July Jewels 2019! ^^

Cheshire, sorry to hear about the bad air! I hope you've been able to avoid the worst of the smoke and that it's not affecting you or your loved ones much.

DBZ, what a great way to announce to your mom! And what an adorable story! I love that she wasn't quite following along earlier but wanted to be supportive anyway. She sounds like a doll.

I hope your MIL does respect your wishes about not revealing the pregnancy. I'd be pretty upset if I discovered my MIL was talking about my fertility trials with her social circle.

I did get a picture of the baby, although, of course, it's all very blobby still. Watching the heartbeat flicker on screen was amazing, and hearing it even more so. I'm really looking forward to the next scan.

Tess, I hope you have a lovely and reassuring midwife appointment tomorrow. Fingers crossed for some good news about the bleeding. Also, I truly hope your morning sickness doesn't stick around until week 30 again; that sounds rough!

I'm also nowhere near telling people yet. Family will find out at Christmas but everyone else will just find out as I get bigger and it becomes obvious. We are planning on some kind of special announcements for family, though. Especially since the timing works out so nicely with the holidays.

Is anyone else planning on announcing over the holidays? I know that it's not always appropriate (considering there might be people in a family that find pregnancy a sensitive topic) but that it can also be a nice (and convenient!) time to share the news.

For us, we are lucky that announcing during Christmas won't be insensitive to anyone present. I'm an only child and neither of my husband's siblings are planning on having kids any time soon. Plus, everyone knows that we've been pursuing fertility treatments for a while so we feel confident that the news will be received positively. We are also just a pretty lowkey family overall, so once the initial "congratulations" are shared we'll all probably quickly move onto arguing about our latest renovations anyway :laugh2:
Hi everyone, I have been reading everyone’s posts! I was goin to wait until after appointment Monday to post myself but here is my story anyway. I have 10.5 year old twins conceived through Iui and follistim when I was 30. This is a complete shock as once 40 hit I was completely certain I would never conceive in my own after so long of not preventing etc.

So 3 weeks ago my boobs were sore and I found an ic test in my desk and decided to just use it to get rid of it. I figured it was probably bad because it was over 7 years old. But it was bfp.
Haven’t told dh yet because I suspect he may be upset and would like to know what’s happening in there before dropping this bombshell on him. He felt too old at 38 to seriously try for number 3 so I can’t imagine how he will feel now at 46. He said back then if it happens it happens. Well it’s happened 7 years later then we expected!

So haven’t had nausea which is worrisome because I was really all day sick with my twins.
So we’ll see what happens Monday.
Hi everyone, I have been reading everyone’s posts! I was goin to wait until after appointment Monday to post myself but here is my story anyway. I have 10.5 year old twins conceived through Iui and follistim when I was 30. This is a complete shock as once 40 hit I was completely certain I would never conceive in my own after so long of not preventing etc.

So 3 weeks ago my boobs were sore and I found an ic test in my desk and decided to just use it to get rid of it. I figured it was probably bad because it was over 7 years old. But it was bfp.
Haven’t told dh yet because I suspect he may be upset and would like to know what’s happening in there before dropping this bombshell on him. He felt too old at 38 to seriously try for number 3 so I can’t imagine how he will feel now at 46. He said back then if it happens it happens. Well it’s happened 7 years later then we expected!

So haven’t had nausea which is worrisome because I was really all day sick with my twins.
So we’ll see what happens Monday.

Wow what a story! How r u feeling about it? Any idea how far along you are?

I was terrified my husband was going to freak because we absolutely weren’t trying and I was on the pill although I did forget it when we went away for 4 days last month which turns out to be when it happened. When I told him he was calmer than me which was a massive surprise! He just said everything happens for a reason and we are strong enough to deal with this so your husband may surprise you too.

