July 1st anyone else in July2013

That's great your gym has a creche. Mine doesn't:( My gym membership runs out at the end of this month. Not that Ive been in the past two weeks.

I've bought a 'Davina' exercise DVD for after the birth. I've never really done the whole bouncing-around-the-living-room thing so I'm not sure whether I will get on with it.

Love Ethan's Elmo, Oscar & Cookie Monster top, Libby!
Love the outfits Libby :). Can't wait to see pics of your little man in them!!'
Does everyone know what they are bringing home baby in? I still need to figure out what outfits I'm bringing to the hospital. I packed the newborn diapers- which by the way are the cutest little things ever!! I'm in love with how small they are!!
Shanoa - what about doing exercises at the park or at home after LO is born?
I am thinking of a cute little pale blue all in one sleep suit with a giraffe on it
I originally bought it for the baby we lost but I think I will wait and see what he looks like before I decide fully.
It is rainy day here today. Blah... Matches my mood for the 2ND day. I don't want to leave the couch only to eat. Sleep is all I enjoy. DD plays and watches her shows. She moves from her room to the living room all day. DH and I seem to be not talking. It started yesterday morning when I found out he threw my insulin out on accident. He went digging in the trash for it. I was so mad about it, even though I knew it was an accident. I went until 10 pm last night not speaking to him. We went to bed in bad moods and he left for work and didn't say goodbye. I hate not feeling good and being mean to him. Hopefully it gets better today.
Tomorrow is the NST and my OB appt. I am ready to get out for the day.

Child care is pretty standard in the gyms around here. I was laughing at calling it "child minding" I want to sign Piper up for that. She is getting a mouth on her. DH says her and I fight like sisters. Lol.

Love the clothes Lubbysmum. I got 10 sleepers for $21 on Ebay. They look brand new. I just need a few more little bibs for feeding. I need to wash up all his things and put them away.
I went to the similac website and signed up, they sent me a box of free stuff on Tuesday. They had breast milk supplement formula in it and different kinds of canisters of formula. Not sure if you guys signed up with them. They have a new line of bottles we are going to use.

Hope everyone is doing good!!!
There is a massive baby expo here next weekend I hope to go to after my Dr appointment. I got a free ticket. They usually give some decent samples and free nappies etc to expectant mothers. I took DD last year and she loved it cause they had balloons and so many people...she loves people!
Beachgal. I hope to do a lot of walking by the river once the LO arrives but how much I can do depends on the English summer and so far it's been 'pants' (as they say). I've bought the exercise DVD in case I have to revert to indoors.

Are you planning on doing lots of walking?

Julie- I bought some nearly new sleepsuits & vests on eBay too. They were such a bargain. I just had to remove some bobbles in patches but other than that they are great.

The baby show sounds great, Libbysmum. I love a good free sample.

I've bought a few reusable pocket nappies to try out (smartipants, fuzzybuns & bum genius). Has anyone tied reuseables? Or intending to use them?
The baby expo sounds like tons of fun. I don't think I have heard of one around here. They have a pet expo every year and a bridal expo. I love free goodies.
There is a jazz fest on the creekside this weekend, I think we may go Saturday evening. DH says we can't make plans because who knows were I will be spending the weekend. I told him don't jinx me and my appts will go smoothly.
Yes. We use some cloth ones on Libby...I think the press stud ones are nice cause the vecro ones seem to stick to everything in the wash. I also prefer the ones that are one size fits most rather than the ones that go from small/medium/large...those seem like a waste of money. We end up just using the covers mostly nowdays on her like "big girl pants" and not so worried about the inserts. The bum genius my friend loves to bits and has used on all 3 of her kids. There are quite a few brands out there. Some cities and towns have a "library" where you can trial the cloth nappies and return them and trial a different kind. Not sure if they have this service where you live. May be worth looking into.
as an example...no where near my house sadly
Julie, you are going to ace your next lots of tests so enjoy the jazzfest! (But do let us know how you get on today)

Woah thanks for the link Libbysmum. I didn't know about hiring the trial kits that's why I just bought one of each to try. The kits are a brilliant idea! I'm going to try to find one close to me on the weekend.

Most of my mumsy colleagues think I'm a bit mad for wanting to go cloth but a couple of the younger ladies had sisters or friends who are using them and said they love them and have saved a fortune.
It does save money especially if you plan on having more than one child.
My appts were a go. I am home and soaking up the air. It is humid here today. My OB did the GBS and checked my cervix. Nothing going on down there, not even a head. He has went to breach position again. He just can't get it together. My OB is inducing me at 38 weeks, the office will call next week with the day we are going to the hospital. It is a vaginal birth induction with a chance of cesarean. Because we are not sure if he will turn. My OB will be on vacation the last week of June, so she told me not to move off the couch. I would be heart broken without her there to deliver little man.

