IVF (w/ICSI) in Sept/Oct 2012

Thanks ladies! Crikey this waiting is torture, had a melt down today with stress as still a tad sore from egg retrieval and now suffering bad ibs :-( so I now look 3 months pregnant argh!!

I'm going to be a good girl and not test early but I now only have 1 week to go and my goodness it can't come quick enough!!!

Fingerscrossed for Want2conceive sending lots of babydust your way!!

Oh Victory, it's so difficult not to symptom spot!

Take care xx
Want... keeping my fingers crossed for you! are you planning on testing early? keep us posted! xoox

Fingerscrossed for Want2conceive sending lots of babydust your way!!


Ok, so I couldn't wait any longer. Went to Dr.'s office on day 11 after transfer. Did a Pregnancy test there and it was positive so I did blood work too and got the results back this morning! Beta HCG level was 102(on 11th day). Finally after 8yrs of trying a solid BFP! I know it's still a long road to go but just getting over this bridge was great.

Thank you everyone for your support on here. I am really grateful and hope I have helped some of you in return as well.
Congrats want2conceive!!! That's amazing - a :bfp: after 8 years!!! :happydance: Enjoy it!!!

Praying for you, Saus!!! Hope you get your :bfp:!!!
Congrats want2conceive, that's amazing news after 8 years! Enjoy the bliss :happydance:
Fantastic news Want2conceive!! Whoop whoop congratulations darlin, all good times ahead! Xxx
Huge congratulations want2conceive - fantastic news! I bet you're finding it difficult to believe after so long TTC? Good luck with the next 8 months

Saus - the 2ww is definitely the hardest - only 1 week to go. Keep busy!
Congrats want2conceive!!! That's amazing - a :bfp: after 8 years!!! :happydance: Enjoy it!!!

Praying for you, Saus!!! Hope you get your :bfp:!!!

Congrats want2conceive, that's amazing news after 8 years! Enjoy the bliss :happydance:

Fantastic news Want2conceive!! Whoop whoop congratulations darlin, all good times ahead! Xxx

Huge congratulations want2conceive - fantastic news! I bet you're finding it difficult to believe after so long TTC? Good luck with the next 8 months

Saus - the 2ww is definitely the hardest - only 1 week to go. Keep busy!

Thats great Want2concive!!! Congratulations!!! :happydance:

Thank you so much ladies! Hoping you girls catch some of my baby dust!
:dust: :dust: :dust:

Victory - yes, it feels like I'm dreaming. But I pinched myself just to make sure and I'm not really dreaming.
Oh my goodness, Victory - yay for twins!!! I just saw in your signature. Congrats on twice the fun! Anyone else on here having twins (or more) or just singletons? We are having a singleton.
Oh my goodness, Victory - yay for twins!!! I just saw in your signature. Congrats on twice the fun! Anyone else on here having twins (or more) or just singletons? We are having a singleton.

We're also having a singleton Signora. Had the first scan yesterday at 7 weeks and saw the heartbeat (133 bmp) which was so amazing and reassuring!
Oh my goodness, Victory - yay for twins!!! I just saw in your signature. Congrats on twice the fun! Anyone else on here having twins (or more) or just singletons? We are having a singleton.

We're also having a singleton Signora. Had the first scan yesterday at 7 weeks and saw the heartbeat (133 bmp) which was so amazing and reassuring!

Congrats on your baby and her/his nice strong heartbeat, Savanna!!! Seeing the heartbeat is truly amazing after all of this!!! We go back for our 8-week scan today and I can't wait!!!

By the way, does anyone feel really warm lately? It makes sense since our BBTs rise post ovulation and stay up there when we're preggo. I get cold so easily, but when I went to bed last night I was sweltering and I actually had my light summer pajamas on instead, and I had DH turn off our heat. When I got up this morning to do my progesterone suppository, DH said he was freezing cold and asked if I could turn on the heat. I could tell it was cold, but I was really comfortable and felt like I was radiating heat (he said I was nice and toasty too!) Usually it's the other way around - I'm freezing cold and he's warm. I even had him get out the thermometer so I could check my temperature (I had my flu shot yesterday during my OB intake appointment, so I figured maybe that was affecting it, but I was a normal 98.1 F).

