June Baby Angels

Congratulations Sweetmomma! What a lovely little surprise! In a way it would be nice if it happened like that for me, the 2ww and ttc stresses me out so much! I have had a break away from the regular forums really, only posted once or twice, I have hibernated in this thread. It's been the perfect place for me.

Awww, I think once the shock wears off you can start to relax a bit. When are you due? x x x

September 16th I am 5 weeks 5 days
Vegas, great news that witch got you, bring it on!

I'm drunk atm, I'm loving it! x

ps I love you all x

Jasmine, u are so funny. Just had to respond to u right now!
Enjoy ur happy time lol! Luv u too!!!

Atm, i am going to start getting ready for my SS surprise bday party. My mom and i decorated and are ready for our guests to start arriving. Hopefully i will have a couple drinks and have a little happy time myself!

I will try to log in tmo morning and check in with y'all!
Jasmine, Oh, how we love you too!! You will have to tell us of your fun, drunken evening! I am sorry the landlord seems to be brushing you off. I will keep my fingers crossed that you don't o that weekend. Remember though, sperm can live like five days, so there could still be a chance!

Meli, I believe we have come very far in this thread. I was just telling dh how close I feel to all of you. I have said things here, that I haven't even said to him I think. We are certainly helping each other to stay strong and positive. Enjoy your SS's party and a drink or two, or three...:haha:

Stef, I am very sorry to hear about your job and I hope that af will be leaving soon. I too, "what if" all the time. FX already for Vday!!!

Sweetmomma, Congrats again! I am certain we will all be joining you within the year!
Jenk, I am sorry to hear of your bfn, FX for something to happen.
AFM: Went in today for my last blood draw until February. It will be nice not having to go in to the doctor's office for a while. The nurse, who was apparently clueless as to why my blood was being drawn, asked if I was pregnant. I didn't even feel sad telling her no. Yesterday I managed to hold a friend's four month old and hang out with another friend who is 22 weeks pregnant all without feeling sad or jealous. Of course Charlotte is being a little terror lately so maybe that makes me less broody. Whatever it takes, right!

That last sentence made me laugh out loud!! I happy to hear you will be done with blood draws. Hopefully it will be negative for you! I am also happy to hear you finally got af.

AFM, On CD 11, and am still waiting to o I think, going to be having a lot of :sex: in the next week.

Reading someone else's journal got me thinking about pinterest, I am on pinterest and would love to stalk... I mean follow everyone else on there. Here is my link, if you want to follow me and my love of Adam Levine....:blush:
Hehe, I'm such a dope, I totally forgot about that little message! It's true, I love you all, ha! We had a fun night, just being silly, me, Shane and Eva dancing to 'I want to be like you' Jungle Book and loads of other cheesy Disney Songs, I totally recommend parenting after two bottles of rose, it really takes the edge off! It's so nice to have oh back though! :) :)

Meli, hope you have a great party!

Angel, good luck with the bd this week, I'll be hopefully doing some too very soon! I'm waiting for af to get me anyday! Come on wiitttcccchhhhh! I totally stalking you on Pinterest now!

Here's me:


x x x
Sweetmomma - Huge big gigantic contrats!! Like Meli said, it is so perfect that you were the first one on this thread to get a bfp as you were the one who started it!! I can completely understand that you are feeling a lot of stress as you weren't quite ready to try again. I do think the fact that it happened when you weren't trying means that it was truly meant to be. Things have a funny way of happening in their own time. Try not to worry about the few little things you did this month that you wouldn't have done if you were trying. So many women don't know they are going to get pregnant and do much worse things. I am sending you lots of sticky baby vibes and positive thoughts!! I am so excited for you!!

Stef - I'm so sorry af got you. The one positive thing is that because she came early you can move on to the next cycle quicker and won't be tortured by a long tww!! I think that a heavy cycle means that your lining built up nicely. This is a very good thing to know after having a m/c. I think it will mean you are in good shape for next time!! :)

Meli - Unfortunately I have no good news to report. Still waiting. No af and bfn this morning. I even used a FRER. I am feeling pretty discouraged as I am now on cd39. I thought I o'ed somewhere around Dec 28/29. I felt like my progesterone levels were higher this month as I had a lot of symptoms around what I thought was o time (and before taking clomid I never had any symptoms). I am now pretty sure I must not have o'd because that would make me around 20dpo today. Surely if I was going to get a bfp it should be showing up by now. So I am still waiting an hoping that nothing more is wrong. If there is still no af and if I am still showing bfn on Tuesday I might try to get in with my doctor just to make sure everything is ok. Its really frustrating. I just wish my body with cooperate with my plans!! (lol....wouldn't that just make things so much easier for all of us!!)

