IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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I'm glad you are still here :flower: A cycle that long would drive me insane, literally. I'm glad AF will be here soon for you though. I'm not sure about days to take off yet. Have you had your meeting about IVF? Also if you don't mind me asking... Are you guys doing the TESE before ER or day of? I'm getting nervous about this :wacko:

My cycles are typically really long since I have PCOS. But this one worked out with the timing since we can't do another TESE until hubby has had at least 3 months to heal. We already did a TESE back in March and froze the samples since they found "some sperm" in 3 out of the 5 samples taken. We'll hopefully be using those but our urologist will be on-call to do another TESE the day of to try and find more in case our samples don't survive the defrost.

I'm glad you cycle worked out with everything. We are hoping to use a frozen sample as well. I'll know more on Tuesday though. Fingers crossed that your hubby won't have to have another TESE done and your sample thaws great.

MoBaby - Glad AF is finally showing for you, so exciting to get started!

DancingDiva - I'm so sorry big :hugs:

oneof14 - sorry I can't help you with that, I don't have experience with down reg

Haj - Congrats! Sorry to hear you are in pain though, rest up!

s08 - 1 frostie is good, better than none. Hoping you don't need to use it anytime soon.

Welcome GettingBroody - It makes sense to start the bc while waiting for the results, good luck with your FS. The whole process takes a long time, so I don't blame you for wanting to get it started asap.

AnnetteCali - Glad to hear the ER went well, can't wait to hear the fertilization report.

alscreetch - Yay 8 little embies :happydance:

MoBaby - That is awesome, what a great surprise.

Mammywannabe - you'll be stimming before you know it.

nosaint - yay for getting started :)

raelynn - I was given about 2 days notice, I usually have my one and only scan on cd10 and ER on cd12, if your having scans more often you may know a bit more in advance though.

AFM - Got some good news from the embryologist today, 6 out of the 7 eggs fertilized! Now the wait for transfer day (i'm doing a 5 day transfer) to see how well they are doing.

Thats great that 6 fertilized! Will you not hear anything until the day of transfer now?

Great news TTB - congratulations. FX for happy embies and good development.

So I had bad news today - my cycle may be canceled. I've been really upset all morning. So basically, it sounds like I have 15 total follicles, most still under 10, with a couple at 11, and one big one at 16mm. The doctor said that it's likely that the big one is suppressing all the others and therefore my cycle may be canceled. Devastated by this.

It just seems like there are SO many hurdles to overcome - even just to make it to egg retrieval, much less have enough mature eggs, fertilization, making it to blast, having normal embryos... I'm just feeling really disappointed, frustrated, disheartened, discouraged.

I have put in a call to my doctor and to my nurse to discuss. The doctor I saw today advised me to start the ganerelix tonight, and to come back on Saturday. So I guess it's not over yet, but it doesn't look too good.

Does anyone know what, if anything can be done? Does anyone have experience with this? Is this something that can be overcome, or is the cycle a bust? What can be done to prevent this from happening again? More suppression, or higher dosage of stims from the get-go?

To make matters worse, is that I won't be able to cycle right away again - we are going on a family trip (my FIL 80th birthday) - the first we in July. So if there is no retrieval this month, I'm pretty sure I won't be able to cycle until August. It is just so aggravating to wait and wait and wait, and then there are no guarantees. I'm really struggling to keep the faith.

:hugs: I really hope they can figure something out for you. I can only imagine how tough of a day you are having. Its not canceled yet so try and keep your hopes high that everything will work out for the best.

Alscreetch-Thats great numbers!!

Annette-How exciting!!

AFM: Sorry, I didn't come back on, I was in a good amount of pain. I actually took today off bc I'm just not feeling up to par. Today definitely is better then yesterday though. So I'm just laying on the couch waiting to hear how many of my eggies were mature and fertilized. I'll let you know as soon as I do!!!

I'm glad you are doing a little better today. I look forward to hearing your update after they call. Enjoy your day of relaxing.

First I would like to say this is the most nerve racking thing I have ever experienced. We have 5-4 cell, 1-3 cell, 2-2 cells. I am not sure if this is a good two day report. The nurse tried to reassure me, that they are progressing nicely. Well at least 6 of the 8 are. Will call me with update tomorrow. My heart is beating so fast. How did you calm yourself during the 3 or 5 day wait?