Hope everyone is well and have a safe weekend.
Julie glad to hear today went well :)
How exciting, you will have a date soon!!
Hope everyone has a great weekend! :)
Well, now it's my turn....I've been admitted to the hospital, hopefully just overnight because of high blood pressure and protein in my urine...*sigh*. They gave me a special, diabetic dinner, and then I crashed....feel like I'd be better at home....
Oh no Dove :(. I hope everything goes smoothly and you are out tomorrow.
Will you be induced as well before your due date?
Oh Julie...I really hope he flips round for you. Did the hospital give you any tips and tricks to spin the little man downwards? I was told no reclining etc. Got myself a fit/yoga ball to help my little fellow move. I felt him wiggling all over the place today so not sure what he was up to inside there but he wasn't still. Got a big poke in my rib cage followed by a rush of heartburn...unpleasantness.
Dove...sorry to hear about hospital...I totally understand how you would rather be at home...hopefully the protien levels will be back to normal soon! It is quite common for high blood pressure to be induced early...They were going to hospitalize me with Libby but I was a crazy first time mother who thought she knew everything. In hindsight it would have been nice to get her out early and have the swelling and all that sorted sooner. You live and learn so they say. Thankfully this pregnancy hasn't had any sign of pre-eclampsia - just other battles to live with!
Hi ladies,

I am envious of you all, so close to the finish line. I am only just entering my third trimester, 26 weeks and 1 day today. I got some awesome good news from the hospital yesterday, my last ultrasound scan shows that my little girl no longer has an echo focus in her heart and she is normal in all other respects at this stage of the pregnancy. They will still do four weekly ultrasounds for growth monitoring, but I am so happy that her echo focus is no longer present. I am a high risk first time mum, with my age and bloods coming back high risk for Downs, but I have always been adamant that I did not want any invasive testing done. So glad I didn't cave in to their demands and expectations.

Been out shopping today and bought a few good items for my little one, pictures posted below. I also ordered the car seat for her today.

Ladies, can anyone give me some advice on what I can do about having so much fluid around my feet and ankles? I am seriously carrying a lot and I knew that this could happen, but I am only 26 weeks at this stage and thought this couldn't happen to me as early as that. The doctors and my midwife tell me I am supposed to put my feet up as much as I can, but I am currently working and that means that I am on my feet a lot during the week. The upside to this is that my man has to do all the cleaning around the house, which he has been awesome with, I don't have to ask twice, he is happy to help.:happydance::cloud9:

We are heading out for a movie session in a few minutes, Fast and Furious 6, can't wait.


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Barbi... Love the clothes. Little girl clothes are always so cute. Putting your feet up is all I have every heard of doing. How was the movie? I want to see it too. Good news on the ultrasound. You will be meeting your healthy baby girl soon.

Dove my soul sister, our lives are as one. I know exactly what you are going through. Are they doing a 24 hour urine? Sending positive waves to you. I had my husband bring me additional food my last trip. I snuck and ate it and avoided an evening crash. I refuse to go hungry in there again.

Libbysmum... My OB didn't say anything about getting him turned. She only talked about birthing him feet first or if a c-section is needed how more intrusive if he is transverse. I don't have another ultrasound until June 28.

Beachgal... How are you doing? How is your uncle doing?

DH is working until 3pm today. He went and bought us Tim Horton's donuts for breakfast. DD will be hyped up all day on timbits. My hubby is auto mechanic for AAA and the other tech that works Saturdays with hubby is out sick. He thought he had an infected hair on his belt line and had emergency surgery yesterday. It was a spider bite and they pulled a sack of eggs out of his skin. Isn't that something? I guess it left a pretty big hole on his waist.
Barbi- glad to hear your little girl is doing well :). Great news!
I have issues with swollen feet and did have it back around the time where you are. The only thing that helped me was putting my feet up at night. Last week I had swollen hands... Ugh that wasn't fun either! (Too much sodium and not enough water in that case)
Love the clothes as well :). I picked up some really cute outfits from a garage sale today. The lady had boxes of outfits, mostly from England where her parents are living. So Next brand and marks and Spencer's... What nice material! I ended up getting a bunch of stuff for under $10!
I also picked up a Winnie the Pooh crib set - sheets, mobile, etc for $13.
And lastly a baby sling that still had the price tag of $130 for $10, never used. It was a good day for baby stuff lol.
Babes has been so active lately, it's crazy! It's not uncommon to see his body parts sticking out of my stomach. I guess he's running out of room!
Julie- uncle still isn't doing well. We just take it day by day. Thank you for asking :)
I didn't think sleep could becomeore difficult, but it has. Trying to find a comfortable position seems near impossible now!
Oh and Julie- I live in the Tim hortons capital! We have the first original store here in the city and what feels like one every few blocks lol. Yummy donuts for sure :)
Barbi as your GP or hospital about getting some compression stockings. They help with swelling wear them at night when you are sleeping cause they really are not attractive at all. Feet up and not sure if your on any bp medication or not. I was on Adalat with Libby. Take care not to over do things and drink lots of water...sounds crazy when you are carrying fluid but water is good. Any other advice I can think of? No soda, no caffiene, no high fat foods? Avoid putting on too much weight.
Hi ladies,

Libbysmum, not on bp medication, my blood pressure is good, just the excess water problem. This weekend I have put my feet up all weekend and the results show that I should do that as much as I can, but the house is such a mess, my OH is good about doing some things, but needs prompting in other areas. He's more into the outside sort of work. I hear your advice about not putting on weight, I was already overweight when I got pregnant, but then lost 7 kilos in the first 12 weeks and only in the last two weeks have I reached the same weight I was when I first got pregnant. The baby is small apparently, but I am carrying a lot of fluid, which makes me look huge. My face is so puffy as well, I look more like my dad every day (I get my looks from him and I see so many similarities now that I am pregnant).

Beachgal, I have pins and needles in my thumb, pointy finger and middle finger at all times on both hands. They are painful sometimes, but I am getting used to them. Have been given exercises to do, which I do as much as I can, but my work involves solid typing all day long during the week, which makes it a lot worse. Same with my excess fluid in my ankles and feet during the week, I cannot help it until I get home. My housework suffers for it though when I have to have my feet up.

Julie, the movie was great, there will be a 7th one judging by the ending. Have to say though, very uncomfortable to sit in a movie theater for 2 and a half hours, I am so large now, and uncomfortable already.

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