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So symptoms for me right now (4 dpo) include: very tender breasts, gentle little cramps on the right side of my lower abdomen (had twinges on the left side yesterday, so it might be nothing - I don't know why I'd feel it on both sides), and crazy bloating. I never bloat during PMS, but the last two days I've been bloated so much I look preggo! I'm at a perfectly healthy weight and bmi, but DH can't believe how big my belly is either. It's too early to have any of these symptoms yet, though, right?

Hi hun, I convinced myself I was Pg last month with all the same symptoms. It's awful the 2WW but try your best to not symptom spot just yet or you will drive yourself crazy.

Best of luck *hug*

Tiger xx
Thanks Tiger!
Trying to just forget about it for a few days, but it's so hard! You brought me back to reality a little bit telling me you had the same things though - hopefully I'll stop reading so much into things that really aren't even possible yet! xx Thanks! xx
Argh I can't wait at least another 3 days :growlmad:

I'm 7DPO & feel exhausted when I've just woken up :wacko: Anyone else?
Hi ladies!!

Can I join too, should be the 5th june when I test. Good luck to everybody

Louise xx
Hi, it is my first month ttc althought i stopped the pill few months ago we were using condoms. I should be testing around jutne the 5th ;-)
Hi, it is my first month ttc althought i stopped the pill few months ago we were using condoms. I should be testing around junethe 5th ;-)
Ok ladies so I think I'm going to break down and go buy an ovulation kit for this weekend...I swore I wasnt going to, but I'm just so curious if I'm OVing since my MC. I'm also kind of curious of when in my cycle I OV just so that I know...I just have to make sure I dont get too upset when I dont see my OH on the days I am OVing
Ok ladies so I think I'm going to break down and go buy an ovulation kit for this weekend...I swore I wasnt going to, but I'm just so curious if I'm OVing since my MC. I'm also kind of curious of when in my cycle I OV just so that I know...I just have to make sure I dont get too upset when I dont see my OH on the days I am OVing

Don't stress yourself over it! If you are curious, go ahead! I haven't used any in awhile, wanted to keep it simple this cycle and we have been BD-ing everyday, but my curiosity got the best of me yesterday! Haha! I bought a single OPK from the dollar store, and I got a positive! So I'm glad I did when I felt the need to...and I'm glad I don't have anymore to pee on! Hahaha!
Thanks Bomma...I think I just want to do it one cycle, more then less out of curiousity..I know some people dont ovulate after and mc for awhile..I just want to know if I am atleast..then I think I will stay clear of them again
So symptoms for me right now (4 dpo) include: very tender breasts, gentle little cramps on the right side of my lower abdomen (had twinges on the left side yesterday, so it might be nothing - I don't know why I'd feel it on both sides), and crazy bloating. I never bloat during PMS, but the last two days I've been bloated so much I look preggo! I'm at a perfectly healthy weight and bmi, but DH can't believe how big my belly is either. It's too early to have any of these symptoms yet, though, right?

Yeah, I would say it's too early. Don't get yourself all worked up, I stopped symptom spotting a long time ago. It can drive you bananas!!! Try to relax and not think about things like that. Good luck hun! FX!
Hey everyone!

I only joined this forum last night so still getting to grips with all the lingo and abbreviations so please bare with me!

We properly started TTC at the end of April/ beginning of May when we were on our honeymoon! Got AF day after wedding on 17th April and my cycles have ranged from 20-45 days after only just getting my periods back in Jan after coming off the depo last June!

Have no idea if or when I ovulated but we did have A LOT of "fun" on honeymoon so who knows!! Think I will test beginning of June if no AF as that will be towards the end of my longest cycle so far!

Good luck to everyone xxx

I'm coming off the depo as of June '10 as well! Glad to finally have someone to compare with! My cycles are pretty irregular as well, but I'm thinking I might have an extra long luteal phase! I found that the fertility microscope helped me figure out when I was O'ing. I just started it last month because I was afraid the Depo made me quit O'ing all together! Good luck and please let me know how things go for you! It's nice to have someone in the same boat!
BommaMomma can you please put me down for the 25th? Hopefully I can hold off until then! I'm thinking about ordering the soft cups and preseed. I just dont want to use anything that MIGHT have negative side effects so I am going to read up on it! This will be my 7th month actively TTC after coming off Depo in June of '10. Good luck and baby dust to all the ladies!
Hey everyone!! :wave:

Added some more to the list....FX to these ladies:

bluebumble: Congrats on the big O today :D Gotcha down for 6/9/11

Steena13: 6/7/11

meganstephens: Big O yesterday, keep at the BD!!! Hope you get that BFP on 6/11//11

Hw6292: 6/10/11

dianndelto: 6/26/11

lak2111: 6/5/11

Amethyste: Also, 6/5/11!

Tasha16: 6/18/11

Mallie: 6/25/11

We are up to 90 testers for June! Holy cow!

Butterfly, where you at?! You're our 1st tester on the thread! You're due to test the 28th!!! Can't wait to hear the news :D

As for me, nothing to report. Got my 1st official +OPK last night, and I was overjoyed! DTD last night, and going at it again tonight! Woop! Gunna try to BD the next three days just to be safe...hope june is my month!

Baby Dust For Everyone!

:dust: :dust:
YAY!I cant wait for people to start testing (I cant yet so Im going to test vicariously!)
I thought I could test on the 1st but it looks like (Im a ninkenpoop) and it really was the 4th. BAH! But no need to change it Bomma Momma- Ill just give you the results a little later. Im 6dpo and Im already itching to POAS! (its a DISEASE I tell you!! :) ):test: plus I havent had any symptoms that lead me to believe it has happened... hoping that changes! anyone else got the feeeeeling? :)
Im currently on 1dpo ...this is gonna be a long 2ww!!!

I think after 7dpo you can start having certain symptoms... because after conception there is a 5-day transfer window and then implantantion. After implantation its is then that your symproms start.... (internet info)

Hope you catch that eggie BommaMomma.....!!
Hi BM, well I'm a bit confused as I had some brown spotting today (which I thought could be IB) so I did cave in and take a test but it was a BFN. But then I thought that a) if it was IB then I might be testing too early anyway or b) it might be the :witch: approaching early.

So I am not sure if I am still in or not but I might just keep testing for the fun of it until AF turns up!

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