Hi ladies,
Thank you all for the warm welcome.
Beachgal, pregnancy going well, I do have some issues though, I have low PAPP A so baby is going to be monitored for growth, also from same blood test that gave me the results for low Papp A, I have a likelihood of 1 in 26 for Down Syndrome, plus at an earlier ultrasound (which was performed too early, I wasn't even 18 weeks at that stage) they found an echo focus in her heart, which I am told is a soft marker for Down Syndrome also. I am going for a further ultrasound scan tomorrow which will monitor growth, and hopefully give me a better result for the echo focus. Registrar at hospital told me the first morphology scan was done too early, so I am hopeful my results tomorrow will be better. My man and I do not want to do an amnio or cvs as we are going to keep our little girl no matter what the result would be, she is already precious.
On the upside, I have finally felt her kick from the outside a few days ago, and she is being very active lately, usually about an hour after I eat she rolls into action. It's such a good feeling.
Libbysmum, your link for the nipple protectors is a life saver. I have never breast fed, seeing as this is my first pregnancy, but I intend to and I think if I had to contend with sore cracked nipples I would probably give up. I already have sore nipples just from being pregnant.