July 1st anyone else in July2013

"My hubby is auto mechanic for AAA and the other tech that works Saturdays with hubby is out sick. He thought he had an infected hair on his belt line and had emergency surgery yesterday. It was a spider bite and they pulled a sack of eggs out of his skin. Isn't that something? I guess it left a pretty big hole on his waist."

Oh my!!! That just sounds awful!!!
Well, that was a fun day!

I went for my regular Dr appointment on Friday, and they took my blood pressure, as usual. The first time, the bottom number was over 100:wacko: they did it 3 times while I was there, and even though it went down each time, it was still high. I told her that I was seeing my OBGYN right after I left her office, so she called her and told her about my BP, and they wanted to admit me to the hospital, rather than go to that appointment.They did an NST, urine test and blood test,and everything with the baby is fine, and I still don't have pre-eclampsia, just super high blood pressure.:dohh: After monitoring it into Saturday morning, they finally let me go home. Thank goodness I took my mother's advice and had our bags in the van already:thumbup: Of course, now I have to repack them, lol....The only thing I really wished I had, was a book, and snacks! They don't give you snacks at the hospital, just meals...so of course, I had a diabetic crash while I was there...thankfully, it only lasts a few mins once I get some juice into me. I went shopping this morning for snacks to bring with me....and I was super glad that I had my own water bottle, instead of having to get up and refill their little plastic cup a hundred times. I suppose it was good to have a trial run, so I could figure out what I was missing from my list of things to bring.

The doctors all said that we want to make it to 37 weeks at least, which is Thursday. I'm still really wanting to hold out for the 29th though, as long as the baby is fine. They also said that if I had given birth vaginally with my other 2 kids, that they would've induced me already:dohh:

Now I have an ultrasound and NSt at the hospital booked for Tuesday, and my regular dr on Wednesday to look forward to. Hopefully everything goes ok, and I'll get the go-ahead to wait for the 29th...fingers crossed.

Hope everyone has had a relaxing weekend! :)
Oh Dove, so sorry to hear of that drama...I hope your little one behaves and comes at the right time!
I had bad back pain last night and so wanted it to be early signs of labor but it went away!
DD is driving me crazy I can't physically keep up with here. Thank God yesterday DH was home and we picked up my mother and took ourselves down to the waterfront park to let her burn off some energy. I sat on a park bench and DH and my mum ran around after her. Was so nice to see DH making some quality time with her.
I got her birthday present organised today...K-mart had a bunch of musical instruments for kids for $20 - It is cheap plastic but I think she will have fun with them for a while. I also got an blackboard/whiteboard easel for her to do art and craft stuff on. It was $30 and requires some assembling so I left it in the car for now and DH can work his magic and put it together for her when he has a spare moment. It is kind of sad that my little girl is growing up so quickly! Can't believe she is almost 2!
Beachgal donuts sound good right about now! YUM! Anything I don't have to bake myself!
Dove... Did they tell you what your protein levels were? I am glad you made it out of there. I can't believe you do not get snacks. Our hospital gives you 3 meals and 3 snacks. Plus the nurses bring you snacks if your sugar is getting low. Like I said I had DH bring me food last time. They have diabetic moms on a strick diet, but then they have to feed you snacks to keep you from crashing. Good luck with NST this week. I go tomorrow.

I was reading on everyone's post how you pack diapers, the hospitals here give you tons of that stuff. You even get a free diaper bag. You get the Vaseline for the little boys Circumcision, nursing pads, and postpartum pads. They stock you up.

Libbysmum... I know how you feel about keeping up with DD. It is no easier at 3 except she can use the bathroom on her own. Do you think you will go pass your due date?

Well we are going to try Saturday for our yardsale. We have to get this stuff moved out of our house. I hope it doesn't rain. Nothing exciting going on this week. Just NST and OB. I hope they call today with my induction date.

