January Hopefuls...What's next for us???

Hi, ladies! May I join you? AF just hit me, so here's hoping to January!

Husband and I have been married for 1 1/2 years now. I'm thinking of buying some of that fertilitea. I need something new to try. I've seen a few posts lately pop up about pineapple. Thoughts about that, anyone?

Hi, ladies! May I join you? AF just hit me, so here's hoping to January!

Husband and I have been married for 1 1/2 years now. I'm thinking of buying some of that fertilitea. I need something new to try. I've seen a few posts lately pop up about pineapple. Thoughts about that, anyone?


I did Brazil nuts after O last cycle. This cycle I plan to do the pineapple. I think you are supposed to slice it in to 5 pieces and eat a piece a day for 5 days after O...including the core.
I can't express how much I love the tea :D tried Brazil nuts one time also, will be trying pineapple this round if i can find one that isn't bad, getting fresh produce here is awful!
Ha ha, done the nuts, done the pineapple! Heard it's the core that's suppose to be good? Looks like I will be in good company.. Please can I join?

My AF came yesterday. I have been trying for 28 months I think. With one early loss August/sept 2013.

This month (today)i am starting clomid 50mg days 2-6 and my first iui.

I will be trying to drink raspberry leaf tea (can't stand it) to help improve my thin womb lining and having acupuncture.

Hoping this is a good month for us all:) xx
I also bought the red raspberry...but I got a supplement...I have no more room in my schedule for more tea :)
OH NO! I just tested this morning & got a peak. It's not really a bad thing except we have done no BD this cycle. Planned last night...but since he had his analysis yesterday morning, figured it was better to wait. I was expecting at least another day of a high. I normally get 3-4. Now it is at peak. This cycle is getting away from me. I will use my ovulation tests to pin point when I O so I will have an accurate DPO count. Let's hope this shift is a good thing for this cycle. The one thing it may do is cause us to try during & AFTER O. Sometimes we get a few sessions in before & up to, then quit. But I heard the day after O you can get pregnant too.
You will be fine, it's 'egg day' today so go for it today and tomorrow and you will be covered:) I love seeing that egg on that little monitor.
Ooooh I hate it when they sneak up on you, happened to me last cycle since the fertilitea brought my Ov on to a more normal time, was last minute BD squeeze in :D agreed pounce OH tonight and get tomorrow for good measure, it'll still give you a good shot since you Ov 12-36hours after a +opk :) mine is starting to show on the opks now but definitely a few days away, will perrounce the OH every other day till that peak shows :D

With the fertilitea I can't manage to drink any more tea, i'm already on 4 vitamin pills a day, and EPO, i can't take any more supplements :haha: I think raspberry is in the tea ? I'm too lazy to go to the kitchen and check ;)
So I also checked my ph with a vagisil tester. It said normal but normal is about 4. During fertile it should be higher. So I will probably do the baking soda douche. Do I have the idea right? Higher ph is alkaline?
Eek, can't say i've ever heard of that, I understand alkaline is good for the spermies but that sounds like it'd remove your natural secretions, guess it depends how far from sexytime you are, still that's a new one for me !
Beaglemom, you only need to BD once during your cycle to get a bfp! I have read plenty of stories of women who thought they missed their chance only to end up prego! Fx'd with all the tea and extras you are trying that they help this cycle...now go get your hubby and get busy!!

Happy New Year to everyone here! I am hoping to see lots of bfps and babies in 2014!!
Welcome Erin. I am just stalking this thread bc i am waiting for af. To be honest i dont even know what dpo i am at this point. but since my cycles are so long i will get af by the fifth and then have to wait another 34days usually.

i was thinking about using the mucinex or cough syrup. i dont know yet. i have a yearly appt set up for Jan 22 so i think i am going to try to get her to do a u/s and some blood work. i have a fs appt for my husband to have his sa done in Feb. i guess we are starting 2014out right.

Hi FBG. :) You're def starting the year out right. So far, during this journey, each time I've taken a next step like that, getting something tested or whatever it was, I always felt great about it. It was a relief when DH got his SA done, and I just felt proactive when I got my bloodwork and u/s. I felt like, if all is well, then great, at least I'm ruling things out...if all isn't well, then at least I can take next steps to fix it. So you're getting a great start on 2014. :)

I'm sure you read on our other threads that I used the robitussin in this past cycle, and it combated the hostile cm that clomid was giving me. I even got a little stretch, and that was huge progress for me after starting clomid. It was the first cycle in thirteen months that I got a BFP. But I had also increased my clomid to 50mg, so that probably contributed. Beaglemom is having great experience with fertilitea, but I don't think I can take that with clomid. I have to skip the clomid right now after my m/c, but I'll def be taking it again when I have a real AF since it got me prego once, so I'll have to skip the fertilitea and stick with robitussin.
ERosePW…so glad to see you are keeping a positive outlook! I know we have been trying about the same amount of time, and it would be really hard to get a long awaited BFP then be disappointed. I'm sure you will get your sticky bean soon! Also, if you are going ahead with your HSG, I would mention that it was really not painful at all if you stay very relaxed. I think I found some answers with mine, too, so it could be a good thing for you!

Have been seeing a lot on here and other threads about fertilitea and evening primrose oil. Are these things I would need to consult my doctor about…just not sure if they carry any risk? Do you guys recommend one? I haven't had much EWCM at all, and am using Mucinex to try to up that but have seen a lot about the others.

