January TTC-ers

ladies ladies ladies ... What an exciting day I missed WOW!!

Casey - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! You must be freaking out and overjoyed!! OMGGG 2 BFP'S NOW!!!!! SOO happy for you Casey!! Ahh!! Thank you for the baby dust!! hehe I wish you a very happy and very healthy 9 months!!! I hope we ALL join you soon along with mrs. GJ!!

Mrs.GJ - See you sticking around is still spreading baby dust on us all!!

Lozzie - SOOO excited for you to test! I know what you mean with getting your hopes up. Either way we are all here for you but I have some pretty positive feelings that you will be joining the bfp club!! FX and Baby Dust for you!!

mummykp - you sound like you are a + bfp already lol! Your symptoms are SO promising - WOW! And only at 6dpo! FX that they are bfp symptoms!! I literally CANT WAIT for you to test. I know it does feel like everyone is testing this weekend or beginning of next week and I am also going to try holding out till end of next week. We are both on the same dpo so I will try to hold out with you!! FX for all of us!!

As for me ... I am feeling very positive after reading this incredible day on this post with the BFP's and the GREAT symptoms!! But I am also feeling a little lost. You all sound SO promising but I don't really have much for symptoms yet. I'm a little nervous about that. Some irritability yesterday and bloating, reflux. But not enough to say "its out of the ordinary". So nothing going on here really. I'm a little anxious but trying to stay calm ... a little bit of a down day, not too much but just a touch ...
blahh ... I am fixated on waking up and temping tomorrow and seeing how I feel. Ive never prayed so hard to vomit or have sore boobs etc ...lol

... going to read my kindle to get my mind off things ... tomorrow is another day :)

:: staying positive ::
Tested this morning ladies and unfortunately BFN for me. A bit disheartening but I will try again in a couple days. Thought I would have a hint of a line by now though?? :shrug:

Huge congratulations casey, so pleased for you!! Very exciting, hope you have a h&h 9 months!

Disney dw I do my know if there's a chance for me yet....I still think Im not lol I dunno why I just think I'm out. I might be 6dpo, I might not lol I don't even know if I O'd tbh!! So annoying. What day do you plan on testing? I'm glad I'm not the only one waiting for another week lol.

Oh I'm sorry to see this lozzie, when is AF due, do you still have a few days where the result could change? Hugs to you, we are all here for you! Xx
I'm sorry Lozzie. What CD r u today? I agree, keep testing. A lot of people say how they got a bfn and then a bfp a few days later. I hope u r doing okay. We r here for u!! :)

Mummykp I know how u feel. Last cycle I felt so positive and then thought "this is it" and the it was AF but prior to last cycle, I just kind of knew sometimes. But I've been stalking bfp announcements and tww symptoms and there are a lot of girls that were writing about how they felt like they might be out despite their symptoms and then a few days later bfp! Fx for you!!! My goal is to test next Friday 2/7 which is 14 dpo. FF says for my to test on 2/11 and I think it's because it's predicting my next AF at that time but my periods r irregular but becoming much more regular so I'm not listening to FF lol. 2/7 it is for me.

As for me .. I had another rise in my temps today. I'm thinking it's a good sign. Don't know what yesterday's dip was about. Maybe inplantation? I don't know if it dipped enough for that? Anyways I'm literary just waking up but so far no symptoms I can see. I will post more later if I come across a symptom lol
Thanks for the kind words ladies, your support has made me smile :D I'm thinking its probably better to not get my hopes up if I an having bfn this morning. AF is due tuesday so there is still time I guess, but I am 12/13 DPO so I think I should have seen a faint line at least. This is CD26 for me Disney. I am going to keep all my fingers crossed for you ladies that you get your bfps in the coming week xx
:( So sorry Lozzie. *Hugs* I understand not wanting to continue with false hope but there is still time. Still crossing fingers for you. If AF does come, I hope it still happens rather quickly for you.
Thanks guys! I still can't believe it. Even after taking another test this morning haha

I really hope you guys get you BFPs soon.

