I'm very lucky that DD is such a good girl. I am so glad that she is 5 years old. It must be so hard when there are two under 3 years. DD is such a big help and just adores Jack.
Breastfeeding. Argh. Such a frustrating thing this time around. With DD we had a couple of issues but were resolved in the first Week or two. This time, I've had nothing but problems. From one nipple that refused to heal... Five weeks later sent off a swab and there was an infection. Had to take antibiotics.... Soon as I did, my supply diminished. Had to have meds to increase supply. Felt like I was constantly expressing (which isn't easy with a baby that doesn't Like to sleep) So unhappy baby and unhappy mummy. Now after having quite a few ebm bottles, Jack doesnt like the boob that had the infection (even though the infection has gone now), so is constantly pulling off it. Crying. He also wants to be fed every 2.5 hours. Just really unpleasant compared to DD. Jack is a really chucky baby, and also thinks that sleeping is over rated. Normally average of 3hours between feeds at night (if we are lucky) and 20min naps during the day.. So 9wks of this, I'm really in need of some sleep and some easy feeding. I tried Jack on formula for the first time yesterday (just the one bottle) and he slept for like 3hours during the day which is soo unusual. So nice! So I think we are going to try just one FF at night to see if he sleeps better. I've heard good reports that this can work. Wish me luck. I really didnt want to go formula this early, but for my sanity I think it's necessary.
Do you really think Jack looks like me Libbysmum? Thanks! I just can't see it. I think especially because he has such brown eyes and mine are blue. I see hubby in both our kids. Good luck with your physio. Your lucky that your mum can come and babysit.
Oh, btw, I wouldn't have even thought about contraception (not overly interested in DTD at the moment, lol) but my OB asked me about it at my 6wk check up. I'll keep dropping hints about a vasectomy with DH but I can't see him doing it. (He has a genuine fear of being knocked out for any operation).
Oh Armymama, sorry you have to go through that. It would be hard. I can relate to some degree. My father and brother really really dislike each other. I'm always caught in the middle there too. Not much fun.
Sorry it's so long!! I hope your babies
are being good for their mummies.