IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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I think the number of follicles varies from person to person and can vary cycle to cycle. Some protocols might be better than others for any given woman, but often this is figured out after the first protocol was unsuccessful. Unfortunately. But don't freak out - 7 is enough and they might actually retrieve more than you think. A lot if times the number of follicles goes down with age, and also with lower AMH. Do you know your AMH level or how many antral follicles you had at baseline? My RE uses that data to try to predict ovarian response to stimming.

As far as "what's good" in term of numbers of follies, in general more is better. But not all follies will have mature eggs. There are women who have 20 or 30 eggs retrieved but only a few are mature and fertilize. A friend on another thread told me her RE's goal is about a dozen eggs retrieved. Like I said, don't worry - 7 is enough and the smaller ones might still catch up.
Hi sorry I've not been joining in much,things are starting for us now.I started on the norethisterone last week, i finish them on wednesday then wait for AF .Should be starting on Menopur and gonal f about saturday.Went for injection training today , didn't realise we'd be doing all the fiddly measuring and mixing better consentrate .
Anyone else here in the uk and starting stimming next weekend ?

Yay for getting started! :thumbup: We have our injection training class on the 29th. Oddly enough I'm really looking forward to it and excited

Hi ladies.... I have been disconnected from the boards for the last couple of days. I am like the crazy girl in the straight jacket about my ER tomorrow. I just simply can't think. I am praying for you all & will resume when my head is clear!! Good luck to those having their ER in the next day or so!!!!! I just took my Xanax & a huge ball of calm has taken over. It has been a long 13 year journey & I truly feel blessed to be at this exact moment in my life.

Thinking about you all!!!


Sorry you are having a stressful time. I hope tomorrow goes very well for you. Please update us when you can.

Hello ladies...

Quick question.. I am scheduled for my ER this wed. I am slightly concerned because the doc said I have 7 follicles that are mature, and more behind. I thought i'd produce more follicles :-(

What seems to be the norm ?

Keeping my fingers crossed for all of us!! xoxo

I wouldn't worry to much about the numbers. I know we all want a lot but a lot can always come with problems later on. I think 7 sounds great. They usually get a couple more than they see so FX you come out of there with more.

In case I don't catch you ladies in the morning due to the time difference...

MJ~ Good luck tomorrow at the urologist.

Lulu~ Hows the TWW going? Testing day is coming soon isn't it?

Mammywannabe~ I hope your consult goes well tomorrow.

and once again, good luck tomorrow alscreetch and s08! :happy dance:

Hi all,

Haven't been here for a while. Got all my meds yesterday. Fridge is nice and full!!

Should be starting around 5th June. Very excited about it!!

Another step closer hopefully!! It's great to hear others experience of egg transfer/ scans etc. makes it all seem a little less daunting!

Has anyone done anything to try prevent OHSS?
Wishing everyone the best of luck

Hello everyone, I hope you don't mind me joining on this thread. I am currently waiting on doing a round of IVF under the NHS here. At the moment I have started taking the BCP since 8th May so I think I will be on it for about 7 weeks before taking meds etc. I am waiting on my schedule and hope to know more then but I am hoping it will be in July 2012.
How is everyone?

I have just had my day 8 scan after 7 days of stims. They measured 4 follies on my right ovary, but struggled to find my left! After much prodding and probing - and a second nurse- they managed to find it but said there was probably only a 6 and an 8 and said we would probably rely on the right! The four measured 10.3, 10.3, 11.5 & 11.6.
I am to continue on the same meds until Friday when I have another scan!

I'm a bit disappointed with the count so far, Does anyone think I will get any more? We are pretty much relying on this one cycle as it is on the NHS and Not sure if I can persuade OH to pay for another round, especially as they told us the success rate would only be 35%.
Hey haj I'm on 10dp3dt and having a lot of AF cramps and done a FRER and got a BFN so not feeling to good just now.

How's u?

Good luck to you....... i hope and pray that it is your BFP .....
wishing you all the best. . . . . :dust: :dust:

thinking and praying for you.....:hugs:
Hey all!

So AF arrived in Full force today, 14DPO so I am happy to finally have her here so I can officially get started with surgery and then in July, estrogen for my IVF cycle. WOOHOO!

Mrs. Stru - dont worry so much on that number, you still have a few days left for those eggs to mature and play catch up. When are you going in for your ER?

How is everyone else?
Dancing - any updates?
Duke - how are the meds going?
Haj - TOMORROW is the BIG day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am praying for you sweetie, for ALL of us!!!!!!!!!!
Hey all!

So AF arrived in Full force today, 14DPO so I am happy to finally have her here so I can officially get started with surgery and then in July, estrogen for my IVF cycle. WOOHOO!

Mrs. Stru - dont worry so much on that number, you still have a few days left for those eggs to mature and play catch up. When are you going in for your ER?

How is everyone else?
Dancing - any updates?
Duke - how are the meds going?
Haj - TOMORROW is the BIG day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am praying for you sweetie, for ALL of us!!!!!!!!!!

