Hi all! Could I join? I'm 1-2 days away from O, and then I'll be in the TWW- going to test January 1st at the earliest as I'm due for AF on the 3rd or 4th... Good luck all!
Hello! :wave: Welcome to the party
I've added you for testing on January 1st, New Years Day - Fingers crossed for you!
Can I join in?
I should be ovulating soon...today or tomorrow I hope?? Had some very slight cramping this morning, which might either mean ovulation or that I had to pee really bad.
I'm aiming to test on Jan 2nd.
I think I have a decent chance this cycle... doing the every other day approach, as it works best with his work schedule and my libido!
Hello! :wave: Welcome to the thread
I've added you to the list too, hope you are well and fingers crossed for this cycle!
Hi can i join pls, first cycle ttc#2 depending on when i'l ovulate or if i'l ovulate this cycle as stopping pill tonight. Will hopefully be testing end of Jan. Fx for everyone
Hello! Welcome along! More than welcome to join, before I add you to the list though - when do you expect to test? Just an approximate date would be good to start with
Good luck and fingers crossed.
AFM: I am on CD13. I had a 'LOW' reading on the FM on CD11. However yesterday and today I have had 'HIGH' readings.
I have found a few more sticks for my CB FM (the old style) and have re-set it to CD5, I've done this because this is the furthest into the cycle it'll do it. Usually on CD6 it'll ask for a sample anyway and my plan is that if will see a high (if not peak) and then keep asking for samples, we can but hope. I only have 5 sticks left and I won't be buying more - I will be selling the monitor on.
I am also using CB digital dual hormone OPK.
For some really strange reason my temperature was mega high today, higher than it usually is on CD12. In fact, I'd say it's as high as it should be in the 2ww.
I'll add pictures of my remaining 'stash' of tests. My Fiancé has some more one step OPK's at his mums, (were delivered to the wrong address!) and the remaining HPT's. I have a few HPT's at her house in his draws as I am rationing myself this month.