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can you add me please? :) this is our 2nd cycle ttc #1 ...we decided to do smep this cycle minus the opk's (which Im regretting not getting,but wanted to stay semi stress free) so we've bded cd8,cd10,cd12,cd13,will do cd14(today) and then cd15 & cd16...I should be ovul today or at the latest tomorrow (I hope!)...had ewcm today so will be dtd today and the following 2 days to make sure our bases are covered...af is due june 6th but may wait until around june 7th to test...goodluck to everyone and lets get our :bfp: !!!!! :dust:

Hi hun! :wave: Added ya to the list! GL! :happydance:
well im offically in the TWW...again!!

just got a reading done by cheri22 and said sad July BFP but hopefully itll be one month sooner!

Hey Equal! Hoping she meant, JUNE, not July lol! :haha: FX! The TTW always seems like forever!!! Stay positive and GL! :hugs:
Hi there I have just joined today as we started trying this weekend. Trying to work out how you do all this, I suppose I will be testing on the 9th June, this is scheduled to be the 2nd day of my next cycle. Is that correct? :)

Yup! Most people like to wait till the day of expected AF, or the day after (if you can stand to wait it out! Haha!) Some like to test early, but you have a better chance of an accurate result the day your AF is late. I'll put ya down for the 9th. GL! And if you have any questions, just ask! All the ladies will help ya. :hugs:
Hey ladies! Wanted to start up a June testers thread! I will be testing June 7th, (currently CD2 of a 28 day cycle,) will start a running list once people start listing their days :D Hopefully this will be a lucky thread for everyone!


JUNE TESTERS: :happydance:

Butterfly67: 5/28/11
Jaybug0115 & newgirl79 & Afamilygal & MissMiki & RedheadBabies: 6/1/11
zozo28 & Equal & Chippym2b & Rosered52: 6/2/11
patience090 & hanstarB & Christinapo & Adoraza: 6/3/11
Lisa_84 & moonbeam38 & rachellie19 & BabyKey & Viking15: 6/6/11
BommaMomma & pola17 & lucybee & shangeas & victorial8 & IGotBabyFever : 6/7/11
Conina & babynurse: 6/8/11
Mrs.Felton & Celtic_Cutie & SuzieRio: 6/9/11
deafgal01 & Josefin: 6/10/11
wanting2010: 6/11/11
Hanawanabump & Pinky00 & Stefie & philliha & emz1200 & Gods_Precious & ag85: 6/12/11
Dumpling: 6/13/11
BeeStrong & Babybaba: 6/14/11
odgemodge & britzy & wannabmama: 6/16/11
MarcsMrs & littlemrsb & Tigerlicious: 6/17/11
Feb4th2011: 6/19/11
Wendyk07: 6/22/11
Jess137: 6/25/11
sheetsofpaper: 6/26/11
mom and ttc: Sometime at the end of June
overthemoon & littlebird28 & beccad & x__Hannah__x & Stinas: ???

:bfp:'s!!!! Congrats to: Inoue & Pinky12

FX for everyone!!!

I would like to be on this list for sometime this june. my cycles are weird so I just never know exactly when I should test so I do it several times a week. :blush:
Thanks for the support ladies....its soo bad, DH and I are totally getting sick of BDing so much...its been like a sexathon for the past year..

Cause were almost at the year mark we are starting our fertility testing..hubbys sperm and blood came back normal...so now i need to get tested...a little nervous

oh, and my sister just found out her hubby is infertile..like 0 sperm count..so now they are looking into their options...makes me even more nervous
Hello everyone! I am going to say I will be testing June 14, but I doubt I can wait that long, that would put me at 14 DPO, so I could potentially start testing around the 11th or so and could get a BFP. We will be travelling out of state to his family so it would be an awesome gift to give them while we were there! And my birthday is the 19th PLUS father's day!
hi ive never been on one of these lists so im hoping itll bring me some luck af is due on 16th so ill be testing then and probably before as i never can wait!
IGBF: I've also read up on the Clomid and it seems to really have good reasults praying im 1 of the 1st round of clomi bfp!!
I'm just worried about my ewcm...as i have none this cycle ...hoping for the best!

Good Luck and hopefully you get your BFP before being put on any medication!
Chat again tomorrow and thank you again !!

Thanks:hugs: I hope you get your :bfp: !! I was going to try conceive plus or preseed ..have you looked into those yet? it helps with the ewcm..the reviews on both are great,alot of success stories :)
What's everyone doing this month to get their BFP? We are going to try DTD every three days and I'm not really doing anything else.
Kendra- I dtd every other day this cycle instead of everyday. I did it about 2 or 3 days prior to getting the positive opk and then did it once when I saw the positive. I did use conceive plus- i think prior to getting that positive opk. :shrug: Don't think I got a chance this month but we'll see when the time rolls around. It helped that I really distracted myself from thinking much about it this cycle too.
What's everyone doing this month to get their BFP? We are going to try DTD every three days and I'm not really doing anything else.

Im following smep minus using the opks as directed ...my cycles have been like clockwork for several years,give or take a day...I keep track of cm also so it helps me to know when Im in my fertile period and should bd...I didnt want to start temping or using opks so ealy into ttc,but I think I just may if this isnt our lucky cycle!
all of this bding has me exausted :blush:

fxed and lots of :dust: we all get our :bfp: !!!
Hi ya ladies, can i be added on for testing on the 18th. Fxd for us all hope this is the month.
What's everyone doing this month to get their BFP? We are going to try DTD every three days and I'm not really doing anything else.

