IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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So ladies do you want to hear my new crazy worry??? I had to have a full bladder for my transfer today. Did anyone else? I was nervous to drink too early though bc remember I was ready to die with my mock transfer. So I started drinking a little later but they ended up taking me in early. So the nurse had said well he might have to fill your bladder if it's not full enough. So the doctor came in to talk before I went in and was like is your bladder full bc you look way too calm for it to be and I was like I think so. So he took me in and started to Sono and was like yeah your bladder isn't that full. So he had the nurse pressing on my stomach with the Sono thing and he was like we can just put pressure on your stomach. So I was like you can fill my bladder if you need and he was like its ok. Buttttt being the wacko I am now I'm afraid bc my bladder wasn't full the embryos weren't placed correctly

I would not worry b\c I think that some clinics don't even require a full bladder for the transfer. I don't think mine does, or at least they did not do it for my mock transfer. Plus you have to remember our clinics are trying to do whatever it takes to get us pregnant because it makes them look better too :winkwink: so I'm sure if it would have made a difference he would have filled you up :haha: I know you are going to worry anyway because that's just you! I'm the same...

I'm just a crazy lady. Do they do a guided ultrasound for your transfer?
E2 is 49.2 so they said I can start tonight! Will keep you guys posted on my progress. I have my next scan and b/w on Thursday.

Yayyy for starting stims!!!
Well, after driving round the hospital car park for 20 minutes trying to find a space, I gave up and dumped my car outside the crm entrance and hoped I wouldn't get caught!! Luckily I was called straight in for my scan and managed to get out within 15 mins and back to my car without getting a ticket! Security were going round as I pulled away so I am hoping that they missed me and I won't get a nasty surprise in the post!

Anyway, I have 6 or 7 mature follicles so I will trigger tonight at 10pm ready for ER on wednesday. It's becoming real now...

Yayyy for triggering!! The worries really begin now. I was so calm up to this point. Then I turned into crazy lady like Haj :haha: just kidding Haj.

Well I only have 1 frostie, but praying I won't need it. I learned the grades today, 3AA & 3AB. I also learned that I don't do stationary very well. Yes I meant to say that. I am struggling with sitting still. What are your thoughts of bedrest?
Thanks for the updates MrsC!!! We appreciate you keeping up with the crazy!!
my clinic doesnt do mock transfer. the reason for a full bladder is to give a good window. if they already have a good window then you dont need more even if it isnt full (if that makes sense). i know ive had a few transabd us at work and havent needed a full bladder cause im thin enough they can see anyway with a little fluid.

so i went to my doc's today to get a note for the airplane and to ask about us. af hasnt arrived yet and i was worried about getting my baseline. doc said i likely got a bit of a flare and prob have a small cyst but.. given that im not starting stims til jun1. and i get back april 30.. i can just get the us may 31.. yay.
soo re office didnt call back about my ultrasound. dumb. i dont want to be the crazy lady and call again. i have saline sonography on the 30th; i will just drill my re then (and beg to have egg ret at an earlier date :) ) hopefully my degenerating fibroid has had its moment and decides to be small again. 8.9 cm is not what i wanted to hear :( 5.5 cm was big enough. i wonder if all the stims/pregnancy/mc/d&c has contributed to the growth? it was still at the 5 cm for the last transfer. i really do not want to have a myomectomy ; commits me to a csection so i wouldnt be able to try natural and pushes ivf cycle 3 more months!

sooo excited for the girlies who had their transfers this weekend and today! congrats!
Has Chiles gotten her new beta yet? I'm so excited to see what it is!

Ladies, got a question...what's in a Lupron trigger? just lupron? My stupid insurance hasn't a clue what it is and the ART nurse told me it's a mix but never said what's in it.
ultrasound window. they use the fluid in the bladder because the sound waves move well through it and give you a good picture of what is behind. bowel gas is bad and will prevent you from seeing anything. so it is a combo of having something good to bounce the waves through and physically pushing the other stuff out of the way with a full bladder
Haj - fantastic news! Hopefully you wont need those frosties for a few years yet. Hope your scan goes well. I thought you only needed a full bladder for the ultrasound during the transfer, try not to worry, I know easy to say but not easy to do :)

MrsC - good luck with hubby's TESE, hope you get lots of :spermy:

BlueStorm - yay for starting stims! Your follicle numbers should increase when stimming.

s08 - still early days yet; good luck with your POAS

mrs stru - yay for triggering! It makes it all very real doesn't it :). Good luck with your ER on Wednesday!

MoBaby - How frustrating that they havent called back yet. I really hope you don't need the surgery.

AnnetteCali - how did your transfer go?

AFM - want to say a big thank you to you all, it's fantastic to come on here and get so much support! I'm feeling really calm and positive about this cycle, now just to try to stay sane til test date. Hubby and I decided we take a hpt on the day of our blood test, the trigger should be well and truly out by then and I can be prepared for the results of the blood test rather than finding out at work by myself. My OTD is 1st June.
Hey ladies!!

