July 1st anyone else in July2013

It feels so great to be home.
Now the challenge of figuring out what car seat to buy... I have no idea of which one to get. I think this weekend I'm going to go and look in the stores because looking online just isn't the same.
Any suggestions on brands or models you ladies like or have used?
Glad you got home safely, bachgal, and to such a wonderful present!

We've just been through the experience of purchasing a travel system (so many to choose from it's so confusing - and expensive!). I am in the UK so I don't know if we have the same brands but we went with the maxicosi because it fit with our travel system and it is Isofix (which matched the fittings in both cars). But we also bought the base which allows fastening to the car with a seatbelt (as well as Isofix) in case we ever need to transport LO in granny's car or someone else's car that is non-Isofix.

I hope this helps.
Beachgal good luck looking at the store. I know here it is overwhelming. There are so many makes and models. Little infant seat with a price of $300 is crazy, but they are out there. I have actually used Graco with my kids. I like to find the stroller I want and then look for the matching carseat. Here you can get the stroller and carseat sold together. I am actually getting a stroller where my DD can stand or sit on the little bench on the back of the stroller, the infant carseat snaps in the front. It converts into a double stroller if needed. It is a Graco. Good Luck on your search.
I love my graco stroller it is so compact and light weight. We laybuyed a new car seat for Libby last week.It costs $175 new and from six months through to eight years apparently one of the wider and higher ones available as she is so tall for her age.
Been having pains today...back aches and period like pains...maybe braxton hicks?
My DH and I went on Mother's Day to Babies R' Us and spent $570 on a stroller, infant carseat and a pack n play. I still need little things like blankets, bibs, and decide what bottles. I always used the Playtex vent flow but they have so many new ones out. I got a coupon for the new similac bottle. I got one but undecided about using that line.

My first appt Fri was with GD Dr, little man is 3 lbs 10 oz. That puts him overweight. Poor little man has no hair on his head yet. I have never had a bald baby. Lol. I go back to the specialist for another scan in 4 weeks. He is also still breech.
My second appt was with my OB. She was measuring me and telling us that I had gotten huge in 2 weeks. My uterus is already as far as it can go. My DH brought up delivering at 38 weeks. She said I won't make it that long. Which scares my DH and myself. I swell up really bad now. I start NST next week and will have them 2x a week until we deliver.

I hope everyone is doing good!!!!
That must have been a shock to hear their thoughts on 38 weeks. I'm guessing it has to be for the safety of you and the LO(?) What did they say about your concerns?

Is the swelling painful? Are you feeling OK otherwise?
My hands and legs hurt. She is worried about preeclampsia. She said things can turn bad quickly. I have felt bad the last few days. My bp has been high today, I am trying to relax. If I have to have a C-section(never had one) then I will get a tubal ligation. I am too old and 5 is enough.
Julie, sounds like a productive shopping trip! I have made one trip to baby's r us so far and left feeling overwhelmed! So I'm glad to hear it was a better trip for you :)
Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well :(. Will they monitor you weekly now to keep an eye on things instead of every 2 weeks?
Julie I was borderline preeclamsia with Libby...had to have section. Was not pleasant. I hope baby turns for u. Did they give you medication for the hbp?
I have been on hbp since day one. It has helped through the months now that I am getting closer it seems to not be as affective. I was 196/107 yesterday. I didn't call the doctor because I knew she would send me to the hospital. I waited out the headache and stayed in bed when my DH came home from work. I am puffy today but no headache, it is still morning. Will you have to have another C-section or try a VBAC? I hope we hear from Myra soon.
Julie it is a serious condition if you have preeclampsia the only solution to lowering the BP is to have the baby...go to hospital if they can monitor the heart rate and assess what is best for you and the little one. Iwas the same way with Libby having to have BP taken daily and blood tests etc they said to go to hospital three weeks early but I was stubborn and didn't go and went full term with emergency
c-section...horrible experience but in hindsight if I had been induced early things may not have progressed so badly and the birth may have been less traumatic.
Ugh sorry you're not feeling well, JulieB. I hope you get some relief soon.

I wonder if there is another type of bp tablet that might more effective. We are so close. It's not fair that you feel so poorly!
Beachgal- Glad you had a good trip. Hope you are settling into a good routine at home as you start preparing for the little one.

Julie- Sorry things are so stressful with the blood pressure. Sending good thoughts and wishes your way.