And about not feeling nausea yet, I wouldn’t worry about it. I would imagine carrying twins your hormones would be extra high so I’m not surprised you were all day sick lol x
Can I join?
It’s early but I have some nice dark tests. My EDD is July 20-22 since I’m now not 100% of o date although I know it was bw Oct 27-29.
I had my first beta on Wednesday (16-18DPO) at 124 and have my second test today.
It’s been almost 5 years trying for #2. (4 yrs it took for number 1)
Several CP’s buuuut these are the darkest tests by far since DD.
Wish me luck!
Welcome Alison! That's a wonderful story! I'm not feeling nauseous yet , just a little crampy here and there! In a strange way lookin forward to he nausea as it makes me feel confident everything is ok !

Congratulations Mindy! My EDD is July 21 so we're pregnant twinnies! Hope you're keeping well
Mind if I join? I found out I was pregnant a few days ago. I set up my first ultrasound and first midwife appt for December. We were ntnp since my daughter was born, we welcome any children we are blessed with. I have PCOS and my hubby has low motility and it took us 6yrs before we concieved our son. This is our 3rd and I am really excited!!
Welcome Alison! That's a wonderful story! I'm not feeling nauseous yet , just a little crampy here and there! In a strange way lookin forward to he nausea as it makes me feel confident everything is ok !

Congratulations Mindy! My EDD is July 21 so we're pregnant twinnies! Hope you're keeping well
Thanks Sunshine!
Positive vibes for good numbers today!
Praying for at least 250!
Welcome Mindy and congrats! I don’t really know what beta’s are if I’m totally honest but whatever it is, I hope it goes well for you lol!

Welcome to you too crazy4baby hope u don’t mind me asking, but have all of your kids been conceived naturally? I only ask because my friend has been trying for 2 and a half years with no luck and only last month was diagnosed with PCOS. Doctors haven’t been very forthcoming with info for her so naturally she is just devastated and is now thinking it will never happen without intervention. Not that she is opposed to getting some help but she just knows it’s a long waiting list to get started and she is so desperate for a baby. I actually feel quite guilty because in the time she has been trying, I fell pregnant and had my son who is now a year old and I am all of a sudden pregnant again. I’m absolutely dreading telling her to be thruthful especially since this was completely unplanned x
Welcome, Alison, Mindy, and Crazy! So nice to have more mamas in the group :hi:

Alison, what an amazing turn of events! I hope you have a lovely appointment on Monday and that your husband is thrilled with the news.

Mindy, hope you had a fabulous second beta today!

Crazy, congratulations on #3!
Wow what a story! How r u feeling about it? Any idea how far along you are?

I was terrified my husband was going to freak because we absolutely weren’t trying and I was on the pill although I did forget it when we went away for 4 days last month which turns out to be when it happened. When I told him he was calmer than me which was a massive surprise! He just said everything happens for a reason and we are strong enough to deal with this so your husband may surprise you too.

And about not feeling nausea yet, I wouldn’t worry about it. I would imagine carrying twins your hormones would be extra high so I’m not surprised you were all day sick lol x
I think I a may be 7 weeks or so

Thanks for the well wishes
That's a great story about how well your husband reacted Tess thanks
Good luck today with your Beta Mindy
Hi Crazy
Welcome Mindy and congrats! I don’t really know what beta’s are if I’m totally honest but whatever it is, I hope it goes well for you lol!

Welcome to you too crazy4baby hope u don’t mind me asking, but have all of your kids been conceived naturally? I only ask because my friend has been trying for 2 and a half years with no luck and only last month was diagnosed with PCOS. Doctors haven’t been very forthcoming with info for her so naturally she is just devastated and is now thinking it will never happen without intervention. Not that she is opposed to getting some help but she just knows it’s a long waiting list to get started and she is so desperate for a baby. I actually feel quite guilty because in the time she has been trying, I fell pregnant and had my son who is now a year old and I am all of a sudden pregnant again. I’m absolutely dreading telling her to be thruthful especially since this was completely unplanned x