I just wanted to update you guys on my situation. Unfortunately, my pregnancy ended in a very early miscarriage :cry:. It's on to anther cycle for us and probably our last since we can't afford a 3rd cycle. I really hope this second try works for us. My RE waits a whole cycle before he moves on to another round of ivf. I will be making an appointment with him sometime soon and will let you know how that goes. Sorry I didn't catch up on the previous posts but will read them soon. Good luck to everyone in their TWW and for everyone stimming and I really pray that this is it for you. :hugs:
Lets see if I can catch up with everyone :haha:

Well, after driving round the hospital car park for 20 minutes trying to find a space, I gave up and dumped my car outside the crm entrance and hoped I wouldn't get caught!! Luckily I was called straight in for my scan and managed to get out within 15 mins and back to my car without getting a ticket! Security were going round as I pulled away so I am hoping that they missed me and I won't get a nasty surprise in the post!

Anyway, I have 6 or 7 mature follicles so I will trigger tonight at 10pm ready for ER on wednesday. It's becoming real now...

Yay for triggering tonight!! :happydance: I'm excited to hear how things go on Wednesday.

thanks MRS C iam really nervous but i cant believe its finally here it has been the longest wait of my life (i dnt no what iam going to be like in my tww) lol!!.....em i kinda feel stupid askin this but i seen loads of ye using these but i never knew what they meant......so what does PUPO and OTD mean?????

The 2WW is going to be the hardest part! :wacko:

PUPO= Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise and OTD= Official Test Date :winkwink: Not a stupid question at all.

Ya i think iam going to go grey and bald in tww lol!!!!:haha: and thanks i would have never guessed it........am did you have your appt. with dh today or is it tomorow???:dohh:

We will try to keep you sane during the TWW. I can't really help with the grey and balding part though. :haha: Our appointment is tomorrow! We have to be there at noon. I'm sure I'll be going crazy while waiting for him so I'll be on here. I'll PM you about adding a pic. :thumbup:

So ladies do you want to hear my new crazy worry??? I had to have a full bladder for my transfer today. Did anyone else? I was nervous to drink too early though bc remember I was ready to die with my mock transfer. So I started drinking a little later but they ended up taking me in early. So the nurse had said well he might have to fill your bladder if it's not full enough. So the doctor came in to talk before I went in and was like is your bladder full bc you look way too calm for it to be and I was like I think so. So he took me in and started to Sono and was like yeah your bladder isn't that full. So he had the nurse pressing on my stomach with the Sono thing and he was like we can just put pressure on your stomach. So I was like you can fill my bladder if you need and he was like its ok. Buttttt being the wacko I am now I'm afraid bc my bladder wasn't full the embryos weren't placed correctly

haj you are as bad as I am! I worry about everything. My time just hasn't come yet. You will see. :winkwink: I think you will be fine. If they thought it wouldn't work they wouldn't have done it or they would have made you drink a ton within a certain time.

E2 is 49.2 so they said I can start tonight! Will keep you guys posted on my progress. I have my next scan and b/w on Thursday.

Yayyy for starting stims!!!
Well, after driving round the hospital car park for 20 minutes trying to find a space, I gave up and dumped my car outside the crm entrance and hoped I wouldn't get caught!! Luckily I was called straight in for my scan and managed to get out within 15 mins and back to my car without getting a ticket! Security were going round as I pulled away so I am hoping that they missed me and I won't get a nasty surprise in the post!

Anyway, I have 6 or 7 mature follicles so I will trigger tonight at 10pm ready for ER on wednesday. It's becoming real now...

Yayyy for triggering!! The worries really begin now. I was so calm up to this point. Then I turned into crazy lady like Haj :haha: just kidding Haj.

Well I only have 1 frostie, but praying I won't need it. I learned the grades today, 3AA & 3AB. I also learned that I don't do stationary very well. Yes I meant to say that. I am struggling with sitting still. What are your thoughts of bedrest?

1 frostie is good, you won't even need it though because you will have your BFP very soon. :thumbup: I think bedrest is a good idea. Maybe watch a movie or some funny shows. Mostly just don't run yourself crazy around the house. You want those little embies to snuggle in.

my clinic doesnt do mock transfer. the reason for a full bladder is to give a good window. if they already have a good window then you dont need more even if it isnt full (if that makes sense). i know ive had a few transabd us at work and havent needed a full bladder cause im thin enough they can see anyway with a little fluid.

so i went to my doc's today to get a note for the airplane and to ask about us. af hasnt arrived yet and i was worried about getting my baseline. doc said i likely got a bit of a flare and prob have a small cyst but.. given that im not starting stims til jun1. and i get back april 30.. i can just get the us may 31.. yay.