Victory, twins, amazing! Congrats :)

want2conceive - congrats on your :bfp: too!

AFM.. still waiting to start my next cycle. It is getting closer though. I actually start on 11/9 on the lupron. Then stims on 11/26 so we are getting closer!!

Those of you in the US, where do you get your meds from? Does anyone have any positive/negative comments to share about your experiences with getting your IVF meds?

The reason I ask is that my Dr has been working with several pharmacies to get the IVF medications, and we've been trying to minimize the costs, and I was wondering if anyone else had good things to say about their experiences with these pharmacies.

Victory, twins, amazing! Congrats :)

want2conceive - congrats on your :bfp: too!

AFM.. still waiting to start my next cycle. It is getting closer though. I actually start on 11/9 on the lupron. Then stims on 11/26 so we are getting closer!!

Those of you in the US, where do you get your meds from? Does anyone have any positive/negative comments to share about your experiences with getting your IVF meds?

The reason I ask is that my Dr has been working with several pharmacies to get the IVF medications, and we've been trying to minimize the costs, and I was wondering if anyone else had good things to say about their experiences with these pharmacies.

Thanks for the congrat's Alicatt!

For our 1st IVF here in the states we used an online pharmacy for all our meds. Insurance covered most of it so our expenses on meds was around $600 if I remember right. It was cheaper then having our Dr. get our meds for sure. I can get you the info if you want I just have to look for it(our 1st IVF was in 2010). If I remember correctly they are located in Arizona I think. I do remember it all came in a big box and was well wrapped and some items had icepacks.

It may still be cheaper going through them then your Dr. even if your insurance doesn't cover either.

Victory, twins, amazing! Congrats :)

want2conceive - congrats on your :bfp: too!

AFM.. still waiting to start my next cycle. It is getting closer though. I actually start on 11/9 on the lupron. Then stims on 11/26 so we are getting closer!!

Those of you in the US, where do you get your meds from? Does anyone have any positive/negative comments to share about your experiences with getting your IVF meds?

The reason I ask is that my Dr has been working with several pharmacies to get the IVF medications, and we've been trying to minimize the costs, and I was wondering if anyone else had good things to say about their experiences with these pharmacies.

Thanks for the congrat's Alicatt!

For our 1st IVF here in the states we used an online pharmacy for all our meds. Insurance covered most of it so our expenses on meds was around $600 if I remember right. It was cheaper then having our Dr. get our meds for sure. I can get you the info if you want I just have to look for it(our 1st IVF was in 2010). If I remember correctly they are located in Arizona I think. I do remember it all came in a big box and was well wrapped and some items had icepacks.

It may still be cheaper going through them then your Dr. even if your insurance doesn't cover either.

Thanks! My insurance doesn't cover it, and to buy the drugs in the US is something like $5000-6000 per cycle. Each vial of menopur retails for ~$70, and I am injecting between 3-6 of those a day, plus 3 bravelle at $50 a vial. So each day I'm stimming, it is between $360 and $420 a day. Plus last time I had to take ganirelix which was $78/day, for 6 days. It is wild how much all of this stuff costs in the US. So my Dr is trying to get the meds from either England or Canada, where the medications are about 1/2 the cost (for the exact same brand). It is because these countries put caps/subsidies on the items to make them affordable to their citizens.

Has anyone else done this?

PS. I am Canadian so I have no issues with ordering from another country, I'm just curious if there are other unseen issues that may arise by doing this.

Victory, twins, amazing! Congrats :)

want2conceive - congrats on your :bfp: too!

AFM.. still waiting to start my next cycle. It is getting closer though. I actually start on 11/9 on the lupron. Then stims on 11/26 so we are getting closer!!