Jasmine - Hope your mood gets better!! The one positive thing for me about having to try again next month is that I will be in good company with you girls!!

Vegas - So glad that the blood draws are done for this month!! I am confident that your levels will be 0. You were so close last time they have to be 0. It's good you are feeling better with babies and pregnancy questions. It really does show how far things have come over the last few months. A girl in my new office is pregnant and is due in July. She is just a little behind where I would be if I hadn't had the m/c. I have been surprisingly ok about being around her.

Hope everyone is doing well!!

Thank you so much. I am feeling a little bit better. Still worried because I am still in my five week mark and that's the age/stage the baby was in last time when it didn't make it (even though I lost the baby at 8 weeks). The lady at the drs office said I can comes in anytime during the week to get my #s checked... Thinking of going in tomorrow. I appreciate all the women on here you are all so supportive! This thread turned out to be so much more than what I ever expected it to be! Love you all and sending lots of baby dust!!!!
Sweetmomma, Wow, that is really nice of them to say you can come in any time to get your numbers checked. I hope mine says the same!!! 6 weeks will be here before you know it!
I would recommend parenting after a few drinks! I am pretty sure I am a lot more fun.:haha: I would also recommend BDing after a few drinks. I am positive it makes me friskier!:haha:
Megan - Fx'ed for you this month.

Stef - I hope that af finishes up quickly!! That is exciting that the house stuff is moving along. Before you know it you will be moving in and getting settled!! Yay for less stress!! :) Sorry to hear about the job. A Valentine's bfp would be great....I know what you mean about trying not to play the what if game though. I bet at least one of our group will get a Valentine's bfp. If not it will happen soon.

Meli - Hope you caught this egg this month. You are halfway through the TWW. I really hate the wait. I always convince myself that its not going to happen yet at the same time can't help reading into things and looking for reasons that it will happen. Its a unique kind of torture. No matter how sure I am that it didn't happen it is still so hard not to be disappointed when af arrives. How was the party?? Sounds like it would have been fun!!

I have a similar worry about next month. I am supposed to go away for three days in the beginning of Feb. I am worried that it will interfere with my tracking scans and possible o. I will be gone from a Wednesday to a Friday which means I wouldn't be able to go for a scan for 5 days (they don't do them on the weekend). I hope the timing works out ok for both of us. Even if you are o'ing around that weekend you will be away if you bd'ed before and after you left you would still be in good shape. Better yet....maybe it won't matter and you will get your bfp this month!! :)

Vegas - So glad af arrived!! Its especially good that now she will be gone (or almost gone) by the time you start your new job Tuesday!! That is one less thing to worry about. You will have everything figured out by the time you are ready to ttc again. My cycle's used to range from 40-50 days (and I would flow for 3-4 weeks straight) it was ridiculous!! I have found taking Provera every 3 months or so helps to keep them at a more reasonable length. I think I might need to take some this month as things are starting to take a long time again.

Enjoy your nice weather. It is -43 degrees Celsius with the windchill here today. I won't be spending any time outside this weekend!!

Jasmine - So glad to hear you had some fun this weekend!!

Sweetmomma - Glad you are feeling a bit better. It is so great your doctor's are so accommodating. I bet it helps a lot. Thanks for the baby dust. I am so glad you started this thread!!

Angel - Have fun with the bd'ing!! That is the best part of the whole cycle.

AFM - I am still waiting. Still bfn and still no sign of af. Cd42. Just want to start this next cycle. This waiting sucks!! Going to hang out with my nephews this afternoon. Should be fun.

Hope everyone had a good weekend!! :)

Sorry to hear that your mood was terrible yesterday, but it sounds like you had a good time with your family last night! Hopefully it took your bad mood away!!! Don’t forget-we’re barely past the halfway mark of January. There’s still time to get good news back about your new place before the month ends!! FX FX!! And like Angel said, although you;ll be out of town the next o time, you’re still in it!! Maybe you should use Preseed or something to help the spermies live longer!

I am following you now on pinterest, LUV LUV the pic-I’m assuming it’s you and DD! Beautiful-looks like a professional pic out of a magazine!