Sorry I have't been writing much- It's been a really challenging time for us and I haven't been great at communicating even with people in my "regular" life. I keep checking in to see how you are all doing though. Connor is now a month old. :)

He's had a rough week though. The docs have had a hard time figuring out what is causing a large increase his heart and breathing issues (bradys and apneas) but they finally arrived at it might be because he's anemic. So he had a blood transfusion last night. He might also have an infection, so they started him on antibiotics. We're on our way in to see him now. Hopefully this will help
So glad to hear from you...sorry that Connor is having health issues and praying he will be on the mend soon. Hope that the transfusion helps and that you all have a less worrisome journey ahead.
Myra... Glad to hear from you. Little Connor is in our prayers. Please let us know how he is doing.

I have had a couple 24 hour urines. They are watching for the protein levels. She told me I will be having another one soon. I will see her next Friday. I felt better yesterday.

How is everyone sleeping? I can only go a couple hours then I am wide awake. I will be so sleepy then go to bed and become wide awake. Lol. I also tell my DH that sex might help me sleep. He gives me the look and rolls over and starts snoring. Yeah I guess it is funny, sometimes you just get a little lonely.
Hope all is well.
LOL I don't remember the last time we DTD! Well we tried a few weeks back but with the SPD that area is super sensitive so it didn't feel good so we stopped. It isn't that I don't want to...poor DH! But mostly he is too tired so is the same as your hubby and just rolls over snores...lol Then Libby gets up and wants to snuggle in our bed...that puts an end to any "romantic" inklings we may have had.
Myra, sending positive thoughts and hugs to you and Connor :).
Julie/libbysmom - try being single... Haha no one to dtd with! Boy do I miss it ;). The hormones are stronger than ever!
Sleeping has been a max of 4 hours at a time. Then I lay awake (usually reading on bnb!) until I can fall asleep again. I guess I'll be prepped when babes comes!
I'm trying to walk everyday for at least 20 mins 2x. My bump gets hard and sore and I'm exhausted by the end! But I know it's good to keep active :)
I have an ultrasound next Wednesday and a specialist appt (re: my fibroids) the 27th. Hopefully I'll find out then what kind of birth I can have. I'm hoping for vb, but may need a c-sec.
I started washing babies clothes and cloth diapers... Just need to organize them now and put them away.
How's everyone else doing?
The hospital I am going to are about to launch their own brand of nappies...I am curious about what they are like. They frown on taking cloth ones in to hospital to use so we bought a bag of disposable newborns (Huggies) to take with us to use there and the first little while at home. I remember from having Libby that they huggies brand seemed to fit the best when they are small. I do want to try using cloth at least while at home. When we go out I find the disposable more convenient. I have 6 drawers full of baby clothing, singlets, socks, bibs, blankets etc ready for little Ethan's arrival. 99 percent of these are stuff that were given to us or I purchased second hand. Only about a handful of thing I have actually bought brand new. Dug out my old baby carrier the other day and found the missing play-mat that was in a box and I couldn't find when we first moved in. I am trying to make sure I have stuff for Libby too so she doesn't feel left out. Julie, you have other kids...how do you make sure they adapt to the new baby? Any hints or tips?
beach gal...if Julie and I are anything to go by you really aren't missing much. LOL. These hormones are the killers though! I hear you there! Only seven more weeks to go and we will be up half the night with the baby feeds etc...enjoy as much "rest" as you can now beachgal!
I totally agree with the hormones. Last night I snuggled up next to DH, he likes to rub my belly and I was hoping for more. He starts snoring while his hand is on my belly. All I could do is chuckle and think of you guys(libbysmum, beachgal).
I have never used cloth diapers. We will use pampers or huggies. With my oldest who was a boy, he pee'd out of huggies. But I am sure things have changed in 17 years. I still can't decide on bottles. Are you guys breast feeding or using bottles?
Libbysmum... With my 3 year old DD we talk about the baby everyday and rub my belly. I talk about the things she will have to help me with. I also ask her things she wants to do with her brother. I always let her look at his stuff we have gotten so far. I know she truly can not grasp the changes in store for her life but including her from the beginning has been important. I also usually take her to the OB appts. At times that is very trying. We go to lunch then the doctor. She will ask for the Dr by name now, asking when we are going again. My older kids really don't care, they are to concerned with what is going on in their world. They just keep saying "no more mom". Lol.

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