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Just chit chatting.....

Flutter, how exciting! So glad you finally get to hold your hubby! FX you catch that eggie! :hugs:

Adanma, thinking about you and FX for a sticky bean :hugs:

AFM, no af still...:coffee: just waiting..lol
Adanma, I think those are good numbers. Praying for you a baby.

Reeds, is Gunner being a good boy today?

Super, when was AF due?
Fluter I missed the post where DH is in Kuwait!! How excititng 2 days!! I will be praying he makes it in time.

Karen Gunner is being good today. Lots of punches down low...
Adanma.....try not to get too panicy about the numbers, Mine weren't exactly doubling and it made me sick to my stomach. Each person is unique so try to remember that as well. That my advice....lol, hugs girl!!
Ready, that is a tricky question..lol I am usually 28-29 days . Today is cd31 . I would normally have af 24th,25th of each month. But with the MC that deff messed up my cycle. I thought for sure with nothing ever being found in uterus from day one, I would have no problem gettting back on track.:shrug: lol
Super: my first cycle after seemed to be normal, but then I had a very short 9 day LP that time so it was off. Hopefully after this everything will return to normal for you.

I am supposed to go back saturday morning for more blood work. I won't have results until monday though. grrrr. Hubby and I are looking at a house on saturday as well. 6 bd 3 ba almost 2900 sq ft! nice big lot too! Hoping it doesnt need a lot of work. It is not a fenced yard so that's already money right there, and there are no kitchen appliances so we need to buy a new appliance suite, but that's fine by me. I will now have an excuse to get my fancy LG fridge with the two drawers on the bottom! LOL! Of course my husband doesn't know this yet...ha!

Date night is also saturday night. Just a smidge bummed about no wine with dinner, but I wouldn't trade this situation for all the wine in the world.

fluter: it's getting so close now! Fx for you catching that egg!

reeds: my first was always kicking up under the ribs as he turned really early, but my second was all about the bladder. He wouldn't really kick per say, but he would stretch out and like push his foot into my bladder. It sucked! He would still kick me in the bladder to this day if he had the chance...

Anyway, have a good night ladies and I'll check in tomorrow.

Wow. I read this thread from beginning to end. I was wondering where all you guys went. I just thought maybe you hadn't logged on in a while...I had no idea that you all started a thread separate from the other TTC one. I just happened to look at one of my friend's profiles and it showed the board they were currently viewing...and I decided to take a look because I missed you all.

I am sorry if I, and I think I can speak for the other girls, seemed to be "on speed". I hope you know that this journey is a relatively new one to us...and equally confusing for us as all of you. As I said, I read this thread, and you don't seem to be talking about anything different than we do... I actually enjoyed talking to you all, and needed the support of ladies who've had TRs too. I am sorry that being a newbie and asking questions got some of us booted from being able to talk to you all. But I have to ask...none of you asked a zillion questions when you were newbies? I genuinely thought that you ladies were a warm and friendly group in which the more was merrier.

Again, I am sorry if I or any of the other new girls did anything to offend you by asking questions. I genuinely like you ladies and needed support after TR just the same as any of you.
Hello ladies! I think you covered most everyone. I don't know what to think of the other thread now...I post but don't think I am heard.LOL

And Reeds (Sandi), I know that I definitely heard you. I know your names because I actually went and read the old thread from beginning to end quite some time ago. I know that you were pregnant with twins and that you like tattoos...I know a little about you all...and REALLY liked you. It does hurt my feelings to know that it was not mutual. You and Needa were/are an inspiration to all of us. In fact, we BEGGED you to stay....I really genuinely thought our board was drama free, warm, and welcoming...because we are ALL on the same journey. Silly me.

I guess you guys can talk to whomever you choose and exclude others if you like. It's your prerogative. It's just hurtful to know that asking questions...as each of you did in the beginning...as I said, I read the old thread from beginning to end...would get the new girls the old heave ho.

Asking questions was our way of getting to know each and every one of you...and the TTC after TR process as well. Shame on us.
Hello ladies! I think you covered most everyone. I don't know what to think of the other thread now...I post but don't think I am heard.LOL

And Reeds (Sandi), I know that I definitely heard you. I know your names because I actually went and read the old thread from beginning to end quite some time ago. I know that you were pregnant with twins and that you like tattoos...I know a little about you all...and REALLY liked you. It does hurt my feelings to know that it was not mutual. You and Needa were/are an inspiration to all of us. In fact, we BEGGED you to stay....I really genuinely thought our board was drama free, warm, and welcoming...because we are ALL on the same journey. Silly me.

I guess you guys can talk to whomever you choose and exclude others if you like. It's your prerogative. It's just hurtful to know that asking questions...as each of you did in the beginning...as I said, I read the old thread from beginning to end...would get the new girls the old heave ho.

Asking questions was our way of getting to know each and every one of you...and the TTC after TR process as well. Shame on us.

Sag I am sorry this thread offended you. And yes you all were very kind however as I stated the other day my advice was asked I would answer and then come back on to find that what I had said or told was like I never said it and someone else would ask the same thing or counterdict me the perfect example was the B6 thing...I am not about drama or continuely feeling like I have to keep saying the same thing over and over to be heard or get my point across. I do like all you ladies over there and wish you all the best however that thread is no longer for me. I never meant to hurt anyone's feeling but to be honest my feelings were hurt and like I said its probably just pregnancy hormones but when someone pm's and aske me something and I answer and then I go on the thread to pretty much find what I know from experience is being bashed in a way I don't like being on there. I wish you all the best of luck. :hugs:
Well sagapo, as u read...it was me who started the thread.