Beachgal... DH had to show me a pic of the nasty hole. You could easily stick 2 fingers in it. It looked awful. It was a brown recluse spider, he was days away from being septic. It is scary to think you can be bitten and not even know it until it gets bad.
Well I had my first scare and visit to the hospital! Last night I noticed that Bb wasn't moving and normally he is very active at night. I tried all the tricks to get him to move but it wasn't working. I knew I had my specialist appt this morning so I waited.
When I told the specialist, he sent me right over to the hospital (across the street) for a NST.
After 3 hours of monitoring, they said everything looked good and sent me home. Bb didn't move at first but after they gave me a Popsicle and then a big glass of juice. That seemed to work. But last night I had tried a giant brownie (so good!) this morning I had juice and nothing worked. I guess Bb knew he better start moving or else!
While hooked up i had consistent Braxton hicks and I thought oh god, I hope I'm not in labour bc I didn't bring my hospital bag! Haha so
Silly the things you think of!
So thankfully everything is ok and I had my first unofficial dry run to the hospital and birthing unit (and they took my registration for my room once I do give birth). I'm just so thankful everything is ok!
How's everyone else doing?
Dove... Did they tell you what your protein levels were? I am glad you made it out of there. I can't believe you do not get snacks. Our hospital gives you 3 meals and 3 snacks. Plus the nurses bring you snacks if your sugar is getting low. Like I said I had DH bring me food last time. They have diabetic moms on a strick diet, but then they have to feed you snacks to keep you from crashing. Good luck with NST this week. I go tomorrow.

I was reading on everyone's post how you pack diapers, the hospitals here give you tons of that stuff. You even get a free diaper bag. You get the Vaseline for the little boys Circumcision, nursing pads, and postpartum pads. They stock you up.

Libbysmum... I know how you feel about keeping up with DD. It is no easier at 3 except she can use the bathroom on her own. Do you think you will go pass your due date?

Well we are going to try Saturday for our yardsale. We have to get this stuff moved out of our house. I hope it doesn't rain. Nothing exciting going on this week. Just NST and OB. I hope they call today with my induction date.

Beachgal... DH had to show me a pic of the nasty hole. You could easily stick 2 fingers in it. It looked awful. It was a brown recluse spider, he was days away from being septic. It is scary to think you can be bitten and not even know it until it gets bad.

Well I had my first scare and visit to the hospital! Last night I noticed that Bb wasn't moving and normally he is very active at night. I tried all the tricks to get him to move but it wasn't working. I knew I had my specialist appt this morning so I waited.
When I told the specialist, he sent me right over to the hospital (across the street) for a NST.
After 3 hours of monitoring, they said everything looked good and sent me home. Bb didn't move at first but after they gave me a Popsicle and then a big glass of juice. That seemed to work. But last night I had tried a giant brownie (so good!) this morning I had juice and nothing worked. I guess Bb knew he better start moving or else!
While hooked up i had consistent Braxton hicks and I thought oh god, I hope I'm not in labour bc I didn't bring my hospital bag! Haha so
Silly the things you think of!
So thankfully everything is ok and I had my first unofficial dry run to the hospital and birthing unit (and they took my registration for my room once I do give birth). I'm just so thankful everything is ok!
How's everyone else doing?

I believe they said my protein levels were at +2...I'm not sure what that actually means though. I also have an NST tomorrow, and will be bringing all of our bags with us again, just in case. The not knowing is drving me crazy, lol. The biggest perk about having a C-section is knowing exactly when you're having the baby, lol....any time within the next 12 days is just not cutting it for me, haha.

Hope you get to have your yard sale. Can your DH handle it without you? That's a lot of work for you, at this stage, especially since you should be taking it easy with your BP....

Beachgal--How scary! I'm glad everything turned out fine. He's a little troublemaker already;)
Beachgal... I am glad you and LO are okay. Are you going to get regular NST now? These little boys are stubborn.

