June 2013 Babies

Hello ladies! I am cautiously introducing myself. I am excited to be pregnant again but I am also very anxious :/ I have had two missed miscarriages (both 6 weeks, no fetal pole developing) and then I was dx with Compound Heterozygous MTHFR. I am currently 4w5d pregnant and I am on Lovenox, progesterone, Deplin, baby aspirin, and a prenatal. Nice cocktail, huh? Anyways, I am hoping I get to stick around and meet all of you!!! Congratulations on all of your pregnancies :)
Congratulations on your pregnancy Emily! Welcome aboard. We can all understand your nerves. You've joined a very supportive thread. H&H 9 months Hun. X
Had fever yesterday so was in bed all day. Was dizzy today so went to ER and was told I am pregnant and dehydrated, lol! Baby looks almost a week ahead according to pics I have seen f the preggo raisin but that is just based on my observations, tech wouldn't say anything.
Just got back from doc rooms and they have booked me in for ultrasound on Wednesday mainly due to me having not a lot of symptoms and my history.

Scared now instead of excited.
Hi Everyone!

What great news 4myjewel and jewelsbaby! Twins! Double the fun:thumbup: Is there a family history of twins for you both? Are your pregnancy symptoms stronger as a result?

Olivelove, your scan is getting close, how are you feeling? how are symptoms?

Taurus, I never thought i'd want to know sex of baby, but now I am itching to know already! Torn between surprise and wanting to know, but have a while to wait before we can find out...

With regard to your lack of symptoms, I can only imagine how tough it is at the moment, but remember, there are heaps of women who don't realize they are pregnant until really far into first trimester, cos they don't get symptoms. You may well be one of the lucky ones. :hugs:I have everything crossed for you this wednesdays scan.

Mizze, how are you doing? Sounds like you are having tough time of things, hope retail therapy did the trick, and MS is starting to ease off. I think Hcg peaks around week 9, then starts to go down-how was your last pregnancy? when did you start to feel better?

Army-My goodness-you have been through the mill! Glad it was something that could be easily solved! how is the diarrhea? do you have an infection with your fever?

Emily-Welcome hun! Hope all is going very well for you? how are you feeling? Heres hoping with your diagnosis and drug cocktail all goes perfectly for you this time! I had a MMC myself at 6 weeks, and 2 "normal" early MC at 5 weeks.I am now on cyclogest/progesterone and aspirin, and saw first every heartbeat last week! Either the drugs work, or 4th time is a charm! Still paranoid :wacko:about every symptom fluctuation, but think its to be expected....

This week i have been soooooo tired, there is a groove in couch from my horizontal body:rofl: only very mild occasional MS, and sore BB-gonna get bras today, cos existing ones are not really fitting, and can't tolerate underwiring anymore. They may be size of Dolly Parton's in another month. I also can't stop burping-real loud whenever i eat. I was never like that before this! anyone else turning into big boobed tired burpy monster?
Also today is the first anniversary of my MMC. Strange to be pregnant again at same time of year. So much has changed, OH and I are closer from everything we have been through, heres hoping this baby hangs on.
Morning :hug: Sarena - the anniversary is never a good day, neither are the EDD's xxx

Emily - hi and welcome - Im a vet of 2 mmc's too and this is a great thread for help and support - congratulations on your BFP xxx

Taurus luv xxx FX for the scan, not having many symptoms is really common - neither my Mum nor my sister had any early pregnancy systems and between them they had 4 perfectly healthy pregnancies and 5 kids!

My MS is settling into a pattern - feel horrible as soon as I get up (regardless if ive eaten ginger biccies before I get up!) and this goes on for a couple of hours but by 11ish im starting to feel better - I have to eat around 12 or I get dizzy and sick but I can eat a decent meal and I feel better if tired until around 4 it starts to get worse again - feel bad so have to eat a SMALL amount around 5.30-6 to stop me feeling worse and by bedtime im feeling rubbish and my tummy is sore depending on how much I ate for dinner!! How complicated is that :)
Sarena last time I had nausea until 16 weeks and lost 7lbs by the end of the first trimester. Ive lost about 4lbs so far this time.

Hubby not working this weekend :wohoo: so he has taken DD out so im dying my hair! Later we are going to choose me a ring for my birthday and them im resting while DD and DH go out again - they havent had much time together recently

Im getting REALLY good at ignoring the pig sty we are currently living in but I do need to do some washing and tidy the kitchen at some point

Mizze x
Hi Everyone!

What great news 4myjewel and jewelsbaby! Twins! Double the fun:thumbup: Is there a family history of twins for you both? Are your pregnancy symptoms stronger as a result?

Olivelove, your scan is getting close, how are you feeling? how are symptoms?

Taurus, I never thought i'd want to know sex of baby, but now I am itching to know already! Torn between surprise and wanting to know, but have a while to wait before we can find out...

With regard to your lack of symptoms, I can only imagine how tough it is at the moment, but remember, there are heaps of women who don't realize they are pregnant until really far into first trimester, cos they don't get symptoms. You may well be one of the lucky ones. :hugs:I have everything crossed for you this wednesdays scan.

Mizze, how are you doing? Sounds like you are having tough time of things, hope retail therapy did the trick, and MS is starting to ease off. I think Hcg peaks around week 9, then starts to go down-how was your last pregnancy? when did you start to feel better?

