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Just chit chatting.....

I know what you mean Carole...my 15 year old will only go to her dad's once a month for 1 day...thats sad that these men can't realize what they are doing. I am so gald your boys finally had a decent visit. They shouldn't be made to feel they have to be loyal more to one parent or the other and that is how my ex makes them feel.
Saga IDK if you'll read this or not but I am obviously the one that said the other thread was on speed because that is honestly how I felt. I also felt very left out and over looked for the most part. I know several of the other ladies on this thread feel the same so to me when it is more than one person feeling that way there has to be merit to our claim. I was NEVER disrespectful to any of the newer TR ladies and had/have no intentions on ever doing so. I am limited to my phone so this site is not the easiest to navigate and everyday there were pages and pages to read and then to go through all that and for me to make a post and pretty much be over looked was hurtful to me considring I've been apart of that thread for almost a year. There is nothing wrong with anyone asking questions because it is only natural in this journey. I personally feel the TR journey is a very unique one and I love to see all th ladies that have decided to join this journey. I still popped in and read the other thread but just didnt feel I belonged there. I apploud you for reading our entire thread that's amazing. I read it too when I first started. It's unfortunate that you took it so personally that we moved to this thread and that you have pretty much attacked us for doing so when nothing was directed to you personally and it was a matter of comfort for us. I can also say that in reading the old thread lately nobody even mentioned that we were not really around again being over looked. When one of us were gone for any length of time we always questioned it. Anyway like I said you should take our feelings about beng over looked and the fact that Sandi was being PM'd only to have her words moched or twisted on the thread...that is hurtful also. So sorry you feel he way you do and like I said it was nothing personal just comfort for me and there is nothing wrong with that. I wish each of you the best and am always rooting for TR sisters no matter what site or thread!
Adanma I couldn't even iimagine the numbers game. I would be so nervous but you enjoy that date night with your hubby...no wine is boo but for good reason :)

Carole I see my future with my ex being a difficult one. We've gone back and forth oveer the yrs but been pretty much nice to eachother but last yr he got a gf that he married a few months later and that changed everything. She took it upon herself before they got married to talk to the lawyer she works for to see what they could do to take my son away from me. WTF...SORRY that kid has not even lived with his dad since he was 11mo old. So with that she burned her bridge with me and because I have voiced my opinion about her to him he is now a complete ass to deal with about anything!

super I hope af shows up soon so you can get back on track

I'm still waiting for Sat. lol
Hey ladies no time for personals right now heading to bed. I wanted to let you all know that your in my thoughts and I think of my sisters often. Talk to you all soon
Hello ladies!!

I just typed a big long reply to everyone and IE decided to go crazy and not respond.:dohh:So the short version is.

Needa,:hugs:I have went through the same thing with my ex.

Adanma,I am sure #'s are just fine.I still have FX for you.

I hope everyone else is doing well!!

AFM,I am 10 dpo and tested with a frer this morning not FMU as I was at work but I did hold it for 4hrs and BFN:cry:My temp took a big drop yesterday so I am almost sure af is on her way.Yesterday was my bday so DD and I had a nice lunch after her eye exam.She looks so cute in glasses.DH and I are going out on Saturday to dinner and a movie.DS's Bday is today so we are having his party on Sunday before the big game.
Fam....10 dpo is still early girl. FX for u.

Fluter....it's so tough when there are kids involved. My ex has no GF, I wish he would. Then he could focus on her and leave me alone. He tries to make my life hell. Hopefully he say the lite and will focus on his boys now.

Floppy/ready....hope u have a great day girl.

Adanma....how are u feeling?

Well....I hope the exaggerated drama is over, we can get back to being ladies again and chit chatting like before. U ladies have a great morning I am off to take my rugrats to school.
Fam: still early. It could still be an implantation dip at 10dpo! Fx for you. My youngest is going to need glasses eventually as he is already not 20/20 at age 4. My oldest has eagle eye! He is better than 20/20. My Rx is unbelievable. I can't see anything without my glasses or lenses and I've had em since I was 7. Getting worse each year. Kids are so cute with glasses though I love it!

needa: I'm glad things seem to have improved a bit. Wow. If my ex pulled some crap like that, I'd have to be bailed out. He knows that I would kick his ass though so he probably wouldn't dare. lol! Our last day as a couple I was 5 months pregnant with Ian and we were getting intimate and he called me michelle. My name is Judy. I hefted my pregnant ass up and kicked his ass. So he knows what that feels like.

I grew up in a house where my mom bad mouthed my biological father a lot. I feel that I knew way too much about what happened in their relationship. To me it was very clear that she hated him and I felt like she must hate the part of me that is him. She would get disgusted when my sister or I had a mannerism like his and she would say it was just like him and be very unhappy. That hurt. I felt bad about myself because I knew she couldn't help but be reminded of him when looking at us (We're mixed) and she hated him. I know she didn't mean to make us feel like that, but she did.

As an adult getting to know my biological father, everything she said is true. However, I don't think a child should hear negativity regarding their parent whether they are a part of their life or not. There is plenty I could say about Ian's dad, but I don't because that's Ian's dad. He'll figure his dad out in his own time.

As far as the drama regarding the new thread. Come on people. The thread is annoying and people ARE acting like 16 year olds. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it. I don't have the time or energy to sift through 4 pages of OMG's and LOL's and the same question 15 times to find substance. Call me mean then, it wouldn't be the first time I've heard it. I'm quite happy with this thread as it is. It feels like the thread did a few months ago. Very warm, caring, and supportive. And no, I didn't actually ask a hundred questions when I first got on the thread since I am able to google I found out quite a bit on my own about ttc in general. My point in joining a TR thread was to find other women who had made this choice in life and who would experience the same worries and joys as I would on this journey.

