotionally this is an experience only a women could handle and keep on re trying. I wish all you women out there white light protection and that you all experience holding an angelic vision of your selves in your arms one day.. god knows you all deserve it truely..xoxo

I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope you have tons of support to make it through this. Big :hugs: to you, I know no words can help right now but just know we are all thinking of you.

Casper I am so sorry to hear your news, big hugs from me.

I'm feeling out this time as well got loads of AF cramps and sore head and just generally feel out.

You are not out... not until AF shows up. Fingers crossed you will see two lines very soon and everything will be ok. :flower:
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