No yard sale... Admitted again. I think it is a little extreme. I am so depressed. This time for my bp, which to me isn't bad. LO is 5 lbs 14 oz, 81 percentile. So he is big. He is transverse, his feet are straight down and his head is on my left side. He looks good, just big.
Happy thoughts to everyone.
My last ultrasound was on May 28th, when I was 33+5, and they said the baby was 6.3 lbs, so your little guy is smaller than my little guy, if that makes you feel better
lol. Next ultrasound is scheduled for the 18th, to check his size again.
My blood pressure 3 days ago was 146/87. The nurse said if the bottom number hits 90, then they would admit me....I'm sure that made it go up more, lol....
How are you finding the insulin? Aside from hating to test my blood 4 times a day, and inject myself 4 times a day, I keep having crashes at least once a week, and there is no rhyme or reason to it. I felt better before insulin, honestly. Also, I'm pretty sure it's making me gain weight too. I had gained 16 from October to the beginning of May (I was sick with flu in Dec and lost 9 lbs though), and in a month, I've gained 15 wonder everything hurts. I'm getting scared that I'll never get back to pre-pregnancy weight, especially if this keeps up. With 22 days to go, I could still gain like 12 lbs
I'm still having those period like cramps....this is day 3. Every time I go to the bathroom, I'm convinced I'll see a mucous plug or something, lol.
Beachgal--somehow, hemorrhoids is the only thing I haven't gotten....knock on wood....have you tried any creams?
Hope everyone has a relaxing weekend, and that you get released from the hospital, Julie.