July 1st anyone else in July2013

So sorry to hear Connor is not coming home, Myra. Has he stabilised? I hope you will have some good news soon.

Julie, great news on the TL and BPP result. Things seem to be moving forward. Sorry you're all so ill. You'll all kick this thing soon and be fighting fit for the birth.

Libby - have you seen Superman? We went to see it a few weeks ago and were impressed. The effects are incredible.

Barbi- I've been having a few weird dreams too. I had a dream the baby's leg popped out but I wasn't in labour or anything. I woke up totally freaked out.

Beachgal - I like both names. I've not met anyone in the UK with those names but to me they are definitely boys names. Emerson has a bit of a posh sound to it.

We are not going away this weekend:( Funds are tight. We are going to take a few day trips instead. We are going to Canterbury Cathedral tomorrow and to a local stately home I've driven past every day for work but have never visited on Friday.

I'm also keen to go for a swim. It feels so nice to be weightless and without the waddle and pressure.

I only have next week to go at work then I can relax! I can't wait:)
Shanoa, day trips sound like fun too!
I went to see World War Z last night at the theatres. Bb was active the entire movie with lots of BH. I thought, oh no, please no labour here!
It was a great, on the edge of your seat, kinda movie!
Oh you are brave, Beachgal. I'm not sure I could handle watching it (I'm such a scardey cat) but it looks brilliant from the shorts.
Yes, we plan to see the new superman...if the baby hasn't come. I heard it is good. Right now I am feeling a bit poor...got to wait til Friday before my payday. Just paid the rent and am down to $15 in my savings acount! LOL Thank God I don't have any other bills pending.
I said to DH if I go into Labor today I won't be able to pay the hospital for parking! LOL Thankfully he has some savings in his account!
I get paid today- thank goodness. Our remortgage kicks in today as well. We will be paying £200 less per month which will be a massive help! I luckily found a very good deal. I had to get it sorted while I still had a semi-decent income (ie. not a maternity income) so talk about cutting it close...

Are any of you ladies suffering from hayfever? It feels like I'm sneezing about 50 times a day at the moment. Any tips on getting relief because I've been told my usual drugs are a no-go?
Argh suspected water breakage here. We are on the way to triage to get checked out. Well it's given us a kick in the pants to get the hospital bags sorted...
wow how exciting@water break! All the best!
Myra, I am sorry to hear about Connor...I hope things turn around for the best soon!
I have two friends popping over tomorrow so I better not break any waters tonight or I will have to cancel.
Keep us posted shanoa when you can! I hope everything is ok :)
I'm having more pressure down low and peeing more often now. I had a bit of spotting yesterday from my internal and I think I lost a bit of my plug. What a waiting game!
I'm sleeping less if that is even possible.
Shanoa.... How exciting, let us know when you can.

Still very sick with this URI, DH is better today. I am miserable and now throwing up. I have had enough of all this sickness. I do not want to deliver our baby boy sick. I think it is making me depressed. We are having a blah day here, rain rain and rain. I have no errands or Dr appts today. I plan on resting if DD let's me.
Aww false alarm. I was having braxton hicks when they wired me up to the machine so I thought for sure something was happening but nothing since.

I had an internal. Then doc was a little concerned I was measuring small for dates but have just had an ultrasound and BB is measuring pretty much average. Estimated weight is 6 pound 4 ounces.

I have mixed feelings. I was quite excited to meet the LO but I suppose this way we have a bit more time to prepare. Plus I am a few days shy of full term so I would have had to stay on the maternity ward rather than the birthing centre which looks far less clinical. And so we wait...

I know what you mean about the lack of sleep, beachgal. It's so hot in this waiting room I could easily fall asleep.

Hope you feel better soon, Julie. It is a good sign your DH is feeling better because he was ill before you so hopefully your recovery isn't too far behind his.
Hopefully this means your time is coming soon. Are you still working? With a few weeks left your LO should be a nice size. Take it easy and enjoy the last days of your bump.
I hope so, Julie. DH was pretty disappointed on the way home. It was quite sweet.

Yes I am meant to be back to work next week. We'll see if I make it! The doc said it could still have been my waters and to just check for any more signs over the next 24 hours... exciting!
Still nothing here...playdate was cancelled due to the other mother and baby being under the weather.

Libby has been glued to the TV all morning...I really should get her out the house...might be the last opportunity before new baby comes along.
Hi Ladies--just a quick note to let you know that we welcomed Lucas Alexander into the world on Thursday, June 27th, at 9:48 am. He is 21.75 inches long, and get this--a whopping 11 lbs 6 oz....I still can't believe it. I am hoping to leave the hospital on Sat, and will post a picture then...can't do it on this phone, apparently! Hope everyone is feeling ok/getting better, and Myra, you and Connor are in my thoughts!
:) I am so tired. If I go into Labor feeling this tired I don't know how I will find the strength to push!
Hi Ladies--just a quick note to let you know that we welcomed Lucas Alexander into the world on Thursday, June 27th, at 9:48 am. He is 21.75 inches long, and get this--a whopping 11 lbs 6 oz....I still can't believe it. I am hoping to leave the hospital on Sat, and will post a picture then...can't do it on this phone, apparently! Hope everyone is feeling ok/getting better, and Myra, you and Connor are in my thoughts!

Congrats!!!! 11lbs - wow!
Congratulations Dove! Wow 11 pounds. Ouchie-wawa! So glad everything went well. Looking forward to seeing the pic and hearing more. Hope you're feeling ok.x
Welcome Lucas!!! What a big boy. Congrads to you and your family. Can't wait to see pics.
:) I am so tired. If I go into Labor feeling this tired I don't know how I will find the strength to push!

I feel the same way! I'm dragging my butt around the house. I'm sleeping only 2 hours max at a time and just generally feeling like crap. I have cramps today and had a bath hoping to relax a bit.
How is everyone else feeling?
Congratulations Dove!!!!! So happy for you and excited to see pics once you've have a chance to come back and update us :)

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