IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Tella, thanks for that. :flower:

If we can't squeeze another cycle in June, then I'll have to wait until august because the lab closes in July. So I won't be able to cycle then regardless.

I appreciate your perspective in this, and also, thank you for breaking down the timeline for me. :flower:
Hey ladies, just got back from the doctor. I have fluid around my ovaries and they are really swollen. So the nurse said we have to see how my blood levels come back but this might effect my transfer:cry:
Haj, don't stress. FET can sometimes be better because your hormone levels will be better regulated, and they can get your lining perfect - my clinic ends up recommending FET over fresh transfer 40% of the time. I know its not what you were hoping for, but it may work out better for both you and your chances for successful implantation. Hang in there and be happy at least you got to ER and have thriving embies!
Haj, don't stress. FET can sometimes be better because your hormone levels will be better regulated, and they can get your lining perfect - my clinic ends up recommending FET over fresh transfer 40% of the time. I know its not what you were hoping for, but it may work out better for both you and your chances for successful implantation. Hang in there and be happy at least you got to ER and have thriving embies!

No I know and I am happy about that. Its just that I feel like I constantly have a bump to get over.
THe bumps will all be worth it! Hoping all goes well, but Daisy is right, FET's are very common and could give you a better chance for perfectly timed implantation.
Daisy > :flow: I was scared it might sound pushy :hugs: I still hope those others catch up and you get your bfp this cycle!!!

Haj > Im so sorry to hear this! Seems like everything in live, when you cross one hurdle there is always another one waiting for us. It just seems like TTC has a few extra's added in :hugs: Hope your blood work comes back fine!

I've also heard that FET are more successfull due to less stress on the body.
Hey ladies, hope you are all doing well and we get lots more BFP's this month.

I just wanted some advice just got confirmation that my 1st IVF cycle failed. I am just wondering what happens next do they change the procedure, my meds etc. What kind of things should I be asking at my next appointment?

:hugs: I'm so sorry hun. I think you should ask what they will do differently next time, what went wrong, and how long until you can try again.

Update - I just got home from another scan and more blood work. My doctor is on the fence about what to do with me - cancel or push forward. I have two big ones - 17mm, I think one at 14, a few at 12, maybe one or two at 11, and 4 or more are under ten. I don't know the total count. Overall she is just not happy at the way they are all over the place in terms of growth.

She said that if I was 40, she'd conclude this is the best we can hope for and move forward. But since I'm 34, and this is our first try, she said she think we can do better. She said that if this happens AGAIN next time, that we will just assume this is how my body reacts, and will push forward anyway. She also said she's not expecting to get 15 eggs out of me - (this is disappointing) - based on my AMH and AFC, but that she's hoping we can do better than this. She is also aware that we have a limited fertility benefit which will only (partially) cover one try, and then we are 100% out of pocket - so she doesn't want to possibly waste our fertility benefit on this cycle which is looking suboptimal.

We discussed converting to IUI, and also starting me on Estrace during my luteal phase so that if it is a BFN, we can move right into a new stim cycle. I am hoping the dates work out with the cruise we are supposed to take the week of July first. My husband also has some business travel planned in mid-late June that he says he cannot move (we'll see about that). I know we could always have his sperm frozen, but this is suboptimal, no? Fresh is better? So it's all up in the air. I will know more after talking to my nurse later today.

Nervous about canceling, and having the same (or worse) response next time... And worried the timing won't work out.

My doctor is also not thrilled about me traveling so soon after possible ET. Ugh.

This must be such a difficult decision to make. When is your next appointment to check things? In all honesty I would say that if things don't look more reassuring at the next appointment I would want to cancel and try for the next cycle. I fully agree with everything Tella said. I know canceling is not something anyone wants to do but theres a good chance that with the next cycle things will look better because they know how you respond to the meds now. As for the fresh vs frozen sperm... Our situation is different as we have to get the sperm out with a needle and then freeze it. I stressed about fresh vs frozen and which is better. The urologist and FS both said there is truly no difference. The only big thing is losing a few during the thaw but it's nothing major. I know we are always told fresh is better but thats really not the case. I'm still worried about it but they have reassured me that thawing is not a big deal. Don't let the thought of freezing your DH's sperm keep you from doing another cycle if the timing doesn't add up right. :hugs: What ever you decide know that we are here to support you and go through the process with you.

gettingbroody > Sorry to hear about their incompetence in being able to plan forward. But I find that most of the staff at fertility clinics don’t get involved on a personal level, they deal with everything on a procedure basis and wont budge of it. The ability to think forward and plan forward is not existent. Its like our clinic, the receptionist is as cold as stone, even after my failure, but the fertility nurse is very sweet and helpful. But unfortunately we at the mercy of the receptionist making the appointments and getting results.