I'm still waiting on AF as well. :nope: She was suppose to be here last night. No show, so I though ok I'll wake up to it in the morning. Still a no show. :grr: I keep wondering why this is happening now, right at this moment when I need it to be on time. I'm glad you will be able to fit your u/s in before 6/1. :thumbup: Where are you headed to? Or did I miss that somewhere? :dohh:

soo re office didnt call back about my ultrasound. dumb. i dont want to be the crazy lady and call again. i have saline sonography on the 30th; i will just drill my re then (and beg to have egg ret at an earlier date :) ) hopefully my degenerating fibroid has had its moment and decides to be small again. 8.9 cm is not what i wanted to hear :( 5.5 cm was big enough. i wonder if all the stims/pregnancy/mc/d&c has contributed to the growth? it was still at the 5 cm for the last transfer. i really do not want to have a myomectomy ; commits me to a csection so i wouldnt be able to try natural and pushes ivf cycle 3 more months!

sooo excited for the girlies who had their transfers this weekend and today! congrats!

I agree MoBaby... dumb. That is a nice way of putting it. Actually I'm in a mood so I will say it. Thats shitty of them to not call you back. I hope they give you some answers on the 30th. Sorry you are having this bump in the road. :hugs:

Hey ladies!!

I just wanted to update you guys on my situation. Unfortunately, my pregnancy ended in a very early miscarriage :cry:. It's on to anther cycle for us and probably our last since we can't afford a 3rd cycle. I really hope this second try works for us. My RE waits a whole cycle before he moves on to another round of ivf. I will be making an appointment with him sometime soon and will let you know how that goes. Sorry I didn't catch up on the previous posts but will read them soon. Good luck to everyone in their TWW and for everyone stimming and I really pray that this is it for you. :hugs:

:hugs: I'm so so sorry Lulu :( Take some time and when you are ready we will be here for you.
Lulu, I'm so sorry for your loss.

Thought I'd jump back on the board today after finally getting some good news. I've been lurking and reading everyone's posts - it's so exciting that we've got some folks in the TWW already! I was staying away because I've been having major gall bladder problems and was afraid my whole IVF plan was going to be messed up. Just met with the RE today and he said if I have my gall bladder out in June I can still go ahead with IVF in July. I'm so relieved - I was afraid he was going to tell me I had to wait some ridiculous amount of time. So I went ahead and ordered my meds and I go back June 11 to get my timeline and figure out when to start down-regging.

Congrats to those who are newly PUPO - I can't wait to see your BFPs!!
Hi Ladies, just popping in to say hi and let you all know that I am still following all of your journeys. Congrats to all of you that are PUPO and well on your way to becoming PUPO. And of course a huge congrats to those that have already gotten you BFP!

LuLu I am so sorry to hear about your loss. When does your next cycle begin? I will have my fingers crossed for you. :hugs:

Mrs C - I love the updated new first page, it's a great way to keep up-to-date. I am still just waiting to get approval to start. If all goes well with my MRI I will be starting with my July AF.

Anyway I just wanted to drop in and let you know that I'm still here and that all my best wishes are going out to you guys in hopes of many BFP's.
Thanks for the updates ladies! :hugs: It's good to see you both back. Thank you both for still keeping up.

Lulu, I'm so sorry for your loss.

Thought I'd jump back on the board today after finally getting some good news. I've been lurking and reading everyone's posts - it's so exciting that we've got some folks in the TWW already! I was staying away because I've been having major gall bladder problems and was afraid my whole IVF plan was going to be messed up. Just met with the RE today and he said if I have my gall bladder out in June I can still go ahead with IVF in July. I'm so relieved - I was afraid he was going to tell me I had to wait some ridiculous amount of time. So I went ahead and ordered my meds and I go back June 11 to get my timeline and figure out when to start down-regging.

Congrats to those who are newly PUPO - I can't wait to see your BFPs!!

Yay for getting approval to get started after the surgery. :happydance: I hope it goes well. Sorry to hear that it's been giving you troubles though.

Hi Ladies, just popping in to say hi and let you all know that I am still following all of your journeys. Congrats to all of you that are PUPO and well on your way to becoming PUPO. And of course a huge congrats to those that have already gotten you BFP!

LuLu I am so sorry to hear about your loss. When does your next cycle begin? I will have my fingers crossed for you. :hugs:

Mrs C - I love the updated new first page, it's a great way to keep up-to-date. I am still just waiting to get approval to start. If all goes well with my MRI I will be starting with my July AF.

Anyway I just wanted to drop in and let you know that I'm still here and that all my best wishes are going out to you guys in hopes of many BFP's.

Thanks! Fx your MRI goes well and you get the IVF approval. :thumbup:
I'm so sorry for your loss Lulu. I cannot imagine how you must feel. I hope this next cycle brings you the joy you deserve.
Hiya ladies :hi:

MrsC asked me to come and update u all as ive posted in this thread before. I had 2 grade 3 embies transferred 11th May and got my BFP on the 19th. Official test date is tomorrow :)

Good luck to all the ladies still goin through this or those who are about too :) xxx
Hiya ladies :hi:

MrsC asked me to come and update u all as ive posted in this thread before. I had 2 grade 3 embies transferred 11th May and got my BFP on the 19th. Official test date is tomorrow :)

Good luck to all the ladies still goin through this or those who are about too :) xxx

Thanks Lisa! Again congrats and a H&H 9 months! :happydance:
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