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July 2016 Testers! 11 BFP, 1 Angel <3

I see it! FXed you get a nice line on the frer in the morning!
wow, a possible 2 BFP's! Can't wait to see those FRERs, good luck ladies!
Mommafrog, congrats on the official TTC status! Hoping you get a bfp so you don't have to go through any of the ttc stress though.

Twinkle, I have heard of women getting pregnant immediately after reving their Mirena. It just boils down to when you O. I had my paragard taken out just a few days before o, and the shock of having it removed delayed my O by two weeks. When are you thinking af would be due/testing?

Not sure when af would be due but would definitely expect it by end of the month. I could test two weeks after dtd which would be 14th/15th July but will see how I feel.
I already have three girls age 7, 2 and nearly 3 and will be 40 next month so wasn't planning on any more!!
We haven't had sex since removal of mirena but did the night before removal so I'm thinking the chances of pregnancy are very small
Ok, I think it's still too early for FRER. There is like, a shadow of a line, but too light to get a pic of. My 10miu IC definitely has a faint positive tho!!! I'm preggers! :wohoo:


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Pink I'm glad you're getting cheapie lines :) I hope you get some stronger lines soon!

Today is day 9 and I feel rubbish, bad headache this afternoon which is unusual for me, still sore nipples and I've been getting occasional strong aches in my uterus. I'm getting a little excited, I wish I wasn't.. being excited is dangerous for me :/ any new symptoms today people?
I do like a chat while we wait hehe
I have had the most tender boobs and an achey tummy.
No idea if this means a huge big af or early &#55357;&#56438;&#55357;&#56438;&#55357;&#56438;.
I have been pregnant for three years followed by mirena coil for two years so no idea what's normal for my body!
Hope your line gets darker pink
My CM is ridiculously wet. And I have strong bouts of nausea. Headaches... Breast don't have much change, currently breastfeeding. But I did start leaking last night, and I haven't really leaked since the early days. My uterus is heavy and sore and crampy, like super crampy, there is a certain spot in my uterus that has kinda an extra sore spot. I'm really gassy and bloated, and have been running g back and forth to poo all morning.
Hubby can't see the faint line on my test. He is a very blatant line kind guy. So a few more days till he will accept that im preggo lol. But he already thinks I am cause I threw up after dinner last night. FX this is it!! Can't wait to go get a test done at the office on Monday. I'll be 11DPO monday. Only 9 DPO today
FXed! Bet you'll have a clear positive by Monday!

I'm only 3dpo so no use symptom spotting. Still oozing thus gross grey matter from my colposcopy. Ick. I intentionally booked it on 1dpo hoping everything would be out and healed by the time eggy makes it out of the tubes.
9dpo today. Headache all day yesterday and even lingering into today. No symptoms so far though. There is a faint line on my cheapie test but I'm sure it's either evap or a dip where the line WOULD be if I was preg. But i also didn't even look at the test for a while so I'm about positive it isn't a positive test. I tested with a FRER also and nothing :(
So I got up this morning ready to take my first FRER (curved handle). I was super excited, ready to see those two clear pink lines. Took it with fmu and I got a super super faint line. I started to panic. So after a 3 hour hold and using SMU, I took an IC and it looks so much darker already from yesterday's IC and I feel SO much better. I'm starting to think these FRER aren't all they are cracked up to be or either my IC are a whole lot more sensitive!!! But anyway here are my tests..... Currently 12dpo: AF due Tuesday.

My FRER with fmu....


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My IC with SMU.....


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Thanks Dobby!! :) I guess I was expecting it to be darker and when it wasn't, it scared me. But I feel so much better after taking my IC. I'll probably test with ICs tomorrow and Monday morning and then do my second FRER Tuesday (the day AF is due).
The new frers are totally crap. Not sensitive at all like their counterparts from back in the day. And that Ic like is so good I wouldn't worry at all. You'll have a really nice line on frer come tuesday
At 9dpo and I feel out. Remaining positive but not getting my hopes up.

Congrats to all the BFPs so far!!! FX crossed for sticky beans!!!
Jbugg, my cycle buddy, what you doing feeling out for already? It could still very much go either way <3

Sorry mcrobinson :( next time x

What's with the new frers?? They're supposed to be the best tests in existence D:

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