Those of you in the US, where do you get your meds from? Does anyone have any positive/negative comments to share about your experiences with getting your IVF meds?

The reason I ask is that my Dr has been working with several pharmacies to get the IVF medications, and we've been trying to minimize the costs, and I was wondering if anyone else had good things to say about their experiences
with these pharmacies.

Thanks for the congrat's Alicatt!

For our 1st IVF here in the states we used an online pharmacy for all our meds. Insurance covered most of it so our expenses on meds was around $600 if I remember right. It was cheaper then having our Dr. get our meds for sure. I can get you the info if you want I just have to look for it(our 1st IVF was in 2010). If I remember correctly they are located in Arizona I think. I do remember it all came in a big box and was well wrapped and some items had icepacks.

It may still be cheaper going through them then your Dr. even if your insurance doesn't cover either.

Thanks! My insurance doesn't cover it, and to buy the drugs in the US is something like $5000-6000 per cycle. Each vial of menopur retails for ~$70, and I am injecting between 3-6 of those a day, plus 3 bravelle at $50 a vial. So each day I'm stimming, it is between $360 and $420 a day. Plus last time I had to take ganirelix which was $78/day, for 6 days. It is wild how much all of this stuff costs in the US. So my Dr is trying to get the meds from either England or Canada, where the medications are about 1/2 the cost (for the exact same brand). It is because these countries put caps/subsidies on the items to make them affordable to their citizens.

Has anyone else done this?

PS. I am Canadian so I have no issues with ordering from another country, I'm just curious if there are other unseen issues that may arise by doing this.

I know it's expensive. Hubby's insurance covered up to $11k of infertility treatments over our life time. That was all used during our first IVF. Our 2nd IVF this past month, we did in Brasil because it was about half the price even with the meds. We had family to stay with so no hotel expenses.

For the website we used, do you want me to get you the info so you can decide which way would be better for you(online or Canada)?

If I remember correctly I think all the meds for our 1st IVF were going to be around $3,500 online before the insurance paid part of it.
Thanks! My insurance doesn't cover it, and to buy the drugs in the US is something like $5000-6000 per cycle. Each vial of menopur retails for ~$70, and I am injecting between 3-6 of those a day, plus 3 bravelle at $50 a vial. So each day I'm stimming, it is between $360 and $420 a day. Plus last time I had to take ganirelix which was $78/day, for 6 days. It is wild how much all of this stuff costs in the US. So my Dr is trying to get the meds from either England or Canada, where the medications are about 1/2 the cost (for the exact same brand). It is because these countries put caps/subsidies on the items to make them affordable to their citizens.

Has anyone else done this?

PS. I am Canadian so I have no issues with ordering from another country, I'm just curious if there are other unseen issues that may arise by doing this.

I know it's expensive. Hubby's insurance covered up to $11k of infertility treatments over our life time. That was all used during our first IVF. Our 2nd IVF this past month, we did in Brasil because it was about half the price even with the meds. We had family to stay with so no hotel expenses.

For the website we used, do you want me to get you the info so you can decide which way would be better for you(online or Canada)?

If I remember correctly I think all the meds for our 1st IVF were going to be around $3,500 online before the insurance paid part of it.

I think we have the costs to about $2500-$3000 so it is better than before. I guess I was more curious about whether you got the product on time, and whether there were any unseen issues that arose from people getting their meds from non-US pharmacies. You know, shipping issues, or custom issues, etc.
Thanks! My insurance doesn't cover it, and to buy the drugs in the US is something like $5000-6000 per cycle. Each vial of menopur retails for ~$70, and I am injecting between 3-6 of those a day, plus 3 bravelle at $50 a vial. So each day I'm stimming, it is between $360 and $420 a day. Plus last time I had to take ganirelix which was $78/day, for 6 days. It is wild how much all of this stuff costs in the US. So my Dr is trying to get the meds from either England or Canada, where the medications are about 1/2 the cost (for the exact same brand). It is because these countries put caps/subsidies on the items to make them affordable to their citizens.

