July 1st anyone else in July2013

here are a couple of bump pics. The blue shirt was over a week ago, and the other one was by accident in my backyard the other day. I was standing on the deck talking to my parents and my shadow was on the fence. I thought it looked pretty cool!


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Once again my yardsale didn't happen. My SIL's father passed away last night. My DH and I sat at their house with their daughters until 2am. Needless to say we couldn't get going this morning. Maybe next weekend. We are getting ready to go to Babies R' Us and some other places. I have a sore throat and coughing, my DD is coughing too. Looks like a Benadryl day. It is going to be 91 here tomorrow and my 10 year old DD has a softball game. I will not be staying for the whole thing.

Enjoy your weekend friends!!!
Oh no Julie, that sucks...I am sorry to hear of the death in the family...I guess these things can't be planned :( How horrible!
Beachgal I love the silhouette photo! How unique!
Went to a housewarming party last night for a friend and came home with major heartburn and vomited half the night. YUCK!
DD and DH still are sick and I am praying they don't give me their germs!
Gorgeous bump pics, beachgal! I especially love the silhouette.

Sorry to hear about the death in your family, Julieb. Hope you are feeling better. You too, Libbysm.

We had a BBQ today with 16 friends over and now we are wiped out. We have only 3 days of work this week then we are taking a long weekend. Not sure where to go yet but it will be great to have a little time together before BB arrives.

Not long now, ladies!
Julie - sorry to hear about Sil's father. Will you try for your yard sale next weekend?
Libbysmum - oh heartburn is nasty, isn't it? Are you feeling better?
Shanoa- your long weekend getaway sounds like a nice idea! Keep us posted :)
Today was 40 degrees Celsius . Ugh so not fun! I'm hoping to go to the beach tomorrow with friends but the weather is calling for thunderstorms and the same heat/humidity as today. I'm hoping the storms stay away so I can find relief at the lake!
Hope you ladies are well :)
I have an upper respiratory virus. I had to go to L&D yesterday, my bp was 188/105. I feel awful and I can't stop coughing. They had to do a BPP ultrasound to check LO because between him moving and me coughing up a lung the monitor could not keep the heartbeat. He looks good and is still transverse. He just isn't going to move. They told me to drink plenty of fluids and rest. I am taking benadryl and robitussin for the cough. I wish DH was home so I could sleep, I am so tired. This is not how I wanted to spend my last weeks pregnant. They said I could have this cough for 10 days, great just want I want.

I was going to do the yardsale next weekend, but who knows how I will feel come then, Playing it by ear. I did make it to Babies R Us Saturday and we pretty much have everything. The downside, it is still in boxes and I need to wash all his things. I have no motivation at this point.

Beachgal... I hope you have a nice sunny day at the beach. Sounds like a relaxing day.

Libbysmum... Did the germs stay away????

Shanoa... A long weekend away would be a dream. Enjoy!!!!!

Dove... You okay?????
here are a couple of bump pics. The blue shirt was over a week ago, and the other one was by accident in my backyard the other day. I was standing on the deck talking to my parents and my shadow was on the fence. I thought it looked pretty cool!

LOVE the shadow pic!! I did that myself a couple of months ago, but yours looks much better!

Oh no Julie, that sucks...I am sorry to hear of the death in the family...I guess these things can't be planned :( How horrible!
Beachgal I love the silhouette photo! How unique!
Went to a housewarming party last night for a friend and came home with major heartburn and vomited half the night. YUCK!
DD and DH still are sick and I am praying they don't give me their germs!

Hope your little one gets better and that you stay germ-free :)

Gorgeous bump pics, beachgal! I especially love the silhouette.

Sorry to hear about the death in your family, Julieb. Hope you are feeling better. You too, Libbysm.

We had a BBQ today with 16 friends over and now we are wiped out. We have only 3 days of work this week then we are taking a long weekend. Not sure where to go yet but it will be great to have a little time together before BB arrives.

Not long now, ladies!

I am SO envious of your energy....I can't even find the strength to clean the house, nevermind have a party, lol. Long weekend sounds fantastic!