DH will be helping with the yard sale. He is pretty good about taking orders. Lol. He will do most of the work.
No scheduled NST's for now, and my next appt with my Specialist isn't until next Wed. So I have some time in between appts!
As for my surgery report, the Specialist still hasnt received it. Can you believe that?! Even the Dr and nurse that were monitoring me even tried! After 3 hours, they still didn't have it either. The Dr. tried to reassure me saying that she will call the Dr. herself and get the report (also saying that we still have time - lol seriously?!)
Nothing like waiting till the final hour... ugh!
Good luck with your garage sale Julie!
Libbysmum - so nice that you had some help with DD and a good day out :)
Dove - good luck tomorrow! Smart idea to bring your bags just in case ;)
Barbi, Shanoa, Myra (sorry if I missed anyone!) - how are you ladies doing?
Uncomfortable but getting on with things here. Been invited to coffee/tea at a friends house. I am bringing L so she can have a playdate with the other ladies kids. Hopefully wear her out and then bring her home for a nap. Heart burn is killing me and it is only 9 in the morning!
How scary about the spider! Yikes...what a good story he will have now to tell the little one. Glad they found it when they did!
My DH works in a warehouse and I am always terrified that some creepy crawling might be lurking back behind a box or something. He went off early this morning to the Gym. His 5 day trial membership was expiring today so he wants to join up officially. I said if he was going to go spending money on himself that I should get the same for myself...LOL what do you girls reckon?
Omg libbysmum I totally know what you mean about the heartburn!!! I feel like its getting worse! Lets hope it gets better for us soon :)
I definitely think you deserve something if hubby gets the gym membership ;).
I agree Libbysmum, you also get to do something for yourself.

The heartburn for me is at night. I try to prop myself up but it doesn't really help. I am taking DD with me to the NST tomorrow. I hope she is good for me. I want to save some money and not send her to the babysitter. I can't believe girls our babes will be in our arms in the next few weeks. So excited!!!
NST was fine. Up all night with DD. I took her with me and she threw up a little when I got parked, cleaned her up and went in. She was fine and when we started to leave she was complaining she didn't feel good. I stopped to take lunch home and she threw up all over herself while I was in the drive-thru. Almost to the house she really let loose. What an awful mess. She is running a temp and just laying on the couch. I hope I do not get it. I need a nap.

Hope everyone is having a better day then me.
Great news your NST went well, Julie, but awful that your DD is not well. I hope you will both be OK.

Beachgal- so glad everything worked out with your little one.

Dove - how did your NST go?

Libby - you definitely should get something for you too!

Nothing exciting to report here. My feet have started looking like balloons with stubby toes sticking out of the top after work each day. Today I turned my desk bin upside down and put my feet up on it. I'm not sure it did a lot but I will give it another try tomorrow. Only 11 more days of work to go. Woohoo!

I've got a bit of a pain just to one side of the center line of my tummy. I think I've pulled a muscle during one of my hayfever sneezing fits:(

I've also abandoned the gym. I haven't been for over 2 weeks. I just don't have the energy.

I've started listening to my hypnobirthing cds. Has anyone else tried this? I'm not totally convinced but I figure it's worth a try.
Great news your NST went well, Julie, but awful that your DD is not well. I hope you will both be OK.

Beachgal- so glad everything worked out with your little one.

Dove - how did your NST go?

Libby - you definitely should get something for you too!

Nothing exciting to report here. My feet have started looking like balloons with stubby toes sticking out of the top after work each day. Today I turned my desk bin upside down and put my feet up on it. I'm not sure it did a lot but I will give it another try tomorrow. Only 11 more days of work to go. Woohoo!

I've got a bit of a pain just to one side of the center line of my tummy. I think I've pulled a muscle during one of my hayfever sneezing fits:(

I've also abandoned the gym. I haven't been for over 2 weeks. I just don't have the energy.

I've started listening to my hypnobirthing cds. Has anyone else tried this? I'm not totally convinced but I figure it's worth a try.

NST went well....BP had to be done 3 times...was high each time. I'm pretty sure the only reason I got to leave was because they were short staffed and someone that wasn't part of the maternity ward did the tests. Dr appt tomorrow hopefully she doesn't send me back to the hospital....

Julie--glad your NST went well, sorry about your DD and you for having to clean up the messes :(

Shanoa--I've only had swollen feet AFTER having a baby--it was horrible! Must be doubly so, while pregnant.
oh no I hate when the little ones get sick. So hard to comfort them after the throw ups. I hope she feels better soon and doesn't pass on any germs.
I took DD to playgroup break up party (end of term) and she had a great time but came home and had about 10min sleep in the car and thinks she is done with her nap? Ugh! My mother came over and suggested taking her for a few blocks around in the stroller to try and get her to nap. I said she could try but I don't know if she will cooperate. So I am enjoying a very rare moment to myself! Bliss! I feel a bit constipated today :( not comfortable!
Glad your test went ok. I have my Dr appointment Friday! 38 weeks down and hoping like crazy that this baby comes soon!
Glad to see things are continuing to go well despite the many stressful hospital and NST visits you are all having.