Has anyone else done this?

PS. I am Canadian so I have no issues with ordering from another country, I'm just curious if there are other unseen issues that may arise by doing this.
I know it's expensive. Hubby's insurance covered up to $11k of infertility treatments over our life time. That was all used during our first IVF. Our 2nd IVF this past month, we did in Brasil because it was about half the price even with the meds. We had family to stay with so no hotel expenses.

For the website we used, do you want me to get you the info so you can decide which way would be better for you(online or Canada)?

If I remember correctly I think all the meds for our 1st IVF were going to be around $3,500 online before the insurance paid part of it.

I think we have the costs to about $2500-$3000 so it is better than before. I guess I was more curious about whether you got the product on time, and whether there were any unseen issues that arose from people getting their meds from non-US pharmacies. You know, shipping issues, or custom issues, etc.

Gotcha. I'm not sure about customs issues with meds through international mail. The online service we used in the US overnighted all the meds. We just needed to make sure we were home that day to receive it. You can overnight international mail too. I'm sure it's more expensive but you don't want to have any bad medications because they weren't able to stay frozen.
Thanks! My insurance doesn't cover it, and to buy the drugs in the US is something like $5000-6000 per cycle. Each vial of menopur retails for ~$70, and I am injecting between 3-6 of those a day, plus 3 bravelle at $50 a vial. So each day I'm stimming, it is between $360 and $420 a day. Plus last time I had to take ganirelix which was $78/day, for 6 days. It is wild how much all of this stuff costs in the US. So my Dr is trying to get the meds from either England or Canada, where the medications are about 1/2 the cost (for the exact same brand). It is because these countries put caps/subsidies on the items to make them affordable to their citizens.

Has anyone else done this?

PS. I am Canadian so I have no issues with ordering from another country, I'm just curious if there are other unseen issues that may arise by doing this.
I know it's expensive. Hubby's insurance covered up to $11k of infertility treatments over our life time. That was all used during our first IVF. Our 2nd IVF this past month, we did in Brasil because it was about half the price even with the meds. We had family to stay with so no hotel expenses.

For the website we used, do you want me to get you the info so you can decide which way would be better for you(online or Canada)?

If I remember correctly I think all the meds for our 1st IVF were going to be around $3,500 online before the insurance paid part of it.

I think we have the costs to about $2500-$3000 so it is better than before. I guess I was more curious about whether you got the product on time, and whether there were any unseen issues that arose from people getting their meds from non-US pharmacies. You know, shipping issues, or custom issues, etc.

Gotcha. I'm not sure about customs issues with meds through international mail. The online service we used in the US overnighted all the meds. We just needed to make sure we were home that day to receive it. You can overnight international mail too. I'm sure it's more expensive but you don't want to have any bad medications because they weren't able to stay frozen.

None of mine need to be frozen/cooled. They are keeping me on Menopur and Bravelle, and they are in powder form until you reconstitute it with saline (and you only do that right before you inject them). I think its things like Gonal-F that have to be kept cool. I took that when I was in Canada this summer.

Victory, twins, amazing! Congrats :)

want2conceive - congrats on your :bfp: too!

AFM.. still waiting to start my next cycle. It is getting closer though. I actually start on 11/9 on the lupron. Then stims on 11/26 so we are getting closer!!

Those of you in the US, where do you get your meds from? Does anyone have any positive/negative comments to share about your experiences with getting your IVF meds?

The reason I ask is that my Dr has been working with several pharmacies to get the IVF medications, and we've been trying to minimize the costs, and I was wondering if anyone else had good things to say about their experiences with these pharmacies.

Yay on almost starting your cycle!!

I get my meds from MDR pharmacy and Freedom fertility . They are both in the US though. I haven't had any issues with shipping.. they were usually overnighted. Their prices seemed to be the least expensive. Hope that helps!

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