Maybe your holiday will bring along a surprise bfp and you don’t need IVF, everything happens for a reason, even if it is hard to deal with.

I only had a scan on CD3 to confirm Im ready to start stims but then again I was on the Short protocol so no BCP for me.

tiffttc > GL with you appointment at least it is only 4 days to go now!

Haj > Fx'd you don’t have OHSS, look after yourself!!!!

Noasaint > You don’t have to be on BCP, I didn’t have to take it at all. I was on the short protocol and also you get estrogen priming but it depends on your situation.

DancingDiva > Im so sorry girl :hugs: I know exactly how you feeling!!!!!!!!!! I wish I knew the answer to those questions as well but I suppose the follow up appointmnet will give more light on the subject. My is next Thurday and will post what my FS says once I get back. I know I had egg quality issues, even though my AMH and FSH levels are fine :wacko: I would assume maybe some testing and other meds for next cycle.

AFM > Started SMEP last night. Did my first OPK this morning and it is still negative not even close to positive, but we will get there. Will be giving this natural cycle all the chance it can get.

Fx you get a BFP with a natural cycle. :thumbup:

Hey ladies, just got back from the doctor. I have fluid around my ovaries and they are really swollen. So the nurse said we have to see how my blood levels come back but this might effect my transfer:cry:

haj please try not to stress. Everything will work out. It does seem like there is always a bump in the road for everyone but know you will get over that bump, we all will. :hugs: Fx the bloodwork comes back good and you can still do the transfer. You don't want to get horrible OHSS though.:flower:
Thanks for the reassurance about using frozen. I am hoping we won't have to, but now I feel better about it if that's what has to happen.

I am not sure yet if I'm going in for another check tomorrow or not. I think the decision will be made today. It seems like my doc wanted to see my blood work results before making a final decision.

I get what you and Tella are saying about not moving forward when it doesn't look so great at this point... It's just that there are no guarantees that it will be better next time around, but I guess I can't think like that. I think at this point I"m just going to do whatever my doctor suggests and hope for the best.
DaisyQ~ I think thats a great idea to see what she has to say today. They do know what is best. She seems to be looking out for you quite a bit so that is a plus. Stay as positive as you can and remember that it will happen for you. This is just a hurdle and you will make it over it. Stay strong. :flower:
Daisy, I am sorry this is what you have to deal with. Trust what your doctor says and take it from there. This infertility sh*t for the birds. This is yet another hurdle you have to get over, and in the end, it will all be worth it and you will appreciate your little bean even more!! Hang in there!
Daisy, stay positive. Everything will work out for the best. I'm sure your doctor knows exactly what they're doing
haj- fingers crossed for you... i know that if you have ohss and get pregnant it gets much much worse so... hopefully things will work out either way (ie they prevent you from getting super sick and you get your bfp)

daisy- fingers crossed.. i know with my doc with frozen they recommend icsi.

dancing diva- i believe it was you who was saying you werent sure what the next step was. i know ive talked to my doc about this. as patients we always want to change something, anything because it didnt work. but statistically it doesnt always work. obviously if there is a way to optimize things, improve er, improve fertilization etc then yes but dont be surprised if they dont want to change anything if you had a great response and it just didnt work.

afm- bed at 8 pm on weds, 9pm thurs (cause i worked til 7) and im still tired. the lack of the gym is realy getting to me too. so much for going home looking all cute and thin =(
So on day 11 of stimming and I had a second scan this morning to check how my follies are doing.
It was a lot better than Tuesday's where there were only 4 that they measured. I didn't get an exact figure but there were about 9 or 10 with one measuring 18. So I continue stimming over the weekend to let the others catch up. So I have another scan on Monday with possible collection on Wednesday!
So on day 11 of stimming and I had a second scan this morning to check how my follies are doing.
It was a lot better than Tuesday's where there were only 4 that they measured. I didn't get an exact figure but there were about 9 or 10 with one measuring 18. So I continue stimming over the weekend to let the others catch up. So I have another scan on Monday with possible collection on Wednesday!

