July 1st anyone else in July2013

I'm sorry to hear that Myra :(. It sounds like they are taking good care of your little man and I'm hoping those 3 weeks go by quickly for you.
Julie. I know what you mean about baby's r us withdrawal... Lol
I have way too many clothes for BB (thankfully donated by friends who had little boys) and yet I still find myself wanting to go look at stuff!
I hope you get your fix soon!!! ;)
Myra I am a teacher too...although haven't done any actual teaching in class since Libby was born. So sorry to hear of your Connor and his anemia and breathing difficulties. I hope they will sort it out soon so he can get home with you guys! How stressful! It is amazing to think of all the miracles that have been in the NICU and are now running about thriving toddlers right?
I am so happy for you Beachgal. It is the not knowing and not being able to plan that is stressful. Hope you get the answers you are seeking tomorrow. It is thrilling to watch the LO on the ultrasound. Did they give you his weight? Sounds like we are gearing up for the big day.

Having Babies r' Us withdrawal. I haven't made it there from the weekend. My plan is to go tomorrow after my NST. DH works near there and we are having lunch. I am going to take my DD to the NST with me. I am trying to save money instead of paying babysitter. And I have to be honest, I do not want another overnight stay. I can say sorry I have my daughter. Honestly if I felt I needed to stay I would, I just feel my doctors are being too cautious.

Dove.... I wanted ask you since we have about the same stuff going on. Have you had any severe pain on your upper right side. I know they tell me to look for it at the hospital. It was really bad yesterday and I could not hardly function. Slept for a few hours and it was gone. I know there is something called hellp, you can get when you are pregnant. A stressor of this is preeclampsia. I am going to talk to my OB about it Friday.

Is everyone on weekly visits with the OB???

I haven't had any pain of that kind, but they always ask me if I have had it when I go for the NST's. If it was that bad, you should probably have it checked out.

NST went well. BP was 143/90, so still high, but lower than last week. Lucas slept through the whole thing, lol. When the nurse came in to check on us, she said "Wow, are you feeling those?" I said yes, she asked if they just felt like BH, or if they hurt, I said just BH, she said "Oh! Because they look legit". I guess my BH are strong, lol.

GD clinic tomorrow, then my regular dr, and my OBGYN both on Friday....busy week! GBS test will be done then too, just in case I do happen to go into labour. I think my appointments will be weekly now, I'll find out on Friday.

Hope everyone is hanging in there.....sooooo close, ladies!

Myra, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the caffeine will help Connor;s recovery!
Myra... Hope the caffeine helps little man. He is in our prayers.

Dove... I hope my bp is not that high tomorrow, the Dr will send me straight upstairs for a overnight visit. I was just talking to DH about the pain on Sunday. If I mention it tomorrow they will want to admit me. I am losing my patience with that. I am trying to hold out until Fri and talk to my OB about it. It didn't happen today. Anxious to see my protein level tomorrow.

Okay do we have any thoughts on the order of deliveries amongst us?
Julie with the health issues you are having I think it may be good that they have you in overnight and see what happens. I think you may be first if the protiens are bad but if theyre good you could maybe hold out a few more weeks. I would love to have this baby already but no labor signs yet.
No labor pains here either. Just big and uncomfortable. DH is sending DD to sitter. He doesn't want the stress of having her with me. He tried to say it was so I could shop in peace after the appt. I know he doesn't want me to worry about anything but the appt. Our friends say I won't make it much longer too, along with my Dr. I want to have him but I also know the longer he stays in the better for him it is. This not being able to sleep at night is getting old. Thank heaves for lifetime movies.
No labor pains here either. Just big and uncomfortable. DH is sending DD to sitter. He doesn't want the stress of having her with me. He tried to say it was so I could shop in peace after the appt. I know he doesn't want me to worry about anything but the appt. Our friends say I won't make it much longer too, along with my Dr. I want to have him but I also know the longer he stays in the better for him it is. This not being able to sleep at night is getting old. Thank heaves for lifetime movies.

I know you don't want to, but a sitter may be a good idea. It could be stressful having her there with you, which might make your BP higher. I hope you are in and out of there within an hour.