I think my pinterest username is meliholguin-see if you can find and follow me if you want, if you can’t find me, let me know and I’ll have DH help me figure out my info...


No real symptoms during this tww. This is the 2nd cycle that I’ve been SS. Last cycle was the first that I was SS-and seemed to have lots more symptoms during that tww, like ovarian twinges almost every day 1DPO-14 DPO. Today I am 7DPO, but don’t really have much to report. It’s completely different from last cycle. I wonder if the reason that last cycle I had so many more ovarian twinges, symptoms etc, was because I had my one and only acupuncture appt about 1 week before the tww. She did use the needles on me that one time (although I never took the TCM herbal pills she prescribed). Based on that, and the fact that I have (and have had throughout last cycle’s tww) brown spotting each and every day throughout my luteal phase/tww, I am already counting myself out. I’ve done research on brown spotting throughout luteal phase, and it seems highly unlikely that pregnancies can occur while one is spotting throughout the tww. Brown spotting is likely due to hormonal (progesterone) issues, or fibroids. Since I’ve already been checked for fibroids, I doubt that’s the case. This cycle is my first temping, so I guess if I have at least ten days of elevated temps above my coverline, that means I do not have a luteal defect. I am 7dpo and my temps are still elevated, so that’s good. I have had a lower backache on left hand side-but it’s kind of like a pulled muscle type of pain. I could have slept wrong, or maybe it was all the heavy lifting from purchasing food (and beer lol!) from Costco for the party…so I’m not putting much into that sign. One weird thing that I did notice at 4-5dpo is a weird tissue like flake discharge? A couple of tiny pieces that were brownish looking and looked like the top layer of skin? I have no idea what that was! Found couple articles on google about endometrial progesterone effect, sounds like the weird tissues could be a result of that, something about raised progesterone happens in early pregnancy which could result in that type of discharge, however the fact that it happened at such early dpo isn’t possible, I think. On 5dpo I also had smelly urine, but I suspect that was due to me adding COQ10 to my daily regimen. I have a dr appt scheduled for Feb 1 with my gp, hopefully she will authorize my referral to an ob gyn for further discussion.

YAY for AF!!!!finally! You have been so patient—I need to take lessons from you! GL lengthening your luteal phase ASAP! Let us know on your first day of work-FX your new coworkers are as nice as the seemed to be when you met them last month!

Hope you got lots of yardwork done. Our front yard is a huge dirt mess at the moment-we had our steps and lawn ripped out, they’re currently adding new sprinklers and building a new walkway and steps and adding new lighting. It’s such a mess and I’m just keeping my FX that it doesn’t rain before they finish the project in the next 2 weeks—it will be a huge mud pit!!!

I feel the same way and so close to y’all. We’ve been there for each other, for both good and bad, I know that that from now on majority of times will be good!! I know what you mean about sharing things here that I’ve never shared with DH. My filter seems to be GONE when I post here lol!
GL on catching the egg!!!

Thanks for the pinterest idea. I am a pinterest addict also!! I have my pinterest info above in the previous post so u can follow me too if you like. I searched for your name but 2 people came up-wasn’t sure which one was you? Let me know so that I can follow you!


So glad your dr’s office is being so supportive! That’s half the struggle---


Yes, you are so right! I couldn’t have put it better myself “I always convince myself that its not going to happen yet at the same time can't help reading into things and looking for reasons that it will happen. Its a unique kind of torture. No matter how sure I am that it didn't happen it is still so hard not to be disappointed when af arrives”. I guess it’s a defense mechanism that we have to put up, right?

The party was fun, my stepson was truly surprised! He got lots of money and itune gift cards-all gifts that a 14 y/o loves, right!! The weather was perfect-80 degrees F!

Sorry to hear it sounds like you’re in the same boat as jasmine…FX that it doesn’t interfere with your tracking scans and O!!!FX FX FX!!! Hoping the timing works out for you.

Omg-cant believe you are on CD42 with a bfn and no AF. If you’re not pg, hurry hurry up AF so that you can get onto your next cycle! Talk about patience—both you and vegas have tons of it!!! Can I please have some sent my way pls lol!

Have fun with your nephews today and enjoy!
Hey Meli,

I'm following you on pinterest too now :) Yeyyy, that's us, thanks for the compliment!