I thought I'd pass along all my symptoms for everyone so you can be on the look out too!

I'll be honest, I have no idea when I ovulated. I was following my apps 1st and they said to start testing Jan 7th (CD 23) so I did and I got a neg. but didn't expect to get a pos. until at least the 10th. I didn't get a pos. until the 13th(CD27) but to be honest, from the 11th-13th I was having pretty intense lower abdomen pain. I have never had O pain and for it to last 3 days??? oh well.

DPO 3-16 I started having a dull achy cramping and seriously never stopped but it did come and go throughout each day.Goes around to my back. gassy. weird, very vivid dreams. Bloated. waking up at 3 am for no reason and feeling completely rested. frequent urination. hot flashes.
DPO 6 sharp back pain and sharp pain under belly button
DPO 7-16 just a strange tugging sensation and fullness in lower abdomen.
DPO 13 - 16 mild breast soreness on one side.

Haven't felt sick to my stomach really.

Been really happy. like i said in another post - i'm always a pretty happy person, but whoa! haha I was even being nice to someone at work I absolutely hate. (hate is a strong word haha but just trust me)

I just felt pregnant. Have you guys read that can be a symptom and just wondered wtf they are talking about? Well I did until I felt it.

I just didn't feel like myself.

I just knew I was pregnant. I've never had those symptoms all at once, or ever. especially before my period was supposed to start. I knew something had to be up.

Also - have you guys heard of preseed? We used that the last 3 times we BDed and who knows if it helped, but there's no harm in using it, it has great reviews, I used it the 1st month and now look! So I would recommend it.

GL to all you guys. I still want to come in and see how you are doing. :flower:
Lozzie I hope you're ok, appreciate that you dont want to get your hopes up but you still have time to get a BFP seeing as AF isn't due until Tuesday. Been thinking of you today xx

We will be testing on 7th too Disney, eeeek. That's it AF doesnt arrive on the Friday though! She could come anytime between the Friday & Sunday really. I've still had cramping today & bad back, and been super tired. Also last night I had a dream that I had implantation bleeding but I woke up and I thought I actually had as it was so realistic lol then I realised it was just a dream :( I'm still feeling so bloated!

Thanks for your symptoms casey, always great to read others :) so pleased for you, what's your expected due date?
mummykp - I'm not sure on the due date. Since I have irregular cycles I don't how they will calculate it. I've read they go from the 1st day of your last period but that was 6 weeks ago! It looks like it'll be between sept. 24th-Oct. 7th.
I am so confused with my body today. Sorry if tmi, but at this stage of my cycle my cm is usually quite opaque and creamy, and I feel quite dry. However yesterday and today it has gone from opaque to mostly clear and a mix of watery to ewcm consistency, quite like what I usually get in the middle of my cycle before O. There was so much this afternoon I thought AF had started full flow and rushed to the bathroom only to discover that it was just cm. Usually for AF I have a very slight flow the evening before my first full day, and then a medium flow the next day. This felt like my heaviest flow day! There was two tiny flecks of bright red blood, like really small, unlike anything i've had before. Hasnt happened again since and I really dont feel like AF is about to start, I have none of my usual bloating or anything. I only feel tired and sick. Any thoughts ladies?

Edit: I also dont feel any usual O symptoms either, so I doubt that is happening now. I definitely ticked all the boxes for O on the 17/18th jan. I also had almost ewcm on the 23rd though...

How exciting casey, please keep us updated!!

Hmm lozzie how weird, may be worth testing again on Sunday or Monday? If cm isn't normally like this for you it seems a bit odd, which would make me think about testing again. Maybe not straight away, leave it a day or two as it can make all the difference. But it's entirely up to you and based on how you feel about it, that's just what u would do. With feeling tired & sick too it seems there's still a few symptoms which makes me think you still have a ch pance to get that BFP. Maybe you O'd a few days later and it's just not picking it up on the test just yet. Keep us posted on how you feel the next few days & if you do test again :) fx for you xx
Well I'm due on tomorrow, my spotting ended! But I feel rotten, think its a bug and nothing related to trying for a baby!! I tested this morning and was negative so just waiting for AF now!