Before I got pregnant with my son, my doctor said she would let me do 8 months total of clomid. Over a 2 yr period we did 8 months of treatment and didnt get pregnant. My doctor then told me we would have to iui or ivf. We couldnt afford that so just decided to ntnp and let whatever happens happen. I found out I was pregnant with my son 5 months later, a natural cycle :) a week after he turned 1 I found out I was pregnant with my daughter another natural cycle. This one was a natural cycle too. I feel extremly blessed. Pcos symptoms can vary from women to women so it comes down to getting them under control. I have insulin resistance and take 2,000mg of metformin every day. I have been on metformin since 2011. My periods would go months between them in those 6yrs of trying, about a year before I got pregnant I started taking bee pollen, then I started getting monthly cycles. I have no idea if thats what helped or not. My best advice would be to not give up hope even if it takes awhile it could still happen, I am proof of that.
Last edited:
Welcome Alison, Mindy, and Crazy! And congratulations!

Mindy - How was your beta?

Crazy- I'm so glad that your perseverance paid off! Never give up is great advice.

AFM- 6 weeks tomorrow and I'm feeling like morning sickness might be on it's way. I was nauseous briefly this morning and then tonight when I was eating dinner, I thought I was going to throw it all back up. Just looking at the rest of my food made me feel sick. I asked my mom if she had morning sickness when she was pregnant and she said she was sick until 30 weeks when she was pregnant with me. :shock::shock: But, she didn't have any with my younger sister. So, I guess I'm hoping I fall on the not sick end of things...or in the middle...30 weeks just seems like a long time to be sick.

MIL reached out and sent us a message today to check in, so DH said hey, we want to keep this under wraps until early next year. MIL said of course she wouldn't say anything to anyone...but she definitely told me and DH about SIL's pregnancy at 6 weeks, so I was glad he said something. Just in case.
Welcome Alison, Mindy, and Crazy! And congratulations!

Mindy - How was your beta?

Crazy- I'm so glad that your perseverance paid off! Never give up is great advice.

AFM- 6 weeks tomorrow and I'm feeling like morning sickness might be on it's way. I was nauseous briefly this morning and then tonight when I was eating dinner, I thought I was going to throw it all back up. Just looking at the rest of my food made me feel sick. I asked my mom if she had morning sickness when she was pregnant and she said she was sick until 30 weeks when she was pregnant with me. :shock::shock: But, she didn't have any with my younger sister. So, I guess I'm hoping I fall on the not sick end of things...or in the middle...30 weeks just seems like a long time to be sick.

MIL reached out and sent us a message today to check in, so DH said hey, we want to keep this under wraps until early next year. MIL said of course she wouldn't say anything to anyone...but she definitely told me and DH about SIL's pregnancy at 6 weeks, so I was glad he said something. Just in case.

First beta Wednesday 11-14-18 (~16-18 dpo) 124

48 hrs of excruciatingly waiting

2nd beta Friday 11-16-18 (~18-20dpo) 298!!!!!

2.4X doubling time in 48 hrs!!!

When the lady told me I said, in a very high pitched voice that was not mine, “Thank you.... Have a great day... Bye.” And hung up

Then proceeded to hyperventilate and happy cry. After 5 years of ntnp but charting every cycle and always paying attention to o dates, bd dates etc, I just thought we would never have another. I kind of gave up on that and decided to enjoy our Rainbow Miracle we do have (that took us almost 4 years to get).
I didn’t realize how much I still really wanted another until I got those awesome numbers. On cloud 9 and traveling to my parents today (10 hour drive with the DD) for thanksgiving. I’m going to tell my mom in person :wohoo:
Welcome Mindy and congrats! I don’t really know what beta’s are if I’m totally honest but whatever it is, I hope it goes well for you lol!