I hope they do! They haven't given me a date for ER yet, I guess it depends on Friday's scan!
Mrs. Stru, have they bumped up your meds at all?

Good luck today alscreetch and s08!

I had my first follie check after 3 days of stims. I have 6 follies on the left, with one at 12 mm the rest are under 10 mm, and 7 follies on the right, with one measuring 13 mm and the rest are under 10. My RE said she will probably bump up my meds tonight to see if we can recruit some more follies. Fx we can. She said it's good that so many are around the same size. I hope they continue to grow together at the same rate. Hope we won't have to sacrifice the two bigger ones.
Hey jchic no updates still AF cramps and now a little bit of spotting so it's just a waiting game now.
MrsC~ I got half my meds from ivfmeds.com and the other half from freedom fertility. Ivfmeds.com saves you a lot of money if you're paying out of pocket. They are much cheaper than all the pharmacies including freedom fertility. the only thing is that you can't do overnight orders because they are based in europe and you have to give about 3-5 days for the order to arrive with express shipping.

Casper~ I'm so sorry for your loss:hugs:.. Please stay strong and know that we're all here for you and thinking of you.

s08~ 13 is a great number!!! You're going to be PUPO in 2 days.. How exciting!!

haj~ Yaaay for ER!!! I can't wait to hear how many eggs they get and I pray that they are all mature!!

DancingDiva~ You are definitely not out yet. Not all embryos implant at the same rate and hcg shows up differently in different women. You will be in my prayers! :hugs:

Sorry if I missed anyone but I didn't read all the posts. I only read the more recent ones.

AFM~ Nothing new! I'm still in the TWW and it's killing me. I tested a few days ago to see if the hcg is out of my system but it wasn't yet. I continued to test since and yesterday it finally turned negative. Even though it was from the hcg shot, it was nice to see a positive hpt since I've never had one. What I don't understand though is why it took 8 days to be out of my system. I only took 1500iu of hcg since I didn't trigger with it. I was only given this small dose as a booster right after the retrieval. :shrug:

Thanks me too love!!!

Hi ladies.... I have been disconnected from the boards for the last couple of days. I am like the crazy girl in the straight jacket about my ER tomorrow. I just simply can't think. I am praying for you all & will resume when my head is clear!! Good luck to those having their ER in the next day or so!!!!! I just took my Xanax & a huge ball of calm has taken over. It has been a long 13 year journey & I truly feel blessed to be at this exact moment in my life.

Thinking about you all!!!


Ahhh big day today!!! Let us know how it goes!!

Hello ladies...

Quick question.. I am scheduled for my ER this wed. I am slightly concerned because the doc said I have 7 follicles that are mature, and more behind. I thought i'd produce more follicles :-(

What seems to be the norm ?

Keeping my fingers crossed for all of us!! xoxo

I have my ER tomorrow too!!! 7 is still good and more can definitely catch up.
Hi all,

Haven't been here for a while. Got all my meds yesterday. Fridge is nice and full!!

Should be starting around 5th June. Very excited about it!!

Another step closer hopefully!! It's great to hear others experience of egg transfer/ scans etc. makes it all seem a little less daunting!

Has anyone done anything to try prevent OHSS?
Wishing everyone the best of luck

Its funny the things that excite us now lol.
Ive just been drinking plenty of water and powerade.

How is everyone?

I have just had my day 8 scan after 7 days of stims. They measured 4 follies on my right ovary, but struggled to find my left! After much prodding and probing - and a second nurse- they managed to find it but said there was probably only a 6 and an 8 and said we would probably rely on the right! The four measured 10.3, 10.3, 11.5 & 11.6.
I am to continue on the same meds until Friday when I have another scan!

I'm a bit disappointed with the count so far, Does anyone think I will get any more? We are pretty much relying on this one cycle as it is on the NHS and Not sure if I can persuade OH to pay for another round, especially as they told us the success rate would only be 35%.

You can definitely get more! Especially if they are upping your meds!

Hey all!

So AF arrived in Full force today, 14DPO so I am happy to finally have her here so I can officially get started with surgery and then in July, estrogen for my IVF cycle. WOOHOO!

Mrs. Stru - dont worry so much on that number, you still have a few days left for those eggs to mature and play catch up. When are you going in for your ER?

How is everyone else?
Dancing - any updates?
Duke - how are the meds going?
Haj - TOMORROW is the BIG day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am praying for you sweetie, for ALL of us!!!!!!!!!!

For once yayyy for AF!!! I know I'm so nervous!!

Mrs. Stru, have they bumped up your meds at all?

Good luck today alscreetch and s08!

I had my first follie check after 3 days of stims. I have 6 follies on the left, with one at 12 mm the rest are under 10 mm, and 7 follies on the right, with one measuring 13 mm and the rest are under 10. My RE said she will probably bump up my meds tonight to see if we can recruit some more follies. Fx we can. She said it's good that so many are around the same size. I hope they continue to grow together at the same rate. Hope we won't have to sacrifice the two bigger ones.