Also note that I could still have a 3 day transfer. Will know tomorrow. I am having an emotional tiny breakdown, I won't say massive just yet. OMG the hormones are driving me crazy.

Daisy... I am sorry...trust your RE they will do what's best!!

It really sounds like everything is going well. Try not to stress about how they are doing (PS remind me of this when its my turn). FX the report comes back great tomorrow. Those 2 and 3 cell one could improve so much between now and then. :thumbup:
MrsC - Good luck with your DH's TESE! Hope you get some good samples to use!
daisy- it really only takes one good egg. could they not just do the retrieval and see what they get? im so sorry you are going through this.
I'm going into the clinic tomorrow for cd2 labs/scan... Never had it on cd2.... Also the re nurse said ret will be around July 16th now instead of the 11th... I'm gonna discuss that with them tomorrow. I hope I can get it bumped up to the 11th or even 4th.... I think I should have some frequent flyer benefits or something :)
I'm going into the clinic tomorrow for cd2 labs/scan... Never had it on cd2.... Also the re nurse said ret will be around July 16th now instead of the 11th... I'm gonna discuss that with them tomorrow. I hope I can get it bumped up to the 11th or even 4th.... I think I should have some frequent flyer benefits or something :)

Thats great news! :thumbup: When will you start BC and meds? Or will you not know until tomorrow?
I'll start bc Saturday I think... She said she would go over it all with me tomorrow. Bcp for it sounds like 5-6 weeks them injections. Hope she's not thinking I'm doing the same protocol.. Doc switched it up.
I hope everything goes well tomorrow. I look forward to hearing how it goes.
Hey ladies poppin in to see whas happening :) ....I just got called about adoption (2 of my friends little nieces) so I'm not sure whats gonna happen with that. But we are going to try natural medicated cycles until we find out if this adoption goes through...we might not need IVF :) we might have our two miracles already :) I just pray we make the right decisions in the next few weeks :)
The doctor just called and they said 12 of the eggs fertilized (they left a msg, I was sleeping.) I have to go in tomorrow for a sono and bloodwork and they said we will go into detail of everything then. I guess if they have heard from the hospital that early I can get grading and they will let me know if I'm doing a 3 or 5 day transfer.
Hey ladies poppin in to see whas happening :) ....I just got called about adoption (2 of my friends little nieces) so I'm not sure whats gonna happen with that. But we are going to try natural medicated cycles until we find out if this adoption goes through...we might not need IVF :) we might have our two miracles already :) I just pray we make the right decisions in the next few weeks :)

Thats great about the adoption. Fx everything works out the way you want it to. :flower:

The doctor just called and they said 12 of the eggs fertilized (they left a msg, I was sleeping.) I have to go in tomorrow for a sono and bloodwork and they said we will go into detail of everything then. I guess if they have heard from the hospital that early I can get grading and they will let me know if I'm doing a 3 or 5 day transfer.

Haj that is wonderful news! Can I ask why the soon and bloodwork tomorrow? I didn't know that was needed.
Haj - great news.

Squid, they really don't want to do ER unless there are more eggs. I think if I had at least 5, they would do it, but they won't do it with only 2 - the success rate is just very low with only 2 retrieved I think - similar to IUI.

So an update. Talked to my doctor and she said it's too early to cancel, but that we'll have to take it day by day. She wants me to stay on the same dosage of meds for now and come back in tomorrow so that she can scan me herself. My labs came back and my E2 is 499 (maybe a little low, but up from 218 on Tuesday), and progesterone was 0.4, which is fine.

She said that if we do have to cancel, she'll change my protocol to estrogen priming with Estrace in the hopes that I won't develop a lead follicle like I did this time.
haj- yay congrats

daisy- sorry *hugs* / would he switch to iui?
I don't know if it's really worth doing an IUI with only 2 eggs and 1% morph, and using up more fertility benefit. If we do have to cancel, we might just do timed intercourse. :shrug:
Well, I've just read through the first 50 pages of the thread!! Gone a bit cross-eyed! :wacko: Feel like I'm on a bit of a roller coaster with you all - catching up on months of posts in one go!! Will leave some more personal comments in the next day or two when I've read your full stories but in the meantime good luck to all those who are going brought EPU and ET right now. Fx'd that all those embies develop and stick! :dust:

