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so glad you mentioned throwing opk's away,mine have been negative the past few days & im wondering if ive even ov'd yet grrrrr!! x
Can you add me in too? AF is due on the 12th so testing around the 9th of June; FC for my first BFP :)
Me too please - AF due on 12th - 16th - testing end of June! x
June 19th for me currently cd3 on second month of ttc blimey this is sooo hard the waiting and hoping, I want this so much I keep thinking if I do fall then I would be 3 days pregnant now :). Baby dust to you all xx
thanks girls for adding me too, this is a great forum.............good luck to all, i too have thrown out the opk's this month, time to relax and have fun, im using pre-seed and we r both taking our pre vits so keeping our fingers crossed for this month..................babydust to all you lovely ladies xx
Hey I am a newbie to the forum..I am in a loving lesbian relationship with my partner of 6 years and on May 21 we did an at home insemination and we will be testing on June 4th...keeping our fingers crossed for a BFP!!

Good luck ladies and tons of stick baby :dust: to ALL!
Hey I am a newbie to the forum..I am in a loving lesbian relationship with my partner of 6 years and on May 21 we did an at home insemination and we will be testing on June 4th...keeping our fingers crossed for a BFP!!

Good luck ladies and tons of stick baby :dust: to ALL!

Good luck! June 4th is my grandmother's birthday so I consider that a lucky day!! :thumbup:
Hi guys how's everyone feeling this cycle. I'm getting so impatient, feel so sad that maybe i'll never get pregnant, i'm 28 yrs old and am coming up to my 2 year point trying to conceive.
however AF has just vacated today so i can BD for the rest of the month!!!!!:happydance:
Hi guys how's everyone feeling this cycle. I'm getting so impatient, feel so sad that maybe i'll never get pregnant, i'm 28 yrs old and am coming up to my 2 year point trying to conceive.
however AF has just vacated today so i can BD for the rest of the month!!!!!:happydance:

I would say I am feeling anxious! I am in the 2WW limbo and have bad cramps today, so I am feeling a but :wacko:. I am going to do some yoga tonight and hopefully CHILL OUT!
I'm feeling good and I think O is almost here FINALLY!

I've been so impatient, but trying to keep busy with work and BD everyday :blush:

My temp dropped even further this morning so fingers X for a positive OPK in the next day or so.
ladies, today im apparently 5 DPO...thinking its more around 4..today I have a super full feeling...my pants barely fit me....totally bloated which is unlike me also when I cough I get ovary pain? any ideas what that may be?

If I dont get my BFP this month, im getting my M1 (motocycle license) and im going to follow smeap.

what are you guys going to do if it doesnt happen???

anyway acupunture tonight at 7pm...apparently it really helps with fertility, I will let you know
If I don't get my bfp for June, I'm going to stop opk and just proceed to bd every few days whenever I feel like it- not daily when it's closer to ovulation like the smep. If I don't get it for July- then I'm stopping temping for the month of July to see what happens.
Since this is my official 1st month try, if I don't get my :bfp: this month I will up my TTC bag of tricks :haha:
Good Luck to all waiting on ovulation and testing in June...!! BFP to all!

June cant come soon enough for me.... Ovulating on Clomid is no joke : late painful ovulation :nope:

@Bomma I jumped his bones alright and he was pretty happy about it :happydance:

@lucybee how many dpo's are you?

@ Equal & Deafgal.....If i dont get my BFP this cycle I will start BD'ng everyday since the doc advised we skip a day

Lisa84 good luck and BD your heart out on this fertile period!

Ogde Im so sorry its taking so long but take heart some people have been trying for like 11 yrs hopefully you dont have to wait that long... :hugs:
ignore this post. didnt realize this was for first time trying to conceive=)
Hi, can I be added. AF just came today for my first cycle TTC so I'm on to cycle 2 of TTC which will mostly be in June. I have a 33 day cycle, so I'll be testing when I'm one day late (if I get that far) on June 27. :dust: to all!
I'd love to join! I'm 3 dpo, so hoping to test on June 6 when AF is one day late (might have to test early though, cause i can't resist those sticks!)
Hi all!

I am hoping to be testing June 7th (well thats when AF is due)
I am ment to be OV now well today. Just of BC and waiting my first AF since my withdrawl bleed. so my OV should be about now if things go back as normal. My hubby and I have been dtd on and off for the last two weeks and stepping it up since sunday with the chance that I have been OV this week. Fingers and toes crossed :) will be testing in a couple of weeks to see if I get a :bfp: / :bfn: - its my first month trying so I am trying to not get too excited cos I know its rare to get :bfp: on first month trying esp after BC.

soo the acupunture didnt go as i thought..apparently I need to have a consult first and get to a naturalpathic MD which i did tonight. The doc pent two hours doing an examination and asking me one million questions and he told me that all the symptoms that I have are associated with female infertility. hes put me on a strict plan to try and get my body back in shape and has told me I need to get fertility testing done..

lovely...as if my anxiety and OCD wasnt bad enough...

Ive gone through so much this year..my sister passed away suddenly a year ago, and now I get told this...talk about the short end of the stick....im sad and angry and mad and blah...i hate this...why me....

sorry had to rant..

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