Julie - sorry to hear about Sil's father. Will you try for your yard sale next weekend?
Libbysmum - oh heartburn is nasty, isn't it? Are you feeling better?
Shanoa- your long weekend getaway sounds like a nice idea! Keep us posted :)
Today was 40 degrees Celsius . Ugh so not fun! I'm hoping to go to the beach tomorrow with friends but the weather is calling for thunderstorms and the same heat/humidity as today. I'm hoping the storms stay away so I can find relief at the lake!
Hope you ladies are well :)

I used to live in a suburb outside of Toronto....man, I do NOT miss that kind of heat (or the snow/cold in winter). Hope you can find a way to stay cool.

I have an upper respiratory virus. I had to go to L&D yesterday, my bp was 188/105. I feel awful and I can't stop coughing. They had to do a BPP ultrasound to check LO because between him moving and me coughing up a lung the monitor could not keep the heartbeat. He looks good and is still transverse. He just isn't going to move. They told me to drink plenty of fluids and rest. I am taking benadryl and robitussin for the cough. I wish DH was home so I could sleep, I am so tired. This is not how I wanted to spend my last weeks pregnant. They said I could have this cough for 10 days, great just want I want.

I was going to do the yardsale next weekend, but who knows how I will feel come then, Playing it by ear. I did make it to Babies R Us Saturday and we pretty much have everything. The downside, it is still in boxes and I need to wash all his things. I have no motivation at this point.

Beachgal... I hope you have a nice sunny day at the beach. Sounds like a relaxing day.

Libbysmum... Did the germs stay away????

Shanoa... A long weekend away would be a dream. Enjoy!!!!!

Dove... You okay?????

Look at it this way--you're getting your sickness over now instead of while in labour;) Hope it doesn't last too long :(

Everything with me is fine. I'm feeling so lazy and unmotivated though. Should be 3 more days until we have Lucas, so that's exciting. We took the kids to the beach on Friday, and it dawned on me, as I was laying in the sand, relaxing, that that would be the last time with just 2 kids at the beach and that I would have to go back to making sure the baby doesn't eat sand or anything again, lol....Something else that's weird...I'm already sad to lose my bump--and I still have it...for a few days anyways. I think maybe because I know this is the last baby....and I don't necessarily love being pregnant. Sounds so awful, I know. Some people love it, but my pregnancies are so hard, that it's difficult to enjoy them:dohh: I love when they're here though, that's more my element, lol.

I finally finished Lucas' baby blanket:thumbup::happydance: OH picked out the colours, and they are on the darker side so it doesn't look so baby-ish...especially compared to the soft pastel colours I did for my first 2, where I picked out the colours.

Hope everyone is doing well, and getting healthy and staying cool!
Hey all Julie I woke up coughing today...bloody germs! DH has the URI and been coughing all over the place and DD has a pretty nasty cold...I really was hoping to avoid the plague!

Thanks for the updates ladies.
If anyone wants to add my facebook
That ways we can keep in touch after all our babies are here.
What a great idea Libbysmum! I will add you now.... Where did you get the link to your profile? I'm trying to figure it out, but apparently having a pregnancy moment. Once I do, I'll post mine :)
Well it was another hot, humid day here. I went to the beach with my dogs and soaked my legs - which felt so good. I'll be happy when this swelling goes away. I thought that maybe last night was the start of things with some cramping and stronger BH, but nope! BB is still comfy inside!
Julie/Libbysmum - feel better soon ladies!
Dove - I know exactly what you mean about missing your bump. I asked my mom about that yesterday because I have a feeling I will feel depressed after. I'm hoping that by being aware ahead of time that it will help prevent me from going to far into postpartum depression. It will feel weird to not have this massive beach ball and baby inside me!

So I need some help ladies! I still haven't decided on a name. I really like Emerson but i'm so worried because it seems to be such a popular girls name now. I don't want to set my little guy up for problems in school :( What are your thoughts? (My other choice is Blake, and it's the same issue with that name too!)
Libbysmum... I sent you a friend request. My DH is laying on the recliner coughing. I went to bed to cough in peace. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Maybe you won't catch it. Keeping fingers crossed for you.