Im following smep minus using the opks as directed ...my cycles have been like clockwork for several years,give or take a day...I keep track of cm also so it helps me to know when Im in my fertile period and should bd...I didnt want to start temping or using opks so ealy into ttc,but I think I just may if this isnt our lucky cycle!
all of this bding has me exausted :blush:

fxed and lots of :dust: we all get our :bfp: !!!

I hear you! After 5 months of just "groping in the dark" - (both literally and figuratively!! :haha:) This is my first month of using the CBFM and charting and journaling. My DH said it feels like even though we had been trying for the past 5 months, this feels like the first real month of TCC. We just wanted to try and take it easy at first - but I was ready to step it up. Turns out, even thought we BD'd all the time, I think we were doing it a bit too late! We were wearing ourselves out but at the wrong time! :blush:
I'll be testing around the 9th June, AF is due on the 12th but this is my first month trying so I don't know exactly the length of my cycles yet but if it is a 28 day then I'll be testing around the 9th June.
Hi all

AF due around the 12th June so I will wait until that day to test......I hope!! haha so please can you add me

Good luck to everyone :thumbup:

:coffee: Good Morning girls! Just a couple updates:

Lux: Added ya to the list for 6/3/11, good luck on your 1st cycle TTC! I hope you catch that eggy FAST! :thumbup:

IGotBabyFever: Ahhhh the TWW! Seems so long when your in it, doesn't it?! GL!

no_regrets_91: Added ya to the question mark! FX!

Equal: Good luck with your tests hun, I'm sure everything will be OK! Glad to hear your DH's tests came back A+! :thumbup:

KendraNoell: You're up for 6/14/11! What a great gift that :bfp: would be!

iheartcookies: You're on for 6/16/11! I hope this thread will bring all of us GOOD LUCK!!!! :happydance:

deafgal01: Hey Nat, sounds like you BD-ed at a great time! Keep positive! Maybe because you are a little distracted, it will be a good thing! Everyone always tells me that the less you think about it, the more likely it will happen! FX! :hugs:

DancingDiva: Gotcha down for 6/18/11! FX! :dust:

welshgirl21: 6/9/11 GL! :baby:

ebaz: You're on for 6/12/11 :happydance:

:coffee: Good Morning girls! Just a couple updates:

Lux: Added ya to the list for 6/3/11, good luck on your 1st cycle TTC! I hope you catch that eggy FAST! :thumbup:

IGotBabyFever: Ahhhh the TWW! Seems so long when your in it, doesn't it?! GL!

no_regrets_91: Added ya to the question mark! FX!

Equal: Good luck with your tests hun, I'm sure everything will be OK! Glad to hear your DH's tests came back A+! :thumbup:

KendraNoell: You're up for 6/14/11! What a great gift that :bfp: would be!

iheartcookies: You're on for 6/16/11! I hope this thread will bring all of us GOOD LUCK!!!! :happydance:

deafgal01: Hey Nat, sounds like you BD-ed at a great time! Keep positive! Maybe because you are a little distracted, it will be a good thing! Everyone always tells me that the less you think about it, the more likely it will happen! FX! :hugs:

DancingDiva: Gotcha down for 6/18/11! FX! :dust:

welshgirl21: 6/9/11 GL! :baby:

ebaz: You're on for 6/12/11 :happydance:

BommaMomma you rock! This thread is so awesome and such a great support, no matter what all our POAS results are, I am so glad we can all support each other and know we are not alone! :happydance:

Wondered if I could join you please?

This is our first month of ttc, AF arrived today, my cycles are 26-28 i think i will be testing around 18/19th june.

:dust::dust:to you all

:coffee: Good Morning girls! Just a couple updates:

Lux: Added ya to the list for 6/3/11, good luck on your 1st cycle TTC! I hope you catch that eggy FAST! :thumbup:

IGotBabyFever: Ahhhh the TWW! Seems so long when your in it, doesn't it?! GL!

no_regrets_91: Added ya to the question mark! FX!

Equal: Good luck with your tests hun, I'm sure everything will be OK! Glad to hear your DH's tests came back A+! :thumbup:

KendraNoell: You're up for 6/14/11! What a great gift that :bfp: would be!

iheartcookies: You're on for 6/16/11! I hope this thread will bring all of us GOOD LUCK!!!! :happydance:

deafgal01: Hey Nat, sounds like you BD-ed at a great time! Keep positive! Maybe because you are a little distracted, it will be a good thing! Everyone always tells me that the less you think about it, the more likely it will happen! FX! :hugs:

DancingDiva: Gotcha down for 6/18/11! FX! :dust:

welshgirl21: 6/9/11 GL! :baby:

ebaz: You're on for 6/12/11 :happydance:

BommaMomma you rock! This thread is so awesome and such a great support, no matter what all our POAS results are, I am so glad we can all support each other and know we are not alone! :happydance:

Ahhh thanks Lucy! Hope I'm doing an OK job....this thread picked up steam FAST! So happy we are all here to support eachother...it's gunna get serious in a week or so!!! June is ALMOST HERE!!! I hope we get 66 BFP's haha! :happydance:

Wondered if I could join you please?

This is our first month of ttc, AF arrived today, my cycles are 26-28 i think i will be testing around 18/19th june.

:dust::dust:to you all


:wave: Hi Topsy! Added ya for the 19th! GL! :dust:

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