Welcome to you too crazy4baby hope u don’t mind me asking, but have all of your kids been conceived naturally? I only ask because my friend has been trying for 2 and a half years with no luck and only last month was diagnosed with PCOS. Doctors haven’t been very forthcoming with info for her so naturally she is just devastated and is now thinking it will never happen without intervention. Not that she is opposed to getting some help but she just knows it’s a long waiting list to get started and she is so desperate for a baby. I actually feel quite guilty because in the time she has been trying, I fell pregnant and had my son who is now a year old and I am all of a sudden pregnant again. I’m absolutely dreading telling her to be thruthful especially since this was completely unplanned x

Thank you! Betas or beta hcg is a blood test they do to see what your HCG numbers are. Hcg is the “pregnancy hormone” basically. Your body only produces it once a baby implants. Numbers range all over the place but what is a good sign of a healthy pregnancy is that they double at a certain rate in the pregnancy. So where I am at (between 4-5 weeks at the time) whatever the first number is should at least double within 48-72 hours to show signs of a healthy pregnancy. So mine more than doubled in 48hours which is why I’m doing the :happydance: Hope this helps ;)
First beta Wednesday 11-14-18 (~16-18 dpo) 124

48 hrs of excruciatingly waiting

2nd beta Friday 11-16-18 (~18-20dpo) 298!!!!!

2.4X doubling time in 48 hrs!!!

When the lady told me I said, in a very high pitched voice that was not mine, “Thank you.... Have a great day... Bye.” And hung up

Then proceeded to hyperventilate and happy cry. After 5 years of ntnp but charting every cycle and always paying attention to o dates, bd dates etc, I just thought we would never have another. I kind of gave up on that and decided to enjoy our Rainbow Miracle we do have (that took us almost 4 years to get).
I didn’t realize how much I still really wanted another until I got those awesome numbers. On cloud 9 and traveling to my parents today (10 hour drive with the DD) for thanksgiving. I’m going to tell my mom in person :wohoo:
Fantastic news! Congrats on your amazing beta!
Has anyone else’s appetite increased a lot already?
I eat a lot then feel kinda queasy. I kind of dislike eggs usually but have been eating them a lot lateyits weird and I don’t crave coffee at all anymore.
Anyone else have different taste?
Welcome Alison, Mindy, and Crazy! And congratulations!

Mindy - How was your beta?

Crazy- I'm so glad that your perseverance paid off! Never give up is great advice.

AFM- 6 weeks tomorrow and I'm feeling like morning sickness might be on it's way. I was nauseous briefly this morning and then tonight when I was eating dinner, I thought I was going to throw it all back up. Just looking at the rest of my food made me feel sick. I asked my mom if she had morning sickness when she was pregnant and she said she was sick until 30 weeks when she was pregnant with me. :shock::shock: But, she didn't have any with my younger sister. So, I guess I'm hoping I fall on the not sick end of things...or in the middle...30 weeks just seems like a long time to be sick.

MIL reached out and sent us a message today to check in, so DH said hey, we want to keep this under wraps until early next year. MIL said of course she wouldn't say anything to anyone...but she definitely told me and DH about SIL's pregnancy at 6 weeks, so I was glad he said something. Just in case.
That sounds good about a little nausea . Let’s hope it doesn’t progress too much it’s the worst when it’s bad!
I am back and forth, most of the time I dont really have an appetite, then on occasion I will be pretty hungry. I am having a difficult time finding foods to eat because most foods make me nauseated.
I feel like I'm always hungry and then every once in a while, I won't feel like eating anything. I've been craving salty things, tomatoes, carbs and burgers with tomatoes lately though. Haven't had any real changes in taste, other than not wanting Coke anymore.
Progesterone is 15.2
It said normal range is 6.25-42 for first tri so good I think?
Progesterone is 15.2
It said normal range is 6.25-42 for first tri so good I think?

Definitely good! One of my REs likened it to an amusement park ride, as in you must be this tall to ride...if you’re over that minimum line, you’re fine.

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