July 1st anyone else in July2013

No yard sale... Admitted again. I think it is a little extreme. I am so depressed. This time for my bp, which to me isn't bad. LO is 5 lbs 14 oz, 81 percentile. So he is big. He is transverse, his feet are straight down and his head is on my left side. He looks good, just big.
Happy thoughts to everyone.
Hey no I have thankfully avoided the hemeroids...sounds very painful.
Our car seat is currently not installed. There is a man who has some kind of certification to install them safely who comes to the baby store nearby my husbands workplace so I am thinking of doing it there...they charge $25 per seat but I would rather it be done safely and I am sure the guy will show us what needs to be done so if we have to transfer it to another car in the future we can make sure it is safe.
Libby has just been sitting in the car seat in front of the the TV watching Dora the explorer. So cute. It has a recline position and I can't seem to figure out how to lock it so it doesnt keep reclining!
No yard sale... Admitted again. I think it is a little extreme. I am so depressed. This time for my bp, which to me isn't bad. LO is 5 lbs 14 oz, 81 percentile. So he is big. He is transverse, his feet are straight down and his head is on my left side. He looks good, just big.
Happy thoughts to everyone.

My last ultrasound was on May 28th, when I was 33+5, and they said the baby was 6.3 lbs, so your little guy is smaller than my little guy, if that makes you feel better :) lol. Next ultrasound is scheduled for the 18th, to check his size again.

My blood pressure 3 days ago was 146/87. The nurse said if the bottom number hits 90, then they would admit me....I'm sure that made it go up more, lol....

How are you finding the insulin? Aside from hating to test my blood 4 times a day, and inject myself 4 times a day, I keep having crashes at least once a week, and there is no rhyme or reason to it. I felt better before insulin, honestly. Also, I'm pretty sure it's making me gain weight too. I had gained 16 from October to the beginning of May (I was sick with flu in Dec and lost 9 lbs though), and in a month, I've gained 15 lbs.....no wonder everything hurts. I'm getting scared that I'll never get back to pre-pregnancy weight, especially if this keeps up. With 22 days to go, I could still gain like 12 lbs :dohh:

I'm still having those period like cramps....this is day 3. Every time I go to the bathroom, I'm convinced I'll see a mucous plug or something, lol.

Beachgal--somehow, hemorrhoids is the only thing I haven't gotten....knock on wood....have you tried any creams?

Hope everyone has a relaxing weekend, and that you get released from the hospital, Julie.
Hi ladies :)
So I phoned the specialist on Friday to find out what the heck is going on. I was told that I would have an ultrasound the week of June 9th and a follow up appt sometime after but hadn't received a call. When I called the girl said, didn't I talk to you? I said no... She said oh it says here patient contacted. Turns out my U/S is monday and my f/u appt is Tuesday. Thank god I called or else I would have missed it! When I go on Tuesday I'm going to look into why they said I was contacted when I wasn't. What a run around!
I don't have any creams yet for my backside problem but I'm going to ask the dr next week bc they are painful!
Dove - how's the cramping?
Julie- how long were you admitted for?
Hi girls...
Hopefully I will be home later today. My 24 hour urine is up at 12:30pm. I am ready to go. They have to make sure my protein levels are not higher then before. I am so bored. They put an IV starter in this time. I was not happy. FYI when you girls get yours DON'T let them put it in your hand that you use. They didn't ask me and I didn't think about it. Do you know hard it is wipe yourself with that in? It is hard. My bp has been good and LO is hooked up to the monitor now. Trying to stay positive.

Beachgal... I have the same problem and was sent to the specialist. It felt at times bees were stinging me there. The specialist said I would be in more pain if he lanced them right now. If they are purple they are filled with blood. He told me they would rupture on their own and because they were small I was fine. Just a lot of blood. Before my OB got me into him she prescribed cream. It is a miracle cream. I was trying everything over the counter, mine were to far gone for that relief. I will post the name of the cream when I get home for you. It works!!!

Dove... I have only started to have lows these past couple of weeks. When I crash it drains my whole body. 41 has been my lowest. I give myself 5 shots a day and 5 blood sugar checks. Yes your LO is bigger. I go back in 3 weeks for another growth scan. I can't wait to hear how much your LO weighs now.
How are the cramps?