As for the order, I'm due July 11th, but at the last OB appointment, she said likely the 29th of June. I see her again on Friday, so I'm hoping we'll have a better idea then....
Myra... Hope the caffeine helps little man. He is in our prayers.

Dove... I hope my bp is not that high tomorrow, the Dr will send me straight upstairs for a overnight visit. I was just talking to DH about the pain on Sunday. If I mention it tomorrow they will want to admit me. I am losing my patience with that. I am trying to hold out until Fri and talk to my OB about it. It didn't happen today. Anxious to see my protein level tomorrow.

Okay do we have any thoughts on the order of deliveries amongst us?

I hope all of your LO stay in until they are good and healthy to come out....and I'm also excited that you are all getting close to that point and that we will soon have more babies to meet on our thread! :)
Well girls, still don't know if I can have a vag birth! I went to the surgeons office today to try and get my surgical report (figuring in person would help seeing as I've called 4 times in the past 2 weeks and haven't gotten anywhere) and no luck. The surgeon has been "too busy" and will go thru my files later. Lovely.
I went to my specialist appt after and told him what happened and he is going to contact the hospital and try to get the report from there.
He's a bit stressed about it because we are so close to the due date and I should have been told after the surgery whether or not a vaginal birth would ever be an option for me. He said that was careless and unacceptable of that surgeon to not discuss that with me or make any appropriate notes to my doctor regarding it.
So if I happen to go into labour before we get the answer, it will be a c section. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed to be able to try for a vaginal.
On a good note, this specialist had my blood work (done last week) and my ultrasound (done yesterday) results. Finally! A doctor who has their stuff together! Thankfully he's the one I will see and will hopefully deliver my little man.
Estimated weight is 6lbs 4oz, and everything looks good!
I had the strep b swab done... Ugh that was lovely lol. Haha no getting undressed and going under a sheet. Nope, while laying down, pull down my shorts, lift my legs up and he quickly swabbed. Haha no modesty here apparently.
Oh and first time I've had a male doctor hahah.
So I go back Monday and fingers crossed we will have all the answers!
Oh tried to install the car seat and seems too loose for my liking. Called the police station to set up an appt for a car seat inspection. Hope to hear back tomorrow!
Bassinet is set up beside my bed (mattress seems a little thin, and especially when it's on a plank of wood?). Anyone else have that? Can I put something underneath the mattress to give a little more cushion?
Also received my hospital package with the list of items to bring. Exciting!!
Well girls, still don't know if I can have a vag birth! I went to the surgeons office today to try and get my surgical report (figuring in person would help seeing as I've called 4 times in the past 2 weeks and haven't gotten anywhere) and no luck. The surgeon has been "too busy" and will go thru my files later. Lovely.
I went to my specialist appt after and told him what happened and he is going to contact the hospital and try to get the report from there.
He's a bit stressed about it because we are so close to the due date and I should have been told after the surgery whether or not a vaginal birth would ever be an option for me. He said that was careless and unacceptable of that surgeon to not discuss that with me or make any appropriate notes to my doctor regarding it.
So if I happen to go into labour before we get the answer, it will be a c section. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed to be able to try for a vaginal.
On a good note, this specialist had my blood work (done last week) and my ultrasound (done yesterday) results. Finally! A doctor who has their stuff together! Thankfully he's the one I will see and will hopefully deliver my little man.
Estimated weight is 6lbs 4oz, and everything looks good!
I had the strep b swab done... Ugh that was lovely lol. Haha no getting undressed and going under a sheet. Nope, while laying down, pull down my shorts, lift my legs up and he quickly swabbed. Haha no modesty here apparently.
Oh and first time I've had a male doctor hahah.
So I go back Monday and fingers crossed we will have all the answers!
Oh tried to install the car seat and seems too loose for my liking. Called the police station to set up an appt for a car seat inspection. Hope to hear back tomorrow!
Bassinet is set up beside my bed (mattress seems a little thin, and especially when it's on a plank of wood?). Anyone else have that? Can I put something underneath the mattress to give a little more cushion?
Also received my hospital package with the list of items to bring. Exciting!!

How frustrating having to deal with that surgeon. I don't know why surgeon's and specialists are often so hard to deal with. Glad you like your other dr though, it sounds as though his head is not up his butt, lol.

