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Equal, :hugs:. Sorry to hear you've had such a rough year. Here's hoping it goes up from here.
soo the acupunture didnt go as i thought..apparently I need to have a consult first and get to a naturalpathic MD which i did tonight. The doc pent two hours doing an examination and asking me one million questions and he told me that all the symptoms that I have are associated with female infertility. hes put me on a strict plan to try and get my body back in shape and has told me I need to get fertility testing done..

lovely...as if my anxiety and OCD wasnt bad enough...

Ive gone through so much this year..my sister passed away suddenly a year ago, and now I get told this...talk about the short end of the stick....im sad and angry and mad and blah...i hate this...why me....

sorry had to rant..

Sorry to hear about such a terrible year. :hugs:
:hugs: @Equal sorry to hear you ahving it rough.... chin up its darkest before the light.

Was wondering if I could join your group. I'm CD 8 and will be testing somewhere around the middle of June. My O date has been alittle haywire. This is my third month trying. I just ordered Fertilaid CM. Has anyone tried it?
Equal-Sorry your having a tough time hun :hugs: I suffer from anxiety too, its tough enough, let alone with everything else you have had going on. take care Hun xxxx

CD3, this is going so slowly.... I am not really sure when I ovulate ( possibly day 11-12???), so thinking of doing OPK from sat, which will be CD6 and my cycles are 26 days, but don't want to miss it! Know I am wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy ahead of myself but want to be prepared :flower: I have some really cheap Internet pregnancy tests, but am thinking about buying some clear blue or the first response ones, but want to order them off the net, (as they are cheaper than buying from boots or supermarket in the uk) so hopefully the will be here when we come off honeymoon, as wont have access to the net while away. Which ones would you girls buy? xxx

Fingers crossed for us all we get BFP in June :dust: to you all xxx
Hi Ladies,
Just wondering if you could help me out. I'm 6PO today, well I think so anyway :haha: AF is due (30-31st may going by 28 day cycle) or (2-3 June going by 31 day cycle) when would the earliest time I would be able to test? Thanks :flow:
Well Ladies I swore I was going to stop joining these threads as its such a dissapointment when I get my bfn...However I feel hopeful this month :)

Please add me ..I will be testing on June 13th. I should Ov next weekend which is perfect because it is my OH's Bday :)
:wave: HI GIRLS!!!

Sorry I have to make this quick, but I wanted to post all the newbies I added to the list:

MissCherry: 6/27

HeatehrZ: 6/11

impatientmum: 6/21

bunni84: 6/10

(welshgirl21, I already added ya to the list the other day! :D)

Achelois: I added ya to the question marks :)

bextas: 6/19

2mommiesTTC: 6/4

EngineerGirl: 6/27

crowned: 6/6

midnightrose8: added ya to the question marks!

skeet9924: 6/13

We are up to 81 testers!!! WOW!!! :thumbup:

PS....KIMBRE!!! Stay here! Doesn't matter if you are trying for your 2nd! No need to be excluded! We are here for everyone! :hugs:

FX FOR EVERYONE! I would get into more detail right now, but I have to get ready to run out the door in like 45 minutes and I still need to shower! I wanted to at least get the dates added to the list so I wouldn't fall too far behind. BABY DUST TO ALL!!! :dust: I'll be able to respond and chat later on tonight after I get everything done.



I am ovulating today after months of annovulatory cycles woo hoo so I want to join the June thread :) I will be testing the 9th June :happydance:

Hi everyone! I would love to join the group also. I am currently on CD 12 of 24/25 day cycle, should O today or tomorrow and hopefully testing June 7. FX'd for everyone :)

My period is due 9th June so hoping to be late and test a few days later. Been trying for 17 months but recently bought ovulation kit, ovulated yesterday and day before and now walking funny!!! Fingers crossed for June.
Hi Ladies,
Just wondering if you could help me out. I'm 6PO today, well I think so anyway :haha: AF is due (30-31st may going by 28 day cycle) or (2-3 June going by 31 day cycle) when would the earliest time I would be able to test? Thanks :flow:

Hi Hannah,

I think you can start testing 10 dpo but it might be negative even if you are preg. Everyday past the hcg gets stronger and more chance of a +.

Good luck! :)

My period is due 9th June so hoping to be late and test a few days later. Been trying for 17 months but recently bought ovulation kit, ovulated yesterday and day before and now walking funny!!! Fingers crossed for June.

"walking funny" :haha: (that is a sex joke right? Or is my mind in the gutter?)

Good luck and lots of :dust: to you!
Hi guys - please can I also join? I'll be testing around June 10th. Been TTC for three months now. X
So, I broke down and bought ONE OPK lol...and for the 1st time....I got a POSITIVE!!! WOOP WOOP!:happydance:
I hate my husband right now so at this rate we won't DTD all month!

Oh no! What's wrong?! :hugs:

Oh just hubby being a major douche. If he doesn't get crack-a-lackin on the BD I'm gonna miss my O and that will make me mad!

Hey I am a newbie to the forum..I am in a loving lesbian relationship with my partner of 6 years and on May 21 we did an at home insemination and we will be testing on June 4th...keeping our fingers crossed for a BFP!!

Good luck ladies and tons of stick baby :dust: to ALL!

I have a BNB friend here who is also in a lesbian relationship and finally got her BFP this month. So I have faith you two will as well :)


My period is due 9th June so hoping to be late and test a few days later. Been trying for 17 months but recently bought ovulation kit, ovulated yesterday and day before and now walking funny!!! Fingers crossed for June.

"walking funny" :haha: (that is a sex joke right? Or is my mind in the gutter?)

Good luck and lots of :dust: to you!

I so thought that too LOL
So symptoms for me right now (4 dpo) include: very tender breasts, gentle little cramps on the right side of my lower abdomen (had twinges on the left side yesterday, so it might be nothing - I don't know why I'd feel it on both sides), and crazy bloating. I never bloat during PMS, but the last two days I've been bloated so much I look preggo! I'm at a perfectly healthy weight and bmi, but DH can't believe how big my belly is either. It's too early to have any of these symptoms yet, though, right?

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