Libbysmum... Hope you are feeling better.
Oh Julie, I'm sorry you are going thru such a crappy time :(. I hope you get out of there as soon as possible and LO is ok!
I look forward to the dream cream! I'm so desperate for anything bc it's at the point where I'm scared to go to the bathroom bc it hurts so much...which now gives me cramps ugh!
Wow beachgal, Niagara Falls! Amazing. I would ditch Stonehenge for the Canadian GP in Montreal tomorrow and then Niagara Falls. Ahhh why don't teleporters exist outside of Star Trek?

I have noticed some new developments in the bottom area but so far they are not painful (hope they stay that way!). Ugh the things our bodies must go through!

I went shopping to prepare my hospital bag today and at one store I had disposable knickers, maternity pads, sudocreme and a tent-sized night shirt (with buttons for breast feeding in hospital). It felt so sexy! Hehe

I hope you're out of hospital, Julie.
Finally home. My protein is up to 261, my Dr says it is a safe amount still. I really feel worse now that I am home. I guess just the stress of the 24 hours.
DH and DD made me a cake. DD has chocolate icing clear up her arm and in her arm pit. Lol. She also got spaghetti O's for breakfast. Glad I was not gone longer.

Beachgal... Proctosol-HC 2.5%
Nothing beats spaggheti o's...My DD is inlove with the heinz spaghetti shaped like her favourite "Wiggles" characters. She ate an entire bowlful which is so unlike her as normally she would have one spoon to taste then leave it and run off and play...grrr!
Glad you got home okay and hope the hemoroids gets sorted beachgal!
I got myself a gym/fit ball to sit on...so comfy! It is apparently very good for the positioning of the baby to sit on one and even use during early labor. I am so glad I got onto it now and use it like a chair.
Cramping has stopped:) I'm glad because although I can't wait for him to be here, I want to make it until the 29th.

Beachgal, hope you can get that cream, it sounds so painful :(

Julie, glad you're home again....Spaghetti o's, eh? Well, at least he fed her, that's something....

Libby, is it an actual birthing ball you bought?

Shanoa-LOL@tent sized.....I totally know what you mean
Julie- so sorry you've hit such a stressful patch! I hope you were able to get some sleep last night and catch up on rest.

Beachgal- Have you tried Witch Hazel for the hemorrhoids? When I was in the hospital, they had Witch Hazel pads for that purpose. I guess one of the benefits of having a preemie was that I didn't get to the point of developing :winkwink: Great bump pic a few days ago!

Shanoa- I hope you're able to continue avoiding any developments down there ;-)

Libbysmum- My sister-in-law swears by the exercise ball. When her daughter was crying or didn't want to sleep, she would bounce on one and the little one would get quiet and drift off.

Dove- glad cramping has stopped! I hope the lo holds on til the end of the month

As for us...Connor had his oxygen and feeding tubes removed on Friday. It's the first time since he was born that we've seen his face without tubes and tape attached. I can't stop staring at him. He's a champ at breast feeding, and he's almost doubled his birthweight: 6lbs 10oz now.

The older her gets (8 1/2 weeks!), the harder it is to leave him every day at the hospital. He's getting more interactive and aware of when OH and I are here. I wish I had a date of when he was going to be released, but its still too soon to know....He has really bad reflux, which is causing him to have spells where his oxygen and heart rates drop dangerously low. He has to go 5 days without a spell before he can come home, and I think we're still at least a couple weeks from that. I'm getting SO tired of all the nurses telling us to be patient and keep perspective that he shouldn't even be born yet. That is true but the fact is that he was born already. Telling us to be patient doesn't help- isn't that exactly what we've been doing for 2 months?? I could go on a long rant, but I'll stop it at that. We just want him to be well enough to come home.

My fav pic is my new avatar, but here's another from this afternoon that I also love


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Myra.... Connor is sooo handsome!!! He looks like a healthy little man. He will be home soon, but I know not soon enough. How many hours a day do you get with him? Do you work, if so have you went back yet? Continue to keep us posted. Love the pics!!!
Myra, I can't believe how big Connor has gotten!! What a great smile:)

I have my NST tomorrow....wish me luck!
What is an NST? I just had my 36 wk routine blood work done...being a public holiday here for the queen today so prob wont hear back about it until tomorrow :p
Myra, Connor has a gorgeous smile! That's such a lovely piccie.

