January TTC-ers

I am with you on this one :)
Month 7 of TTC#2 and hoping it will happen soon. Our girl has just turned 4 so we all feel ready now..
1st month of using pre-seed however. We used it when TTC our daughter and within 2 months we were pregnant.
Good luck and baby dust for all

Keep us posted mummyKP, your time in TTC may be very brief :haha: fx for you!

Lozzielaula, all is mostly well here. AF was quite mean to me this month with horrid cramps CD 1. Since then, I keep having dreams of getting a BFP and my libido has skyrocketed for the moment. I want to take a relaxed approach but right now my subconscious is running wild and not on par with my conscious decision to just chill out a bit. I have no clue if this is normal. I really want to enjoy this process and not rush through it or stress myself out. I have no clue how to get myself to just calm down though. :(

Ugh cramps are just awful, I feel for you there. :hugs:

Also how strange, I have been having pregnancy dreams as well! I think it is pretty normal to be worked up even if you consciously try to chill out, it's such a big thing to be TTC I think it would be pretty hard to be completely relaxed about it so I wouldnt worry. Dont know what to suggest about calming down though, I havent figured that bit out for myself yet :haha:

Thank you for the kind words, Lozzielaula. I'm hoping I sleep better tonight. I guess it makes sense that it's on our mind so it seeps into our dreams. I wonder if it will get better as the newness of ttc wears off, or if it will get worse. Time will tell, I suppose.

I agree, MummyKP, definitely keep us updated. Best of luck!
Symptoms coming and going but trying not to get my hopes high!! AF due Friday/Saturday so we will see!

Good luck to all of you lovely ladies x
Woohooo! Super exciting! Hope your af is nicer to you than mine was to me. It's so awesome to have someone to go through this journey with. Hopefully it's a short journey for all but if someone moves on before me, I'll still appreciate the opportunity to experience the first month with someone at the same stage as me.
gem_wilko, good luck to you hun. Hope this is your month. Question for you though what is pre-seed?
Yaaaaay congrats lozzielaula, hope it's a short but sweet time in ttc for you :)

MrsGj I definitely agree, makes all the difference having other women on here in the same position as us. I still don't know what's going on with me, more symptoms again today and had cramping the past few hours. Feel like AF is here but it's not yet!!
Thanks, I hope so too :thumbup:

AF is draining me so much today, I am teary as anything! Had a crappy crappy day, take a look at my TTC journal post for today and you'll see why. Don't want to type it all again because I'l ljust end up crying :cry:

But on the bright side, I also got all my pregnancy tests through the door from amazon! Cant wait to actually use them :happydance:
Well AF got me sunday night... Yay for endometriosis... Been sick for three days...
Hi everyone! I was actually TTC last month but got what I thought was a af but the symptoms are still coming. :)
I had ovulation spotting on Dec 11, cd 10 and had sex from the 5th till the 10th. From the 12th to the 23rd I had so many symptoms from stingy nipples to mood swings, nausea. From the 20th thru the 23rd I had brown spotting just enough to notice it. Then on the 23rd I broke out like crazy, it was like I had a allergic reaction it was that bad. Then all symptoms stopped. Then my af appeared on the day(30th) it was supposed to but for only 2 days with barely any clots and since Jan 1 my symptoms came back, the nausea, mood swings, headaches, but with a few extra like cramping, bloating, and slight pain in my left and the worse leg cramp at night. Before my period the pain was in the right ovary. I took tests at 11 and 13 dpo and both came out negative. I would dismiss it but today I read about decidual bleeding and leg cramps at night as a pregnancy symptom. Please help!!! And also I drank new years Eve because I figured I wasn't pregnant I've always had pretty regular cycles with no major noticeable discomfort until a few days before af and when I say I'm pretty regular I mean to a T cramping 2-3 days before my period full out flow from the first day gradually getting heavier . Tmi but on the 2nd day it's the heaviest and crampiest and the day ipoop and the cramps just die down along with my flow. But with this particular one it's all just haywire and I'm still having symptoms and this pain in my ovary ugh. Also Jan 5th I was in the hospital for a kidney infection and decided to actually wait until it's completely cleared up because it's my 2nd in 6 months. had blood work sent off but it was a crappy hospital and I haven't got any test back yet. Lastnight before me and my DH got in the shower he pointed out to me(because I've pretty much stopped symptom spotting ) that the skins getting dark around my already dark areolas like my areola is dripping pigment lol and Then when we get out the shower he points out that my veins are showing. On my boobs. It's no secret that I'm black or African American but my veins are never visual unless my blood flow is constricted and I personally don't remember wrapping anything around my boobs in the shower lol. Any incite other Then test again? And I'm extreeeeeemely gassy, borderline lethal lol
Aw Hope4Kris, I hope you are feeling better soon x

Munchkinnn, I would think if your tests are negative then you arent pregnant, but I would go to a doc and get bloods done because I've heard that sometimes for some women it shows in blood but not in the urine until a good few weeks. I also dont want to alarm you, but pregnancy symptoms and negative tests can point to a cyst which might explain the pain in one of your ovaries? Usually if it's a cyst causing the symptoms it means it's a large one, so I would ask about that if you go to the docs. Better safe than sorry. :flower: take care x

How about you, mummykp, any news yet? x

AF is on it's way out for me I think. Brit, I think I will be due my next AF on the 2nd as well, that's if you dont O early since AF finished early for you. I'm now counting down the days and hoping that I O this month since it's my first off bc, so time will tell! x
No news for me....she's due Friday or Saturday, so if not here by Sunday I'll be doing a test. I don't think I'm pregnant but can't wait to know for sure!! Patience is killing me....hubby is making me wait it out until the weekend until we test! Argh!! Glad AF is almost out for you Lozzielaula, time to get BD-ing :) x
Lozzielaula - Thanks. I am finally feeling better today. I think AF is about done, then I can start trying for January :) Hopefully I don't get AF again at the end of January because this one was for December.. FX.
I think AF is on the way...had some brown spotting this afternoon. Roll on middle of my cycle lol
I've been offline a lot lately so I thought I'd catch everyone up! Today is CD 17. I had a slight hint of EWCM on Tuesday, not much. Tons of EWCM yesterday and today. So far my OPK's are negative (First response. hate them) But I feel like I'm still getting ready to ovulate. DH and I have been :sex: a lot lately! Like almost every night. So we should have plenty of spermies swimming in me!
AF arrived last night. Excited to be on cd2 of our first official month of trying for baby #1 :) hope you ladies are well!
Thanks for the update, MummyKP, and welcome to your first full month of ttc. :D
Thank you Mrs.Gj, so exciting :) what cd are you on now?
CD 8. Next week is going to be lots of fun. Getting some practice in this week. Hehehe. :D

Its nice most of us are all within one week difference of each other.

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