For those of you with lots of swelling and carpal tunnel (which for me was made worse by the swelling), you can try taking B6 vitamin. My chiropractor suggested it because I had the same issue. I can't remember the amount, but you can take a look online for that. It helped with the swelling and the carpal.

We've been hanging on here- some days doing ok and on others, just barely getting by. Connor has now been in the hospital for 64 days, longer than we ever imagined it would be when he was first born. But we might finally be getting close to bringing our boy home...he hasn't had a Brady in 2 1/2 days. If he continues to go spell-free for 6 more days, then he can come home on Tuesday. Trying not to get too excited about it since we've been down this road once already and were heartbroken when he went downhill....but all the same, starting to get excited that he will finally be able to come home and that we'll FINALLY feel like a family and parents!
Myra... WTG Connor keep up the good work. He will be sleeping in his big boy room next week. Sending positive thoughts your way.

DD is herself this morning. We already had our first argument. She is still slow about wanting to eat. I figure she will eat when she feels ready. DH come home early yesterday to help me with the mess. The car needed scrubbed out. I didn't have the stomach. I did take the carseat apart and wash it. I just hope I don't get it.

Dove... Hope your BP is better at your Dr appt. We are so far along they are quick to put you in the hospital. Lay on your left side as much as possible.

Libbysmum... Enjoy your minutes of quiet time. I know how you cherish the little time alone you do get. I love when DD goes down to her aunt and uncle's awhile. They live 2 houses down from us.

Beachgal... Hope you are okay!!!

Shanoa... Any elevation has to be good for your feet. Maybe you will start to see a difference. Do you have any thoughts of what your LO is?
Heya Myra. Great to hear from you. You, hubby and Connor are often in my thoughts. Sorry to hear you are still having a bumpy ride. I will be crossing all of my fingers for a Tuesday journey home for you all. You're almost half way there already!

Thanks for the B6 recommendation. I will do some googling now.

Julie, you are absolutely right, the upturned bin seemed to help quite a bit today so I will carry on.

I thought I would have a feeling one way or the other about the gender of the LO but I'm really not sure.

Both my mother and MIL think girl. But then to balance that, all of you lovely ladies also due in July are expecting boys...

I've also read all about the wives tales and they seem to be split down the middle too. Even the wedding ring on a strand of hair swung to indicate both boy & girl at the same time! Haha confusing:)

Libby - glad you are not feeling any signs of a tummy upset

Dove - good news on NST. Hope bp comes down soon.

Beachgal - you've gone a little quiet. I hope all is ok with you.
DD has a cold...I hardly slept cause she was so snuffly and crying in her sleep! Poor girl! I hope she wont pass her germs to me! DH was very sweet as he knew what a rough night I had had so he made me a nice cup of coffee this morning and helped me with some laundry! Miracles do happen!
He took the car today so if I go into labor He better hurry on home!
Seems like the littles are all getting June colds/bugs :( So hard to deal with, and worse when we're so heavily preggers.

Dr appt was interesting....GBS test came back negative, not that it matters, but good to know in case I actually DO go into labour. My belly is measuring 43.5 weeks....omg....6.5 weeks ahead!!! There's apparently a lot of fluid in there though, so it's not ALL baby. They estimated that he's about 8 lbs right now though:wacko: Of course, my BP was ridiculous. So I have to have an NST on Saturday, then again on Tuesday, then my regular Dr on Wednesday, and then the C-section on Thursday. I'll be 38 weeks exactly. However, if BP gets too ridiculous, or the NST doesn't go well, then they will do the C section right away. So in either 3, 6, or 8 days, we'll have had the baby. Starting to get nervous, even though everything is done, and I've already done this twice before, lol....

Myra--fingers are always crossed for you...

Hope everyone has had a good day

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