As for the watery cm ive been having that that last few months, exactly the same where ive ran for the toilet thinking I was bleeding! Mine started about 4 months ago and now I always spot 2 days before each period! When I questioned the doc they just said its just a change in my body! Strange!!

I almost just want to come on now to end the torture! Feel like I've been dragged through hell these last few weeks!! X
Sorry about your bfn bubble, hope AF hurries up so you can get going again!!
Awe! So sorry about your bfn, Bubbles. Hoping next month is kinder to you. *hugs*
Me and my partner have decided to rip out our bathroom and redo it all, I'm hoping having that as a distraction may somehow help me fall pregnant as I won't be over thinking things too much! Here's hoping anyway!! At this rate by the time I get pregnant I would have totally redone my whole house ha ha.

I'm still hopeful even after 9 months that it will happen for us, just wish it wasn't this difficult!
I go to the doctors on Monday to get my blood test results so who knows, there may actually be something wrong that a tablet can fix!! Will keep you all updated on how that goes!! Xx
Thanks for the symptoms casey! I've been so busy, maybe too busy to realize symptoms? I feel like I'm trying not to obsess over symptoms unless they come out and smack me in the face ya know. Maybe I am under obsessing ? Lol

Lozzie - I agree that I would wait 48 hours and test again. Especially if this isn't your norm.

Bubble- I'm sorry for your bfn. I know what u mean about just wanting AF here to get it over with and move onto next month. I feel like that every month when ttc. We actually redid our bathroom during this cycle too. We r just waiting another week or two to do the floors and install the new vanity and toilet. Then we just have to finish painting and we will be done. We targeted to be finished by end of February. So yes it does help pass the time I agree. Have fun! :)
Mummykp- so glad u r having good symptoms still! I have really good vibes for u this month! Can't wait to see your tests. My husband was think we might want to wait to test until 2/11 when FF says I should but I had wanted 2/7. He doesn't want me to get down on 2/7 if it's too early still. We decided we will take it day by day and decide how we feel. 8 dpo today... still no symptoms I think? But like I said in my last post I'm not sure if I'm "under-symptom-spotting" lol. I'm basically just waiting for a symptom to jump out at me but maybe I am missing the little symptoms?
I don't know .....
Small temp dip today but only as low as the one 2 days ago. I don't know if this means anything. I REALLY want this to be my month!!!!! Especially because we did everything this month to ttc I feel like this HAS to work!! I was reminding my husband and I though that even the most fertile people sometimes take a few months whek they do everything they can to try. Therefore we may as well... sorry I'm babbling now ..

Fx and baby dust to everyone left to test!!
No symptoms can also be s good sign and I guess it stops you thinking about it lol I'm not so sure about me though Disney, keep telling myself not to get my hopes up we won't be lucky enough to catch first cycle. The waiting is he worst part....thought I'd be able to wait til next Saturday but more I think about it the more I wanna test Thursday lol or Friday!! If I O'd when predicted then I'm 7dpo, but not sure if I actuLly O'd then tbh....I'd say I didn't because how likely is it that I O when they think you will based on a 14 day LP? I don't know if I maybe O'd cd13, or maybe even later as I was poorly at the start of this cycle. I just want all my questions answered lol so another long week to get through!!

Fx for you. I think you could test on 7th as you'd be 15dpo then and it would likely show up by then? But as you say, see how your week goes! I hope you do test on the 7th so we are texting buddies! Lol. Absolutely agree, can take fertile people months still so if we don't catch this month we've gotta tell ourselves it's ok and normal lol although I know I'll end up having a meltdown and think we have problems haha. Keep us posted if any signs come up this week :)
I'm so moody again! I'm annoying myself lol but I'm not feeling 100% which could be why....headache, tummy ache, sore throat, earache etc. & so tired I fell asleep at 5pm!! Think I might be coming down with something again!! My job makes me ill all the time!!

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