Hey, this lady got a bfp with spotting in the tww, she talks about it in detail:


Keep the faith x
Wow! I think I would go insane if my cycles were that far apart! I am a 30 day cycler... Which actually makes it pretty easy to calculate everything especially since I like to use the webmd stuff :) my Dr office has a lady named Nora that strictly draws blood all day and she knows what all happened last time and she was the one that kept checking my numbers even after I lost the baby to make sure my numbers went down and stayed down properly to make sure it wouldn't turn into cancer. She is the one that said she would squeeze me in anytime :) she is so sweet. You are all such amazing women! Truely blessed to have all of you here (I know it is bad... I am not on here enough anymore and have difficult time keeping up!) But none the less you are all amazing and really hope you all get bfp's soon!!!! Hugs and loves!
Hey Meli,

I'm following you on pinterest too now :) Yeyyy, that's us, thanks for the compliment!

Hey, this lady got a bfp with spotting in the tww, she talks about it in detail:


Keep the faith x

Hey jasmine,

Thanks for that link....sounds very interesting! I will keep doing more research on that!
Good morning, ladies! Looks like y'all have all had busy weekends.

Stef: I am so sorry about your job. That totally sucks. I hope you find something else soon, but with the move and everything, maybe waiting would be good too.

Jasmine: Any news on the house? I agree that parenting is a lot easier with a drink or two in you. Unfortunately that isn't considered acceptable most of the time and we all have to do it sober. I've decided that I am not drinking Sunday-Thursday in an effort to become healthier and lose a few pounds. I managed to do it last week, but I did miss my glass of wine with dinner.

Sweetmomma: Did you know that September 16th is the most common birthday of the year? I posted something a month or so ago about a day in December being the most fertile, so apparently you got the message! Glad to hear that they will check you levels for you as much as you want. I'm hoping I can talk them into the same (heck, I'm used to the blood draws, so why not). In the early weeks the HCG levels rising will be a great comfort.

Meli: The party sounds like a great success. Isn't symptom spotting the worst? I swear every month is different and so you think, 'Oh, this must be it!'. I can tell you that both times I got a bfp were quite different from one another. The only thing that was the same was that I started cramping before I normally would, but both time I figured I would just be starting earlier than normal. Have you considered taking B6? I just started my vitamins again and I take 50mg of B6 every day to improve my luteal phase as it helps with regulating progesterone. The pills are pretty cheap and I've gotten good results with it. Just a thought.

Angel: Do you think you've O'd yet? I started following you on Pinterest, here is mine if you want to follow: https://pinterest.com/krafty713/ I love wasting time on Pinterest, but I have found some good recipes there.

Jenk: I can't imagine weather so cold. If it were that cold here I think DH and I would have ten kids because what else can you do? Actually, we'd just end up eating too much and watching even more TV if it were that cold. CD 42, you are almost as bad as me. My usual cycles are about 33 days long with a shorter (10-11 day) luteal phase. I went on Provera once about a year before I had Charlotte because I went off the pill and never got af. I went to the doctor like three months later and she put me on the Provera, but then I went back on the pill. When I went off the pill six months later I got my bfp right away so maybe it helped. If this next cycle is still off I think I'll talk to my doctor.

AFM: I am so glad AF started when it did because it is heavy! It also has an orange-red appearance as some of you have had. I googled it and I think it is because I had the D&C and my lining is thin as WebMD said orange may indicated only an outer layer has been shed or that I may not have ovulated. I know my temps went up, but I didn't do OPK's to confirm, so who knows.

I spent the weekend digging plants up and transplanting them to my yard. We have a huge corner lot and because our house had been abandoned for six years when we bought it, everything but the oak trees had died. We fixed up the inside and the back yard first and now we are finally doing the front. We weren't planning on doing it now, but since my neighbor is tearing down his house in two weeks to build a new one and offered us his plants, we figured we should start now while we can get our hands on some really nice, free plant material. Needless to say, my arms, legs, back and feet are killing me! I'm a designer not an installer and all this manual labor is so tiring!

Had a talk with dh last night and he does want to start TTC as soon as I think we are in the clear with my bloodwork. If my periods return to their normal length and I start in April then I have calculated I could have a New Year's eve/day baby. Of course getting pregnant right away is unlikely, but I just can't help projecting due dates. I'm sure I'm setting myself up for disappointment. Also, he says if we don't have luck this time (another mc) then he wants to look into adoption. This freaks me out a bit. Have any of you ever considered this? Well, I'm off to spend my last day as a stay-at-home-mom working in the yard.
Wow! That's funny! It's probably because its cold so more snuggling, and good moods because the holiday cheer ;) lol
Hey Vegas, you'll only have like one or two more cycles then until you can start ttc? It'll come round really quick! Especially if you keep working at the rate you have been! You say you're a designer by profession, me too! What do you design? I'm in magazine design, page design!