Hi sarahok, it's nice to see you on here, I'm glad we'll get to see your updates. :) My HSG was scheduled for this Fri. When I got prego, I was planning on calling on Mon to cancel it, but of course Mon brought that awful news. I have to figure out if I can still do it... I know I'm supposed to be at a certain time of my cycle, and since my dr said this m/c isn't "technically" the start of a new cycle, I'm not sure if they'll do it. I completely forgot to ask. So I'm calling tomorrow to find out.

As for the EPO and fertilitea, I'm sure you've seen beaglemom rave about it on this thread, so it sounds awesome! Like I said in my post to FBG above, I shouldn't really take that since I'm on clomid, so I only have experience with EPO and robitussin. The EPO did absolutely nothing for me, although I've heard others like it. It might work better for someone not on clomid, but I needed something to combat the hostile cm the med was giving me, and I was very pleased with the robitussin results. :thumbup:
OH NO! I just tested this morning & got a peak. It's not really a bad thing except we have done no BD this cycle. Planned last night...but since he had his analysis yesterday morning, figured it was better to wait. I was expecting at least another day of a high. I normally get 3-4. Now it is at peak. This cycle is getting away from me. I will use my ovulation tests to pin point when I O so I will have an accurate DPO count. Let's hope this shift is a good thing for this cycle. The one thing it may do is cause us to try during & AFTER O. Sometimes we get a few sessions in before & up to, then quit. But I heard the day after O you can get pregnant too.

I think that's great you got your Peak!! Don't worry about missing last night! Now you're super fertile, and you can start the new year out with lots of BDing! I'm so glad the fertilitea is giving you such great results! :thumbup: And btw, I completely agree about BDing the day after O. The way I've always looked at it is, the egg could stick around for up to 12 hours (or is it longer?), so if it doesn't release until, say, 8pm or something, it could very easily still be hanging out the next morning. So DH and I usually try to BD the morning after I O too. :)
Def stay away from anything if you are on clomid without talking to your doc.

Erin, I'm not a dr, but I believe the timing of the hsg is to be sure you are not pregnant. So you still may be able to. They usually schedule is between cd 7 and 10. After period before O.
Def stay away from anything if you are on clomid without talking to your doc.

Erin, I'm not a dr, but I believe the timing of the hsg is to be sure you are not pregnant. So you still may be able to. They usually schedule is between cd 7 and 10. After period before O.

Oh Yea, that totally makes sense. So maybe I can still do it. That might be good then... I mean obviously we know at least ONE tube isn't blocked. But it would be good to check the other one too, and maybe even get some other answers like sarahok.
A new one for me too! :) I'd practically do anything for a bfp lol xx
So I am starting a January thread. My December thread was getting long & started to fade.

For me, January is basically an up in the air month. Lots of doctor appts & just wondering what is next. I just finished 3 rounds of clomid. Currently I am on vitamin supplements & fertilitea. Not sure if it will work. Oh & also baby aspirin. So I am still crossing my fingers, but not holding my breath. I really feel we will be headed to IUI after the January cycle.

I think I am on CD 9. The fertilitea is causing some major cm...which I am happy about. It is also making me feel more in the mood. Which sucks because we are abstaining so my husband can get another analysis tomorrow morning. So after that, it is ON!

Good luck ladies...feel free to join me in the continued struggle.

Hey ladies new to the forum and it looks like this might be the place to start. We have only been ttc for a couple months and AF showed up today, so i'm definitely eager to get start charting and getting ready for a lot of BDing this month. We are hopeful that January will be a lucky month.

We have only started ttc, and I have been on all my vitamins and eating healthier since Sept and been trying to get in tuned with everything with my body. My cycle since going off the pill about 6 months ago have been VERY irregular and (they seem to be getting more consistent to a 28 day cycle). My pre-conception blood work came back good to go with no concerns, but I keep getting a nagging feeling that we may have a struggle with acutally getting pregnant. Any tips would greatly appreciated!

Thanks everyone and Happy New Year...Fingers crossed everyone starts it off positive :winkwink:
I had my hsg done at ovulation as it was the only day of the month when my clinic did it. I had to have a pregnancy test the day before and didn't bothering Dtd as the timing clashed. X

I know how it feels to just feel like you need help. I actually think that attitude has added to our infertility. But I just don't know how to make it go away completely. I am just trying hard now & being proactive.

My suggestion to you is figure out where you are as a couple & what your thoughts & expectations are. I have noticed a lot of people on the forum saying their men were hesitant. Not wanting to get help. I think it is some sort of cave man mentality of they should be man enough to have a baby. I can sympathize with that feeling, & those men deserve validation for their feelings. Mine has never been that way. If we need help we just need it.

So if your partner is this way, you may need to give him some natural TTC time. If you feel you want reassurance, I suggest getting with your gyno sooner just to tell them your plan & let them guide you. They can certainly do noninvasive things like blood work to start. I think it is important to move at your pace & that your partner is with you. Neither of you can just speed up without the other. You both need to be comfortable. And of course if you are over 35, you should be more sensitive to the timeline. But if you are young, I would try to relax & give yourself some time. But of course, no one can tell you how to move forward. And don't let anyone tell you if you are moving too fast or too slow. Everyone has a different timeline & a different approach. We are all on the same journey, just not the same path. No one path is the right path. It only matters if it is the right path for you.

Anyways...didn't mean to go on & on...

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