If you read our past posts on the TR thread, you will see that we were a very supportive group. Not just for TTC but work, kids, sick family members, issues with hubby, ex husbands etc. When we had posted in the past....all the members of the thread would acknowledge every post. Wishing them better health, that crisis with kids/ex husbands would be resolved etc. Point being.....we all felt heard.
If you look back on the thread in the last 2 months....ladies have posted and they go ignored, proof is in the lack of acknowledgment. It lost the warmth it used to have. We always welcomed questions as well as asking questions... as we are all there at one time or are still there ttc.
Some of us noticed that when we answered a question, our answer/advice would go without notice.
We just got used to a topic being discussed then we moved on with what else was going on in our lives. That was the pattern of the thread. Now at times it seems to be no resolve to some questions, members posts are being ignored and it seemed like the same topics would go on and on.
It was my call to start a thread with some of us older gals to return to the style of thread we were used to. As u know since u read this thread....it goes beyond TTC, it's about kids birthdays, work concerns, home life & health.

It was not my intentions to be rude to any of you newer ladies on the thread and I don't feel I have been. I am also one of the older members of the thread and do enjoy a more relaxed chat and I don't feel bad about that. As said last week on the TR thread....I am here for any question, advice and support. I truly know exactly what u ladies are going through and wish u the best on your ttc journey.
Sagapo, I like all the TR ladies. I am newbie to all of this too. But I just could not relate to anything, I have not tempted before, I am clueless with charts and progesterone, I do not know if that is fit to eat, excuse my ignorance but I was just overwhelmed with the traffic and not knowing what to say there. Just felt left out? I hope that does not make me sound selfish?

Everyone wants a happy ending and wishing nothing but for all the TR ladies.
Adanma, thanks, I am sure I will be up and running in no time... Have a fun date night...boo for no wine but all for a good reason :)
Carole, I read the ENTIRE thread. Maybe you should go back and read it too. You guys went out of your way to say hurtful things, some even calling us 15 year olds. Now, I am not sure if any of that was directed at me, but what else am I to assume...

I was so grateful to have found you all because TTC after TR is HARD and scary...and because we asked questions...we got the boot? I was TRYING to get to know you ALL. I personally felt WEIRD replying to every single thing you guys ever posted simply because I did not know you yet...I couldn't remember your real names...or keep them straight...or when you had your TRs...so I guess while I was busy reading the entire thread from beginning to end to get familiar with you all and all your information...you guys were jumping ship.

I found the way you ALL talked about us to be so hurtful. And really...all I wanted was to reach out to women in the same boat.

Each of us handles this journey differently, I guess. I just want you EACH to remember that there was a time when you all asked inane questions that some other woman IN YOUR GROUP was kind and patient enough to answer. Having guidance from those that have been there before us was nice...there are some in our group that might have needed more help than others...but couldn't you guys have been the bigger people and just HELPED the ladies through their angst and questions?

And I don't know if y'all have read the old thread recently, but there is plenty of warmth going on in there and we really aren't talking about anything much different than you all. Like I said, we all handle this TTC journey differently...some freak out...some ask a lot of questions....some call their doctors office a lot (me)...but we all have the same goal...and it was our differences that I liked and appreciated...needed...this journey is a confusing, frustrating, scary one and we all need support...some more than others...but we ALL deserve it.

I wish you all the best as well. I really do. I promise you this though...I will be a hell of a lot more tolerant of new people no matter their personality types. I could never imagine hurting someone who is already in a stressful situation such as TTC after TR the way you ladies did. I am simply stunned.

And my name is Diana, by the way. But how many of you took time to get to know that...as you all complained we didn't bother to get to know your details. I, for one, did...I read all 500 pages.

Again, good luck to you all. I am going back to the other group where the girls are actually nice...even if we do ask a lot of questions.
Sagapo....We NEVER gave u the boot, we left the thread. It changed and it was no longer for me. I am allowed that choice and still have no regrets and know I was not rude to any of u at any time. Saying the thread was "on speed" is a truthful statement, if u look back it took sometimes days for the thread to have a full page and move on. Now there is sometimes 4 pages to read.

It just wasn't for me anymore, I didn't fit in and I left. No harm, no foul.
I am not going to go around pouting that U guys never made me feel welcomed into your new circle or acknowledged me. I am beyond that.

As u have said, we are all intitled to our opinions...right?
Take care, feel free to read this thread with my blessing and as said...GOODLUCK and baby dust your way!!

This topic is now dropped from my end!!!!
AFM....Ladies, I have been stressing lately as my son is saying he is not overly happy going to his dads house these days. He says his dad is saying nasty things about me, Joe and baby. I am at a loss on what to do.....
Had another meeting about my upcoming job today, will be doing my respite in a week and spending 4 days with the possible client match. I'm very excited!!!

Hope all of u are great, have a nice eve.
Carole I know what you mean about the kids not wanting to go to their dad's I have to fight with mine as well its not really because he talks bad about me or Tj its just cause he is a jerk in general and the kids do not like the way he acts. Its such a tough situation. That is awesome about the job! Great news. ;)
Needa, poor lil guy, such a shame to put a child in that position. If he does not want to go, he can't be forced no? Ex's... I can write a book on the crap my ex has done to me, and resulted in hurting our daughter instead... A child needs to be in a happy place! I am glad your meeting went well. XX
Thanks reeds...it is tough but I contacted a lady that has been involved with our family disputes in the past. I told her about the racist comments he is telling the kids, his swearing etc and she called him and chatted. The kids finally went to his house last nite for the first time in weeks. They came back today saying there dad never said one thing bad about me nor did he swear. VERY IMPRESSIVE.....I hope he can keep it up and keep his hurt feelings/messed up opinion to himself and not use the kids to vent.

She also said that my boy who is almsot 13 will soon have a choice if he wants to even go there for visits.
Thanks super....as u know, when they bash u like that, tell lies etc...they poisen the kids themselves. Sad.....

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