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June 2018 Testers! Fireflies and Father’s Day Surprises

Congrats nyx and I defo see that line TTC

AFM 11DPO here and lots of strange happenings going on this month. I’m so tempted to test. Trying to be strong and wait for AF
Good morning all. I tested last night and got a good looking evap line. I tested about two hours later and a small evap line was still there. I went to sleep having a little hope, then this morning-NO evap, all white:(. How likely is it to have two evaps right after each other? I guess if you take a million tests during a cycle, one or two will have an evap line lol. Good luck to anyone testing today.
Yay Nyx!!! So happy for you!!1

I did not test this morning. I'm tired of seeing BFNs and AF should start today or tomorrow. Somehow I feel peaceful about it, either I am or I am not pregnant and I can wait a day or two to know. If AF doesn't show on time, better believe I'll return to my POAS obssession!

My RHR dropped by 1 today, which happened last month the day AF came. My temp dropped by .07 degree F as well, but is still pretty high in general. We will just see!

Sadly, I get no pre-AF symptoms, so it's just a bathroom surprise! Cramps come on full force within an hour.
Sending hugs loving
Nix got everything crossed
Hickory also sending you huge hugs
TTC can- definitely see that- do you have any FRER?

Nix- can’t wait for you to test!!

Hickory- I hope she stays far away!

Loving- FXd your levels are just low so any dilution affects those tests. Give it another day! How many dpo are you?
I haven't tested again but I am starting to get sick ugh. sore throat, headache, dry mouth etc
Congrats on all BFPs

Sorry to all that got the witch :hugs:

Short and sweet AF .. 3 days... havent been able to temp because I havent been waking up at my normal time. Hopefully I can start back up tomorrow :/ onto July thread unfortunately :(
But we need some more BFP's in June!
I wouldn’t worry about temping at the same time, as long as it’s after minimum of 3 hours sleep, Mine was taken at different times every week

How do you guys deal with the symptom spotting and the wait? I'm about 8 dpo and symptom spotting like crazy. I feel like I'm waiting every day for that magical testing day. Cramping like crazy but AF isn't due until the 22nd. I feel like someone is using my uterus as a pin cushion. I don't know how I'm going to deal with the anticipation when we start actually trying. This month was just the first "we'll take a few more risks than normal" month. How do you guys do it?
Well the cycle of my BFP i had no symptoms whatsoever(not even usual sore boobs)

AFM I will be back on the TTCing trail from August and I’ve decided not to temp this time around, and don’t have my fertility monitor with me either (I lent it to a friend)
So I am literally just going to use cheapie ovulation sticks and see how it goes(same Donor)
It’s so nice to see a few others here using donors now :)
Don’t ever give up as I’m living proof home insem works (took me a while but it happened)

Yes my surrogacy plan went out the window due to the lady I offered didn’t want to try as she’s “too old” (only 44)
Congrats to the BFPs!

I'm out this cycle. Goodluck to those still waiting to test!

Ttc I see it!! Fx it keeps getting darker.

Hickory I see your chart shows AF arrived. So sorry.

Loving good luck.

Pixie good luck ttc in August!

Chesire I'm sorry you are out.

Nix oh can't wait for your test!!
I ended up testing today and got BFN. No AF. Can you add me for Sunday the 24th?
AFM I will be back on the TTCing trail from August and I’ve decided not to temp this time around, and don’t have my fertility monitor with me either (I lent it to a friend)
So I am literally just going to use cheapie ovulation sticks and see how it goes(same Donor)
It’s so nice to see a few others here using donors now :)
Don’t ever give up as I’m living proof home insem works (took me a while but it happened)

First of all congratulations on all those BFPs! I am happy for you and feel encouraged from your joy.

Pixie, so great to finally hear from someone who used a donor and it worked. Untill now I only saw it on youtube... This is our first cycle with our donor and it is nice but also not so easy to organise. I hope it happens quick. How long did it take you? Do you have tips that you learned along the way? Would be delighted to hear if you feel like sharing.
Sorry Hickory, good luck in July.
Bummed for you hickory. Hoping next month is your month.
AFM I will be back on the TTCing trail from August and I’ve decided not to temp this time around, and don’t have my fertility monitor with me either (I lent it to a friend)
So I am literally just going to use cheapie ovulation sticks and see how it goes(same Donor)
It’s so nice to see a few others here using donors now :)
Don’t ever give up as I’m living proof home insem works (took me a while but it happened)

First of all congratulations on all those BFPs! I am happy for you and feel encouraged from your joy.

Pixie, so great to finally hear from someone who used a donor and it worked. Untill now I only saw it on youtube... This is our first cycle with our donor and it is nice but also not so easy to organise. I hope it happens quick. How long did it take you? Do you have tips that you learned along the way? Would be delighted to hear if you feel like sharing.

I would love to tell you it was quick for me but it’s been one hell of journey tbh

Tips I learned over the years was don’t stress! If it’s meant to be then it will happen and obviously I was meant to be an “old conceiver” lol
And towards the end I stopped symptom spotting in the TWW too and my bfp cycle I had no symptoms whatsoever
but I will recommend the clearblue advanced fertility monitor to anyone,(I bought mine at half the full price on eBay) sticks are expensive but very worth it, especially if using a donor, my donor was willing to visit 9 times(my cycles are/were irregular) and only needed 5 visits thanks to the monitor as it gives it straight instead of ambiguous lines :) (of course I used ic tests in the afternoon too(no good with fmu)

Erm, find your own way if the whole process but each second that goes past after Donor has visit the less alive sperm you will get, but always wait until liquifies sorry TMI I read to orgasm whilst syringe is in(use as plug) and once more once syringe is out and stay laying for at least 30 minutes

Hope this helps,
My full story is way to long to put here but here’s the link if you want to have a read, yes that does say 7 years :)

Tested last night with FRER. :bfn:. Today with first signal was negative too. AF should start tomorrow but no signs yet.
BFNs since that one really good looking test last night at about 2 AM. It was probably just a fluke but I’m praying it was just an unusually sensitive test (and the rare sample that wasn’t dilute from me) and my bfp will come tomorrow morning. I doubt it but a girl has To dream.

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