July 1st anyone else in July2013

I plan on breast feeding and will use cloth diapers at home and disposables when I'm out. Lol lets see how well that plan goes!
Do they have a breastfeeding association in your country? Here they do. It costs about $35 to join for the year but they assist you with breastfeeding enquiry or concerns and will even send a lactation consultant round to your house if needed. I am seriously thinking of joining the one in my area as with Libby I struggled to breast feed. I even took her to a peadiatrician as she was not gaining any weight. He put me on lactation medication called 'Motilium (domperidone)' It really helped my supply but we ended up giving her supplement formula to boost up her weight then she got use to that and didn't want boobies anymore.
As for bottles we mainly used tommy tippy bottles but we also used generic brand ones with the larger flow teat as her formula was quite thick for her reflux so if I had the teets with the smaller flow the formula would get blocked up. It was trial and error I think I ended up with a cupboard full of different brands of bottles...we always preferred the wide ones rather than the skinny ones but every baby is different. She doesn't have bottles now just sippy cups but occasionally will ask me for milk in a bottle. Not sure if it is regression or just for comfort.
I will ask at my Drs appt next week about a lactation consultant... I know the help will be good to have.
I still can't believe how fast July seems to be coming now.
I know they have consultants here in the states. You can call several different agencies for help. I know that some of them are free. I asked my DH last night if he thought we should reconsider . He was not for it. He is funny about it, I can't really figure out why. It is so natural. He did say if I truly wanted to to go ahead. I am just going to stick with formula.
I was up at 5am with constant back pain on my left side. My DD fell out of her bed and came in crying getting into our bed. I thought maybe I was just crowded and tried to get comfy but no avail. The pain would get intense then let up. I got up and did my insulin shots and ate. I only got relief sitting in the recliner. It felt like back labor. It started in the chair too. My DH got up to get ready for work(he works every other Sat)he said you look miserable, what is wrong? I didn't want to freak him out so I said back hurts. He was ok take something and what are you thinking for dinner? I wanted to scream! Anyways I crawled back into bed with DD and went to sleep. Feeling better.
I am so sorry about the pain you had Julie...is it any better? I hope you get some relief from it. Our bodies and hormones are crazy right now. I am up at 3am cause DD woke up and was in our bed and rolled over and her giant head hit my face right on my eye socket. It hurt so bad it made me say "ouch" loudly and DH said I was yelling at him...what the? I started to cry cause I was in a lot of pain and said "I didn't even mention you0 and he asked if I wanted him to smack her...ummm nooo I dont I just want some empathy. So much for that! So I moved out of the bed and got some tissues and had a good cry. Still feeling crap and my eye socket is throbbing like all heck. At least he and DD are getting sleep even if I am not.
You poor thing. Our houses sound so similar. I cry a lot lately. We should be so happy but it is hard to find that happy place at times. I just want someone to do the dishes, laundry, and give DD a bath and tell me to go rest. I feel sometimes I must do it all, but I also know if I asked I would get help from DH, but who wants to ask. Just volunteer. He will be home shortly and DD will automatically go into high gear. Some days I want to run away. Hope you don't have a black eye and try to rest. We need it!!!
I know I love them too much to run off and dessert them but I have to say it has crossed my mind from time to time. As far as I got was the couch lol then around 6am DD was calling for me and when I went back to the bedroom DH asked if I was going to come to bed again and I said I would but after going to the bathroom. When I got in bed he lent over to hold my hand. I took that as an apology and all is well again.
My mother came over today we took DD to a children's music concert. There must have been about 300 people there...it was fun but DD wanted to keep running to the front. I doubt she will remember much of it but she had fun and was a little over stimmulated and took a while for me to coax her into taking her nap.
Just dropping in for a moment to let you know that Connor is doing much better. The blood transfusion seemed to have made a huge difference. Guess he wasn't producing enough of his own red blood cells to carry oxygen, and that was why he kept having heart rate/breathing problems. Since the transfusion, (knock on wood), he's only had a couple spells a day and they only last for a couple seconds vs what he had been going through before. He's starting to be more alert again. He hasn't fully regained his energy but it looks like he's getting back there.