With regards to the house, we have completed the application forms just today, they put a typo in my email address so it has delayed things somewhat! iI'm slightly worried that I have messed everything up though, I don't normally 'do' worrying, it's horrible being a worry wort but this house is turning me into one! I think I have annoyed the letting agents by pestering them a bit too often with regard to not getting my application form through (due to typo) I rang twice, emailed once and she sounded annoyed. Also, I rang them to say that a couple of our accounts would show up as defaulted but it was onky cos we have undertaken a five year debt plan with a national charity, I explained it was all above board but she basically made me feel like I was hiding it. Her tone wasn't very nice. Anyway, we just have to wait and see what they come back with. They will be getting employer and landlord references this week and doing credit checks on us. It would probably be fine if there wasn't so much competition for the house, I don't think we'll get it but should find out end of the week or beginning of next week! I suppose what will be will be though, there's bound to be more houses out there that we love, we know what we want now!

I'm following you now on pinterest, you and Charlotte are gorgeous btw x x

Hopefully this week goes by really fast so you can find out about the house, one way or another! You have a good attitude-even if you don’t get this house, now you at least know what you want!


I found you on Pinterest and am following you now! Luv the pic of Carter-he looks like he’s dreaming/gazing off into the sunset.

Hey Vegas,

That’s right—I remember that you posted Sep 16th is the most common bday of the year. That is too hilarious, esp now that it’s now applicable to sweetmomma!

YES—SS is the worst!!! As you mentioned, this cycle is already so different from my first cycle. If I’m not in the middle of symptom spotting, then I don’t know what I am!!! I think I already mentioned that for the past couple of days, the left side of my lower back has been sore, like a pulled muscle sensation, but I really didn’t read anything into it. Well, last night (7DPO) while I was laying in bed, I had such pain/uncomfortable bloated feeling in my left side lower pelvic region. I cant say I was crying in pain, but it was pretty uncomfortable and really noticeable—even if I wasn’t SS’ing! Then this morning I found more brown discharge than the previous 2 days—the amount was pretty noticeable, esp since it had tapered off for the last couple of days. Now, this afternoon, those symptoms have now subsided noticeably, not completely, but I only feel them if I make the effort and concentrate on finding/feeling them. The pressure seemed to go away this morning after I *ahem* used the restroom, so I wonder if being constipated caused it? But, if I was constipated, would it really be only one side of my stomach that was uncomfortable? If I am truly not pg, my mind and body will have played an extremely cruel joke on me. I was so sure this morning that I even mentioned it to DH and got him all excited--now I'm wishing I never mentioned it to him...

Thanks for the B6 idea. I’ve been kicking around the idea and I think I will add it to my daily cocktail of supplements lol! Why not?

You scored with your neighbor’s offer of free plant material! Landscaping softscape material is so expensive. Gardening is a hobby of min; I love changing out our seasonal plants. I feel your pain-gardening is such good exercise and I’m so sore allover afterwards—it doesn’t look hard, but it is, and my body feels it for a couple days afterwards…

That’s interesting you also have experienced the orangey-red discharge…you mentioned your research stated it may be due to thin lining because of d&c, or that one didn’t ovulate..In my case, I didn’t have a d&c, and I did confirm that I o’d this month thanks to temping and FF, so now I’m worried that I have a thin lining just due to the mc….oh well, just hoping that my dr refers me to an ob/gyn next month.

You never know—a xmas/NY baby would be a wonderful start to 2014! There’s no reason why you couldn’t get pg right away once you ttc—u will still be in the supposed ‘more fertile’ stage after a mc, right?

We haven’t talked about adoption, but he did mention that if pg doesn’t happen naturally, and soon, he does want to go to a fertility specialist and pay out of pocket for the whole process(because our health insurance doesn’t cover fertility services). Now that has freaked me out!

I’m following you on Pinterest now! Lovely pic of you and Charlotte—y’all are so photogenic! I find it hard to believe that both you and Jasmine are having a tough time recently, and that Charlotte and Eva are both acting up-they both look like they could say “who, me? I’m an angel!” LOL
Hey ladies! I know I haven't been posting in awhile. I'll explain later but I say this online and thought of our group.


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