Hey Disney, glad you could join us! 83 days for a cycle is incredibly long, fx you will stay reasonably regular in the 30s from now until your bfp. You're currently at a similar CD as a few of the ladies in this thread! I'm on CD13 just now, first month of BC so I am not sure if I will actually O or not, I should O today or tomorrow going on what my previous pill-free cycles were the year before last, however it could be totally different this time so I am not building my hopes up too much for this and the next couple cycles. I'm also not temping or using OPKs at the minute, trying for a few months without to see how we get on and then we'll start using more in depth methods. Hopefully we'll have a bfp before then though!
I hope you keep us updated with what happens at your fertiliy appt, how are you feeling about it?
Welcome, RaisinKane, of course you can join in, the more the merrier! What CD are you?