It must be great to be able to see him without all of his tubes. It is a big visual reminder of how far he has come. It's surely not long now before you can introduce him to his home.

Libby you've inspired me to get on my ball. I've been avoiding it because I love a good slouch. The NCT reckon the ball is a good way to stay 'front & forward' to encourage the baby to lie front to back (rather than back to back).

Is anyone else getting a bit stressy about the birth? I ordered some hypnobirthing cds which I hope are going to help me chill out about it! I'm not constantly stressy but I can feel the fear creeping in...
Trying not to stress...but being pro active about getting baby in a good position. Really praying not to have such a long and traumatic birth this time round. All going well I can have my Vbac and experience some of those Endorphin's I missed out on with Libby.
Lubbysmum... Hope all is okay with the blood work. A NST is a non-stress test on the baby. They put 2 straps around you. One to monitor contractions and the other monitors the baby's heartbeat. They get a good base line for the heartbeat, then they watch for heart rate increase. It needs to go up about 10 beats higher for about 30 seconds. They usually have to show 2 peeks in the strip. They have this little vibrator they use on your belly to get the LO hyped up if they don't do it on their own. The whole process usually takes about 30 minutes, but can take longer. The babies move off the monitor a lot.
Hope that helps.
Myra - Connor is growing strong and is adorable!!! What a wonderful feeling that must be! Fingers crossed that he comes home soon.
I had my ultrasound today... So good to see bb again (his nickname is blueberry lol - my mom has been calling him since I told her - he was the size of a blueberry at the time and it has stuck. ). It is going to be tough to call him a real name because for 7 months he has been blueberry or BB. Haha
Tech said he has some hair! I can't wait to see how much and what colour it is!
I have my specialist appt tomorrow so I hope to finally get some answers about how BB will be born!
I'm so excited its crazy!
I am so happy for you Beachgal. It is the not knowing and not being able to plan that is stressful. Hope you get the answers you are seeking tomorrow. It is thrilling to watch the LO on the ultrasound. Did they give you his weight? Sounds like we are gearing up for the big day.

Having Babies r' Us withdrawal. I haven't made it there from the weekend. My plan is to go tomorrow after my NST. DH works near there and we are having lunch. I am going to take my DD to the NST with me. I am trying to save money instead of paying babysitter. And I have to be honest, I do not want another overnight stay. I can say sorry I have my daughter. Honestly if I felt I needed to stay I would, I just feel my doctors are being too cautious.

Dove.... I wanted ask you since we have about the same stuff going on. Have you had any severe pain on your upper right side. I know they tell me to look for it at the hospital. It was really bad yesterday and I could not hardly function. Slept for a few hours and it was gone. I know there is something called hellp, you can get when you are pregnant. A stressor of this is preeclampsia. I am going to talk to my OB about it Friday.

Is everyone on weekly visits with the OB???
Myra.... Connor is sooo handsome!!! He looks like a healthy little man. He will be home soon, but I know not soon enough. How many hours a day do you get with him? Do you work, if so have you went back yet? Continue to keep us posted. Love the pics!!!

I do work (teacher) but have taken an extended maternity leave with my sick time so I can be here for Connor. The plan is to go back to work October 1st as long as he doesn't need me at home with him. If he does, we'll reevaluate as it gets closer.

I usually get up with OH in the morning and come to hospital when he leaves for work. I'm usually here 8-12 hours/day (Including when OH and I come back together after dinner for a few hours). He's had a bit of a downward spiral- in my opinion, they made way too many changes at once and it really stressed his system. I met with doc this morning though and to help him out, they are reversing one of the changes and putting him back on caffeine to help with his breathing. He's also become anemic (as they expected he would since babies don't start producing their own red blood cells til about 36 weeks) and they need to continue to let his red blood cell level drop so that it will signal his body to start producing them. We're hoping that happens soon since he will feel much better. Based on our meeting this morning and the setbacks from all the changes, it looks like we'll be here about 3 more weeks. This is heartbreaking since we were so close to being able to come home this week....

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