Thats exciting!! Fx they grow over the weekend.
jchic and MoBaby~ How did your appointments go?

Those in the TWW~ How are you doing?

Fx for everyone waiting on ET! :flower:
It's official. My cycle is canceled. We are converting to iui, and starting estrace during my LP to prepare for next cycle.

I asked about letting the lead ones go, in order to let the little ones catch up, but she feels this isn't going to work well, since the follicles are all over the place in size. she said if I had one big one, and all the others were growing together but just small, we could let the big one go, and let the other ones grow together to maturity. But that's not exactly what's happening here.

She said there's no way to guarantee this won't happen again. She said there are three ways to quiet the ovaries before stims - Lupron (which she doesn't recommend for me), bcp which we tried, and estrace.

She said if it does happen again, she would go ahead with ER, because apparently this is how I respond to stims. But she thinks there is a good chance for better success next cycle with the different protocol.

She said if we went through with ER, I could expect 3-4 mature eggs. Which is definitely suboptimal.

So I'm waiting for my nurse to call, but I think I am triggering tonight with iui tomorrow and saturday. So much for sleeping in!
It's official. My cycle is canceled. We are converting to iui, and starting estrace during my LP to prepare for next cycle.

I asked about letting the lead ones go, in order to let the little ones catch up, but she feels this isn't going to work well, since the follicles are all over the place in size. she said if I had one big one, and all the others were growing together but just small, we could let the big one go, and let the other ones grow together to maturity. But that's not exactly what's happening here.

She said there's no way to guarantee this won't happen again. She said there are three ways to quiet the ovaries before stims - Lupron (which she doesn't recommend for me), bcp which we tried, and estrace.

She said if it does happen again, she would go ahead with ER, because apparently this is how I respond to stims. But she thinks there is a good chance for better success next cycle with the different protocol.

She said if we went through with ER, I could expect 3-4 mature eggs. Which is definitely suboptimal.

So I'm waiting for my nurse to call, but I think I am triggering tonight with iui tomorrow and saturday. So much for sleeping in!

Sorry you had to cancel. I really hope that the IUI will give you a BFP. If by chance it doesn't your next cycle will with IVF. Are you ok with canceling or would you have liked to push forward with it?
Hey ladies, so the doctor called back and they said I'm on for a 5 day transfer on Monday. I still have 12 little eggies!!! The said 9 of them are really good. 3 of them are 5 cell, 6 are 4 cell, 1 is 3 cell, 1 is 2pn, and 1 is compact.

Does anyone know exactly what a compacted embryo means?

So for Day 2 embroys thats pretty good right?
Hey ladies, so the doctor called back and they said I'm on for a 5 day transfer on Monday. I still have 12 little eggies!!! The said 9 of them are really good. 3 of them are 5 cell, 6 are 4 cell, 1 is 3 cell, 1 is 2pn, and 1 is compact.

Does anyone know exactly what a compacted embryo means?

So for Day 2 embroys thats pretty good right?

That so exciting haj!! :happydance: When reading about your eggies I thought to myself what is compact?? Then I saw that you were wondering the same thing. Hmmm thats interesting. At least many of them are doing great. Are you putting two back on Monday or one?

Oh and yes for D2 those sound great!
Haj - Congrats on great embies growing. Sorry I dont' know what compact means either. Good luck on Monday, so exciting!

Daisy - I am so sorry about your cycle. I posted on the other thread too :hugs:

Dancing - So sorry your first cycle did not work out. I hope you get some answers when you go meet with you re.

Drsquid - I hear ya about the lupron. I can't take it and I have a really bad headache too

AFM - picked up my bag of meds last night. Holy cow it was alot of stuff! Monday is u\s and b\w and then hopefully start stims. I am excited to get on with it and hopefully feel better from the lupron.

Hope you ladies all have a great weekend :flower:
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