Today he outgrew his first preemie outfit--he's almost at 5lbs...2 more ounces to go!!!
What great news little Connor!!!!! He continues to be in our prayers.
Myra, that is so great to hear :). Have you been able to get some rest? How are you feeling?
I've been in bed for 24 hours with my back. :(. (My back seizes up - an old gymnastics injury from when I was 15) i think i was just trying to do too much and it caught up with me.
I'm starting to move around now and came to sit outside in the sunshine... It's a gorgeous day here. What's the weather like for you girls?
Julie/Libby - I give you girls credit for managing a busy household! All of you are superstar moms!
It is 80 and sunny today. I like to sit out in the evening. Our central air has been running non-stop. I hate sweating everywhere. Lol DH is making dinner, chili. I not sure how this will taste in the warm weather. Hey at least he is cooking.
I go Thursday for a NST on the baby. Fri to the OB. I am not sure if she will check me then or not. Have any of you been checked to see if you have started thinning or dilation? I want to go to my parents house which is a few hours away, not sure since last time it was bad. It is a long holiday weekend. So we will see what the Dr says.

Thank you beachgal, but I sure do not feel like one.
Great news about Connor, Myra. It's great he is doing better now and putting on weight. Please keep us posted.

I hope all goes well on Thursday, Julie.

I've not been checked for any thinning or dilation. The new measure they are taking at midwife appointments now is fundal(?) length. My first measurement was above the 95th centile! Scary.

Temperature here was a balmy 18C today, beachgal. I managed to get my pasty white legs out. It wasn't pretty... but it was nice to finally get some of the summer gear on. I definitely didn't move to the UK for the weather!
The weather here is getting colder. I have really enjoyed wearing my slippers around the house the past few weeks. DH got them for me for mother's day.
So happy to hear about little Connor's improving health! I hope that you have a good support network there Myra- how exciting to already be outgrowing his little outfits! Have they given any indications on when he will be back home with you guys? Hopefully not too many more weeks.
Beachgal sorry to hear about your back pain...how horrible! Have you got a physiotherapist nearby? The hospital I go has it available and so far I have been three times and found it very useful. It didn't cost anything which is great although the parking fees at the hospital are ridiculously high. I hope all the money is going to a good cause!
It's funny you mention parking fees... I watched a program on tv last night that did an investigative report on parking fees at hospitals. (Mind you, this is in Canada) It was unreal how much money the hospitals make off parking! There were interviews with families who were visiting loved ones in the hospital and paying a fortune in parking to be there everyday. I found it interesting to watch...
Shanoa - I totally know what you mean about pasty white legs! My skin is finally seeing sunshine after 7 months of winter. It feels great! But I'm sure my neighbours might have a different opinion lol.
Libby- where are you located for it to be getting colder? (I'm on my phone so I can't see locations by your usernames)
Julie- how was Dh's chili? Hehe, I know what you mean about chili being more of a cold weather meal. But at least he tried ;)
Hi ladies,

Hope I'm not being too forward if I join this link. I am expecting, but not due until September. Most of you are well on your way if not at the brink of giving birth soon, and good luck to you all.

My pregnancy is my first ever, I am having a girl and I am of advanced age (37 years) (or so my doctors tell me) to be a first time mum, but totally excited.

I just have a quick question for Libby, I see you are also located in Australia, was wondering where in Australia, I'm a South Aussie, living in Adelaide.

Good luck to all and hope you don't mind me joining in. I find that talking to ladies who are so close to giving birth can be a great deal of help and comfort for me to find out what to expect later in my pregnancy. I am just over 22 weeks as of Friday last week, so have a fair way to go yet.
Hi Barbi. Welcome!!!

I was talking to my mom on the phone while DH was making chili. He finishes and I see him keep tasting it. He says "I finished it, but can you fix it. It tastes wrong." I got off the phone and worked my magic. Lol. It was okay, it just didn't hit the spot. I like peanut butter sandwiches with mine and I think I had more of those then chili.

It looks like rain today, it says cloudy. We are suppose to have rain the next 3 days. Ugh!!
I have not came across parking fees at a hospital. If you use valets at the hospital some have fees and some hospitals do not charge. When you go have the baby will you be charged per day your car sits in the lot? Even if your family has to come and go that will cost a fortune.
Yeah it's generally anywhere from 20-30 dollars a day depending on the hospital for just regular parking in the lot!

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