AFM, I rang the FS earlier and spoke to one of the nurses and she said there's no way I can start anything until the blood tests are back and we've had our nurse consult :nope: I am quite cross right now because I really just don't see the harm in starting the bcp while we're waiting on results. Or, since we had to wait a few weeks for our first appointment why couldn't they have taken dhs bloods back then and the results would have been back in time for the apt!!:growlmad: Seems like they could save a lot of time if they just put some thought into it! So...the earliest I could be starting my three weeks of bcp (Look at me eager to go back on the pill! :haha:) is the very end of June but that would mean EPU when I'm supposed to be away on hols with DH in August and to be honest I can't see us deciding to cancel**our hols - its just money down the drain and also we might be glad of the holiday to look back on in the following months! So, looks like I won't even be starting the bcp til Aug or maybe Sept depending on my cycle dates. Endless endless waiting :-(
GettingBroody, I am assuming the FS doesnt know what protocol to give you unless your blood work comes back, for example, I am doing the Estrogen Priming Priming Protocol w/that protocol, I am not taking BCP. They want to make sure based on your blood work, thats you will get the protocol that best for you. I understand that waiting can be so frustrating. I am waiting out another cycle too and starting June 4th. Good luck!!
Daisy, I've read somewhere where follies due catch-up! I can only imagine how frustating it is for you. EVERYTHING is a waiting game!!!
oneof/broody- the bloodwork is on her hubby which is why it doesnt make a whole lot of sense that she cant start... again im so glad i go to a clinic where there are only 2 doctors and it is super focused on individual management. my ivf is gonna be at a "big box" fancy ivf center but done by my doc. so i get the best of both worlds.

oy, lupron again kicking my ass.. this is so hard. even caffeine is doing nothing (and i dont want to go back up from my 200mg a day). i generally dont work every day but of course i am this week which is killing me. looking forward to stims cause gonal treated me pretty well.
Haj - great news.

Squid, they really don't want to do ER unless there are more eggs. I think if I had at least 5, they would do it, but they won't do it with only 2 - the success rate is just very low with only 2 retrieved I think - similar to IUI.

So an update. Talked to my doctor and she said it's too early to cancel, but that we'll have to take it day by day. She wants me to stay on the same dosage of meds for now and come back in tomorrow so that she can scan me herself. My labs came back and my E2 is 499 (maybe a little low, but up from 218 on Tuesday), and progesterone was 0.4, which is fine.

She said that if we do have to cancel, she'll change my protocol to estrogen priming with Estrace in the hopes that I won't develop a lead follicle like I did this time.

Fx you won't have to cancel. Its good she wants to do the scan herself though. Maybe they will grow quite a bit over the next 24 hours and things will look better tomorrow.

Well, I've just read through the first 50 pages of the thread!! Gone a bit cross-eyed! :wacko: Feel like I'm on a bit of a roller coaster with you all - catching up on months of posts in one go!! Will leave some more personal comments in the next day or two when I've read your full stories but in the meantime good luck to all those who are going brought EPU and ET right now. Fx'd that all those embies develop and stick! :dust:

AFM, I rang the FS earlier and spoke to one of the nurses and she said there's no way I can start anything until the blood tests are back and we've had our nurse consult :nope: I am quite cross right now because I really just don't see the harm in starting the bcp while we're waiting on results. Or, since we had to wait a few weeks for our first appointment why couldn't they have taken dhs bloods back then and the results would have been back in time for the apt!!:growlmad: Seems like they could save a lot of time if they just put some thought into it! So...the earliest I could be starting my three weeks of bcp (Look at me eager to go back on the pill! :haha:) is the very end of June but that would mean EPU when I'm supposed to be away on hols with DH in August and to be honest I can't see us deciding to cancel**our hols - its just money down the drain and also we might be glad of the holiday to look back on in the following months! So, looks like I won't even be starting the bcp til Aug or maybe Sept depending on my cycle dates. Endless endless waiting :-(

Thanks for catching up with us all. It's quite a bit to read but hopefully you find it helpful.

Sorry to hear things are moving slowly at the moment. I would be upset as well if it took that long to get results back. They should have done it earlier. There could be a chance that you could get everything taken care of before you go away with your DH in August. When is your next appointment? At the appointment will they tell you with protocol you will be on? Maybe they will start you on BC if you need it at that point. :shrug:
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