January TTC-ers

Thanks mummykp. I def know what u mean with wanting to test early. I am doing okay so far but every month prior to this I was like gearing up to test already lol. I'm going to ride this out as long as I can and try to stay busy!! I plan to test friday 2/7 still so we can be testing buddies!! :)

Aww sorry u r moody. My husband keeps saying I am too lol but I don't think mine is a symptom, I just think he caught me at bad times lol. I'm REALLY trying NOT to symptom spot as much as I can. Prior to this month, I poured so much energy into every little symptom just to be let down. This time I told myself I would not think about it and if something really jumped out at me and "slapped me in the face" then I would consider it a symptom. Therefore I have probably had a bunch of smaller symptoms that I'm overlooking but also maybe not. Today though I was in the nail salon, thr one I always go to and I was next in line and the smell of the salon was SOO strong. I called my husband to pick me up, I mean it was THAT bad!! I was looking around though and nobody else seemed like thy noticed it that I could tell. I was even having to put my scarf over my mouth and nose for a few mins to get a break. It was so bad that I left and went to another salon which was better. Therefore this DEF did jump out at me but I'm not sure if it's actually a symptom since I was okay at the second salon. Could have just been an off day at nail place I usually go to.

Lol that's all for now ... bedtime! Superbowl tomorrow!! I have 7 people coming tomorrow evening for it. Should be fun but I can't check the posts once they come since neither my family or friends knows we r ttc.

Everyone Keep me posted though!
Yeah I'm going to see it out too Disney, roll on next weekend. Doesn't seem so far away now :)

My moodiness comes and goes tbh lol I think I've noticed it though because I'm never miserable haha I'm always so happy, so this is out of character for me. I've also had a stretching/tugging feeling in my tummy, and my usual sleeping position isn't comfy because of tha feeling! Urgh! I had a very odd dream last night lol so I had a disturbed nights sleep.

The smell is a good sign if you don't normally get like that....so fx for you. I wish I could ignore my symptoms, the cramping was hard to ignore when I had it in the week, and so is this stretching feeling when I lie in certain positions....but I try not to think about it when they aren't so obvious to me.

Enjoy the superbowl with your friends :) x
Disney and MummyKp, your symptoms all sound so promising, I am not-so-patiently waiting for you both to test :haha: fx for you.

As for me, I tested this morning and bfn again. Pretty much feel like I'm out this cycle, even though AF isnt here or showing any of her usual signs, so I'm focusing on next month. Since I'm not 100% that AF is due tomorrow because it's my first month off bc I am just going to wait it out instead of wasting more tests. If she doesnt show in a week, then I'll probably try again but for now I think it's easier not to torture myself with bfn tests :dohh:

Good luck ladies!

Lozzie I'm so sorrt for your bfn still. Keep us updated as to when af shows up. Fx this next one is your month!!

Mummykp- keep those symptoms coming!! Lol we can now just about say we are testing "this week"
Thank you lozzie I will keep everyone posted next weekend. I'm sorry for your bfn, fx for next month for you!

Saturday can't come quick enough for me Disney. I've had some creamy cm today which was a bit out of the blue. My cramping has eased a lot though. Still keep thinking I'm out this cycle lol.
I know ughh it's going to get really tough because we r so close it's like we either want to be in or out and if we r out then bring on AF so it can get over with lol. But we are still both in this to win this!! And still a little way before we really have to panic. It's nice to be a hopeful period too sometimes even tthough the tww is dreaded a least it's hopeful ya know. Blahh. .... I'm trying to tell myself this lol

Okay question for everyone.... when u say your bb are sorr, is this only when u touch them or a certain area or even without tou ching them they r sore??
my right b right up near my armpit feels l have a bruise or "lump" there. My husband said it fees like a "pulled muscle" lol. But it's okay when u aren't touching it just feels like a bruise I guess when u touch it or bump into it. Only on that side though. Who knows of its a sign..
I guess I was just wondering if sorr bb are when u touch them or when u don't touch them?
Sorry Disney I'm not entirely sure on the sore boobs thing. My nipples have been a little sensitive when touched but otherwise mine are fine so I can't help sorry. Maybe one of the ladies that's had a BFP & sore boobs could help?

I am very tempted to test Friday morning rather than Saturday morning lol but I think Im best to leave it until the Saturday as that extra day can make all the difference!
Hello. I suppose because I started TTC on 31st January I'm also a January TTC-er. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by everything at the moment (after DH sprung TTC on me pretty suddenly) so I'm definitely looking for someone who's in the same sort of situation as me! Anyway, according to whatever app it is I've started using I was fertile this weekend so I'll be testing on the 17th if AF doesn't show on the 16th. I'm going to try my best not to symptom spot but with this being my first ever time I get the feeling I won't be able to help it.