Beachgal... You will be so happy with your little man in your arms that the bump was a wonderful experience to the present. You are still young enough for another if and when you want. The happiness you have to look forward too with LO will ease the missing bump. I personally like Emerson, and I do not know any girls named that. This is coming from a mom who is naming her son Stone. Lol.

Any appts this week ladies? I have NST tomorrow, I see the nurse Wed cause my Dr is on vacation. Fri a growth scan, my final one. I can't believe I am having him Fri the 5th. My Dr petitioned the board again about my tubal ligation. I haven't heard back. I am sad that this is our last, but there are things my DH and I want to do before we are too old.

Dove... Your day is basically hours away. So excited for you and to see pics of Lucas. I know the feeling of no motivation. It has left me.
I love both those names Beachgal...but yes I see your point about sounding too girly. Blake in my eyes has always been a boy name. I can't think of any girls named BLAKE but maybe it is more of an American thing. I hope you find a suitable name soon!
I went to my FB profile and copied the html. Hope that helps.
I got your requests too btw. :) Thanks ladies.
My mum wanted to know if we need her to sleep over this weekend. I said we may because it is DH's birthday this coming Monday and according to my menstral cycle it is also my Due Date... even though the hospital is using the 5th as the due date from the ultrasound photos...but I thought about going out with DH to a movie. He really is keen to see the new Superman.
Hi ladies,

Beachgal, both names sound great, Emerson is a name I am familiar with, my friend (who has had three children of her own, two boys and one girl) has named her middle son Emerson. Her husband is Irish and Emerson in Ireland is very popular. Blake is good too, although as Libbysmum put it I haven't heard too many girls called Blake, although there is Blake Lively from Gossip Girl and a few movies. I have to join the long list of admirers of your fence silhouette pic, so beautiful.

Julie, I hope you get over your lurgy soon, nothing could be worse than being sick whilst pregnant. Hope you and family get better soon. Also, I have my next ultrasound and checkup next Monday 1 July and Friday 5 July respectively. If all goes well with this ultrasound, I will ask my hospital to put me back to low care so I can try and give birth in a bathtub. In high care, there is no option for a birth pool/bath and I don't want to have drugs, so hoping that low care will give me what I want and that is a water birth.

I am almost ready to sit down and do my birth plan with my man, but have been so very tired lately. I had my glucose challenge test on the weekend and I slept for such a long time in the afternoon of Saturday that my partner was worried and woke me up. I just couldn't gather enough energy to even make dinner. Is this normal ladies? I feel like I am going downhill in the energy department, but I do have to say I am working full time and will be working up until two weeks before my due date, so there is no end to this until I am ready to drop.

Good luck Dove, you are on the threshold of being a new mum, take care and cherish the time you have left before Lucas greets you.

Ladies, I have been having such vivid dreams/nightmares lately that I am wondering if this is normal. On the weekend I had a dream that I was watching father and son fly fishing in a lake. They caught a huge carp which was gutted right in front of me. Instead of the usual things that would come out of their insides, came two fully grown green tree frogs and three other carps which were a set of twins and one extra. The waters that they caught the fish from were blue and calm and you could see all the way to the bottom, which is not usual for a lake. In my birth country, blue calm waters means pregnancy in a dream and fish means babies. I wonder what frogs mean? Has anyone had any such dreams? I have always been a vivid dreamer and have had the ability to recall dreams in great detail even before pregnancy.
barb I been having pretty whacked dreams too...it is normal. I dreamed my toddler locked me in the pantry and I went to labor and gave birth stuck in there so all I had to wrap the baby in was Aluminium foil. Scared me silly! ALl the best for the birth plan and pool...unfortunately they wont do that at the hospital where I am going.
DH also had a bad one where he was holding our baby but I was still in labor? It freaked him out.
I am up late it is 2.30am and I have had cramping like no tomorrow. I am hoping it is some preparing for labor...also had lower back pain fairly mild...nothing I can't handle in the pain department. DD is sleeping in our bed and I didn't want to disturb anybody so came out to the lounge room to sit on my ball.