Anyway, back on topic... I'm a bit worried today. I had some ovulation type pain last night that wasn't tooooo bad. I called my midwife anyway and she said to keep an eye on it and if it get's worse or I start bleeding she wants me to call back. Well this morning it's worse and I'm getting worried. I had to take tylenol for it which did help a bit. So the surse is trying to get ahold of my midwife's collegue since she is not in today to see what they can do. Nervous. I'm scared actually. My sister said it could be a cyst or something and to not always think the worst. That's my personality though! I will keep you all updated.

fluter: any word on hubby? still expected tomorrow? how exciting!!!!

Adanma...I love your honesty. LOL

As for the pain, I had alot of cramping like that as well. And in my upper ass area. I know reeds was experiencing cramping as well cause we used to text that to eachother as we were scared. I wouldn't worry too much. As for bleeding.....I know its easy to say not to worry but it's so common and can mean so many different things. I bled twice with this pg and early. I have had GUSHING with two of my pg's as well and babes were fine. The body is an amazing odd thing.

Two of my boys have glasses...I am just waiting for the third as I see them in his future as well. My ex and I are blind as bats so it's a given.

Sorry to hear about growing up hearing negative things being said....it's got to be tough. But I really try not to trash their dad. As said, he is doing his own damage.

As for the Michelle comment...LOL, I can so picture you kicking some butt.
Hey fam....i was bored and searched back in the old thread to last year and found mrsmommy. She has been back online in Jan of this year. SO u weren't lossing it when u saw her thank one of the girls. LOL....I am bored and killing time til hubby is home.
Adanma I'm prayin for you sweet sister and your sis is right stay positive. I'm negative natured as well so I know how hard that can be. I bled arly with both my boys too.

DH will be in Atlanta 10am tomorrow morn. only waiting to see what time the connecting flight to me is!!! YAY he's gonna make it cause my opk's are still supper light.
as far as the drama..I said my piece. That Saga chick is rude and drama starting (yup read it cause I said it)I tried to be very nice. It pissed me off when she said for us not to post on their thread...it's ou thread but you can have it cause I'm over it!

Got my taxes back and I'm getting a desk top and an ipad I think so it'll be easier for me to post!
YAY for taxes back. And SO SO COOL and the opk's. I knew it would work out for u, now the dreaded deed of Bding a ton while he is home..LOL. Ya right eh.

I hear ya, I have been reading the other thread this am and holy shit she is a drama queen. Honestly, no one was rude to anyone over there ..til now. How can saying the thread was on speed and imature at times be considered so mean, rude and nasty??? I thought I was thin skinned....guess not.
Hey ladies,

As far as the drama. I think you ladies have handled it well. I don't think we were unwelcoming. But the dynmaic of the thread was different and change is not for everyone.

Adanma, you crack me up. Kicking butt while preggo. But I would have done the same thing. LOL

Flutter, yay dh is on his way. You are going to catch the egg!! (singing in my kid voice)

needa, I was wondering how MrsMommy was doing too. I hate when parents do that to kids. My oldest father is sorry as all get out. But I never said anything to my son about him. Well on his 16th birthday he deceided we want to see my son. My son wanted to see him too. Well almost 4 years later my son does not want any thing to do with him. He used my son's ssn to file his taxes and now we have to hire a tax lawyer for my son. SMH:shrug:

Reeds, how are you doing?

Floopy, hey lady. Hope you are well.

AFM, no work today. We didn't get snow.:nope: But we got a lot of ice, which is a lot harder to drive on then snow. Dh went to work against my wishes. So I am at home being lazy. I should finish unpacking my clothes but I just want to be lazy. LOL
That's crazy ready....how could your sons dad do that??? WOW.....kids aren't dumb, they will see the truth in the end.
I think unpacking sucks....lol, I still have stuff in the garage from our move in july.
That's crazy ready....how could your sons dad do that??? WOW.....kids aren't dumb, they will see the truth in the end.
I think unpacking sucks....lol, I still have stuff in the garage from our move in july.

LOL good then I don't feel bad. I hate unpacking. Most of the clothes are summer clothes so I will unpack then. LOL
Just a quick reply ladies as off to see psychic sally hope your all well and will update soon x x
Hi Josey! psychic...how cool can't wait to hear about it!

Ready...b lazy..it's cold outside. I'm with Needa...still have stuff on the back sunroom from my move in Aug. and some stuff in a corner that I need to hang. hehe waitin for dh to get here to do it.
I hate drama....I have high blood today! lol

Adanma, I agree, kids are so cute with glasses. My daughter has had glasses since she went for her pre-Kindergarten checkup...she hated them ,but now she would never complain, because it hels her. I am sure the cramps are fine. FX! :hugs:

Ready, I hate umpacking...and packing...LOL I am doing the packing part now, yay for a no work day for you!

fluter, good news on the opk's . So happy for you. Such a happy time for you this weekend!

Fam, 10dpo is still early doll. FX :hugs:

Needa, reeds, how are those boys of yours? It will not be long now.

Josey, nice to see you again. psychic hey? always wanted to give that a try!

AFM, freaking freezing here today and SIL is getting married in the 1st week of june and wants to go dress shopping, which I am all for it! But I did tell his family that I am hoping I am preggers by then! And MIL says"well we will not find a dress to fit you then, wait until next year to have a baby" WTF IS THAT!!!!! She is a doll and all but certainly do not think before she opens that mouth...:(
Josey, so good that you found us.

Super, maybe your MIL meant to say it another way.

Flutter, I am still in my PJs. LOL and in the bed.

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