Thanks guys! I still can't believe it. Even after taking another test this morning haha
I really hope you guys get you BFPs soon.
I thought I'd pass along all my symptoms for everyone so you can be on the look out too!
I'll be honest, I have no idea when I ovulated. I was following my apps 1st and they said to start testing Jan 7th (CD 23) so I did and I got a neg. but didn't expect to get a pos. until at least the 10th. I didn't get a pos. until the 13th(CD27) but to be honest, from the 11th-13th I was having pretty intense lower abdomen pain. I have never had O pain and for it to last 3 days??? oh well.
DPO 3-16 I started having a dull achy cramping and seriously never stopped but it did come and go throughout each day.Goes around to my back. gassy. weird, very vivid dreams. Bloated. waking up at 3 am for no reason and feeling completely rested. frequent urination. hot flashes.
DPO 6 sharp back pain and sharp pain under belly button
DPO 7-16 just a strange tugging sensation and fullness in lower abdomen.
DPO 13 - 16 mild breast soreness on one side.
Haven't felt sick to my stomach really.
Been really happy. like i said in another post - i'm always a pretty happy person, but whoa! haha I was even being nice to someone at work I absolutely hate. (hate is a strong word haha but just trust me)
I just felt pregnant. Have you guys read that can be a symptom and just wondered wtf they are talking about? Well I did until I felt it.
I just didn't feel like myself.
I just knew I was pregnant. I've never had those symptoms all at once, or ever. especially before my period was supposed to start. I knew something had to be up.
Also - have you guys heard of preseed? We used that the last 3 times we BDed and who knows if it helped, but there's no harm in using it, it has great reviews, I used it the 1st month and now look! So I would recommend it.
GL to all you guys. I still want to come in and see how you are doing.