As for appointments I am done now with mine until my due date...they wont see me probably before that unless I have the baby early. Please please come early Baby!
Hi girls...

It has been a long day. Spent all afternoon at the hospital. LO did not pass the NST, so we did the BPP ultrasound. He only got a 6 out of 10, the Dr said to watch him again for another hour. Again 6 out of 10. He passed everything but practicing 30 seconds of breathing. Which he did just fine on Sunday. I had my youngest DD with me and her patients was running out. I only got to leave because I promised to come back tomorrow for another look. Ugh!
Here is what the Dr said, he looks good and is getting plenty of oxygen. He wants to do an amnio Thursday and if it comes back he is ready then they will induce me. He said there is no sense in going through all of this another week if we don't have too. And the kicker is he is head down now. He turned from Sunday night to sometime this morning. My OB office called and said the ethic board approved my tubal ligation if I had to have a cesarean. Of course my OB is on vacation and I really need to talk to her not the nurse, who I will see in the morning.
DH and I talked and agreed we will go with our plan of next Fri. I don't feel going through amnio is good for me or the baby. He is not distressed. I going to see if I can get an OB appt Monday to talk to my Dr. my cough is still horrible and DH came home early like an hour with a coughing fit. This household is on edge!!!
Hope everyone is having a good day.
Libbysmum.... You might get to go first.
I agree...I wouldn't take the amnio test...too risky! The cramps have been inconsistent :( Baaagh so annoying...I just want it out!
Evening ladies,

Sounds like we will all hear of one of you three (Libbysmum/Julie/Dove) having given birth pretty soon. My bet is on Libbysmum, but don't hold me to it.

Good luck with it all. I have only just managed to get home 7.36pm and I am just hanging out for some food and some rest. My feet look like elephant feet right now, today was really bad for the swelling. Don't know why, it just was.

Last night I dreamed that a man put me on fire around the neck area, which I doused with bottles of evian water and then came up all clean, no scars or burning sensation at all. Weird dreams continue.
I haven't been on here much in the past few days so please excuse me for not responding to your posts. Connor was supposed to come home yesterday but since Saturday has been steadily going down hill again. Trying to regroup and work through yet another heart break. :nope:
Oh myra, I am so sorry. Thoughts and prayers your way. Stay strong!!
LO passed his BPP today. I also have an appt to see my OB on Tuesday. There is paperwork she has to go over with me about the cesarean. The ultrasound tech said he is still transverse. I am not sure if the girl was wrong yesterday or he is just moving. I will know for sure Fri at the growth scan. I let them know that we would not have the amnio. I started washing the clothes yesterday and just started the last load. I had to stop for more cold medicine. DH is at work sick, he wants to save his PTO.

I don't think I have had many crazy dreams. For awhile I dreamed about my ex-husband it was crazy. Other then that nothing off the wall like Barbi.

I hope dove is okay. Hopefully we will hear from her soon.
Myra, sending prayers for Connor :hugs:
Julie, sounds like a stressful day for you yesterday! I hope today is a better day :flower:
Libbysmum, how exciting to be done your appts...now it's just the waiting game!
Barbi, I have had crazy highs and lows with my energy. Some days I have it, and other days I don't want to get out of bed. I've also had crazy dreams too! Nothing the last week, but mind you, I feel like I'm barely sleeping. I'm lucky if I sleep 2 hours at a time.
Dove, I can't wait to see pics of Lucas!

I had my weekly appt today. Blood pressure was good, no weight gain since last weeks appt, and bb's hb was 144. Dr. asked if I wanted him to check to see if I have dilated and I said sure. Holy heavens, how is that the most painful thing ever?!! How the heck am I going to give birth if I'm sore from my Dr's fingers?! LOL. :dohh:
Anyways, my cervix is soft, and i'm not dilated at all. He said he thinks i'm going to give birth to a 9lb baby - please refer back to my "pain from fingers" comment and the instant fear that hit my face when he said that. He also said he would be surprised if I make it to my due date. I have another appt next Tues., so we will see how the next week goes.
I really hope he's over estimating the 9lb guess :wacko:

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