FX that everyone gets their BFP soon!
Mummykp - thanks, I think I'll just ignore it for now and try not to get my hopes up. I TOTALLY know what you mean about testing. I just said this to my husband last night, "do you think I will last the whole week without testing till friday". He said "yes I will make sure you don't". He is okay with me testing if I WANT to but he prefers we wait till at least Friday. So you are planning on holding out till Saturday, not friday right? Maybe I will wait and do it with you ... hmm ... Any other symptoms for you?

LynAnne - Welcome!! FX this is your month!! Were you on BC? They tend to say you are very fertile your first month coming off!! :) Please feel free to symptom spot here lol.... it passes the time. So what dpo are you today? 1?

So this morning my temp went back up a little bit. I am so happy about that! I PRAY this is my month! (as I know we all do lol). I am going into work late, if at all. There is a nasty storm here so if I go in at all it won't be till noon .. you know what that means ... more time on here that I didn't think I'd have lol!!

How is everyone doing?
Disney - Yeah, 1dpo I think! I feel a little bit clueless if I'm honest. I'd expected to wait a few more months! We were only using condoms as our contraceptive - I've never been on BC at all. I have no idea if that will be a good or bad thing for TTC! I'm already desperate to know if this month will be my month. I know it's unlikely but I can only hope so! I know I will be desperate to try the week AF is due regardless!
Welcome lynanne! This thread has a bunch of lovely ladies, I hope you enjoy symptom spotting with us!

MummyKP and Disney, it is getting closer for you both! I am so excited for you two and I hope and pray you get that bfp!

As for me, AF showed up out of the blue an hour ago so I guess this is CD1! I am having none of my usual AF symptoms which is odd but I am happy as larry that she arrived exactly the day I thought she should. Means my cycles arent all out of whack due tp bc. I am feeling good about this month, I should O around valentines, so hoping for my little valentine bean this month.

Disney, I'm testing the Saturday yeah, as AF is due Friday 6th for me. I'm hoping I can wait until then!! Going to buy a frer Friday night ready for Saturday morning. No more symptoms really, apart from this cold that has come from no where (apparently some people have had a cold during TWW?! Who knows!) & the most horrendous back pain yesterday afternoon/evening. It's eased today, thankfully. Have you had any other symptoms?

Hi LynAnne, you're more than welcome to join us! Congrats on ttc, I bet that was a shock for you! Fx for you though that you don't have a long wait in ttc! Good luck, try and enjoy it if you can :)

Thanks Lozzie, Saturday sure is looming! I don't know why but I still feel like I'm out for this month, despite everything that's happened during this TWW. I just don't think we'll be lucky enough to catch first cycle and for everything to be perfect if we did. If we did I've got dates and ideas all going through my head and it would be perfect with announcements etc, but I just feel like I'm out lol roll on Saturday!!

Aw glad AF is here and on time, great news for your first month off bc that they aren't too sparse! Fx for you in cycle #2, will be thinking of you! May even join you at the weekend lol.

Thanks ladies. I think I'm still in shock at TTC already. I always knew it'd be like this but truthfully I thought it'd be June before we were trying. I think I'm going to drive myself mad with symptom spotting and probably convince myself of being pregnant so I hope I get my BFP soon! Honestly how does anyone cope with the TWW?! Hope everyone gets the BFPs they're waiting for - and soon!
Did you manage to DTD before possible O LynAnne? Fx for you, please keep us posted :)

The TWW is horrible! I've noticed so many symptoms....but I don't normally have them before AF so I wasn't really able to ignore them. Very odd. If AF does arrive for me I will be very intrigued as to all these bloody symptoms!! DH tried to get me to leave testing until Monday/Tuesday earlier....no chance haha! It's fair to say I won!
I think so. I'm not entirely sure when I was meant to have o'd but it was meant to be around 1st/2nd February and we DTD on Sat (31st) and Sun (1st) so we might have been lucky. I don't know. I didn't really have a chance to work everything out and DTD a whole lot more last week as DH just suddenly announced we were TTC!

