July Moms to be.....

Baby will be in our bedroom with us until she can sleep for more than a few hours a night. Then we'll transfer her over to the nursery. We got a Arm's Reach Co-sleeper and I can't wait to use it!

Babies are in their cribs generally until they're 2 years old anyway, so Wannabeam, your baby will get plenty of use out of the nursery!
My doctor just scheduled my c-section for July 2nd! If I don't go into labor before then That is a little less than 5 weeks away! So crazy how fast time is going by now.

How is everyone feeling? I hate to say it but I still feel decent. I am more tired. But I am still sleeping really well. My hips hurt when I sit to long or when I stand to long :/ But I really can't complain much :)
i'm starting to sleep really uncomfortably. :-( i used to look forward to the bed and sleeping but now, i just feel like i'm moving about all night just to find a comfy space. i used to sleep on my stomach and, of course, that's not possible... can't do the back.. was told can't sleep on the right side.. lol. so, that doesn't leave many options.

that coupled with at least 3 trips to the bathroom at night does not make for a happy me.

but, i'm not complaining because it's all going to be sooooo worth it!
I'm doing okay. I don't have many aches or pains, but I am tired almost every day. Plus, my morning sickness returned and is a million times worse. It doesn't happen everyday, but when it does it's crazy bad. I'm up all night puking. Basically, my doctor said hormones can change again in the third tri and because my stomach is pushed so much further up, the vomiting can be a lot worse. Lucky me!

Other than that I've been good. I had my shower this past weekend and got almost everything I need! Everyone was so generous!
We are almost there ladies! And this may annoy you a little bit but I speak from experience. Pregnancy is the easy part! lol Those first few weeks/months with baby are challenging but oh so worth it :D
wow it must be the week for booking c-sections.. mine was booked yesterday for June 28th.. sooooo close!!!
Hi ladies

I am imaptient now as my friend just had her baby at 36.5 weeks and all was fine. I can't WAIT for this month to fly by lol. I have really bad carpel tunnel in my wrists and fingers... I don't get the numbness at all really, maybe at night a bit but thats all... instead I am in agony all day and I can't grasp anything :nope: My doc said it will go away two months after birth. I have magnesium for it but it's not made much of a diffference. Also my feet are HUGE and so are my ankles... DH keeps saying they look like they will burst :dohh: My hips hurt too and sometimes I can't stand to walk to the washroom:dohh: DH has to support me untill I can cling to the sink and hop my way over to the toilet lol! Feeling sooooooooooooo tired, but reckon that's the summer heat too. I guess my c-section or induction will b booked soon for if I go overdue, but I'm praying baby Jaz will show her face a little early, so fed up with it all now :haha:

Bit unhappy that after 4.5 months of begging my hubby for a baby shower I feel as though I will never have one. He's the kind of guy that keeps saying yes we will do that but never actually does it... all talk and no get up and go :cry: I had sooo many things planned for it even the cake I wanted but as usual it won't happen. Kinda wanted a party to celebrate this period of my life... and it would only have been a handful of close friends... and we don't even have to pay for the hall as my hubby works there... but still nothing:cry: I will just have to get over it and look forward to the birth instead!
Hope everyone is doing well. I spent the first day of week 34 in labor and delivery for too many contractions, ugh! That was unpleasant. I got sent home after several different things done and while I still have them, they are not as frequent or painful. I don't think I will make it to my week 39 c-section date!
I almost got sent to labor and delivery this morning too during my non stress test. Baby wasn't wanting to move on 'command' so they we getting worried. It is such a timing thing so they ended up doing an u/s and they look for a few different things in 30 minutes. If I don't get at least 8 points in 30 minutes then off to l and d I would have been. But thankfully my baby girl came through and passed :)

Breakingdawn wouldn't it be nice to not make it to the c-section date? :) I am hoping that I go a week or so before my c-section. Wishful thinking I guess. I am just getting really excited to meet her!!
I don't mind going 39 weeks if the contractions let up, but I think they will only get worse... last time I didn't make it to 38, so we'll see.
Ok ladies. Looks like I'm gonna be the first to go. Water broke about an hour & a half ago. 3 cm dilated w/ contractions about 3 min apart. 60% effaced. Just thought I'd check in since I've got nothing to so except wait now. I hope you guys can hold off a bit longer than me. Looks like my little Claire wants to come a month early!
Ok ladies. Looks like I'm gonna be the first to go. Water broke about an hour & a half ago. 3 cm dilated w/ contractions about 3 min apart. 60% effaced. Just thought I'd check in since I've got nothing to so except wait now. I hope you guys can hold off a bit longer than me. Looks like my little Claire wants to come a month early!

OMGosh! Please keep us posted! Said a prayer for you and Claire :flower:
Goodluck HarrietO... my friend just delievered as early as you early this month... good thing about it was she didn't tear as the baby was small! Keep us posted
UPDATE- Claire Elise was born At 6:48 this morning by c- section. I labored for almost 16 hours and had to have the section at the last min. Because I was having strong contractions and her heart rate was dipping a bit. I'll post a proper birth story when I can use my laptop instead of my phone & add some pics. She was 7 lbs 3 oz & 21 1/2" long! No complications other than her sugar being a little low (I'm type II diabetic, so we expected that & it had nothing to do with her early arrival). Thanks for all the messages of encouragement. They were truly appreciated!
Congratulations HarrietO. That's a good healthy birth weight for 4 weeks early. Looking forward to seeing pics of your princess. Hope you're recovering well from the c section.
I have posted on another thread too but congratulations Hun!! Xx
I have posted on another thread too but congratulations Hun!! Xx

Thanks everyone! MrsW, I'm on like 4 different "July" threads, so I put the same update on them all. Sorry to those of you who are seeing it on multiple threads.
Congrats Harriet!!

AFM, Got sent to labor and delivery yet again yesteday. I was having contractions 2-3 minutes apart. I told them it was pointless to send me because the medicine to "stop them" does nothing but they ignored me. Ugh. I spent about 4 hours there... fluids, medicine, still having contractions. At my next appointment if I am still having this issue and am 37 weeks they may decide to keep me this time and do the c-section. I'll keep everyone posted.... not sure when my next appointment is. The nurse/doctor will be calling me tomorrow. My poor arm is bruised from the IV. Fun times.

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