The first time I had the GBS swab, they almost had to peel me off of the ceiling, haha, I sure wasn't expecting THAT! When they said swab, I figured it would just be vaginal, I'm sure the look on my face was priceless...I get to have mine done on Friday...oh joy!

As for the bassinet...is that his main bed for a while, or will you just use it occasionally? The don't like any extra padding as it can be unsae, which is why it's thinner, but if you plan to use it as his main bed for a bit, then I suppose you could maybe fold up a recieving blanket or two, and have them underneath the mattress, so it doesn't actually come in to contact with him???

What's on your hospital lists, ladies? I have packed mine, and I got everything into a carry on bag for myself and Lucas. I felt like I overpacked with both of my older children, and hardly used any of it, so this time I packed lightly. OH can always go out and get something if I need it, I suppose. I have 2 changes of clothes for me, 4 for Lucas, diapers, nursing bra and pads, nipple cream, a few elastics for my hair, toiletries, and a swaddler for Lucas, as I've never been able to figure it out properly with just a receiving blanket, and that's about it....Last minute will be phone charger and camera with charger.

Julie--hoping your appointment is going ok......

ETA--I don't have to go to the GD clinic for 2 weeks this time--yahoo!! They are satisfied with my numbers, so that's good!
I got out of the office with a quickness today. Lol. Still 1+ protein in my urine. My bp was good and LO passed NST on his own. I am good until Fri. Headed to meet hubby for lunch and of course he wasn't ready. Spent some time shopping at the Carter store. Got some good deals. Started to feel my sugar drop, ran and got food. By time I got to hubby's work I couldn't get out of the car. I hate when it gets that low, it scares me. I ate and went home, no Babies r' us for me. Maybe this weekend.

Beachgal... Glad you got some answers, but not the big one. Hopefully this Dr can get them for you. When do you see him again?

Dove... Good job on your sugars.
Julie - glad the appt went well! Now you just need to bring snacks out with you ;).

I have my weekly appt with the specialist on Monday. Fingers crossed ill have the big answer then!
Ugh beachgal they really are cutting it close. I have all of my fingers crossed that Monday will bring all the answers.

Good news on your tests, Dove.

And glad things are still going well, Julie.

I had a midwife appointment today and met my new midwife (the one I've been seeing retires at the end of this month). It's bad for continuity but the new lady seems really nice & has helped me with good info on the birthing pools at the birthing centre.

DH came to the appointment this time and recorded BBs heartbeat (BB is our name for the baby too, Beachgal, ours is short for 'baby bump').

Everything else seems ok. I'm just starting to feel LARGE. Getting to work is a struggle and I still have 3 and a half weeks left. Meh.
I got out of the office with a quickness today. Lol. Still 1+ protein in my urine. My bp was good and LO passed NST on his own. I am good until Fri. Headed to meet hubby for lunch and of course he wasn't ready. Spent some time shopping at the Carter store. Got some good deals. Started to feel my sugar drop, ran and got food. By time I got to hubby's work I couldn't get out of the car. I hate when it gets that low, it scares me. I ate and went home, no Babies r' us for me. Maybe this weekend.

Beachgal... Glad you got some answers, but not the big one. Hopefully this Dr can get them for you. When do you see him again?

Dove... Good job on your sugars.

I hate the crashes so much! I've started to carry juice with me just in case.

Glad everything went well at the dr's though :):thumbup:
Bassinet mattresses are thin but baby is usually outgrown it by 3 months and not that heavy so they don't need a super thick mattress. You could always put a blanket underneath if you are really concerned but I am sure baby will not notice too much they been squished up inside us for months after all. I am more concerned about my toddler grabbing it and tipping it over...she doesn't know her own strength. A friend of mine had her 9mth old in our portacot and Libby just lifted it up like superman...thank God I stopped her before she dropped it again.
Hehe thanks, beachgal!

That's what I will be doing (mentally, definitely not physically) when our babies arrive:)
DH and I are discussing going to the gym after I have this baby. He looked into it and the baby has to be at least 8wks old before it can go in the gym creche. I am concerned he will be too little!
That's great libbysmum! Does gym crèche mean day care?
It is like a child minding service that the gym provides certain hours. Am going to try upload some photos of little Ethan's ever growing wardrobe!


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