Hopefulyl everything will be ok!!

Hey jchic no updates still AF cramps and now a little bit of spotting so it's just a waiting game now.


AFM: Went back to the RE this morning for bloodwork to make sure the HCG is in my bloodstream. So they'll give me a call later. Thankfully no shots today!!! Otherwise I have ER in the morning!!! Woohoo!! Hopefully a lot of those eggs are mature and good quality!!! Then tomorrow night I start my antibiotics, steroids, and progesterone shots.

I have heard progesterone really hurts. Anyone know if thats true?
I have heard progesterone hurts....one of my friends told me NOT to do it in your thigh, thats where its the worst. Other areas arent too bad :)
I have heard progesterone hurts....one of my friends told me NOT to do it in your thigh, thats where its the worst. Other areas arent too bad :)

I was told to do it in my butt. I'm nervous bc thats a big needle and I heard it hurts too!!!
Hi girls, hope you don’t mind me joining you girls on this thread.

I know a few of you already from other threads but need some inspiration going forward to IVF #2 in June/July

Daisy > That is a great count for 3 days of stims. I was told that they aim for between 8-12 eggs as it keeps the risk of OHSS at bay. I cant wait to hear about your success.

Mrs stru > I have read about so many girls getting great eggs from less follicles, when it is like the ones that is there is great quality and give wonderful embies. So just pray for their quality being great.

DancingDiva > Fx'd for a late bfp, I know how you feel :hugs:

jchic > GL with the lap, atleast the recovery time is very quick. And then your bfp will follow shortly after!

Haj > GL with the ER, Fx;d for a whole bunch of mature eggies :thumbup: I was too much of a sissy to do mine myself, but I live close to a GP so just went there for the shot. But it didn’t hurt that much, a bit of a numb feeling where it is injected. But I suppose he just knew how to do it properly.

Lulu > The tww is a b!tch, but soon you will have a true bfp in your hand and it will all be forgotten.

Akscreetch > Its really not that bad, I found the waiting to find out how the embies is doing 10x worse. GL you gonna be great!

AFM > I had my first IVF with ICSI in April/May.
I was on 225iu Menopur for 8 days, had 14 follies on CD10, 2xOvidrell and
ER on the 25th of April - 12 eggs
27th of April, had 6 embies left
30th of April, we transferred 1 early blast and 1 morula - No frosties left
Embryologist said she is concerned about my egg quality as it is very strange that out of 12 only 2 made it to day 5, Good news was that the 4 she did normal IVF on all fertilized by themselves so we don’t need ICSI in future treatments.
Daily progesterone suppositories along with POI every 3rd day after ET
8th of May, Digi negative and Beta negative

Now im waiting for my follow up appointment on the 24th to find out what our game plan is going forward and if the FS wants to do any blood tests. I have also been making a list of questions that I want answered, its not that I don’t trust my FS, it is just that he does the test without telling you what they are for and what the results was. So when I read something im not sure if I have been tested or if I need to be.

All depending on how long this natural cycle is gonna be for me, I should start with my next IVF cycle by mid June. Finances are ready we just waiting for my body now.

Im also doing acupuncture daily to assist with quality and quantity for next cycle.
tella, do you know what tests they are going to run? I think they can give you things to help with egg quality if thats the case.
Soooo I'm having a terrible day... My twin sis is now pg and said it was an accident and my period is still not here and no signs and I'm definitely not pg.... And everyone I work with is pg so there are baby bellies all around! I just want to crawl in a hole. I just had a small anxiety attack and feel like I can't breath. This sucks and im ready to be done.
Soooo I'm having a terrible day... My twin sis is now pg and said it was an accident and my period is still not here and no signs and I'm definitely not pg.... And everyone I work with is pg so there are baby bellies all around! I just want to crawl in a hole. I just had a small anxiety attack and feel like I can't breath. This sucks and im ready to be done.

Aw MoBaby I'm so sorry youre having a rough day:hugs:
Ugh Mo Baby, I am sorry. I know what its like to have pregnant people all around. Stay strong and know that God has a plan, and you will be a mom. Remember that when that time comes, all of this will be worth it. Hang in there, ok?

Hugs :(
Mo baby, it's a toughie. Yesterday on my way to acupuncture, I passed on prego on the street, and then the woman sitting across from me in the subway was looking at her US pictures and going through some paperwork from her OB. Then when I was leaving acupuncture, I walked past THREE prego women, boom boom boom. It's hard. WE WILL GET THERE. Mark my words.

OK so just got the call from my nurse - we are sticking with the same dosage for now, as my estrogen was 218, and it was explained to me that usually what happens is that estrogen surges first, which then is usually followed by some more follicles popping up, and apparently my rise in estrogen from Saturday to today is consistent with that surge... So they are hoping to see more follicles on Thursday. Looks like I will need to order more meds though for sure as I only have enough Menopur to last through Thursday, and I'll definitely need more than that.
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