I'm already finding that the waiting while TTC is hard. Maybe even harder than WTT! I just want to know if this month is our month already so that if it isn't I can just move on. I'm not buying any cheap tests to try and stop myself from becoming a POAS addict! :haha:
I'm sorry lozzie! But Fx for a Valentines bean!!! :) That would be perfect :)

mummykp- that's so funny u said that about your husband. I started to get a touch tempted to test and my husband said ,NO we r doing good and let's wait till at least Friday if we can. He is okay to wait even longer as well. Very cute, he has a lot of hope this time as well. He usually asks me to test everyday starting at 1 dpo lol. I think our ttc journey changed in 2015 and we r more hopeful and laid back and know it will happen soon. It's MUCH better than our horrible 2014 journey so we r SO happy about that!!
So my temp was the same today as yesterday. I was hoping for a big spike but not today. I'll take it though. At least it's not down! Hoping this is a good sign!!! :)

Lyn Anne - Fx this is your month! I know tww is crazy hard. This month I'm just trying to stay very busy and keep my mind off of it, almost forget about it I'm good at doing this during the days since I'm at work. It's night time that he st hard. At night I just keep telling myself that I need to relax because if there is something in there then it's good for the baby. And I just get myself excited to temp in the morning lol. I feel like temp ' ing is a game... it keeps me distracted lol
How exciting LynAnne, fx it doesn't take you long! Keep us posted :) the TWW is a pain but I guess we just have to go ahead with it! Humph!!

Disney DH has said now that we're testing Friday as he's not around Saturday morning :) so I'm really happy haha even though it's only a day I'm still excited lol AF due Friday so I hope we do get an accurate result! So Friday morning before I go to work I will be taking a test! Fx for the result we want! DH went all gushy last night saying that he can't wait for me to carry his child and have a little family etc. Very cute, & made me even more excited!! We both said we have a horrible feeling it's going to take us a few months before we conceive, and we both said how difficult it's going to be, but we are in this together and I know he'll support me as much as I support him! Hope you're all doing well ladies x
Mummykp - YAYY for Friday testing!!! Awww that is SO cute!! I Love when husbands make us feel so supported and good. It helps you to handle things even better. SO excited for you. I have to say I have REALLY positive vibes for you. Everyone else on my other boards seems to be getting their bfp's in the pat 2-3 days. So happy for them but I'm a little nervous since we haven't tested yet and therefore we don't know and I don't want to be the only one left!! I'm starting to get a little anxious to test but then I think about doing it and want to be sick just thinking about a possible bfn. I know even if I did get a bfn though that I shouldn't consider it final because its still early. Roller coaster of emotions over here ... lol

How are you feeling about this cycle?
I forget are you temping? My temps are below. I feel like they look good so far but its my first month and I don't know ... lol. Are you starting to notice the roller coaster lol.
Anyways .. I'm looking forward to seeing my temp tomorrow... I think it keeps me going each day ...

Do you think you will cave and test early?
No I think I'll wait it out....I don't want to test too early in case I get a BFN, so I'd rather wait it out & hope I get an accurate result. Friday will be here before we know it so I'm happy to wait now. Imp ve got mixed feelings about it all....I've told myself I probably won't be pregnant first cycle, but then all the symptoms keep telling me Im pregnant etc. It's s hard!! I know I'll be disappointed if it's a bfn even though I'm telling myself it's not likely to catch first cycle. I'm getting quite nervous now....simply because I would just love to get a BFP but worry I wont! Are you still testing friday? I definitely feel the pressure being one of the last to test lol but I'm so glad you're with me on testing!!

No not temping....taking a relaxed approach for the first few months (pfft as if that's possible!) the. We've said we will look into other things if it takes us a few months to help us. I'm glad you have positive vibes for me, I don't haha. I'm still suffering with this horrendous cold. I've barely slept the past few nights because I'm so blocked up! Driving me insane!! If I get a BFP on Friday im sure I'd soon forget about the cold haha. I'm worried it's too early to be testing on Friday, but I'm definitely going to do it. My parents are down Saturday so it would be absolutely perfect if I did get a BFP so I could tell them they are going to be grandparents. Ahhhh just talking about it with you is making me excited/nervous/wanting to test haha.

Hope you're feeling well? Will be thinking about you over the next few days :) xx
Lozzie- how r u doing? I'm excited for your next cycle!! I am probably going to be joining u soon so I'm hoping u r still hanging here. I don't want to be left alone!

Mummykp- I'm very disappointed in myself :(
I took a test last night with ALL odds against me. It wasn't a first morning (if anything it was the last one at night lol). And I had pee ' d 3 hours prior and within that time drank lots of water so my urine was probably diluted as well AND I was only 11 dpo. Anyways I got a stark white bfn :'(
I am doing okay because I know I'm not out yet but it was a little disheartening. I plan to test again on Friday the correct way after a long hold. Fx this is it but I don't know, I'm just not feeling it not sure if that's because I've had so many bfn ' s I can't imagine a bfp. Who knows ... my temps r still up and steady which is good. I was kind of hoping for a spike but now I'm just going to hope I get one tomorrow.
Last night I had little cramos, lower back ache and very achy hip flexors. I thought maybe af coming but no sign yet. Fx I'm still in this game. My husband said he isn't worried slept and that last night didn't change anything for him. He also thinks it was too early and that the picture wasn't right with the urine and everything .... we shall see.... sorry I caved :( I was so nervous to tell u :(

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