I've been thinking about this for a few days now and thought I'd just ask! What happens after you have given birth? Do you just get up and go for a shower or do you have to lay in all the mess for a while? And when you stand up, sorry for tmi, but does stuff just fall out of you?
When i was about to start pushing, they pushed away the bottom half of the bed (i had no idea it came apart) so my bum was kind of close to the edge. So they had bags and stuff to catch any yucky bits connected to the end of the bed. After the baby came out i remember thinking water and stuff came out too but it all must of landed in the bag/container thing.
So everything that comes out it kind of caught and cleaned up. You're not left sitting in anything.
Then after we'd removed the placenta the midwife told me what my blood loss was (i think it was 300mls) and that it was normal and i remember saying i didn't realise any extra blood had come out at all. She had held a little container up to me, to catch it.
Then the midwife passed me back my undies and i popped them on and she gave me a pad too, well she actually just lifted up the front of my undies and shoved it in there for me, which felt a bit weird, i'd never had a womans hand down my pants before :-S and i was quite capable of putting the pad in myself. But then as i was still in the birthing suite once i'd finished cuddling the baby and cooing over her i went and had a shower.
During the whole cuddling the baby phase and soaking up the baby love, you'd be surprised how good the midwives are at cleaning the rooom. Within 20 minutes it was as if it was brand new. They even changed my sheets while i was on the bed. Even though i kept offering to get up. So by the time you do get up to go for a shower you have your undies and a pad on and what not. Even then the bleeding isn't pouring out of you!