Army-My goodness-you have been through the mill! Glad it was something that could be easily solved! how is the diarrhea? do you have an infection with your fever?

Emily-Welcome hun! Hope all is going very well for you? how are you feeling? Heres hoping with your diagnosis and drug cocktail all goes perfectly for you this time! I had a MMC myself at 6 weeks, and 2 "normal" early MC at 5 weeks.I am now on cyclogest/progesterone and aspirin, and saw first every heartbeat last week! Either the drugs work, or 4th time is a charm! Still paranoid :wacko:about every symptom fluctuation, but think its to be expected....

This week i have been soooooo tired, there is a groove in couch from my horizontal body:rofl: only very mild occasional MS, and sore BB-gonna get bras today, cos existing ones are not really fitting, and can't tolerate underwiring anymore. They may be size of Dolly Parton's in another month. I also can't stop burping-real loud whenever i eat. I was never like that before this! anyone else turning into big boobed tired burpy monster?

No family history for me with the twins. I actually feel pretty good. I havent had any m/s yet (thank goodness). I am very tired all the time and have just recently become extremely hungry. From what I've heard from other moms of twins they didnt feel their symptoms were any worse with twins than a singleton. Praying everything is going well inside and cant wait to see them again on Nov 6th when I have my next appt
Jewels my Mum carried twins without ever knowing (till the birth) that there was more than one in there -she said apart from being bigger earlier (which she didnt think anything of) she didnt notice any real difference from when she was carrying me

Feeling crap today - sick, exhausted and bad bad headache - I very rarely get headaches :(

Mizze x
Yeah, Sarena, I seem to be in the ER every 3 weeks since August. Diarrhea has been gone since Wednesday. They said my labs indicated no infection.

Mizze- I'm sorry about your nausea. Mine was gone for 6 hours after the IV Zofran yesterday but came back at 8 p.m. with a mighty vengeance.

Well I'm frustrated. Dh is refusing to buy me prenatals or fill any of my prescriptions that the ER or OBGYN give me. I'm sick of this!
Yeah, Sarena, I seem to be in the ER every 3 weeks since August. Diarrhea has been gone since Wednesday. They said my labs indicated no infection.

Mizze- I'm sorry about your nausea. Mine was gone for 6 hours after the IV Zofran yesterday but came back at 8 p.m. with a mighty vengeance.

Well I'm frustrated. Dh is refusing to buy me prenatals or fill any of my prescriptions that the ER or OBGYN give me. I'm sick of this!


Why would he do that???

Mizze x
He says he is concerned about the side effects of the Zofran. As far prenatals, I have no clue what his thinking is.
Army - Does he not realise how important the prenatal are for you and baby?? Grrr my OH would not get away with that!
Army that's just dumb. Tell him he is doing more harm than good. Prenatal vitamins are vital in early pregnancy. :hug:

Mizze x
Bleugh felt awful yesterday. Forgot to put my sea sickness bands back on after a shower. Hadn't realised they were helping so much. Am not taking them off again!

Mizze x
can i join your guys i just found out i'm pregnant should be 4 weeks, and i mc at 23 weeks in 2011.
Hi Sweet - welcome!

congratulations on your BFP hun xxx and im sorry for your earlier loss

Its a good thread, full of support and a great place to moan or complain or vent or just come for some reassurance xx

Mizze xxx
Ok, I got DH to agree to get my prenatal prescription filled tomorrow. I'll then have prenatals for 7 weeks til 19 weeks.

Oh wow, I'm a blueberry!
Hey Everyone!

Army-glad to hear you are getting prenatals. :thumbup:As important as some joint decisions are with regards to the child, prenatals are your choice, as you could compromise your health without prenatals, esp. regarding iron and calcium. Doctors prescribe as educated professionals, everyone else has uneducated opinions, that are best ignored. :ignore:

My Oh tends to prefer natural route for most things, but i like to remind him the natural way back in the day had people with a life expectancy of 30!The soil and our eating habits have changed too much to not use them now, not to mention the dietary issues most women in first trimester have. Also glad diarrhea is gone, and no infection. Heres hoping you have better health from now on!:flower:

Mizze, sorry to hear you had such a bad day! At least you know what helps! Have you tried using different prenatals? i swopped recently and found a big improvement.

Hi Sweet-welcome, and so sorry to hear about your loss, wishing you the very best, a happy and healthy 9 months:dust:
Hi ladies. I've been keeping up just not posting as my big fat fingers make it hard on the phone.
Army glad to hear you're feeling a bit better and no infection. Hope the rest of your pregnancy runs smoothly!
Mizze sorry you're suffering so badly with m/s! Better keep those bands on from now on! I wore mine pretty much the whole pregnancy with Elliot. :thumbup:
I've been getting nauseous waves but nothing terrible. I read back over my last pregnancy journal and i was saying the same thing at this time and then it kicked in around week 8 so just waiting now...:haha:
Is anyone else absolutely shattered beyond tired exhausted?
I don't get to nap in the day and in the evenings always have so much clearing up/ cooking dinner/ ironing uniform stuff to do i dont end up in bed til 11 then up at 6.30. Seriously need to reorganize my day to get things done earlier!! :dohh: then i might actually get to chat on here in the evenings!!
How is everyone today?
Olivelove how are you getting on now?
Hope you're all having a good weekend. :flower:

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